The Many Faces of US Politics...

Started by Tyrones own, March 20, 2009, 09:29:14 PM

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Quote from: Eamonnca1 on April 06, 2017, 11:21:10 PM
Quote from: omochain on April 06, 2017, 10:31:42 PM
Quote from: stew on April 06, 2017, 03:25:39 PM
Quote from: omochain on April 05, 2017, 07:16:37 PM
As always, a well reasoned and enlightening response there Stew. The facts on the effectiveness of Refugee vetting would differ "bigly" with your statement and with regard to the election. It did turn out badly for the nation but don't worry California will still continue to subsidize Wisconsin despite the fact that our votes don't count for as much as yours ???

Subdidise Wisconsin with what?

California does not have a pot to piss in!

You seem to be unaware that despite their rhetoric,  Red States are the States that spend a disproportionate amount of the Federal Government's tax intake. Blue States contribute disproportionately. Ergo being good citizens of the Union and net tax contributors to the Feds, California is subsidizing Red States. To your credit, Wisconsin, just having flipped to Red is not the worst offender.

Incidentally, since we got rid of our Republican Governor and started taxing people who can afford it , you will note that we have got quite a large pot to piss in. ;)
Apparently taking money away from wealthy people and giving it to lads who will spent it, creates demand and jobs follow. Who would a figured!

Stand by for Stew to give the standard Neocon response that tax cuts for the rich creates more jobs for everyone, despite there not being a single example of where this has ever happened.

You dont know me, I am all for taxing the rich, I am not some sort of clone that blindly follows a political doctrine no matter what!

Unlike the liberals on here, I am of the opinion every President does some things well, the uber liberals on here will give Trump for absolutely nothing should he serve eight years, he wont thankfully.

I am not a neocon nor have I ever been or ever will be one, I just loathe mealy mouthed liberals who throw the rattle out of the pram because their bitch didnt win an election they rigged for her, you know, people who want only laws they like and apologists for racist groups like BLM etc.

I would love to see the dole merchants in the states have to pass drug screening once a year, I was randomly drug tested 6 times in ten years with USC, why should the unemployed not get drug tested if a working person has to????
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on April 06, 2017, 07:32:32 PM
Quote from: stew on April 06, 2017, 03:25:39 PM

Subdidise Wisconsin with what?

California does not have a pot to piss in!

California is the world's 6th biggest economy. It has a balanced budget and has done for years. Amazing what you can do with a Democratic governor and Dems in both houses of the assembly.

Your hero president doubled the national debt in ten years ffs, it is amazing how democrats can f**k up the entire country when in power!

Corruption is rife at every level of your party and look at the state of Chicago, a liberal cess pit for many decades.

America more than ever needs bright people, in the centre from both sides of the aisle to come together and work for the good of the people, skanks like Pelosi and Clinton and fuckwits like Trump need to be moved on asap.

Time for change, Saunders offered it but thanks liberals, you fucked him for Clinton, how did that work out for ye? >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.



Trump just bombed Syria. Will it make the Assad regime stand down or make them more desperate. What will Putin do if he (Trump) has killed any Russians?


Quote from: Esmarelda on April 06, 2017, 05:15:46 PM
Quote from: tyroneman on April 05, 2017, 06:47:55 AM
So if Trump has called out Obama for being weak on Syria and the Whitehouse says it is pretty confident Assad is behind the recent atrocities....what does Donald do now....?

Does he risk upsetting Russia? Does he invade? Or does he do what the previous administration did....throw a little weight around, change very little and ultimately be roundly ignored in the long run by the Syrian authority?

At the minute it seems to be - blame Obama (Trump conveniently forgetting he publically came out himself against the US attacking Syria in 2013) and make excuses as to why they won't intervene.

Any mention of Syrian main supporter / ally Russia?...not much....
Maybe he'll wait until the hilarious faux-outrage of the UK, US and (wait for it) Israel disappears, the Russian resolution for an investigation is passed, an investigation takes place and no proof of a chemical attack is found. Then wait for the next bullshit story.
Maybe he wont!


Didn't take him long to start firing missiles at people


The stage was set when they started to create the reports of Sarin gas attacks, now anyone with half a clue would know it would have been suicide for Assad to do it, hes winning the war and has the Rebels/ISIS/Al Nusra on the back foot.

If it wasn't for the fact it'd prob end the world I'd love Russian to give the yanks a bloody nose.


So now we basically have the US alt-right Nazi party actively supporting Mid East dictators against their own govt?


Quote from: MoChara on April 07, 2017, 08:35:25 AM
The stage was set when they started to create the reports of Sarin gas attacks, now anyone with half a clue would know it would have been suicide for Assad to do it, hes winning the war and has the Rebels/ISIS/Al Nusra on the back foot.

If it wasn't for the fact it'd prob end the world I'd love Russian to give the yanks a bloody nose.

Amazing how few commentators are asking "what strategic incentive would Assads forces have to carry out a chemical weapons attack?"

It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Mystifying why Assad would turn to chemical weapons at this point within the overall context of where the military and political environment has moved to.


Quote from: Declan on April 07, 2017, 11:51:40 AM
So now we basically have the US alt-right Nazi party actively supporting Mid East dictators against their own govt?
I see most of Twitters "Alt-right" commentators (Prisonplanet, Hopkins, Milo, etc) are up in arms about it. "Coincidently" mirroring Russia's viewpoint.  I wonder did Bannon being taken out of the loop impact the decision.


Quote from: DuffleKing on April 07, 2017, 12:22:38 PM

Mystifying why Assad would turn to chemical weapons at this point within the overall context of where the military and environment has moved to.

Is it though? Has used them before. Has Russian support and all indications up to now is that Trump supported him, while Obama was never going to intervene. He would have thought no consequences. Now he knows Trump could bomb without a minutes notice, make that 30 mins notice as Russia were informed first.


Quote from: weareros on April 07, 2017, 12:39:28 PM
Quote from: DuffleKing on April 07, 2017, 12:22:38 PM

Mystifying why Assad would turn to chemical weapons at this point within the overall context of where the military and environment has moved to.

Is it though? Has used them before. Has Russian support and all indications up to now is that Trump supported him, while Obama was never going to intervene. He would have thought no consequences. Now he knows Trump could bomb without a minutes notice, make that 30 mins notice as Russia were informed first.

You have only to look at the US decision to use the Atomic bomb in 1945 when an American win was inevitable in the Pacific and with Japan on the retreat. A "practical" decision that came down to further American troop deaths in a slow fight to the finish v Japanese civilian deaths and a quicker end to the war.
There may have been "practicalities", including previous utterance on non-intervention, which made Chemical weapons the preferred option.


The so-called Alt-Right, Infowars and all the rest of them deserting Trump in droves, crying "false flag" (not before blaming it all on Hillary and Soros though ;D).


There's was some knob on MSNBC this morning blaming Trump for "emboldening Assad". He indicated that's what led to the Aaron gas attack not Obama and Kerry doing fvck all for the past 5 years