More Thuggery on the GAA field

Started by agorm, January 23, 2012, 06:25:39 PM

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Quote from: Jinxy on January 26, 2012, 09:50:05 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on January 26, 2012, 08:30:13 PM
By the way, in that last picture, you can see 4 stewards in the background. I noticed that before and meant to say it. Where were they when the DT guys were recreating the Grand NAtional?

I'm not sure what they could have done to be honest.
The subs reacted awful quick.
It was almost as if they were waiting for the opportunity to arise.

I don't think they ever arrive though. Looks like only 1 steward is ever there.


In general, what proportion of the total responsibility would people apportion to either side?
And I don't just mean the row, I mean the incidents after the game too.
I'd be particularly interested in the Tyrone posters views.
I feel the 'blame ratio' is 70:30 with Derrytresk being responsible for the majority of the trouble.
If you were any use you'd be playing.

Main Street

Quote from: AZOffaly on January 26, 2012, 08:27:42 PM
You're a gas man. The Linesman has his flag up because it's a line ball. That's why #4 stops in the first place.

Then #10 comes in and trys to rip the ball off him to take the sideline. #4 goes down and #10 turns around to say to the ref 'FFS I never touched him'.

Then Dromid #4 comes in to get the ball and Mentor 1 trips him up. That's when it kicks off.

One would have to read between your lines in order to inject some credibility that matches the images.
Nr 10 did more than rip the ball from nr 4, he floored him, catching everybodys' attention.
Tyronies may be a bit thick and sensitive at the same time, but they can tell first-blood from a run of the mill Tyrone dive.
Nr 10 went on like a bull in a china shop in a search and rescue mission for the ball.
One bibbed man went to help the ailing nr 4 and clipboard man intervened in some form, possibly concerned about the fallen player, but the Kerryman was mentally deranged by this stage and getting surrounded by irate Tyronies only made him worse.

Clipboard man has taken a bit of undeserved flak. The lesson here is,  stand well back from a Kerry player when the steam is coming out of his ears and wait 'til the pressure drops before winding him up again.


Jaysus lads, the Zapruder film never got as much scrutiny as this film did!!


From seeing it as it happened and studying the video I would say you have it just about right Main Street, the no.10 ripped  the ball and made some contact, from my view at the game he did not make enough contact to cause the Derrytresk no.4 to go down just the way he did,hence his and the Dromid officials protestations, however, the vast majority of the Derrytresk contingent were watching this from behind their man and it would have looked as though it was a punch to the midriff (incidentally the ref had failed to send off a Dromid player for a punch to the midriff of another Derrytresk player moments before).


Quote from: Main Street on January 26, 2012, 10:17:01 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on January 26, 2012, 08:27:42 PM
You're a gas man. The Linesman has his flag up because it's a line ball. That's why #4 stops in the first place.

Then #10 comes in and trys to rip the ball off him to take the sideline. #4 goes down and #10 turns around to say to the ref 'FFS I never touched him'.

Then Dromid #4 comes in to get the ball and Mentor 1 trips him up. That's when it kicks off.

Clipboard man has taken a bit of undeserved flak. The lesson here is,  stand well back from a Kerry player when the steam is coming out of his ears and wait 'til the pressure drops before winding him up again.

He has in his bollocks. He tried to kick/trip an opposition player that went scooting to retrieve the ball. It wasn't even the same Dromid player that had gone in for the initial challenge. Had he not interfered with a player the ref would have been able to deal with a minor kerfuffle without much bother.

Whatever about players battering each other, mentors/officials should be older and wiser to not go sticking the boot in literally into opposition players.


Quote from: cicfada on January 26, 2012, 10:37:39 PM
Jaysus lads, the Zapruder film never got as much scrutiny as this film did!!

The man with the clipboard on the grassy knoll was behind it all.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Quote from: AZOffaly on January 26, 2012, 09:50:53 PM
Quote from: Aaron Boone on January 26, 2012, 09:48:46 PM
The ref dealt with all of this and the game continued.
yeah. 2 yellows :)

I think one of the yellows was for the no.11. So is he 'safe'?
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Yes, first result in the process for the hill.


Is it at all possible that as the ball was squirming that way that 'clipboard man' instinctively stuck out his leg to stop it at the same time that 'possessed Dromid man' was fending it and that the whole thing started through a moment in time where the speed of an over zealous player and lack of speed of an officionado met, with awful consequences?  No-one can assume anything about this part of the melee as it is not clear on video-you'd need to see it from the other side.

No matter how subjectively I look at this, the Dromid player didn't even allow for this possibility, or any, instead reacted in a way that I have never seen before but in a way that seemed to be creeping up as the minutes were ticking away.  Jaysus, he didn't even afford the man a "What are you at, ye bollix?", or something like it.  Then, the way in which the Dromid No.5 flew in, punching mid air like a bad Jackie Chan movie,  was the most inflammatory part of the melee. The rest is history.. 


Quote from: Whishtup on January 26, 2012, 11:15:21 PM
Is it at all possible that as the ball was squirming that way that 'clipboard man' instinctively stuck out his leg to stop it at the same time that 'possessed Dromid man' was fending it and that the whole thing started through a moment in time where the speed of an over zealous player and lack of speed of an officionado met, with awful consequences?  No-one can assume anything about this part of the melee as it is not clear on video-you'd need to see it from the other side.

No matter how subjectively I look at this, the Dromid player didn't even allow for this possibility, or any, instead reacted in a way that I have never seen before but in a way that seemed to be creeping up as the minutes were ticking away.  Jaysus, he didn't even afford the man a "What are you at, ye bollix?", or something like it.  Then, the way in which the Dromid No.5 flew in, punching mid air like a bad Jackie Chan movie,  was the most inflammatory part of the melee. The rest is history..

Clipboard man should not have been anywhere near the play.
The small army of Derrytresk men on the sideline was an accident waiting to happen.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Quote from: Jinxy on January 26, 2012, 11:22:37 PM
Quote from: Whishtup on January 26, 2012, 11:15:21 PM
Is it at all possible that as the ball was squirming that way that 'clipboard man' instinctively stuck out his leg to stop it at the same time that 'possessed Dromid man' was fending it and that the whole thing started through a moment in time where the speed of an over zealous player and lack of speed of an officionado met, with awful consequences?  No-one can assume anything about this part of the melee as it is not clear on video-you'd need to see it from the other side.

No matter how subjectively I look at this, the Dromid player didn't even allow for this possibility, or any, instead reacted in a way that I have never seen before but in a way that seemed to be creeping up as the minutes were ticking away.  Jaysus, he didn't even afford the man a "What are you at, ye bollix?", or something like it.  Then, the way in which the Dromid No.5 flew in, punching mid air like a bad Jackie Chan movie,  was the most inflammatory part of the melee. The rest is history..

Clipboard man should not have been anywhere near the play.
The small army of Derrytresk men on the sideline was an accident waiting to happen.

There are a lot of ex-players involved with Derrytresk club to whom this year's success means an awful lot-they all want to be involved and would nearly play if they could. The club's rise has been meteoric this year which has made it even worse.

You can be granted that everyone of those men has a role, be it motivational or practical.  Certainly not sinister, and certainly not an accident waiting to happen.  While I don't think there should have been so many Hill Bib-men, Jaysus there's scores of people circling rugby fields between players and coaching staff, American football fields are mobbed.   Players just aren't as petulant as that Dromid player to think that he can attack someone from the other camp and get away with it. 
It can be noted that the joint Derrytresk manager, Paul Hughes, and Packie O'Neill  are furiously beckoning their subs back, whilst obeying the steward's instruction not to enter the field.  They give a right dressing down to anyone coming back over the barrier.



Why does the man with the clipboard swing his left leg forward?
It's this action that the Dromid player reacts to.
He seemed to be aiming towards the ball, possibly to kick it away but it looks to me like he probably made contact with the Dromid player as he already has the ball in his hands.
Watch the slow motion version.
I know I'm repeating myself but if that lad with the clipboard isn't where he is, and doesn't try to interfere with the Dromid #4 getting the ball back, then there's no row.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


You are only surmising something that cannot clearly be seen.  Due to the  high speed of the action, and slower speed of clipboard man, it is quite possible that both went for the same ball.  How many times to you see someone flick a foot at a ball going over the line-happens all the time.  Laws of probability will decide on the chance of clipboard man being beside where that ball goes out.  Laws of probability will have no bearing on how the Dromid player reacts.


Hold on a second, don't try and tell me he was just flicking a boot at the ball as it went over the line.
He clearly lunges forward to try and get it while the Dromid man is going down to pick it up.
It wasn't an instinctive reaction and he had no business doing what he did.
If you were any use you'd be playing.