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Messages - seafoid

Hurling Discussion / Kevin Cashman
February 26, 2010, 01:31:14 PM
Kevin Cashman used to write amazing pieces on hurling in the Sunday Tribune. I remember reading his stuff in the days when Galway would beat anyone, when they were still hurling at the back end of august. Is there any book or place on the internet where his articles are compiled ?
Hurling Discussion / Re: the next 12 all-Irelands
February 26, 2010, 10:25:17 AM
12 years is enough time for a county to start at the beginning and give it bhfaca tu with a development plan that takes a group of 10 year olds or several groups and builds a hurling infrastructure for them and takes them through all the underage groups and up to minor and u-21 and beyond. There is no reason why any county that wasn't interested couldn't put a structure in place that would deliver an All-Ireland in 12 years. You would have to be fadbraithnitheach which goes against all the thinking in most of the sporting world but if you look at football clubs that do it , it's do-able. Even Mayo could win an all-Ireland in hurling if they got organised.  If not in 12 years, after how many years? a lot of it is in the head innit. How many counties build year after year ? Very few. It's more slash and burn.     
GAA Discussion / Re: The new Irish
February 26, 2010, 08:23:58 AM
They shot themselves in the feet over in dubai by the looks of things. Wouldn't hit Clery's window wirra politically effective brick as they say in Dublin, (sort of).  Did you ever see pictures left behind after an IRA or UDA murder?   
Hurling Discussion / Re: the next 12 all-Irelands
February 25, 2010, 03:57:52 PM
Cork will definitely come back and Tipp should win a few all-Irelands. KK will probably win at least 4. If Galway can manage one they could be good for a few more but it's a big ask to get the heads right.  Maybe playing in Leinster will add the missing ingredient.  I'd love to see King's county getting back into the groove and Wexford or Dublin too. 
GAA Discussion / Re: A la recherche du temps perdu
February 25, 2010, 03:55:23 PM
Quote from: Hardy on February 25, 2010, 03:30:40 PM
Turk's poem
(from about 2001, I think)

I remember it well.

This type of material from the past will end up in a university archive somewhere like in Minnesota and there will be summer schools dedicated to it eventually.
Hurling Discussion / the next 12 all-Irelands
February 25, 2010, 02:14:51 PM
I read somewhere that since 1998 the all-Irelands have been split as follows : 7 to the cats, 4 to the Rebels and 1 to tipp.
7 is some haul in such a short time period , only 1 short of the combined historical achievement of Galway and Offaly added together. 

How do you think the next 12 all-Irelands will be split ? Have Offaly or Galway or any of the other triers got a hope of getting their shit together or will it be another 12 years of the Old Firm ?
GAA Discussion / The new Irish
February 25, 2010, 10:27:58 AM
I came across a listing for the Tyrone under 15 development squad that featured a player called
Karsan Varsani (Naomh Mhuire). How many counties have promising under age lads who would have roots in other countries such as Poland, India or wherever ? Is there likely to be a decent contingent of these players in the next 10 years or so ?
GAA Discussion / Re: A la recherche du temps perdu
February 25, 2010, 10:12:07 AM
there was some great banter between Tony and the Tyrone crowd between the Armagh win in 2002 , the high point of the 1 year long ancien regime  and the emergence of the far more  impressive and durable Tyrone machine slighty later

Tony Fearon , 11 March 2003 : There are no bigger or worse hallions in Ireland than Tyrone.Mc Menamim is a obnoxious litle bollix,who needs a good toe up the hole (Fearon)
Red Hander 11 March
Yep, the world has shifted off its axis- 


We can never rely on the old certainties anymore. Oh yes, the sun will still rise, the tides ebb and flow, and bears will still crap in the woods. But, however we try to ignore it, the truth is we can't, for something more profound than a large brown paper bag full of French philosophers has happened, and we must accept it.

Yes, A*****, the only county to have ever won the All Ireland, have been beaten ... and by 15 midgets from the land beyond the Blackwater. Those horrible white and red clad dwarves had the audacity to come from behind the bushes whence they were hiding to inflict humiliation upon the omnipresent orange wonderfulness.

The UN has suspended all discussions re the Iraq crisis to go into emergency meeting to discuss Sunday's atrocity. Saddam is breathing easier.

Consideration must be given to diverting all forces from the Gulf and redirecting them to a probable landing at The Battery, followed by an invasion of Tyrone, such is our flagrant breach of UN Resolution 11 (points from play by the King), namely that A***** are untouchable (certainly by soap), and no-one is allowed to upset the apple cart.

Yep, things will never be the same again. I think we've all lost a little bit of our innocence in the past week. Just give that special someone a big hug, and, hey, be careful out there.

GAA Discussion / Re: A la recherche du temps perdu
February 24, 2010, 06:30:05 PM
Quote from: armaghniac on February 24, 2010, 05:32:54 PM
QuoteThe Israeli foreign minister denied any connection to Israel.

Has he no connection with Israel at all? How did he get the job?

He's from Moldova. Anyone can get in. Except Palestinians, obviously. It's a bit like Norn Irn in the good old days.
GAA Discussion / Re: A la recherche du temps perdu
February 24, 2010, 04:02:45 PM
Is that one of the Mossad Dubai assassins travelling on a fake Irish passport ?   
The Israeli foreign minister denied any connection to Israel. You can see why.
GAA Discussion / Re: A la recherche du temps perdu
February 24, 2010, 12:45:41 PM
I seem to remember Meath winning things back in the good old days. Where did it all go wrong, Hardy ?
Too much of the good life?
GAA Discussion / Re: A la recherche du temps perdu
February 23, 2010, 09:05:53 PM
There was a thread called "three things you would change about football". Someone posted this

1) get rid of the ball

2) introduce a smaller ball

3) introduce hurls.

the good old days
GAA Discussion / Re: A la recherche du temps perdu
February 23, 2010, 08:53:51 PM
There was also this from Hardyarse 

I admire Armagh's football and the childish spewings of this nauseating p***k wouldn't have the slightest effect on my opinion.  I usually don't read his posts, in the same way that I would decline if a wino with running lip sores offered me a swig from his bottle. But every thread I visit this morning , this irritating creep is there chirruping inanities, bleating about Armagh's win as if he had something to do with it or somehow gained some reflected glory from it and gratuitously spewing bile at just about everyone else.  There's no analysis, no talk about the game, the tactics, the decisive events, the form of players or anything that would indicate the slightest interest in the game itself, other than to use it as a vehicle to haul his own insecurities and inadequacies out here in front of us all when we'd rather not look, thanks all the same.
GAA Discussion / A la recherche du temps perdu
February 23, 2010, 08:02:51 PM
I was going through my files there today and I came across the following correspondence from 2003. It brought a tear to my eye. The All-Ireland was on September 28th as I recall.   

The Real Tony Fearon
Registered User
Posts: 1088
(8/11/03 8:37 am)

Get the hotels booked now!

In the sure and certain knowledge of being there on Sept 21st,i have reserved accommodation this morning,at a very reasonable rate,,for the 20 and 21st of Sept,at Citywest.I advise you to follow suit,as hotel space will be at a premium with premium rates come Sept 21 "

Jesus, 20 years is hard to believe. And most of them were FF. Even worse.

Mayo have such a powerful effect on me. Green and red and one day they are going to nail the effin' thing.