Movie recommendations

Started by corn02, October 23, 2007, 10:13:39 AM

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Saw the  Wicker Man at the weekend . Years since I seen it previously . Has aged well . Top top film.


Ex Machina. Wife really enjoyed it, I thought it was just alright

The first Spongebob Squarepants with junior...good craic


Watched The Three Stooges at the weekend.

It must have been the brain child of an enthusiast. A fair attempt but not as good as the original.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


Watched a few movies this week as we're on holidays. I have a load of movies downloaded that I've never got around to watching. Started with '71 - 5/10. Fairly enjoyable although it made me a bit cross in places. Guardians of the Galaxy - 2/10. That's pure rubbish but I find Chris Pratt funny. Pride - 6/10 - harmless enough and very watchable movie. Noah - 0/10 - what were you thinking Russell?? The worst movie I've seen in a very, very long time. Big Hero 6 - 6.5/10 - Really enjoyable - shamelessly set up for a shed-load of merchandising and a sequel or two. Delivery Man - 5/10 - A couple of laughs, not as painful as it could have been and again, enjoyed Chris Pratt.
Who's a bit of a moaning Michael tonight!


Quote from: AZOffaly on July 06, 2015, 11:56:22 AM
I saw Fury there on Sky Movies. Good yarn. Also watched Saving Private Ryan again. Jaysus that Normandy scene is brutal in SPR.

Slight tangent, is there any safe torrents site I could use to download a few movies and things for holidays for the kids? I had bittorrent before, but I'm not sure if it's safe to use. I'll probably be downloading on a work laptop, so i'd like to avoid viruses and the like :)

Alternatively, any equivalent for iOS?

I use Bitlord. Easy to install and use. There's an uploader called YIFY who is always safe
Who's a bit of a moaning Michael tonight!


Good old YIFY
Watched Spy last night as it was the wife's turn to pick. Silly in places but had some laugh out moments and was enjoyable enough. Your woman Melissa McCarthy is funny 7/10


YIFY is fantastic.

CD, are you mental?! Guardians was outrageously good!


Quote from: gallsman on July 09, 2015, 11:00:32 AM
YIFY is fantastic.

CD, are you mental?! Guardians was outrageously good!

Just not my thing I suppose! It was a bit pointless wasn't it?? Really liked Chris Pratt though. Loved him in 'Parks and Recreation' as well. Very funny guy! Any other comedy recommendations? Just downloaded Paul Blart movies. Have a feeling I'll enjoy them, but my wife will despise them!
Who's a bit of a moaning Michael tonight!


I thought it was just silly fun, with some great action and one liners.

If you enjoy Paul Blart but not Guardians them I'm afraid there's no hope for you. Kevin James is a cancer on the world of comedy!


Finally watched Calvary - best film I've watched this year.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Soup an Samajiz

Man On Fire on last night, never fails
Think like a wise person but communicate in the language of the people



Quote from: Soup an Samajiz on July 10, 2015, 11:19:57 AM
Man On Fire on last night, never fails

Agree. Excellent movie.

Can't say I will be rushing to visit Mexico city after seeing it.


Brick Tamlin

Heard quite good reports for Lone survivor and managed to watch it recently.
Decent show but not brilliant in any way I thought. Liked Taylor Kitch performance never mind Marky Mark's.
There are a lot of these 'war' films about though and it can get a bit tiresome and repetitive at times.
Touch of 'Americaaaaa....f**k yeah!!!!' about them all.