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Messages - Armamike

Quote from: babarino on July 07, 2014, 08:57:11 PM
Quote from: jmk on July 07, 2014, 08:46:47 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on July 06, 2014, 11:30:42 PM
Have to say, couldn't see any push for Monaghan's goal. Defender was far too far in front.
Defender wasn't too far in front until McManus pushed him there- and it was obvious to me sitting about  80 metres from the incident so no excuse for the ref to not see it.

No mention of a push in The Irish News coverage, none of the Armagh supporters behind the goal called it, less than 30 meters away. No appeal from the 'pushed' player. One Armagh poster with bionic hearing said that McKeever raised it with the ref at half time. The first I heard of this push was on this board today.

Not really surprising that.  Look, there's not one Monaghan supporter on this thread who's going to say they saw it, so we'll agree to disagree.
Quote from: Fuzzman on July 07, 2014, 11:49:37 AM
Why is Aaron Kernan not getting his game these days?
What's young Findon like at MF.

Sure even if ye loose ye'll get the chance to call us a bunch of cheating diving c**ts like the rest of the country so that must be worth something to ye.

I wonder will Mickey start his best 15.  :P

About as much worth as a sack of shit unfortunately.
Quote from: Fuzzman on July 07, 2014, 10:52:09 AM
How much is the fine?

The Armagh lads certainly are playing the cute hoor card very well immediately after the game yesterday.

Confidence is on the floor (again) after yesterday, well beaten. 
The only positive from today for Armagh was the ladies winning - there was nothing to take away from the second game.  Tactically Monaghan won out by getting their half forward line much more involved around the middle and in for the breaking ball, which left them with more space up front and the likes of McManus in more one on one situations this week. But individually Monaghan players pretty much won all their personal duels all over the pitch.  Players that stood out for Armagh last week had poor games today, and Monaghan's underperformers last week improved a lot.  The players that were suspended and came back for Armagh were very poor which points the finger at management for not sticking with the team that finished last week.  Armagh finished the game a shapeless mess with forwards playing as full backs and full backs playing in the forward line. That for me was the dispiriting thing rather than the result. Monaghan were 10 points plus a better team today.  One step forward for Armagh the past few weeks and 2 steps back today. Tyrone will be licking their lips for next week - it's their's to lose basically.  Well done Monaghan, should be a good tussle with Donegal.
So how many of you farney supporters are now going to reassess your recent opinions on media bans?  ;D
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on July 03, 2014, 10:22:53 AM
I nicked this from someone else so I won't claim it but for us of a vintage that remember this happening this situation resonates through the current Saurez situation. 

QuoteAldridge Barnes Beardsley Houghton.

We've been here before. In the summer of '87 we said goodbye to a man who was both younger and more accomplished than Luis Suarez is now. Ian Rush was a 25-year-old goal scoring machine. From the start of the '81-'82 season to the summer he departed, Rushie scored 207 goals in 322 appearances for the club. He never scored fewer than 26 goals in any of those 6 seasons. He only once scored fewer than 30. He was the spearhead of a side that won 4 league titles, 1 FA Cup, 4 League Cups, and 2 European Cups. His finishing touch was Raphael and his work rate Jackson Pollock. He was, by any footballing measure, world class and, by any logical measure, irreplaceable. The fact is footballers with that type of record don't grow on trees. They're ethereal. You can spend a good few decades waiting to find the next one.

Aldridge Barnes Beardsley Houghton.

Kenny Dalglish knew this. There wasn't a man on earth who was better acquainted with the qualities of his wantaway striker or the gargantuan hole his departure would create in the side. On top of that, he was coming off a trophy-less season where they ran runners up to Everton in the league and Arsenal in the league cup. And he only had two seasons under his belt steering that big red ship. Hardly the ideal time to see a 25-year-old superstar head for pastures new. It was a dilemma. The nice thing about selling a world class footballer, though, is that it tends to leave you with the resources to reinvent your side, should you only possess the vision to do so. Anyone who saw the man play could tell you, if there was one thing Kenny Dalglish had in spades it was vision. He took the massive sum Juventus had bestowed upon him for his goal scoring machine and divied it up 4 ways.

Aldridge Barnes Beardsley Houghton.

What emerged from that summer was an attacking side that took the league by storm and is still regarded by many as the greatest to ever grace the hallowed turf of Anfield. They ran out to a remarkable 29 match unbeaten run in the league and took the title at a canter. The zenith of that campaign was the 5-0 demolition of Nottingham Forest, a performance so special that none other than the late Sir Tom Finney described it as the "performance of the century." It began with two of Kenny's new boys, Houghton and Barnes, combining to cut the Forest back line to shreds with Houghton providing the finishing touch. Not wanting to be left out, Beardsley and Aldridge combined for the second, with the little maestro providing an expert sliderule pass to release Aldridge who made no mistake. The new boys, feeling generous I suppose, decided to allow Gary Gillespie in on the fun, as Barnes and Houghton combined from a short corner to tee up the defender from about 10 yards out. Barnes then decided to break out the party tricks with a run a certain Uruguayan would be proud of before laying off to Beardsley who did the polite thing, placing the ball in the bottom corner. For the finishing touch, Beardsley played in Spackman who pulled back to Aldridge and, well, you know the rest. When all was said and done, the new boys had combined to play a part in all 5 goals, scoring 4 of them. Barnes, slouch that he was, was the only member not to score (he did hit the post, though). I wasn't there that day and neither was Ian Rush. I imagine those who were fortunate enough to attend noticed the latter's absence about as much as they did the former's.

Aldridge Barnes Beardsley Houghton.

For as long as I live, nobody will ever be able to convince me that PSV Eindhoven's solitary European Cup shouldn't have an asterisk in bright neon lights next to it. All of Europe should count itself lucky that it didn't have to face Kenny's renovated side missing the irreplaceable Ian Rush. And now we're faced with replacing another irreplaceable superstar. Following a trophy-less year in which we were pipped to the title. Led by a young manager. With a clear vision for his side. Heading into his third year on the job.

We've been here before.

Aldridge Barnes Beardsley Houghton.

Going by Woy's logic though he couldn't have been world class!

I remember this back in 87.  All the talk for months was that Rush would be leaving at the end of the season and Liverpool couldn't replace him.  Dalglish didn't try to find another Rush (though Aldridge was a bit of a clone), he rejigged his forward play and mixed it up with Houghton and Beardsley playing little through balls and one twos around the box and Barnes knocking the crosses in for Aldridge. If Liverpool buy half as well this time around, Suarez will be forgot about very quickly.
Quote from: DuffleKing on July 01, 2014, 05:51:35 PM
Quote from: roney on July 01, 2014, 04:10:11 PM
Quote from: Armamike on June 30, 2014, 06:21:47 PM
See Paddy Heaney continues to take the hump with Armagh. Got a right gub on him today in the IN with Armagh refusing to talk to the media. Seems to think McQuillan was generous to us. That's laughable.

Most reporters will take the hump when teams go out of their way to prevent them doing their job. It kinda goes with the territory.

Armagh are huffing and blaming the media for the Cavan bust up. It's laughable stuff.

Is it not fuelled by the Media's ridiculous slant in reporting it as Armagh being the aggressors and it possibly being premeditated - clearly led by the Irish News. Despite Heaney's article being proven factually incorrect (and therefore the premise of armagh being a big bad wolf) there was no retraction and no change of tact in follow ups. What do they expect - especially when you consider that people in the Armagh camp barely speak to the IN due to their years of tabloid journalism speculating on and undermining management.

Tyrone posters here are rightly confident to be possibly playing Armagh more so than Monaghan. The drubbing in January and the defeats the past few years will have Armagh mentally fragile, plus Tyrone are just playing at a higher level than Armagh. It's a good tie for Tyrone. 
See Paddy Heaney continues to take the hump with Armagh. Got a right gub on him today in the IN with Armagh refusing to talk to the media. Seems to think McQuillan was generous to us. That's laughable.
Quote from: DuffleKing on June 26, 2014, 11:19:24 AM
Quote from: Armamike on June 25, 2014, 06:11:55 PM
Armagh supporters would have a natural level of trepidation about the game given that we haven't been able to put together 2 decent performances against a decent standard of opposition since around about 2005/2006.  Since then we've seen some heartening performances (usually the first game of the championship) followed by a clueless one the next day.  When you add into the mix 4 starters missing, and other players missing through injury it doesn't bode well.  On any level of analysis Monaghan should win this.

Ulster champions in 2008...

Yes, but i said against a decent standard of opposition. Armagh did not beat any sides of decent quality that year- far as i remember they were all division 3 sides at each stage, and got knocked out by a division 3 side in the qfinal.
Quote from: Bingo on June 25, 2014, 03:29:11 PM
Quote from: J70 on June 25, 2014, 03:18:06 PM
Quote from: Bingo on June 25, 2014, 03:10:27 PM
Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 03:03:33 PM
Quote from: supersub on June 25, 2014, 02:53:02 PM
True, he has, but I always fear he is going to trip the switch at some point!! Hard to know what to think at this stage as a Pool supporter. Realistically if he scores a hatfull this season no one will give a toss about the bite. Will he be afforded the chance to do so is the question.

The hope for Liverpool supporters is that any ban applies only to internationals. Liverpool didn't get to use Suarez's appearances in the Confederations Cup last year against his ten-match ban, and Josip Simunic playing away for his club despite getting a ten-match ban for his Nazi cheerleading at the playoff against Iceland didn't make a 'mockery' of the overall ban. Unfortunately I think there might be head of steam building up to really make an example of him. We live in interesting times.

When you have Danny Mills calling for him to be jailed, it really is interesting times.

Them Brazilian jails are horrific places as well.

Jailed??  ;D

From BBC

Danny Mills: "It has to be the longest ban in football ever. A worldwide ban, not just an international ban.

"It is the third time it has happened and it is a clear bite this time, in a tournament of this magnitude, the most watched tournament in the world. They have got to throw him in jail and lock him up forever."

Danny Mills on Alan Pardew

"We've got to be realistic, this is a sporting venue and things happen inside grounds that do not happen out on the street. They're not bound by the same rules. Whether you like it or not, that's life.

"It doesn't condone what Alan Pardew did, it was still wrong, but I think we have to be careful not to turn it into a witch hunt."

A tad harsh there Danny.  Sure why not go the full hog, round up a posse and hang him from the nearest tree. 
Armagh supporters would have a natural level of trepidation about the game given that we haven't been able to put together 2 decent performances against a decent standard of opposition since around about 2005/2006.  Since then we've seen some heartening performances (usually the first game of the championship) followed by a clueless one the next day.  When you add into the mix 4 starters missing, and other players missing through injury it doesn't bode well.  On any level of analysis Monaghan should win this.
Quote from: SHEEDY on June 24, 2014, 07:30:02 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on June 24, 2014, 07:18:35 PM
Its very deafening here from some lol

surely even the most ardent Liverpool fan cant defend that. total headcase.  a long ban awaits.

Give  us time to digest it.
Unbelievable really.  Never seems to learn. Serious demons.  Has to miss the rest of the world cup and facing a lengthy ban. Crazy stuff.
Quote from: Zip Code on June 23, 2014, 08:01:12 PM
Quote from: J OGorman on June 23, 2014, 04:14:05 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on June 23, 2014, 04:02:23 PM
Quote from: yellowcard on June 22, 2014, 01:41:41 PM
Quote from: Zip Code on June 21, 2014, 07:25:51 PM
Has that w**ker Paddy Heaney apologised yet for the comments about that yellow wee shite Dunne being targeted.  I have stopped buying the Irish News with that type of gutter journalism.

Slightly OTT.

Very much so.

Heaney is a good journalist and the Irish News has excellent GAA coverage imo. The are fairly far removed from gutter journalism.

the bit in bold is as 'gutter' as it gets ie faceless (cowardly) name calling on a decent message board

So has Heaney apologised about the Dunne remarks?

Not very likely.