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Messages - screenexile

General discussion / Re: Lance Armstrong
March 24, 2009, 03:01:06 PM
I hate having this debate as it makes me sick... I hate drugs cheats as much as the next man but as everyone has said here nobody has any kind of evidence to prove he was/is a drugs cheat.

As I've said before, the fact that he won his 7 tours without testing positive and then retired makes me think that if he was/is taking drugs there is no point in coming back to the sport as he would have gotten away with it. The fact is he could have retired happy with 7 tours and a clean record so why risk it all if he does take drugs to come back again??? It doesn't make sense.

As for people that argue "Well there's no proof that he did take drugs but there is also no proof that he didn't!" Well my mistake I thought we lived in a society where people are innocent until proven guilty!! I for one will be huge admirer of this man until someone can prove without any doubt that I shouldnt be!
GAA Discussion / Re: Gaa leisurewear help
March 23, 2009, 02:37:21 PM
All sports companies do. It's up to you who you want to use. Any sports company is fair game as long as they don't provide you with a playing kit. Azzurri, Gaelic Gear and O'Neills are the only ones allowed to provide playing kits as it is a GAA bye law that playing kit must be made in Ireland.

I've seen every company from Nike, Adidas, Puma and Fila provide tracksuits and polo tops for a number of different teams. We got a set of polo shirts made by KooGa last year.
Heard this the other night on Skins and was mesmerised by it... Great Cover!

Andre Herman Dune - Small town Boy
Officially met lynchbhoy, Hoof Hearted, isourboydownyet, Ronan, Billy the Kid and I know most of the posters from my club. But I would say I've probably met a heap more than that although they just don't like to let on to me who they are for fear I would let it slip to someone else and their anonymity ruined!
General discussion / Re: The Morse Thread
March 20, 2009, 06:04:32 PM
..-. ..- -.-. -.- .. -. --.   .-. .- --. .. -. --.   ..   - .... --- ..- --. .... -   - .... .. ...   .-- .- ...   .-   - .... .-. . .- -..   -.. . -.. .. -.-. .- - . -..   - ---   - .... .   --. .-. . .- -   .. -. ... .--. . -.-. - --- .-.
I take our Ladies Football team and was posting away a reply til I noticed Fionntamhnach has basically covered it a lot more comprehensively than I have. So basically... what he said!
Quote from: AFS on March 20, 2009, 02:17:03 PM
I thought that was probably he best column to date. My only reservation though, is that it could've been written by anyone. I'm still waiting for a column that only someone in the position of Harte could write, a genuine insight into some facet of the inner runnings of the game.

Yeah I've given out about him for pretty much all his previous articles but fair dues to him having a proper go at Spillane... he deserves it and his constant berating of players annoys the shit out of me... fair play MH.
General discussion / Re: 2009 6 Nations Thread
March 20, 2009, 01:49:01 PM
Quote from: YogiBear on March 20, 2009, 01:34:19 PM
Just quick question is Ireland only team that sings their national anthem in a foreign language?  Wales by 10

The Welsh sing theirs in Welsh if that's what you mean.

Ireland by 10
GAA Discussion / Re: Micheál
March 19, 2009, 03:00:02 PM
Quote from: johnpower on March 18, 2009, 09:53:40 PM
Quote from: muppet on March 17, 2009, 11:27:11 PM
Jebus the recession is worse than I though. People now hate the Simpsons and even Micheál.

Just wondering what commentator the non-believers above are partial to?

One trick pony? Would that trick be an unmatchable encylopediac knowledge of the Gaa players, their clubs and their various histories?

You should try and listen to some of the buffoons that are on local radio stations all over the country .

Dear god has anyone ever listened to that Clampet on Highland radio... Michael McGee I think he's called and he's absolutely awful!
There we go lads! As I've said before this is a great game for us. Galway and us are probably fighting it out for the other League Final spot so this will go a long way to deciding that. Will be interesting to see if the lads can raise their game another level after last week because although we played well Dublin were awful. A lot will depend on the team we put out also. There is talk of a right few changes for this game. I fancy Galway to win it but not by much. The performance will be what I'm looking for.
Heard a good one the other night. Some girl walking towards the Hatfield in a pair of jeans and boots and a Club top as well as being plastered in make up. My mate wasn't sure what club top it was but the girl was wearing but he was sure about the black "Under Armour" top she was wearing underneath it... must've been a cold evening!!
General discussion / Re: Mis-heard song lyrics
March 18, 2009, 09:05:41 PM
Ken Lee is still my favourite of them all!!!!

Ken Lee
General discussion / Re: The Times v Ferguson
March 18, 2009, 09:03:26 PM
Quote from: Minder on March 18, 2009, 08:54:04 PM
They have been sticking it to him all week, which is quite refreshing. Can you imagine if Benitez refused to speak to Sky after a 1-4 home defeat, Richard Keys would be putting a £100k bounty on his head.

Yeah but Benitez wouldn't be that childish. People will say something like "Oh but that's what makes him the best manager in the world" does it balls! He can still be the best manager in the world and not be a crying bollix. It's like when people said Rooney couldn't play well without being so aggressive... again utter nonsense.

Ferguson is just an ignorant man and the sooner he gets pulled on his antics by someone in that club with some authority the better!
General discussion / Re: Belfast Students
March 18, 2009, 04:00:02 PM
Not the best video but great to hear a few mucksavages.... "this is meant til be a free country" and "What harm am I gonna cause lak... I done f**k all"
General discussion / Re: Belfast Students
March 18, 2009, 03:45:07 PM
Any links leenie?