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Messages - Lar Naparka

General discussion / Re: Rubbing your Noses In It
October 11, 2008, 07:46:09 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on October 11, 2008, 03:31:43 AM
Went there to buy a Ferrari, but sure with the price of oil coming down this week, I ended up buying a helicopter instead.
Anyone else snap up any of the bargins?
I think I missed the ones you refer to; I don't think I would have spent 500 grand on a bottle of perfume either! ;D
General discussion / Re: Ebay Query
October 08, 2008, 02:09:55 PM
Quote from: Over the Bar on October 08, 2008, 12:46:24 PM
NEVER EVER sell anything on Ebay unless you send it recorded delivery.  If you can't produce proof of delivery, PayPal which is owned by Ebay will refund the money to the buyer.      Scammers will trawl Ebay for high value items sent normal post.   They pay by paypal thus seeming legit then claim they never got it.   Seller beware!

You're right, OTB, I didn't stress PayPal will refund the buyer alright, but it could also blacklist the seller and so could EBay. That would mean having to come up with a complete new identity if you want to continue using either- if you have had good feedback on EBy, that would mean you'd have to lose that.
General discussion / Re: Ebay Query
October 08, 2008, 01:51:51 AM
Quote from: Minder on October 07, 2008, 05:13:37 PM
I sent an item to a punter in Denmark last Wednesday and he emailed me today to say he hasnt received it yet. What happens in a dispute like this? Does Ebay/PayPal take the money back off me? I have no proof of postage and for all i know he has the item and is trying it on.
I'd imagine that, if you have no proof of postage, you could be in trouble.
There is a dispute resolution procedure in My EBay, where you can set up an investigation if it comes to that. [I never had to use it but I've read the details.]
If you email yer man and tell him the item was posted and you ask him to make allowances for delays in posting, it might be the right way to begin.
After all, he agreed to carry out the transaction by post and you are not liable for delays in that system- the EBay policies state that clearly.
However, if you have no proof of postage, you can't prove you posted the item. I don't think PayPal can remove money from your account but EBay could ban you from selling again and it would be up to the buyer to seek redress legally if he pursues it further.
[ I'm not sure here but if you don't have sufficient funds in your credit a/c, PayPal can't take it off you.]
General discussion / Re: Itunes problems
October 05, 2008, 02:06:04 PM
Havent tried since I posted that Pat. Will have a look later and let you know. Its windows XP I have, not Vista.

If it's not Vista, I would consider two things first before hitting the panic button.
Can you set a Restore Point?
Best way to bring up the System Restore Wizard (I think that's what it's called) is to go Start> All Programs> Accessories > System Tools> System Restore (Phew!)
That brings up the wizard. Choose the first one to set an earlier point.
Use the < thingy to go back in time until you go beyond the date you installed ITunes.
Click on the first highlighted day you see, when you go beyond that date.
The wiz will now roll back your system settings to the way they were on that date.
(This will remove the ITunes installation - and anything else that you have added since.)
Don't worry; if this doesn't do the bizz, you can follow the wizard again to undo that restoration and set the point to today's date. You would also be wise to re-install the other stuff that is now deleted, one by one, and test your system each time. Leave ITunes to the very last.
If ITunes horses things up again, it will very probably be a faulty driver that is causing the problem. This is a common problem under Vista with the latest service pack and the ITunes website has a patch for the driver.
I don't really know if the XP driver can cause problems or not. If you don't find a patch advertised on this website, I'd download the latest driver for your program and install it anyway.
Now, you could go straight to this option and bypass the wiz and his antics, but if installing a new driver doesn't succeed, you may still need to do a system restore as the prob could be that another program is lashing with ITunes.
Let me know how you get on.

BTW: Donal, ya poor devil, your 'mate' stands a fair chance of coming up with an answer to nb's problem but wouldn't have a notion how to deal with yours; for one thing, he doesn't wear a white coat.
General discussion / Re: Itunes problems
October 04, 2008, 01:38:04 AM
Quote from: his holiness nb on October 03, 2008, 08:34:12 PM
Cant connect to the store, getting a message "itunes could not connect to the itunes store, and unknown error occured (-3212)
make sure your network connection is active and try again"

Nothing wrong with the connection, as I'm posting here! Any ideas?
Are you using VIsta and did
you install the latest service pack?
General discussion / Re: Who is Armagh4SamAgain?
October 03, 2008, 02:26:08 AM
A terrible thought has struck me; maybe Armagh4SamAgain and KCGaelicFOotball are twins!!
General discussion / Re: Fringe
September 29, 2008, 06:24:42 PM
To be honest, I haven't heard of Fringe but the word, levitation, caught my eye.
Something happened to me at a party, over 20 ears ago and I've been too rattled to talk about it, except to a few that are interested in levitation. I've been told it wasn't a case of me hallucinating or being stoned and that this sort of thing can be arranged.
To begin with, a young slip of a girl about a third of my size, challenged me to sit in an armchair.
She said that she and three of her friends could lift me straight up with their right forefingers!
I thought this was hilarious so I sat down; no bother, with my knees together and my elbows bent and close to my sides.
A pair of them stood on each side of me then and the front two stuck their fingers under the back of my knees, while the others put their fore fingers under the funny bone of each elbow. Then they joined the other hands together at a point above my head and on a count of one, two, three, they lifted me clean off the chair.
They kept me there too, for a good few seconds before setting me down, nice and easy.
That was bad enough but my buddy, who had been the most scornful bystander in the room before the event, had to sit down in the chair. He was an international prop forward and a Lion to boot and was built, an acted, like a brick crap house.
Anyway, up he went and came down a much quieter sort of individual!
Neither of us mentioned the matter too much afterwards and I didn't know any of the others very well, so I let the matter drift.
Yesterday, by pure chance, I met up with a man who had been there and remembered the event He said he had done some investigating and found it was well-known in levitation circles but couldn't give me any leads.
Anyone here ever hear of the likes of this?
General discussion / Re: Geniric Host
September 28, 2008, 12:34:35 PM
Quote from: Pangurban on September 27, 2008, 10:46:21 PM
Anyone know what Generic Host Programme Win 32 is, and should i allow it to access Internet, its bugging my firewall. Have Googled it but could not understand the Info. received
I'm afraid, Pangur, that this is a morning after Mayo lost an All Ireland (again!) so I might not be thinking too clearly. It's not drink that causes it – jus a feeling of deep depression.
You probably use XP of some flavour or other and the message you see is along one of the following lines- both mean more or less the same thing.

"Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."
"svchost.exe -- application error. The instruction at "xyz" reference memory at "0x0000". The memory could not be 'read.'"

Svchost is a system process or file used by Windows to handle a particular type of program and is part of Windows- you need it for a lot of legitimate programs to run properly.
(I hope you are with me so far.)
As it's not a program that does anything itself, but is called upon by others to get them up and running, it can be in use by several programs at the same time.
You do need it onboard for essential applications to work properly. Problem is that some malware programs can hide behind it or that some otherwise legitimate programs seem to be incompatible with it. I first came across it when I installed a HP printer some years ago ands I had to download a patched printer driver from HP.
Did you install, or more likely uninstall, a program recently? An installation or the reverse that didn't go to plan could be causing this problem.
If it started happening just after one of the above, you just might be able to use a System Restore point to roll your system back to a date before you removed/added the program in question.
You probably need a good registry scan program to check your registry settings anyway. Problem is that most of the online scanners can identify your problems with the registry okay, but ask for money before you can downloads a program to fix registry errors the scan will find.
There is also the chance that a good antivirus program will pick up the spyware/Trojan, if that's where the problem is.
Superantispyware (google for it- it's free.) worked for me when I had a problem that spybot, adaware and the likes couldn't spot.
Let us know how you get on; I'll probably come to life after I have the breakfast and a mug of strong coffee.
General discussion / Re: Guinness - declining standards
September 26, 2008, 10:52:12 AM
Quote from: delboy on September 25, 2008, 02:54:32 PM
Theres a fair load of oul shite talked about guiness, what it tastes like here, what its like there. To be honest i don't see what all the fuss is about its just a fairly mediocre dry stout pumped full of nitro to try and give it some character.

By far the biggest difference in guiness is how the guiness is served in the particular pub, how clean is the glass, how old is the keg, how competent is the bar man and most importantly whats the ratio of the pub gas (Nitro to Co2) and whats the pressure.

The idea that batches of guiness have huge variation is a nonsense, guinness were the first brewing company in the world who used statistics specifically to create conformity of batches, FFS the student T-test was created by a statitician in the employ of guinness to monitor their batches. Student wasn't his real name (it was William Sealy Gosset) but thats what he published it under so competitors wouldn't cope on to the advantages of using stats in brewing.

With respect, delboy, I said this was the case in the past when I worked in a pub beside the brewery.
As for the present, I'd be careful about putting a fiver down, if I were you, and I wanted to back up my claim with hard cash.  I doubt if I'd rely on the work of a statistician, employed by the brewery and who published his work under a bogus title- we do that here; but I'd expect a bit more form someone who wants his report taken seriously.
"William Seely Gosset" has a nice ring about it alright. Even if it was Theobald Wolfe Tone, I'd expect him to sign his name or not bother publishing his findings at all.
FFS, as you say yourself, if his work was genuine, wouldn't rival brewing companies come to hear about it and if it had any merit, wouldn't they be able to suss that out?
FFS, once again, wouldn't the others hear about this on the grapevine?
Why should anyone publish a work in order to explain the merits of his new system to the public and not expect rival concerns to hear about it?
Besides, I do talk to publicans in my line of work and so I get to hear of complaints about the uniformity of Guinness deliveries. Even if everybody else suspects that they all are into watering their Guinness or serving slop, they should realise that the stuff straight from the barrel doesn't tell lies.
The Student T-test may indeed be a work of excellence and credibility but I'd be inclined to rely on the word of people who depend on the quality of their beer to keep customers happy in order to pay their bills.
Did any of ye ever say you had a pain in the arse over something or other?
Well, I can say it now and it isn't funny at all, at all.
My posterior pain, which can be quite severe at times, is down to arthritis and the arthritis is down to walking my oul' fella's bullocks to the fair in Swinford a couple of times a year.
We'd set off around daylight in order to meet some of the 'dalers,' who'd come out the road  to meet the early arrivals and pick up the best before anyone else would get to see them.
The gaffer  also wanted to get a good 'standin,' a prime position on  the main street for those he couldn't sell on the way in.
Here, me and the brother would have to try and keep the 'bastes' quiet, running around screeching and waving our sticks, and up to or knees in the smelly stuff. This could go on for hours and us having had to lep every fence in the country and race ahead to cover off gateways and crossroads all the way in!
The buckos we were bringing along would be as worked up as we were, lowing and bellowing every step of the way. When one bunch of animals heard another coming along, the craic really got good!
Trying to separate them was more an art than a science and, God knows, there was more action and commitment in evidence, from bullocks and herders, alike than you'd ever see from the Mayo football team.
Sometimes, the kids would be so excited that they'd aim an odd skelp of a stout ash plant at each other. I'm sure the same Mayo team would have picked up a few Sam Maguires along the line if it wasn't for emigration. Believe me; all the young fellas of our locality could run, jump and eff better than any one I've seen in the green and red then or since.
For all of that, we might get two bob and a bottle of lemonade if the day went well and if it didn't, we had to walk the unsold ones back home again.
By mutual consent, as we were all shagged out, bullocks and kids would walk along without any theatricals.
If they were the good ol' days, I'd hate to recall the bad ones. ;)
General discussion / Re: Guinness - declining standards
September 24, 2008, 11:01:17 AM
I used to work in a pub that is just off Thomas Street and was frequented by loads of Guinness workers. I was left in no doubt at all that the black stuff that left the brewery wasn't always up to standard. Remember that the beer is brewed in 'batches; it takes a few days for a batch, or 'brew' to go through the manufacturing cycle.
Any batch that was going through the system in the days after Paddy's Day or any other big holiday stood a fair chance of being affected- you would know the reason if you saw the state of many of my customers when they'd return to work!
I can't honestly say that this still applies today since much of the processes has been automated but there still is a big element of manual control.
Another thing to keep in mind is that production is ramped up coming up to periods of high demand and each batch will not get the usual amount of time at each step along the production line. Cork pubs during the jazz festival or Wexford pubs when the opera session is on are likely to get a big load of substandard brew. The reasoning is that punters are likely to be so tanked up that they won't notice the difference!
If that practice is still around, I'd imagine the pubs around Croker over an All Ireland weekend, get a good dose of shoddy beer as well.
Pubs will also build up extra stock over several weeks and the excess barrels will often be stacked in an open yard where the quality can be affected. Maybe Tom Mayes' staff didn't get around to cleaning the pipes and washing up the glasses properly but the Uncle Arthur just might have been off-standard too.
While I have nothing personal against Kerry, I'll be rootin' for Tyrone.
G'wan ya boys, ya and cycle into 'em!
GAA Discussion / Re: Mayo v Tyrone AI Minor Final
September 21, 2008, 01:55:07 AM
General discussion / Re: Shell to Sea
September 20, 2008, 03:22:38 PM
QuoteThe minimum distance is now 150 metres and the pressure greatly reduced

That's fair enough, Gn, and it does seem to make the possibility of a major disaster much less than what could have been the case.
However, my point has been that it wasn't the opportunity to make money that led the Rossport Five to spend 94 days in prison.  The five locals conducted themselves with dignity and restraint throughout the proceedings- at least I have not heard or seen a single word to the contrary.
The fact that the original construction proposals have now been altered is very welcome but the readiness for change does highlight one fact; the men who went to jail felt they had serious cause for concern to begin with.
It might be relevant to remember that a TNS/MRBI poll, commissioned by RTE in 2006, showed that two thirds of those surveyed throughout Mayo supported the stance taken by the Rossport Five, with one quarter disagreeing.. (The figures are quoted from an entry on Wikipedia.)
General discussion / Re: Is the North is a strange place?
September 20, 2008, 12:15:03 PM
Quote from: TirEoghaingodeo on September 20, 2008, 10:39:34 AM
Fabulous thread silky. Apparently people in the north who have a different goverment and media, and had there lives shaped by years of oppression which culminated in 30+ years of troubles where hundreds of innocent people died going about their daily lives, are different to people in the south.
No shit you gimp. Up to that point it was fairly idiotic. But then you claim you can identify with people in america more. Really? how's that? What about getting your face out of friends and grey's anatomy and reading a history book.
And since you started this thread and then didn't post again, the best i can hope is that you realised this thread was ridiculous and not really thought through. And if you were simply stirring, touché
I very much think Silky is a card carrying WUM.
He recently landed on the Shell to Sea thread, began with a snide remark to a concerned and articulate poster, (Well, at any rate, muppet has a far better grasp of logic and spelling than Silky appears to have) and then went on to make his case by posting an article from someone else.
He didn't attribute the source of his inspiration but it is to be found on Shell's website. Furthermore, it came from a spokesman for a shadowy organisation (Pro Gas Mayo) that is often criticised for its secretiveness. Nobody appears to know how it is funded or how many members it has.
I cannot honestly say whether any of its arguments are valid or not, but Silky was willing to regurgitate the full rant as his input into the discussion before disappearing. He must be having a good snigger at the lot of us!