The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread - #DankeJürgen

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, February 05, 2009, 03:47:16 PM

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Quote from: J70 on June 25, 2014, 12:22:19 PM
And where in the football supporters' "moral code" does sleeping with your brother's wife rank?

At a proper club, you get put in charge.


Lads, it's crazy to respond to those wind up posts about Liverpool being a 'proper club' or whatever. Everyone knows that there are many episodes in recent history of proper clubs deciding that their investment is worth sticking with, even after serious dangerous, scummy behaviour. People talking about that stuff are only on the wind up, so let them off.

We're just going to have to let this play out. Let people slag him off. Let's be honest, he deserves it. I couldn't believe what I saw last night. It proves, to me, that he is mentally unstable on the football pitch. To think that he was so 'upset' by the S*n's headline about biting back before the England game, and then goes out in the next game and does this? Madness. Absolute bananas.

From a Liverpool perspective, the club has to see what FIFA does, and what that means for Suarez, and for any club trying to buy him. I have a suspicion he'll get around a 20 match ban, reduced to 15 or 16 on appeal, and will be ordered to get some counselling or something. But the club has a serious decision to make. Gifted and brilliant as he is, is he really worth all the hassle. The madness, the transfer rumours all of that. Not my decision to make, and it's a tough one, but I think if this doesn't affect his valuation too much, they have to look at it as a real option. Not because they are not 'a proper club' if they decide to keep him, but because they have to decide is he worth keeping as opposed to trying to replace him with huge money. I'm glad I'm not making that decision.

One thing is for sure, yet again he has let himself down, and his club down, and this time his country too. I do feel sorry for him, in that he seems a nice guy off the pitch, but you cannot excuse his actions sometimes on the pitch, and in the media.


No ambiguity with this one . . .

Geoff Tipps

Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 11:54:59 AM
Luis Enrique got an eight match ban for breaking Mauro Tasotti's nose in the 1994 World Cup - what is it about guys called Luis and Italians, eh? Tassotti also lost a pint of blood for his troubles. It'll be interesting to see who much worse Suarez's behaviour is assessed to have been.

I'm pretty sure it was the other way round!!

EC Unique

All joking aside. The more you see it the worse it gets. You can see in that one where he takes grip then sinks his teeth. Totally mentally unstable. He obviously does not think about it and it happens impulsively so it would make you think he will continue to do it. Can't stop himself.


Quote from: AZOffaly on June 25, 2014, 01:32:47 PM
Lads, it's crazy to respond to those wind up posts about Liverpool being a 'proper club' or whatever. Everyone knows that there are many episodes in recent history of proper clubs deciding that their investment is worth sticking with, even after serious dangerous, scummy behaviour. People talking about that stuff are only on the wind up, so let them off.

Whatever about the wisdom (or lack of it) of engaging with WUMs, the 'proper club' line is manna from fecking heaven.


I predicted he would do something like this during the league and put the kibosh on Liverpools chances.

I guess I was wrong but the last place I thought he would do it was in the WC for his country. The UFC should ban him / drop him from their team with immediate effect. A savage like him shouldn't be let put his country's colours back on.

It just goes to show what a pussy's game soccer really is though. Why in God's name didn't the Italian lad down him with a punch is beyond me.
They get momentum, they go mad, here they go

Geoff Tipps

Quote from: EC Unique on June 25, 2014, 01:53:07 PM
All joking aside. The more you see it the worse it gets. You can see in that one where he takes grip then sinks his teeth. Totally mentally unstable. He obviously does not think about it and it happens impulsively so it would make you think he will continue to do it. Can't stop himself.

Thanks Freud.


Quote from: Geoff Tipps on June 25, 2014, 01:52:36 PM
Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 11:54:59 AM
Luis Enrique got an eight match ban for breaking Mauro Tasotti's nose in the 1994 World Cup - what is it about guys called Luis and Italians, eh? Tassotti also lost a pint of blood for his troubles. It'll be interesting to see who much worse Suarez's behaviour is assessed to have been.

I'm pretty sure it was the other way round!!

It sure was. My bad, apologies to Luis Enrique.

Collie Brolly

The pathetic toing and froing between United and Liverpool fans is childish beyond belief.I predicted on this thread that Gerrard and Rooney would go missing in the world cup and it came to pass.Gerrard and in fact England must be delighted with Suarez behaviour as it has taken a bit of the heat off their final failure in this competition.Gerrard,who's not particularly big and f@$&!#? hard had his traditional terrible big tournament outing and people are amazed?
He's made a career out of it.
One thing I can't figure out is the reaction to see if he retires or not.As if it will make a difference either way.


Quote from: Collie Brolly on June 25, 2014, 02:04:00 PM
The pathetic toing and froing between United and Liverpool fans is childish beyond belief.I predicted on this thread that Gerrard and Rooney would go missing in the world cup and it came to pass.Gerrard and in fact England must be delighted with Suarez behaviour as it has taken a bit of the heat off their final failure in this competition.Gerrard,who's not particularly big and f@$&!#? hard had his traditional terrible big tournament outing and people are amazed?
He's made a career out of it.
One thing I can't figure out is the reaction to see if he retires or not.As if it will make a difference either way.

Indeed it is completely, as is your summation of Gerard's career.

magpie seanie

As per usual AZ is a beacon of sense in the storm of crap. My view is similar with this slight caveat. I think Liverpool FC made a woeful mistake endorsing and indulging Suarez over the rascism. The club was plain wrong in that and the supporters too (they still boo Evra - I assume they still believe he made it up or something??).

Every time he gets in trouble the same defense is trotted out. Denial, even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. The media are out to get him. He's a great player really. It's never his fault. If Liverpool had made him accept his responsibility in the first big case things might have been different. That would be my gripe with Liverpool.


The problem with dealing correctly with Suarez when he acts the maggot is that he is not just an employee. He's also an asset. It was said many times in the course of the Evra debacle that there are few walks of life where his behaviour would have ended up with anything other than dismissal, and in the world of employees that would be true. But in the world of assets, there is no walk of life where you would dispose of an asset worth approximately half of annual turnover. Liverpool should have sucked up the punishment for the racist remarks to Evra. But no club in the world would have done anything to directly antagonise him for fear that asset becomes worthless.


Quote from: magpie seanie on June 25, 2014, 02:10:39 PM
As per usual AZ is a beacon of sense in the storm of crap. My view is similar with this slight caveat. I think Liverpool FC made a woeful mistake endorsing and indulging Suarez over the rascism. The club was plain wrong in that and the supporters too (they still boo Evra - I assume they still believe he made it up or something??).

Every time he gets in trouble the same defense is trotted out. Denial, even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. The media are out to get him. He's a great player really. It's never his fault. If Liverpool had made him accept his responsibility in the first big case things might have been different. That would be my gripe with Liverpool.

There is much sense to that, and I think Liverpool themselves would acknowledge that they handled the Evra incident poorly, from a PR perspective as much as anything. The very fact that he went out and refused to shake Evra's hand the next day, after assuring Dalglish that he would be grand, was really poor form and let down the club badly after it had stood by him (rightly or wrongly).

I think Liverpool handled the Ivanovich and the Transfer stuff last year a lot better.

He's just a hard man to manage obviously, and his own worst enemy. But what options are open to Liverpool after this will be interesting. How can you trust him not to do something similar again? And make no mistake, if he gets in trouble in England again he will be hammered with a massive ban. Even if not for biting, for anything deemed worthy of opprobrium.

And to deiseach's point, at what point is it more profitable in the long run to dispose of an asset, versus keeping him, hoping to generate revenue via success on the pitch and allowing his value to depreciate? There is a point for all players where that tips to the other side, but if that asset is also devaluing himself because of other factors, it becomes a very tricky question.