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General discussion / Re: Official Gooners Thread
August 25, 2014, 11:46:36 PM
I would rather Arsenal bought no-one than went for Remy or other players who are not up to it. As in the past we have bought some terrible players in the last minute trolley dash, Squaliacci, Park, Santos being the obvious recent examples. If the players aren't available that are going to improve the first team then promote from within.

I said it before, Vermaleen spent the last two years as captain on the bench, Wenger has just promoted Arteta to captain and isn't going to sign someone who will depose him straight away, regardless of the needs of the team Wenger has his approach, his favourites, his experiments and his stubbornness.

I think Wenger will be looking at it thinking Diaby is back soon to cover for Arteta, Walcott is back soon to cover for Giroud, and it'll be grand.
Quote from: Minus15 on August 25, 2014, 10:10:51 PM
Far too much space in front of back four. Gerrard not the answer as a holding midfielder in games like that against big teams. Great passer and all but sadly the legs just aren't there and when he reacts to the runners it is too late. If there is anywhere we need a new signing it is in midfield!

BR was out of his head last year when he said that Gerrard is the best midfielder in europe at controlling a game. Nowhere near and never has been, its not his game but its all BR can think of to make sure he gets the start. Its not going to end well for Stevy, he is undroppable but not up to it, same as his world cup contribution.
joke of a red card, game over, thanks ref
Quote from: mikehunt on August 21, 2014, 06:28:56 PM
If he gets close to 20 goals a season he'll be a success for an outlay of 14m. My worry is that he's not the type that will work hard which will put pressure on the others to play the pressing game. I'm optimistic that the kop will inspire him though.For the money it's worth the risk I think.

Aaah, the myth. I look forward to seeing which teams crumble in front of the myth in the CL this year. The amount of times an average Liverpool team progressed in the CL as visiting teams shat themselves instead of being inspired. Real Madrid that time being the most unforgivable.

If you think the Kop is going to inspire Balotelli you probably also think that Louis Suarez has a little place in his heart for Liverpool... well he doesn't and you's embarrassed yourself pandering to him when he brought your club into disrepute several times. Only a matter of time before Mario pulls a wobbler. As much as he has match winning potential he also has the potential to undo a lot of BR's good work to date, a huge risk not worth taking I would say.
General discussion / Re: Official Gooners Thread
August 19, 2014, 10:38:54 PM
If Sanogo or Giroud were English then Wenger would never have given them a sniff. That's what is really annoying. He is totally biased towards French nationals. Shane Long or Niall McGinn at Aberdeen would do a better job than that joke Sanogo. Wengers logic is quite often shite. Don't offer players over 30 more than a 1 year contract extension being one of the old ones he tried to change recently by offering Sagna 3 years. He has shat in the nest far too often and is a huge part of the problem re lack of trophies this last 10 years.

His latest thought process is that the Germans aren't ready for 1st team action yet, now I despise Mourinho but he wouldn't stand for that bullshit notion and he had Schurrle playing last night. Joel Campbell is the one who will miss out with this Sanogo experiment, the kid is ready for his chance and Wenger is searching around for reasons to leave him on the bench or better still send him out on loan, the guy scored against Man Utd in the CL knockout stage last year and was a revelation at the World Cup, if you can't get a fair crack of the whip then, then when the hell can you??? Hasten to add if Joel Campbell was French...
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
August 13, 2014, 03:56:32 PM
Quote from: bigtogs on August 13, 2014, 03:50:09 PM
Quote from: giveherlong on August 13, 2014, 03:32:31 PM
Is Peter Donnelly coming in or not?

financial people may decide that...hear club Tyrone looking 125thousand to put a gym in our 6million pound building!! The pot is  light I hear club championship gates are a blessing!!

aw now that is a joke if true. as soon as i saw the design of the building years ago i thought it was stupid and have heard the gym isn't fit for purpose. someone got very carried away with the big celtic T design (maybe a county board competition was run in primary schools?). imagine a government building utilising the old guaranteed irish logo design. just another example of the Peter Principle in full swing. as a matter of principle £125k for a gym should be a no-goer, there's gyms all over the place these days, many clubs would have perfectly good gyms. sure what gyms were the players using in 03, 05, 08?
General discussion / Re: The IRISH RUGBY thread
August 13, 2014, 03:33:27 PM

There won't be an udder milked in D4 tonight if we can pull this one off #COYGIG
General discussion / Re: Official Gooners Thread
August 12, 2014, 09:57:44 AM
Quote from: tyroneman on August 12, 2014, 06:17:06 AM
Quote from: CorkMan on August 11, 2014, 11:22:12 PM
Quote from: tyroneman on August 11, 2014, 11:03:14 PM
I have a soft spot for Arsenal and hope they do well but Im totally bemused by Wengers buys this year.

They absolutely positively needed a mature, ready to go centre half, right back, defensive midfielder and proven goal scorer.

They got two right backs and another winger.

AS is NOT the player Arsenal needed to spend big on. He did little for Barca and does not tend to score big numbers.

If they go into this season with Giroud as the only senior striker and Arteta as the DM they will be lucky to get 4th.

There's still time and hopefully the cash keeps being spent but it all seems a bit odd so far. Was AS the only 'big' name that would really come to Arsenal?

Martinez or Cavani, Carvalho and Agger would be a start....Reus would be icing on cake

Sanchez got 19 goals from the eing last season, not bad for a player who doesn't score in huge numbers. You're right, though, they could definitely do with a DM and CB.

A big improvement on 8 the previous year alright. 13/14 season was a complete one off in terms of goal scoring for him. His record every other year has been modest.

Sanchez has the attributes and ability to make hay in the PL and if he gets off to a good start on the faster pitches of this time of year he could and should be getting 20+ goals.

With Arteta officially named as captain I can't see Wenger making the investment in a specialist marquee holding midfielder, having just gone two seasons with his captain on the bench he'll not want someone who cruises into Arteta's position therefore demoting him to the bench also.

That £15m from Vermaelen should be spent on Ashley Williams of Swansea.

The biggest embarrassment of the lot though is Sanogo'o. If that guy was 6'5" white, English and called John Williams he'd be nowhere near the club nevermind first team, Wengers hardon for French players could come back to bite him in the ass again.
GAA Discussion / Any chance of a lift
August 11, 2014, 11:41:18 AM
One of the great GAA phrases, its a wonder there aren't rules to govern the giving and receiving of lifts within the Association rule book. We all know the men and women who would never refuse the chance to give a lift from A to B to a fellow Gael, in a way they live to give a good lift, relish it, you never know it might just make the difference come the end of the year.

Then there's the ones asking for lifts, generally the young, those not yet ready to drive, stood at the side of the road getting pished on, or those in their 20's too idle to learn to drive, or those who drive but detest the burden.

Lest we forget those ready willing and able to give a lift but every man and their dog knows person A has a shite sence of direction, they couldn't give a lift away.

What's your best lift memories/stories, any controversial lift stories, puke lifts, lifts of the decade? AAAAAwwwwww, wat.
GAA Discussion / Re: The Sunday Game
August 04, 2014, 04:52:50 PM
Clip of martin mchughs gooch comment came up on the facebook feed, didnt get as far as the punchline as i find him so irritating to listen to. Fair play to him he's making a nice little sideline with the tv and newspaper columns but his opinions are piss poor and he is always chasing a line such as yesterdays
GAA Discussion / Re: Time to Split Dublin
July 27, 2014, 10:31:49 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on July 27, 2014, 10:26:40 PM
Quote from: Dont Matter on July 27, 2014, 10:19:59 PM
Quote from: larryin89 on July 27, 2014, 10:08:45 PM
Why does the table say second highest and lowest , why not name the county as is done in Dublins case?

The second highest and lowest county nearly always changed. I think Derry were the 2nd highest receivers for 3 or 4 of those years. Tyrone were the lowest on a couple of occasions I think. Just going on memory there. The only thing that remained constant was Dubl$n were number one on the list far ahead of anyone else.

You've been rightly stuffed tonight.

That Dublin u16 team is a brilliant side and if Cavan can beat them- it just shows you're talking through your arse about population and funding. Cavan have a brilliant underage structure now and it just shows what a bit of planning can do.

How are the Dublin U8 development squad getting on at the minute, any klinkers in it? Or have the Aussies had their pick yet?

Mark my words Cavan won't win an USFC in the next 10 years


Blatant red card for McKeever. Or is there anyone who is going to condone elbows to the face?

Manys a broken jaw resulted from cowardly actions such as this. Would sicken yer hole.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
July 13, 2014, 10:24:44 PM
Quote from: sam03/05 on July 13, 2014, 06:44:15 PM
Time for a massive look and re- think about the structures in Tyrone football. We are falling behind in so many levels. Unless something is done, then I can't see us being a force for the next ten years.

1/ our senior squad/ U21s/ U18s need a person appointed to look after strength and conditioning, we are miles behind in this regard. (we can't even break a tackle)
2/ our senior management needs either replaced, or a completely new back room team put in place.
3/ it is clear that players are no longer playing for Harte for whatever reason - ( this is a very unlike able group of Tyrone players, these new players seem to have an attitude that they have achieved something/ that they are big time players - one look at Ciaran McGinley for example is all I need to see this).

Overall I see a good few lean years ahead for the county. There will be very few trips to Croke Park.
For example - when Sean Cav, Gormley, Penrose, O'Neill, Justy and Joe pull the plug ( which will be very soon) - what we have coming through in their place is very average!

He captained Errigal to a county championship, won an All-Ireland vocational. Don't know every facet of his game or his honours but your comment is utter toilet. How many players on the Tyrone team have won All-Ireland as various levels, and indeed the highest level, its fair to say playing at that level they are all high achievers, but I suppose you have 3 All-Ireland and 3 All-Stars tucked away.
Quote from: 5 Sams on July 13, 2014, 08:06:54 PM
Puts it into perspective now. A poor Down team should have beaten Tyrone in Omagh. Shows how good they are. Doesn't tell us how good Our Ma are though. Next round will tell. ::)

Down could have beat Tyrone in Omagh, but they should have been hammered, as they were in the replay.
Quote from: rrhf on July 13, 2014, 07:02:04 PM
And now for Tyrone. ... Our physical conditioning looked poor compared to the opposition.  We lost out all over the field in the battles. Perhaps it was the row at the start but we had many headless chickens in defence for most of the first half. Our midfield was shambolic not helped by many poor kick outs and the ball into the forward line was terrible. That was today and there needs to be a root and branch look at what we are doing in Tyrone football who is managing and coaching at all levels right down to the type of footballers we are putting through so called development squads. It needs to be on the level done post 96.
Finally if this is the final game for some of the greatest legends to manage or play for Tyrone then our appreciation  for their efforts is very important here.  They have been our greatest and what a ride we all had.
The era is over and Tyrone are most definitely another 5 or 6 years away from challenging again.  The players aren't there.

The old root and branch review comment, who is going to ask/call for that, and who is going to carry it out? Turkeys ain't gonna vote for Christmas.

What post 96 root and branch assessment was done? Mickey already had a good run at the minors by that stage without success and continued until 98, so he wasn't replaced for example.