Mountbatten memorial sparks row in Donegal

Started by Minder, August 27, 2009, 01:27:56 PM

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Evil Genius

Quote from: Gaoth Dobhair Abu on August 27, 2009, 04:07:11 PM
EG How are SF being hypocritical, these other monuments you talk of are put up by SF themselves or other organisations (NGA etc...), SF are saying it is not right that the council fund this monument, and I think they are 100% correct.
I am going by the report from Minder's opening post:

"Sinn Féin have said they oppose the monument because it would be wrong to single out any one incident"

That said, it is uncharacteristically remiss of them not to have come up with some spurious pretext for opposing this memorial, such as "saving the public purse", which would have served to conceal what is undoubtedly their real motive.
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"


Quote from: Evil Genius on August 27, 2009, 03:47:49 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on August 27, 2009, 03:14:34 PM
Quote from: Evil Genius on August 27, 2009, 03:05:17 PM
Quote from: Minder on August 27, 2009, 01:27:56 PM
Sinn Féin have said they oppose the monument because it would be wrong to single out any one incident.
So SF have never supported memorials to any Republican who died in a "single incident", then?

Bitter, hypocritical c***ts.  >:(

Contrast that with the reaction of some of the legitimate targets innocent victims who perished in the atrocity, such as the father of Paul Maxwell (the 15 year old Irish boy holidaying locally who was invited by Mountbatten to help out on the boat). The vermin who murdered his son undoubtedly knew that he was on Board, yet still went ahead. Meanwhile, his bereaved father has dedicated himself to fostering peace and reconciliation in Ireland, including being a major force behind an integrated school in Enniskillen.

Or consider the humanity of Timothy Knatchbull, the 14 year old who was seriously injured along with his parents, in an explosion which robbed him of his identical twin brother, two Grandparents and his friend Paul:

It is little wonder that the Shinners are desperate not to be reminded of this atrocity, since deep down they know that not even they can justify the utter barbarism which they deliberately inflicted on entirely innocent human beings.

I think you will find that it was the IRA that did this, dont think that sf were even around at that time - though could be wrong..
Ah right. And there was me thinking that there might be some sort of connection between Sinn Fein and the Provos.

Silly me.  ::)
silly you indeed.
you keep trying though.


Quote from: Evil Genius on August 27, 2009, 03:57:55 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on August 27, 2009, 03:20:19 PM
'equalising', 'digressing' and 'tangents' are the words I think you are looking for
What comparable atrocity eg by "Loyalist" [sic] terrorists was I attempting to "equalise"?

How may a post about some of the victims of the atrocity be considered to be "digressing"?

By what measure is pointing out that SF are (hypocritically) happy to see memorials erected to other "single incidents" going off at a "tangent"?

You know, I am happy for you to repeat, parrot-fashion, your collection of catchphrases straight from the SF Lexicon. For I have little doubt that far from rebutting or refuting my posts, they serve instead only to remind people of the risible intellectual poverty of whatever point it is you are trying to make.  ::)
equalising as this thread is on the memorial being erected !

I htink people see your agenda from way off now. Whatever credibility you might had have is long gone with your equalising , whataboutery, tangents , irrelevent digressions and all round all huff no substance and no actual point to your posts !
keep it up, you help destroy your own points through this !


Quote from: Minder on August 27, 2009, 01:27:56 PM
A row has broken out in Donegal over council plans to erect a memorial to Lord Mountbatten and the other victims of the Mullaghmore bombing.
Four people, including two children, died when the IRA detonated a bomb on his boat off the coast of Sligo thirty years ago.
Sinn Féin have said they oppose the monument because it would be wrong to single out any one incident.
But the Fianna Fáil Mayor of Donegal, Brendan Byrne, says it should go ahead.
"As mayor of Donegal I'm not erecting a memorial to a member of the British Royal family.
"I'm erecting a monument to the four people who perished needlessly, senselessly, as Mullaghmore some 30 years ago."
Eighteen British soldiers were killed later that day when two booby-trap bombs exploded beside Narrow Water Castle near Warrenpoint in County Down.

Loads of mistakes in the above piece, mullaghmore isnt off the coast of Sligo, Its part of our coast line, even Leitrim borders us before Donegal so how any clown gets that wrong is poor. Its Sligo full stop.

Why would Donegal be erecting a memorial for an atrocity in Sligo, whats it to do with them? Its a joke anyway, we are going to remember a british monarchs death.. ::).

I live about 4 miles from Classiebawn Castle but before my time, When mountbatten owned it he employed locals to keep it running and was well thought of by locals. He is high ranking british royalty and he used to fly the union jack for the month of august on the castle, now when the troubles started, wasnt the brightest idea was it. He should of stopped coming during those times as he was way to easy a target, the bomb was on the boat and it was very sickening that innocent locals were killed aswell, one of those lads fathers had to put pieces of his son into a black bag im reliabily informed >:(, just sick. But mountbatten should of stopped coming, idiot. Stupid and as for the flag he was blatantly asking for trouble.

If the monument doenst mention mountbattens name or have anything about him, I would be in favour to remember the other innocent victims. But I fear not. IMO mountbatten endangered those kids lives because of his stupity, but my opinion on those who carried it out is not printable.
"hard work will always beat talent if talent doesn't work"

Diet Coke

Have you been at the "hubbly bubbly" again? ;)
Everybody knows there no sucha thing as Sanity Clause.


Quote from: hatchetfield on August 27, 2009, 06:14:41 PM
Quote from: Evil Genius on August 27, 2009, 03:05:17 PM
Meanwhile, his bereaved father has dedicated himself to fostering peace and reconciliation in Ireland, including being a major force behind an integrated school in Enniskillen.

Do you really think that this is what it was/is all about?  Its not a green v orange thing ya eejit.  Have you not noticed that the Bwits are still here and that they own 6 of our counties?  The fourth green field??

I'd be careful with the words vermin - it was some op!

Some op?  Are we talking about the same thing here.  Two teenage boys were killed and a 79 year old man who the IRA had no quarrel with.  Those behind it were nothing more than scum of the earth.

Its a scary time for me when I agree with Evil Genius!


There is a programme on at 9pm about it on the History channel.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


RTE had a decent documentary on the bombing a few weeks ago. It brought the detail of the event back to me. Let me be clear about this as a republican. Two IRA men sat on a hill to blow up by remote control Louis Mountbatten, a member of the Royal family holidaying in the South. Now at a stretch Mountbatten could be jsutified by his military history, but only at a stretch as he was an old man. But the most shocking thing was that the two men who blew up the boat were watching a boat with a local man young child on board and other small children belonging to Mountbatten. They couldv'e backed out but they did not. They pushed the button and that makes them cowardly child killers and scum to me. I felt very sorry for the young boys father still traumatised all these years later recalling how he picked up his lifeless sons body hoping against the odds he was still alive. Thomas McMahon was a hard man but ultimately a child killer and I don't think he ever spoke with regret for what he did. Francis McGirl was also with him, a nephew of famous republican John Joe from Ballinamore, a short distance from me. A coward also although I believe he deeply regreted what he did. I supported the IRA right to fight with physical force but I also believe in discipline within an army, these guys should have been court martialed and handed to the cops for what they did.

As for the monument. If it remembers the victims equally I have no problem with it. I do wonder what Donegal Co Council is at and has time and money to spend on this but I also wonder what Sinn Fein is at, this is a shameful part of the struggle and they'd be better off shuting their traps.

Main Street

I'd have no problem with the monument. I certainly had no issues with the morality of Mountbatten being a target in time of war.


Quote from: SLIGONIAN on August 27, 2009, 07:05:54 PM
Quote from: Minder on August 27, 2009, 01:27:56 PM
A row has broken out in Donegal over council plans to erect a memorial to Lord Mountbatten and the other victims of the Mullaghmore bombing.
Four people, including two children, died when the IRA detonated a bomb on his boat off the coast of Sligo thirty years ago.
Sinn Féin have said they oppose the monument because it would be wrong to single out any one incident.
But the Fianna Fáil Mayor of Donegal, Brendan Byrne, says it should go ahead.
"As mayor of Donegal I'm not erecting a memorial to a member of the British Royal family.
"I'm erecting a monument to the four people who perished needlessly, senselessly, as Mullaghmore some 30 years ago."
Eighteen British soldiers were killed later that day when two booby-trap bombs exploded beside Narrow Water Castle near Warrenpoint in County Down.

Loads of mistakes in the above piece, mullaghmore isnt off the coast of Sligo, Its part of our coast line, even Leitrim borders us before Donegal so how any clown gets that wrong is poor. Its Sligo full stop.

Why would Donegal be erecting a memorial for an atrocity in Sligo, whats it to do with them? Its a joke anyway, we are going to remember a british monarchs death.. ::).

I live about 4 miles from Classiebawn Castle but before my time, When mountbatten owned it he employed locals to keep it running and was well thought of by locals. He is high ranking british royalty and he used to fly the union jack for the month of august on the castle, now when the troubles started, wasnt the brightest idea was it. He should of stopped coming during those times as he was way to easy a target, the bomb was on the boat and it was very sickening that innocent locals were killed aswell, one of those lads fathers had to put pieces of his son into a black bag im reliabily informed >:(, just sick. But mountbatten should of stopped coming, idiot. Stupid and as for the flag he was blatantly asking for trouble.

If the monument doenst mention mountbattens name or have anything about him, I would be in favour to remember the other innocent victims. But I fear not. IMO mountbatten endangered those kids lives because of his stupity, but my opinion on those who carried it out is not printable.

Mountbatten was an easy target. They could have got him any time with a bullet. They went for a big elaborate bomb instead. Why did they have to do that and take out kids as well. Btw, according to mountbattens biographer, he would have loved dying the way he did at see at the hands of the empires enemy. The IRA gave him what he wanted as he was fairly obsessed with his time being up.

Main Street

I doubt if the enemies of the Empire cared very much about the thoughts that Mountbatten might have had about dying, even if he had enough time to compose them..


Its being repeated on History +1 at the moment.


Quote from: mylestheslasher on August 27, 2009, 09:58:18 PM
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on August 27, 2009, 07:05:54 PM
Quote from: Minder on August 27, 2009, 01:27:56 PM
A row has broken out in Donegal over council plans to erect a memorial to Lord Mountbatten and the other victims of the Mullaghmore bombing.
Four people, including two children, died when the IRA detonated a bomb on his boat off the coast of Sligo thirty years ago.
Sinn Féin have said they oppose the monument because it would be wrong to single out any one incident.
But the Fianna Fáil Mayor of Donegal, Brendan Byrne, says it should go ahead.
"As mayor of Donegal I'm not erecting a memorial to a member of the British Royal family.
"I'm erecting a monument to the four people who perished needlessly, senselessly, as Mullaghmore some 30 years ago."
Eighteen British soldiers were killed later that day when two booby-trap bombs exploded beside Narrow Water Castle near Warrenpoint in County Down.

Loads of mistakes in the above piece, mullaghmore isnt off the coast of Sligo, Its part of our coast line, even Leitrim borders us before Donegal so how any clown gets that wrong is poor. Its Sligo full stop.

Why would Donegal be erecting a memorial for an atrocity in Sligo, whats it to do with them? Its a joke anyway, we are going to remember a british monarchs death.. ::).

I live about 4 miles from Classiebawn Castle but before my time, When mountbatten owned it he employed locals to keep it running and was well thought of by locals. He is high ranking british royalty and he used to fly the union jack for the month of august on the castle, now when the troubles started, wasnt the brightest idea was it. He should of stopped coming during those times as he was way to easy a target, the bomb was on the boat and it was very sickening that innocent locals were killed aswell, one of those lads fathers had to put pieces of his son into a black bag im reliabily informed >:(, just sick. But mountbatten should of stopped coming, idiot. Stupid and as for the flag he was blatantly asking for trouble.

If the monument doenst mention mountbattens name or have anything about him, I would be in favour to remember the other innocent victims. But I fear not. IMO mountbatten endangered those kids lives because of his stupity, but my opinion on those who carried it out is not printable.

Mountbatten was an easy target. They could have got him any time with a bullet. They went for a big elaborate bomb instead. Why did they have to do that and take out kids as well. Btw, according to mountbattens biographer, he would have loved dying the way he did at see at the hands of the empires enemy. The IRA gave him what he wanted as he was fairly obsessed with his time being up.

Fair point, even more so a sickening act, but makes sense about mountbatten, its doesnt excuse the act, but his ego as you say above about how he wanted to die endangered locals lives >:(.

Are lads naive enough to think the monument will remember all those who died equally, I seriously doubt it.
"hard work will always beat talent if talent doesn't work"

Evil Genius

Quote from: Main Street on August 27, 2009, 09:51:06 PM
I'd have no problem with the monument. I certainly had no issues with the morality of Mountbatten being a target in time of war.
On what grounds? That he saw military service in the Far East against the Japanese during WWII? Or that he carried out a political function in India 30 years previously? Or that he married into the British Royal Family? That he was an OAP? Had controversial views on Ireland, such that he thought it should be united? Perhaps that he liked to holiday in Ireland with his family, including teenaged kids?

Or maybe it's just enough for him to have been a "Brit", even if murdering him meant blowing entirely innocent bystanders to pieces? Then again, the likes of 15 year old Irish boy Paul Maxwell could probably be described as part of "the British War Machine", seeing as he was helping out on Mountbatten's boat during his own family holiday...

The sort of mindset which could conceive of people like these as being a "target in a time of war" can only be described as sick and twisted.  >:(
"If you come in here again, you'd better bring guns"
"We don't need guns"
"Yes you fuckin' do"

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Of course he was going to be a target, he was a very high profile member of the British establishment, as Sligonian said he should have stopped coming over and flying the butchers apron drawing attention to himself and those around him. EG your mock rage at this one is as usual for you way ott. Hierarchy of victims by any chance?