The Daily Mail

Started by seafoid, November 05, 2016, 09:07:33 AM

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4 November

Gary Lineker
✔ @GaryLineker
The front page attacks on the 3 judges for basically just doing their job is scary. This is fast becoming a dystopian land.
12:22 AM - 4 Nov 2016   


5 november


An absolutely disgusting rag.  Along with the express,  sun,  star,  mirror etc.... Spreading hate and nastiness and many British and Irish people lap it up.  Scary stuff


Quote from: seafoid on November 05, 2016, 09:07:33 AM
4 November

Gary Lineker
✔ @GaryLineker
The front page attacks on the 3 judges for basically just doing their job is scary. This is fast becoming a dystopian land.
12:22 AM - 4 Nov 2016   


5 november

Disgusting, horrible, xenophobic, racist newspaper. They try to outdo the other papers to be Ultra British. Ironic that they actually supported the fascists and nazis in the 1930s.


They "went" after Lineker again today. He allegedly enjoyed being on a flight with his then new wife in 2009. He just laughed at them. How bad are you when people openly mock your pathetic attempts at smearing them ffs



"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Quote from: Minder on November 06, 2016, 12:25:08 AM
It's called a free press

Where do you draw the line between free speech and hate speech??

Tony Baloney

Quote from: screenexile on November 06, 2016, 12:48:21 AM
Quote from: Minder on November 06, 2016, 12:25:08 AM
It's called a free press

Where do you draw the line between free speech and hate speech??
The line is the law.


The papers are very close to a line of inciting hatred. The articles about those judges was ludicrous. Some people are crazy enough those judges could be targeted by people now. As for declaring one of the judges was the first openly gay judge well that is nothing better than homophobia on top of the borderline dangerous xenophobia they are already well over the line on.

There was even speculation the other day that the sun had darkened the skin on the picture of the woman who pursued the brexit trial. The worst of it is it wouldn't be a surprise if that were true.

The press regulatory body has the sun's political editor on it. So when the c4 muslim news presenter went with a complaint about the sun it was turned down and then the guy from the "independent" body wrote a scathing article of her in the sun.

You couldn't make it up. The worst of it is it is sometimes questionable whether the murdoch empire or the government run the uk.

(As for the mail's patheic article on lineker yesterday that shows the level of people being dealt with here and the fact that if you try to cross them they will attempt to bring you down).


Quote from: imtommygunn on November 06, 2016, 09:16:21 AM
The papers are very close to a line of inciting hatred. The articles about those judges was ludicrous. Some people are crazy enough those judges could be targeted by people now. As for declaring one of the judges was the first openly gay judge well that is nothing better than homophobia on top of the borderline dangerous xenophobia they are already well over the line on.

There was even speculation the other day that the sun had darkened the skin on the picture of the woman who pursued the brexit trial. The worst of it is it wouldn't be a surprise if that were true.

The press regulatory body has the sun's political editor on it. So when the c4 muslim news presenter went with a complaint about the sun it was turned down and then the guy from the "independent" body wrote a scathing article of her in the sun.

You couldn't make it up. The worst of it is it is sometimes questionable whether the murdoch empire or the government run the uk.

(As for the mail's patheic article on lineker yesterday that shows the level of people being dealt with here and the fact that if you try to cross them they will attempt to bring you down).
The Tory press operate right at the top


Seafood there should be a choice other than the Guardian
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Quote from: Minder on November 06, 2016, 05:22:17 PM
Seafood there should be a choice other than the Guardian

sid waddell

Jeremy Hopkiss rips into Gary Lineker today...



Just who does Gary Lineker think he is? A BBC football presenter or a professional SJW?

Over the last month, Lineker, not content with his cosseted, protected existence as a BBC presenter, has tweeted a stream of subversive left-wing propaganda that undermines the values this country stands for.

What right has he to give his views on politics? WE pay your salary, Gary, just like we pay for the bloated, liberal BBC which employs you. And we DON'T pay you to spout lefty liberal propaganda over Twitter.

So, Gary, why don't you put your money where your mouth is? Why don't YOU take in a Muslim family? Why don't YOU subject your family to the risk of being suicide bombed in their own house?

Why don't YOU go off to live in the Jungle in Calais, or go to the beaches in Greece where illegal immigrants are landing by the hour, or to the front line in Syria where they're cutting each other's heads off and see how you get on with these "victims"? Because if you don't, you're a hypocrite.

You have people like the communist thug George Galloway praising you on Twitter. You retweet the awful Owen Jones of the Guardian. Why are you not disassociating yourself from people like them?

You defend the inefficient socialised medicine of the bloated NHS, claiming it "saved your son's life". Well, I guess you got lucky. I bet you go private next time, though. I would too.

Smoking guns

The proof of Lineker's dangerous, politically correct liberal views is clear. A quick look back over his Twitter timeline uncovers a long list of smoking guns.

Today, Lineker retweeted the following vile message sent to Nigel Farage by another poster: "Oh, f**k off. You've failed SEVEN times to be elected as an MP. You don't represent anyone other than yourself."

Who the hell do you think you are, Gary, retweeting that? How many times have you stood for election? None, that's how many. You're a coward who's content to sit on the sidelines and sneer at others. While Nigel Farage was setting up UKIP, where were you? You were prancing around Japan picking toe injuries, that's where.

Oh, and mind your language while you're at it, please. Is this the kind of language you want children to read? Is this the kind of language you plan on using on Match of the Day in future?

Shill for the homeless

Yesterday, Lineker retweeted a message from a "homeless charity".

Do YOU help the homeless, Gary? If you're retweeting a message from a homeless charity, why aren't YOU out on the streets each night giving meals to the useless layabouts, alcoholics and drug addicts who occupy the streets scaring people to death?

Well, dear readers, if Mr. Lineker walks the walk as well as he talks the talk, maybe the next time one of you readers go to an ATM machine and there's a homeless person squatting beside it, intimidating you to part with the cash YOU'VE earned, maybe Gary Lineker will be there too.

Maybe he'll have some Walker's crisps with him. Maybe he'll be feeding his Walker's crisps to the homeless person. Or maybe he'll be trying to scam you out of parting with more of the money YOU use to pay HIS salary, rubbing metaphorical salt and vinegar (Lineker) into your wounds. Or maybe he'll be at home, still being paid by YOU to sit on his sofa reading about football or reading about whatever politically correct, lefty liberal SJW cause he thinks is trendy these days, and tweeting about it.

Syrian shill

In another tweet yesterday, he said the following about the Syrian leeches that threaten our national security: "how could you possibly not have sympathy with those that flee to look for homes elsewhere. Poor, poor people."

Oh, do me a favour, Gary, and play me the world's smallest violin. These people are not coming to Europe to make a better life. They're coming here to take advantage of our naive hospitality. They want to take over the place. Have you not heard about ISIS? Have you not heard about how they want to set up a caliphate? They want to kill us. And you want to roll out the red carpet for them? You sicken me.

Doesn't do irony

On November 20th, he accused Donald Trump of being "the best parody account on twitter" after the President-elect of the United States rightly stated that Nigel Farage would make a great British ambassador.

Do you do irony, Gary? It appears not. Donald Trump's Twitter account is NOT a parody. It's a VERIFIED account. And you should read it, it might knock some of the wooly nonsense out of your brain and knock some much needed truth into it.

Thinks an iguana is better than Jamie Vardy

On November 7th Lineker tweeted : "This marine Iguana is getting my vote for BBC Sports Personality of the year".

What an insult to our great sportspeople who did our country proud. And this is the man who is only presenting the BBC Sports Personality of Year programme! Andy Murray, Chris Froome, Alaistair Brownlee, Jason Kenny and Nick Skelton, I wonder what they'd think of Lineker disrespecting them like that.

I wonder what Jamie Vardy, who plays in the position Lineker used to play for for Leicester, and who unlike Lineker, actually inspired them to win the league rather than be relegated, would think if he heard Lineker saying an iguana is a better centre-forward than he is.

Can't take a joke, can't handle the truth

Yet Gary cannot take a joke. When the account "2playthewhiteman" (@Amen1924) joked in the wake of Donald Trump's resounding victory that "I would be the first to applaud if that smug self-righteous b**tard topped himself, I REALLY WOULD", Gary lamely responded: "Well I'm sorry to disappoint but I have no intention of topping myself. Some lovely folk on here."

Such a delicate soul, our Gary.

Then a few minutes later, Gary showed how much he respects free speech by tweeting: "Blocking a lot of hate filled people."

You don't like the truth, Gary. You can't handle the truth.


On November 4th he tweeted: "But Im entitled to free speech too. What they are doing is divisive, irresponsible and dangerous."

No, Gary, what you're doing is divisive, irresponsible and dangerous.

On November 3rd when the front page of this very newspaper hit the nail on the head when it said "We Must Get Out Of The EU", Lineker tweeted: "The opening paragraph is quite possibly the biggest overreaction in newspaper history."

Attacking us for attacking the cossetted, undemocratic judges who want to deny the people by "upholding the law". "Upholding the law", what a lovely euphemism.

On November 2nd he disgracefully accused this newspaper of "dangerously divisive racial incitement" when we fearlessly exposed the scandal of foreign lorry drivers using mobile phones under the headline "Madness!"

He even had to cheek to claim it wasn't just foreign lorry drivers who used mobile phones while driving, but claimed, completely without evidence, that our British lorry drivers did so as well. That, right there, is a self-hating Englishman, a self-hating Briton.

And there's more. Go back further on his Twitter timeline if you don't believe me - I haven't had the heart to go back any further as it disgusts and depresses me too much.

Emperor's new clothes

Gary has said that if Leicester win the Premier League again he'll present Match of the Day with no clothes on. But he already does that every week, metaphorically. We all know the emperor has no clothes. He's proved it with his ridiculous ramblings on Twitter. Is there any trendy liberal cause he won't support?

It's time to stop telling us what to think and leave politics to the adults, Gary. You've already been a goal thief, a crisp thief and a wages thief. You will not thieve anything else from the British people. We have spoken, and lefties like you had better get used to it.

It's time to turn off your Twitter, Gary. Either that, or do the decent thing and resign. Because we do NOT pay you to lecture us with lefty propaganda!


I don't read that rag but that article is pathetic. Yes gary imagine nit having a sense of humour about someone telling you to top themselves.

It is the writing of nothing more than a bully.