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Messages - quit yo jibbajabba

General discussion / Re: Building A House
November 10, 2009, 11:10:48 AM
guys, could someone bump the more detialed thread on this; ive tried to find it but i cant;

also, the estimates of £40,45 and 50 per square foot; does this include eg the bathroom,kitchen, ie a completed house; or just the house completely built etc
(apologies for my ignorance, very new to this)!
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
November 03, 2009, 10:38:48 PM
yup seamus, my post reinforces your point perfectly.........
you make me laugh ;D

anyway, on a different note, you tyrone wans would need to take a look at yourselves; first 7 men sent off in the wan match; now yer painting sheep green and orange up round arboe;

ye's would need to take a look at yourselves afore its too late

Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
November 03, 2009, 10:20:18 PM
scooting; ive read it all now;
the shamrocks have just invented a new word for spitting; ye really couldnt make it up!!

(father forgive me for posting on the tyrone thread; it was them ballinderry ones what made me do it) ;D
GAA Discussion / Re: Caption Competition
October 22, 2009, 03:41:44 PM
lads, theres a few o those suggestions that are a bit long winded, and not wile funny tbh;

keep them short and snappy, slaggin off the gays if possible
GAA Discussion / Re: Caption Competition
October 22, 2009, 12:31:54 PM
"ive told ye before, i dont like cats OR pussies"
GAA Discussion / Re: Sean Cavanagh
October 16, 2009, 09:49:15 AM
Whats this now Zapa? She extending her array of talents? (hardly know her tbh)
GAA Discussion / Re: Sean Cavanagh
October 16, 2009, 09:29:15 AM
is there nowhere in this handling we could blame Michaela?  ;D
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
October 15, 2009, 09:46:24 AM
its probably been mentioned before on these 99pgs; dont have time to trawl sorry;

watched "there will be blood" at last there y'day; good show, with day lewis excellent; but was it just me who at the end was thinking, "Wha?"
the overall theme seemed to be although he was very successful/rich etc; that he was a cruel so and so, who in the end isolated himself from one and all;
was that it? Am i missing anything?Was the vicar guy the same one as the young one who approached him initially?

Feel free to call me stoopid :-[
General discussion / Re: Table Quiz
October 14, 2009, 11:41:10 AM
i too will plump for the 1158 answer;
working out available for those who doubt me :)

edit; feck it, back to drawing board
huge fan mesel tbh, sometimes you have to call a spade a spade,

no racist pun intended honestly!
braap braap :)
understood about 5% of what that eejit said at most
scary that people this stupid are allowed out in the day
proof that not all great players make great managers...................and as for barnes.............. ;D
GAA Discussion / Re: Sigerson Cup 2009
October 09, 2009, 10:34:28 AM
good man for pointing that out stronghold; i must confess i was under the impression he was one of these "eternal students" you run into from time to time;

i'll be happy to point this out to guys next time he comes up in conversations
definitely not a photoshop btw; sure look at the way eddie's hiding his stiffy ;D
2 twats on the one pic ;D

and wtf is that on the far right of the pic; thons definitely not work safe....