The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread - #DankeJürgen

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, February 05, 2009, 03:47:16 PM

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Quote from: magpie seanie on June 25, 2014, 02:10:39 PM
As per usual AZ is a beacon of sense in the storm of crap. My view is similar with this slight caveat. I think Liverpool FC made a woeful mistake endorsing and indulging Suarez over the rascism. The club was plain wrong in that and the supporters too (they still boo Evra - I assume they still believe he made it up or something??).

Every time he gets in trouble the same defense is trotted out. Denial, even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. The media are out to get him. He's a great player really. It's never his fault. If Liverpool had made him accept his responsibility in the first big case things might have been different. That would be my gripe with Liverpool.

Seanie, I'd agree with AZ post. On the racism charge, for whatever reason it was treated the way it was and that's done. I very much doubt the club would go down the same route with it. Weather they'd have handled it the way you'd like is another matter and you shouldn't be surprised that supporters act in any way. It happens in all walks of life, be it family, friends or people in your club. You defend them, even if you know they were wrong. And do you think if Liverpool handled it the way you'd have liked it would have made a difference?? He transgressed before he came to the club and has done it since. The racism row has no connection to someone biting someone for the 3rd time other than the person doing it has big issues.

I don't think any defence has been trotted out in this case or the last time. Basically because there is no defence to make. In his home country they are trotting out the lines you are quoting but that's nothing unusual as, like it or lump it, he is a god there. Like Maradonna is revered by the Argies, he can do no wrong.

I think you way off trying to connect a club punishing someone in one instance and it affecting what has happened twice since and that happended prior to it. Its something much deeper in him and I'm sure that have tried to address that in many ways since.


Miguel Delaney posted a link yesterday on Twitter to an article published in  April 2013 in the BBC online magazine about the frequency of adults biting people. The money quote is from a shrink right at the end:

QuoteDr Fawcett thinks this is likely to have a minimal effect. "It's in the man," he says. "I would think that in five years' time if there was a certain nerve hit or chord rung with Suarez in a different situation he would react in the same way."


Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 02:42:27 PM
Miguel Delaney posted a link yesterday on Twitter to an article published in  April 2013 in the BBC online magazine about the frequency of adults biting people. The money quote is from a shrink right at the end:

QuoteDr Fawcett thinks this is likely to have a minimal effect. "It's in the man," he says. "I would think that in five years' time if there was a certain nerve hit or chord rung with Suarez in a different situation he would react in the same way."

Most people would be of a similar view, shrink or not.

magpie seanie

Quote from: AZOffaly on June 25, 2014, 02:30:16 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on June 25, 2014, 02:10:39 PM
As per usual AZ is a beacon of sense in the storm of crap. My view is similar with this slight caveat. I think Liverpool FC made a woeful mistake endorsing and indulging Suarez over the rascism. The club was plain wrong in that and the supporters too (they still boo Evra - I assume they still believe he made it up or something??).

Every time he gets in trouble the same defense is trotted out. Denial, even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. The media are out to get him. He's a great player really. It's never his fault. If Liverpool had made him accept his responsibility in the first big case things might have been different. That would be my gripe with Liverpool.

There is much sense to that, and I think Liverpool themselves would acknowledge that they handled the Evra incident poorly, from a PR perspective as much as anything. The very fact that he went out and refused to shake Evra's hand the next day, after assuring Dalglish that he would be grand, was really poor form and let down the club badly after it had stood by him (rightly or wrongly).

I think Liverpool handled the Ivanovich and the Transfer stuff last year a lot better.

He's just a hard man to manage obviously, and his own worst enemy. But what options are open to Liverpool after this will be interesting. How can you trust him not to do something similar again? And make no mistake, if he gets in trouble in England again he will be hammered with a massive ban. Even if not for biting, for anything deemed worthy of opprobrium.

And to deiseach's point, at what point is it more profitable in the long run to dispose of an asset, versus keeping him, hoping to generate revenue via success on the pitch and allowing his value to depreciate? There is a point for all players where that tips to the other side, but if that asset is also devaluing himself because of other factors, it becomes a very tricky question.

I agree and Rodgers and co deserve great credit for that. I think they were going to pretend they didn't want to sell him this summer but secretly be delighted to be got rid of him having restored his "asset value." I think that was their plan all along. Now - who knows what will happen?


Quote from: supersub on June 25, 2014, 02:47:10 PM
Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 02:42:27 PM
Miguel Delaney posted a link yesterday on Twitter to an article published in  April 2013 in the BBC online magazine about the frequency of adults biting people. The money quote is from a shrink right at the end:

QuoteDr Fawcett thinks this is likely to have a minimal effect. "It's in the man," he says. "I would think that in five years' time if there was a certain nerve hit or chord rung with Suarez in a different situation he would react in the same way."

Most people would be of a similar view, shrink or not.

I didn't expect it to happen again. He's been a model of restraint the last 12 months. Thrice bitten, fourth time shy ;)


Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 02:49:31 PM
Quote from: supersub on June 25, 2014, 02:47:10 PM
Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 02:42:27 PM
Miguel Delaney posted a link yesterday on Twitter to an article published in  April 2013 in the BBC online magazine about the frequency of adults biting people. The money quote is from a shrink right at the end:

QuoteDr Fawcett thinks this is likely to have a minimal effect. "It's in the man," he says. "I would think that in five years' time if there was a certain nerve hit or chord rung with Suarez in a different situation he would react in the same way."

Most people would be of a similar view, shrink or not.

I didn't expect it to happen again. He's been a model of restraint the last 12 months. Thrice bitten, fourth time shy ;)

True, he has, but I always fear he is going to trip the switch at some point!! Hard to know what to think at this stage as a Pool supporter. Realistically if he scores a hatfull this season no one will give a toss about the bite. Will he be afforded the chance to do so is the question.


I am not defending Suarez here. How could I when there us no defense. He plainly loses it completely on the field from time to time, for whatever reason, and reacts in incredibly childish and offensive ways. It will happen again too, as he obviously cannot help himself when he gets too wound up. Liverpool have to decide whether 10 game bans every 18 months or so is worth it given the fact that he is, if not THE most talented, then certainly among the most talented players they've ever had.

As for the tit-for-tat nonsense, sorry, but I cannot abide sanctimony and hypocrisy. No problem at all with people having a laugh over this, but the "Liverpool, are the embodiment of evil and United the polar opposite" shite is nauseating.


Quote from: supersub on June 25, 2014, 02:53:02 PM
True, he has, but I always fear he is going to trip the switch at some point!! Hard to know what to think at this stage as a Pool supporter. Realistically if he scores a hatfull this season no one will give a toss about the bite. Will he be afforded the chance to do so is the question.

The hope for Liverpool supporters is that any ban applies only to internationals. Liverpool didn't get to use Suarez's appearances in the Confederations Cup last year against his ten-match ban, and Josip Simunic playing away for his club despite getting a ten-match ban for his Nazi cheerleading at the playoff against Iceland didn't make a 'mockery' of the overall ban. Unfortunately I think there might be head of steam building up to really make an example of him. We live in interesting times.


Quote from: J70 on June 25, 2014, 03:01:53 PM
As for the tit-for-tat nonsense, sorry, but I cannot abide sanctimony and hypocrisy. No problem at all with people having a laugh over this, but the "Liverpool, are the embodiment of evil and United the polar opposite" shite is nauseating.

I can't take anything apart from being told Liverpool aren't a proper club. That really yanks my chains.


I think Luis watched this in advance and decided he'd use the same reaction as Souness - "look at me, look I'm hurt"


Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 03:04:36 PM
Quote from: J70 on June 25, 2014, 03:01:53 PM
As for the tit-for-tat nonsense, sorry, but I cannot abide sanctimony and hypocrisy. No problem at all with people having a laugh over this, but the "Liverpool, are the embodiment of evil and United the polar opposite" shite is nauseating.

I can't take anything apart from being told Liverpool aren't a proper club. That really yanks my chains.

Actually, its not JUST the club stuff. It's the implication that United fans are somehow morally superior to Liverpool fans. Hence the highlighting of Giggs, Keane, Cantona etc.


Quote from: deiseach on June 25, 2014, 03:03:33 PM
Quote from: supersub on June 25, 2014, 02:53:02 PM
True, he has, but I always fear he is going to trip the switch at some point!! Hard to know what to think at this stage as a Pool supporter. Realistically if he scores a hatfull this season no one will give a toss about the bite. Will he be afforded the chance to do so is the question.

The hope for Liverpool supporters is that any ban applies only to internationals. Liverpool didn't get to use Suarez's appearances in the Confederations Cup last year against his ten-match ban, and Josip Simunic playing away for his club despite getting a ten-match ban for his Nazi cheerleading at the playoff against Iceland didn't make a 'mockery' of the overall ban. Unfortunately I think there might be head of steam building up to really make an example of him. We live in interesting times.

When you have Danny Mills calling for him to be jailed, it really is interesting times.

Them Brazilian jails are horrific places as well.


Quote from: Bingo on June 25, 2014, 03:06:02 PM

I think Luis watched this in advance and decided he'd use the same reaction as Souness - "look at me, look I'm hurt"

Proper manly stuff.


Quote from: Collie Brolly on June 25, 2014, 02:04:00 PM
The pathetic toing and froing between United and Liverpool fans is childish beyond belief.I predicted on this thread that Gerrard and Rooney would go missing in the world cup and it came to pass.Gerrard and in fact England must be delighted with Suarez behaviour as it has taken a bit of the heat off their final failure in this competition.Gerrard,who's not particularly big and f@$&!#? hard had his traditional terrible big tournament outing and people are amazed?
He's made a career out of it.
One thing I can't figure out is the reaction to see if he retires or not.As if it will make a difference either way.
I guess the point in bold could be accepted if you hadn't have spent the rest of your post having a go at the Liverpool captain.
When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.


Quote from: Bingo on June 25, 2014, 03:10:27 PM
When you have Danny Mills calling for him to be jailed, it really is interesting times.

Them Brazilian jails are horrific places as well.

Brazilian jailbirds take a right shine to people from U-r-gay.