McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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"Never have I seen so many angry texts sent in and do try and keep it clean."

Ger needs to swallow his pride, no man is bigger then Cork hurling"

"The Cork hurling public has spoken at the march yesterday"

"It's time for the CB and Gerald to listening to the public"

"If we don't want to be recognised as a hurling county lets keep Gerald and Frank, we're a shambles"

"The Cork lads did ok but next week we'll be hammered."

What a load of waffle has Gerald no cop on

"Wait for Valentines night masacre"



Quote from: dowling on February 08, 2009, 05:12:08 PM
Quote from: Zulu on February 08, 2009, 04:41:00 PM
Quote"Sorry now but what does that mean?"

Typical pro 2008 panel response Zulu.

What are you talking about, I didn't understand the point you were trying to make so I sought clarification, which you still haven't provided.

QuoteIf it helps even things up, I've no evidence but I've no doubt that Croke Park is in contact with the Cork board in an "unoffical" way.
And another typical response, make a conclusion on what you want to believe I write rather than reading it. I never said the GPA are pulling the strings just that I believe they're involved and very much have a vested interest in this dispute. If there's an opportunity for the GPA "to get their feet further under the table" do you really think they're going to leave it to chance without any input? As more information comes out as this continues more people are questioning a possible GPA involvement.  
It's quite clear as more information surfaces too that Donal og is the man pulling the strings in all this. But don't forget he wears too hats. And as he is pulling the strings why wasn't he at the front of the press conference? To give the impression he wasn't pulling the strings perhaps.

I've no doubt that both the GPA and CP are in touch with either (possibly both sides) and I fully accept that Donal Og is the driving force behind the players, but so what? You seem intent on uncovering some dastardly sub plot to all of this, when there isn't any evidence to suggest there is. So do us a favour and drop the GPA bullshit, you have nothing to back up your point so it is irrelevant.

Any real need for these "bullshit" comments Zulu? Predominately they come from the pro 2008 panel posters and I have to say it reflects on you badly.
To be honest I'd like to get off the GPA case. I've made my points and no one has to accept them. But I'll say this, I would not use the word dastardly at all but if the GPA have any influence over how this dispute pans out the it will be to serve their needs not the Cork GAA. And I believe they would see this as an opportunity to further their interests. There has never been silence like this from the GPA in any dispute before and you have to wonder at that. But we'll see in time.

When you repeatedly refer to the GPA in this dispute, it gets a bit frustrating but you're right I shouldn't have used the term 'bullshit', so I apologize. Now maybe you could point out where pro-player posters have come out with rubbish comments, because at least we can debate that rather than your up to now unsupported opinions.


Quote from: INDIANA on February 08, 2009, 04:37:39 PM
We're fed up listening to this lack of will and things that can't be done. Everything can be done Reillers. F**** sake you'd swear you were Palestinians or something. Its all bullshit Reillers. You lot are an embarrasement to the GAA. No willpower, no bottle no guts. Cork Gaa people have neither the gumption not the strength of character to take the County Board on head-on. Thankfully the rest of the Gaa world are made of stronger stuff.

The irony is that the only ones with guts are doing something about the scadalous misuse of power that is perpetuated time and again within the CCB.
The ones without guts are croke park, who stand idly by and allow murphy and his cohorts to get away with putting their own personal interests before that of cork gaa.


Quote from: heffo on February 08, 2009, 03:51:46 PM
Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 03:48:38 PM
Quote from: heffo on February 08, 2009, 03:46:35 PM
Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 03:37:41 PM
Quote from: heffo on February 08, 2009, 03:32:35 PM
Will the strikers now walk away having failed to secure the support of either the clubs or the 'Cork hurling public'?

And how do you know they've haven't?

The strikers motion was crushed and the 'fans' were too busy worrying about the Six nations (source = Reillersland) to come out and support them

Walk away now please..

PS Reillers - are you finally admitting the players are now on strike?
The "strikers" motion wasn't crushed, unacceptable they have to go back and fix it to broad apparently.
And there was 12,000 people at the march yesterday which was a great number..that's 10,000 plus more then the people at the game doesn't that mean the players have won?

There were two Cork 'fans' counted in Kiltoom last year for the NFL game between Roscommon & Cork and Dublin always outnumber Cork 'fans' in Cork so the 'fan' turnout is hardly a reliable baromoter.
Not to mention having a support that would probably have just about filled the dressing-room at the Sligo-Cork QF in 2007, and then that day in Portlaoise in 2005, when their seniors played us in a qualifier, with their minors in a QF ad the juniors in the AIF, all on the one bill, and yet we outnumbered them comfortably.


Quote from: The GAA on February 08, 2009, 05:36:14 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on February 08, 2009, 04:37:39 PM
We're fed up listening to this lack of will and things that can't be done. Everything can be done Reillers. F**** sake you'd swear you were Palestinians or something. Its all bullshit Reillers. You lot are an embarrasement to the GAA. No willpower, no bottle no guts. Cork Gaa people have neither the gumption not the strength of character to take the County Board on head-on. Thankfully the rest of the Gaa world are made of stronger stuff.

The irony is that the only ones with guts are doing something about the scadalous misuse of power that is perpetuated time and again within the CCB.
The ones without guts are croke park, who stand idly by and allow murphy and his cohorts to get away with putting their own personal interests before that of cork gaa.

Ah come off it. If people in Cork really wanted Hitler out they would do something about it themselves. You telling me he controls all clubs and members in Cork. No one in Cork has the balls to stand up to him?? They have been moaning about Hitler for 20 yrs or more and done nothing. Nothing to do with Croker and its best the rest of the GAA stay out of it.

And why should Croke Park get involved? Cork don't want it solved


By all accounts it was a very good display by the 5ths team - there was a decent crowd who seemed to get behind them.

Mc Carthy has no option other than to plough on -

Ok there was a decent crowd out marching yesterday but there'd be as many out to support Mc Carthy if there were a march orgainsed.

But who gathers the biggest crowd of marchers isn't going to get us anywhere.

This thing needs to be brought to a head and either Mc Carthy goes or the 2008 panel goes - we can't have both.


It was the pro Gerald/CB fans turn to turn out and there was only 2000 of them. The excuse of it only being a League match is useless, it was their chance to back them and the results was obvious.

And the crowds response to the players were like parents at an u12 match when their kids lost. It was pathetic. If that's the best the pro Gerald fans could come up with then it's obvious which sides fans won.

12,000 to 2000.

The result speaks for itself.


Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 05:47:32 PM
It was the pro Gerald/CB fans turn to turn out and there was only 2000 of them. The excuse of it only being a League match is useless, it was their chance to back them and the results was obvious.

And the crowds response to the players were like parents at an u12 match when their kids lost. It was pathetic. If that's the best the pro Gerald fans could come up with then it's obvious which sides fans won.

12,000 to 2000.

The result speaks for itself.

Yes the results speaks for itself, Cork Hurling lost all becuase of the '08 Hurlers.


QuoteThe irony is that the only ones with guts are doing something about the scadalous misuse of power that is perpetuated time and again within the CCB.
The ones without guts are croke park, who stand idly by and allow murphy and his cohorts to get away with putting their own personal interests before that of cork gaa.

That's rubbish GAA. It's not croke park's business to get involved in county board business. While everything doesn't appear well with CCB every other county can seem to look after these kind of issues so why can't Cork?

If they were breaking serious rules CP would get involved.


2000 isn't a big crowd Gerald.

It's not a bad crowd Rellers when you have to pay in, and there aren't too many side attractions like on site McDonalds and multiplex cinemas to draw in a few rubber neckers. By the way, and I'm not for a moment disputing that 12,000 dragged themselves out of pubs and cinemas to have a look at yesterday's heros in the second City yesterday, but would you have an approximation of how many of them were under the age of, say, 10.
Undefeated at the Polo Grounds


Today was a good result for Mc Carthy - he got a team out on the field that wanted to play for the jersey - the young lads went out and played their hearts out scoring 1-14 in the process. They're building for the future.

The strikers should abandon their strike, try and put right in CB what they feel is wrong - Mc Carthy is the manager for 2009 -simple as that -

Time to bring the dispute to an end rather than create further vitriol and division.


Txts have been delayed for an hour because they are being sent in all at the same time, they're flying in to 103 fm.

"This is the cb dying kick at power what cb would appoint a man who's lost the players and loose that many matches."

It's a joke..some very angry people are txting in. 99% of them backing the players and slatting CB like there's no tomorrow.


Text messages to 103 fm won't change anything in the Cork CB Reillers.


Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 05:18:52 PM
"Never have I seen so many angry texts sent in and do try and keep it clean."

Ger needs to swallow his pride, no man is bigger then Cork hurling"

"The Cork hurling public has spoken at the march yesterday"

"It's time for the CB and Gerald to listening to the public"

"If we don't want to be recognised as a hurling county lets keep Gerald and Frank, we're a shambles"

"The Cork lads did ok but next week we'll be hammered."

What a load of waffle has Gerald no cop on

"Wait for Valentines night masacre"

Good to know the 2008 panel are able to use the texting on their phone. :P

Can't be judging the Cork GAA opinion on those anyway, sure a lot of those doing it would only see the players side of things, and not the bigger picture. And what sort of crowd would turn up for a league match v Dublin in ordinary circumstances?


Quote from: anglocelt39 on February 08, 2009, 05:52:11 PM
2000 isn't a big crowd Gerald.

It's not a bad crowd Rellers when you have to pay in, and there aren't too many side attractions like on site McDonalds and multiplex cinemas to draw in a few rubber neckers. By the way, and I'm not for a moment disputing that 12,000 dragged themselves out of pubs and cinemas to have a look at yesterday's heros in the second City yesterday, but would you have an approximation of how many of them were under the age of, say, 10.

The age barrier surprisingly spread across the board and very surprisingly most were what you could say, older, with as little offense meant by that, lol.
Not a lot of kids at all. 2000 isn't a lot of fans for a Cork match. This was the CB/Gerald's supporters chance to make their voice heard and they didn't.

Stop trying to undermine 12000 people who left their nice warm homes to travel (and I was talking to people driving 3 hours down the road to get their, Cork fans coming from Dublin, fans from up North..etc. The fans at the march were there for one reason and one reason only and they were bloody vocal.
A clear message was sent.