Video in Good Shepherd Chapel - Niamh Horan

Started by T Fearon, June 23, 2014, 11:06:29 PM

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The Iceman

What happened at Good Shepherd was horrible. I was really shocked and saddened that they disrespected a place of worship in that way - regardless if it was a temple or a church or a mosque. It isn't right.
The Nolan show is getting a little out of control. I wonder how far he would go sometimes for the ratings....
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight


Sticking to the subject of the original post, I think it is pretty stupid carry on and I am amazed at the quality of people that are employed to be full time journalists. As a right leaning non theist I find a lot of carry on in the name of liberalism these days I find bizarre and often insulting to the term as understood by classical liberals such as John Stuart Mill.

When these people run out of genuine good causes it seems every pillar of society becomes a target. It seems the objective is often removal of these pillars with little idea of how it should be replaced.

As to what Niamh Horan thought she might be achieving is unclear. A more mature attitude to sexuality in society is of course a good objective if that's what it was, but pretend masturbation on a church altar seems more the action of a disturbed individual. It seems more an attack on public decency and the senses of those in attendance than any aspect of the church.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


What DID happen at Good Shepherd?  Was it ala Pussy Riot? Cynics might say that involving in child abuse some priests weren't terribly interested in Pussy, right?


Quote from: thejuice on June 24, 2014, 06:26:56 PM
Sticking to the subject of the original post, I think it is pretty stupid carry on and I am amazed at the quality of people that are employed to be full time journalists. As a right leaning non theist I find a lot of carry on in the name of liberalism these days I find bizarre and often insulting to the term as understood by classical liberals such as John Stuart Mill.

When these people run out of genuine good causes it seems every pillar of society becomes a target. It seems the objective is often removal of these pillars with little idea of how it should be replaced.

As to what Niamh Horan thought she might be achieving is unclear. A more mature attitude to sexuality in society is of course a good objective if that's what it was, but pretend masturbation on a church altar seems more the action of a disturbed individual. It seems more an attack on public decency and the senses of those in attendance than any aspect of the church.

Read this article by Niamh Horan and you will get an idea of what she is about:

NIAMH HORAN I'LL let you in on a little secret; when a rapper says 'party', he doesn't exactly mean it in our innocent sense of the word.

Believe me, take my advice, or you'll find out like I did; the hard way.

It all started when a friend and I were invited back to join the godfathers of hip hop, P Diddy and Snoop Dogg, at their after-show party at plush Four Seasons Hotel last Sunday night.

The superstar duo were in town for the final night of the European tour and I've been a serious fan of their music since my early teens.

Naturally I was unhappy when we got stuck at the back of the concert arena.

What to do? I decided to chance my arm to secure a better view of my heroes. I toddled up to security personnel at the pit, flashed a winning smile and asked if there was any way I could get in to the front-of-stage trench filled with screaming fans.

"Not a hope," came the stern reply. But after laying on the charm a little bit more he pointed to a tall black guy wearing very snazzy pyjamas. This was the man, apparently, who could make my request come true.

Seconds later I got the OK and for the next two and a half hours my friend and I were neck deep among the hard-core sweaty fans getting down to lyrics like "Get my drink on, and my smoke on, then go home with, something to poke on (whassup bitch?)".

In hindsight it should have all been so clear. The lyrics told the story.

So, as the concert was finishing, I asked my friend if she wanted to beat the crowd. But just as we were leaving the pit I spotted Snoop Dogg himself on the other side of the steel barrier, making his way from the stage to his dressing room.

I grabbed his attention and next thing I know I was holding his hand and telling him how much I love him and his music.
My fleeting rendezvous left me feeling all giddy and flustered and I was laughing at the sheer luck of it all when we spotted a group of girls being led in back stage.

"What's going on?" I asked the security guard. "These girls are going to the after-show party," came the reply.

My eyes lit up and thoughts of a Cristal cork-popping extravaganza start swirling in my head. Again I asked the security guard. Any chance? He shakes his head "no way".

Not being one to be easily deterred I persisted until I saw another guy giving orders who looked to be fairly high up the chain of command.

I put on my biggest puppy dog eyes, "Any chance of getting to that after-show party?" I smile. Bingo. He opened the steel barrier and waved my friend and I through.

So we're shown through a set of red doors and, along with a small group of girls, escorted out to a waiting bus. Standing next to it was my saviour in the pyjamas, who later claimed to be Snoop Dogg's uncle, holding two giant bottles of champagne.

So there we allwere, a group of giddy, giggling girls, unable to believe our luck, when we got a final word of warning in a deep south American drawl from our escort, "If you don't wanna party, don't get on the bus".

My friend and I looked at each other, "Of course we want to party with P Diddy and his crew, what kind of question is that?"

Once on the fully air-conditioned bus with blacked-out windows and tables, the excitement began to build up among the chosen girls. One by one we started applying our make-up in anticipation of the big bash.

Once in the hotel, however, things quickly began to go downhill as hotel management stopped us in our tracks on the way to the room saying that, for legal reasons, non-residents weren't allowed up to the suites.

So there we were, standing in the lobby with Snoop Dogg's uncle and some bottles of Cristal, trying to think of a way for him to get us up, when P Diddy strolled by. Don't get excited, I told myself, you'll be partying with him soon enough.

Ah, but that's when the penny began to drop and the reason we were so 'privileged' to be invited to the exclusive get-together suddenly became clear.

As a couple of the guys who were on stage with P Diddy strutted in, one of them pointed at me and said: "I want that one." I got all excited at what I thought was my ticket to the party and asked if my pal could come along too.

"I got two," he shouted to another member of the entourage, across the lobby.

Then he turned to me and asked straight out. "What are you going to do to me?"

"Sorry?" came my reply. "What do you mean?"

"Whisper in my ear what you gonna do to me, I want you to talk dirty," he demanded.

Dumbfounded, I look over at my friend for help. "Tell him in Irish, Niamh," she offered, hoping I could get away with murmuring 'Conas ata tu' in his ear.

"No, No," says the now increasingly frustrated musician. "Tell me in English."

He looked at the shocked, somewhat embarrassed expression on my face, and continued sharply: "There are a lot of girls who wanna come to this party you know. Now are you going to get naked with me. Yes or no?"

Still nothing but a blank expression on my face.

"Fine," he snapped. And stormed off before coming back when he saw another of the entourage talking to me.

"That sh*t ain't game," he shouted, pointing at me, obviously advising them not to bring me to the party because I wouldn't put out.

The dude claiming to be Snoop Dogg's uncle came over to ask what I had done to make him angry. I told him my story, hoping to get some sympathy but I was quickly put in my place.

"I told you, you don't want to party, don't get on the bus!"

Indeed. Hindsight's a wonderful thing. When these boys say party - they don't mean jelly and ice cream.
- See more at:
MWWSI 2017


Muppet - Ms Horan, being a journalist, should remember the tragic Nicola Furlong case in Japan from a couple of years ago. Rather than even entertaining such ideas she should be strongly condemning the culture this "music" endorses.

"I've been a serious fan of their music since my early teens"

I wouldn't trust her judgement if this is her taste in music.

Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie


Quote from: foxcommander on June 24, 2014, 07:12:38 PM
Muppet - Ms Horan, being a journalist, should remember the tragic Nicola Furlong case in Japan from a couple of years ago. Rather than even entertaining such ideas she should be strongly condemning the culture this "music" endorses.

"I've been a serious fan of their music since my early teens"

I wouldn't trust her judgement if this is her taste in music.

I don't disagree but looking at a few of her articles, I wouldn't be too influenced by anything she condemns. Or promotes.
MWWSI 2017


It's hard read that as anything other than a vain name dropping exercise. I find it odd that someone who claims to be a fan of those artists could be completely unaware of their back stage carry on, not to mention to think she is letting us all in on a secret. It's in their songs and videos as clear as daylight.

Honestly how these people are considered good enough to be journalists in a major newspaper is baffling. I know a few more articulate and interesting writers doing it for nothing online while hacks like Horan and Ian O'Doherty get regular paid work. I guess they don't have that "winning smile".
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


It baffles me how a rational,intelligent man like Hardy can become so irrational when a subject involves the Church. Is his understanding of Church so poor that he persists with such a narrow definition, or is merely trying to rationalise his own beliefs,doubts and fears. It could be that the real target for his ire is Tony Fearon, and he is attacking the Man rather than the Ball, a practise very common in Meath. If this is the case he should start another thread



Having read this again, it occurred to me that Tony never put up a link to the story nor indeed anything regarding the story.

Any chance of something to go on other than Tony's word?
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on June 24, 2014, 11:45:24 PM
Having read this again, it occurred to me that Tony never put up a link to the story nor indeed anything regarding the story.

Any chance of something to go on other than Tony's word?

Pangurban - the word "Narrow" in Meath can mean a lot of things, especially the genetic diversity!!
Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie

T Fearon

Muppet where have you been this last 48 hours? Lough Derg?



I am attacking TFs opinions on this subject in context of his tolerance nay whole hearted support for his church leader who was a major player in the child abuse cover up in this part of the world.

Are you telling me you can't understand and sympathise with people like me taking such a position when we see the likes of Sean Brady as someone who should be behind bars as opposed to alter rails?

Its like a Jewish man pissing on German flag and hard line Nazi complaining bitterly about the act.
Yes we can all agree its insulting and wrong....but you know and I know its hard to just finish the sentence there in light of the person doing the complaining.

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: theskull1 on June 24, 2014, 04:49:10 PM
RC leaders the world over facilitated/covered up these atrocities, yet Tony is disgusted at some daft idiots frolicking on an alter yet he fawns over one of those leaders who played a very important part in role in the cover up here locally. His sheepish idolatry to Brady regardless of the evidence and his refusal to accept he is in any way guilty to the point he's too morally corrupted to lead those of faith is typical of the devout it would seem.   

Forget about Tony, but it is untrue to make such a sweeping statement as you have, it implies that all the church hierarchy were complicit. It is the case that many misguided fools covered up abuse. The church is a body made up of human beings who all make mistakes some as in this case with devastating consequences not least for the childern involved. But don't generalise.