McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Thr rumour is the footballers are willing to join the hurlers but are waiting to see how things pan out prior to the league. How true that is I can't say but I'd be confident that the footballers are fully supportive of the hurlers.

As regards the number of strikes, what does it matter if it's 1 or 301, if there is just cause for taking an action then you take it. The CCB are banking on GAA people like you, to get sick of hearing about the Cork hurlers and their uppity ways and just wanting everything to get back to normal. Well the Cork players are more interested in substance than apperance, they want things to be right not to just look right to the outside world. And this is the thing you don't seem to get, something is very wrong in Cork GAA and it needs addressing not sweepinh it under the carpet just so Cork can field a team this summer.


Quote from: Zulu on December 16, 2008, 09:45:07 PM
Thr rumour is the footballers are willing to join the hurlers but are waiting to see how things pan out prior to the league. How true that is I can't say but I'd be confident that the footballers are fully supportive of the hurlers.

As regards the number of strikes, what does it matter if it's 1 or 301, if there is just cause for taking an action then you take it. The CCB are banking on GAA people like you, to get sick of hearing about the Cork hurlers and their uppity ways and just wanting everything to get back to normal. Well the Cork players are more interested in substance than apperance, they want things to be right not to just look right to the outside world. And this is the thing you don't seem to get, something is very wrong in Cork GAA and it needs addressing not sweepinh it under the carpet just so Cork can field a team this summer.

It does matter especially when you've signed never to strike again. And that was less than 12 months ago.


So you think that a CB who manipulate an agreement to force the players into a situation where they either turn their back on their principles and play for a man with whom a working relationship no longer exist are ok but the players are bang out of order because they refuse to play for such a CB? Strange, strange logic.


Quote from: Zulu on December 16, 2008, 10:01:20 PM
So you think that a CB who manipulate an agreement to force the players into a situation where they either turn their back on their principles and play for a man with whom a working relationship no longer exist are ok but the players are bang out of order because they refuse to play for such a CB? Strange, strange logic.

The minute the players went on strike again, they had lost the public who they needed to bring with them in order to win this particular fight. Whatever the Cork may or may not feel about Frank, Mc Carthy is one of your all time greats, some would say the most decorated and significant hurler after the great JBM.

Game over.

Do you happen to know if JBM has a view on this particular row ?.


I haven't a clue what JBM thinks but I see you're losing the run of yourself once more. For the, I don't know how many times..... the Cork public are very divided on this but they are not against the players in any great numbers, if you have proof to the contary please furnish us with it. Now i know you don't like justifying your opinion or answering questions but from what I can gather you are against the players because they....

1. Agreed not to strike last year and this year they are refusing to play again.


Quote from: Zulu on December 16, 2008, 10:17:42 PM
I haven't a clue what JBM thinks but I see you're losing the run of yourself once more. For the, I don't know how many times..... the Cork public are very divided on this but they are not against the players in any great numbers, if you have proof to the contary please furnish us with it. Now i know you don't like justifying your opinion or answering questions but from what I can gather you are against the players because they....

1. Agreed not to strike last year and this year they are refusing to play again.

You're all the time asking for proof of this and proof of that.

Where's your proof that the Cork public are very divided - the Cork AGM was on Sunday - did Frank lose his job ? Was the top table toppled ? Were the riot squad sent for ? Was there fisticuffs in the hall ?


Again you refuse to justify your opinion and the only reason I'm asking for proof from you so many times is you repeatedly made statements like, " The minute the players went on strike again, they had lost the public" i.e. statements that give the impression something is fact when nothing could be further from the truth and you certainly don't know this to be fact. I have numerous contacts in Cork from many years living there and the feedback I get is that opinion is split. And as I've already directed you towards, the rebelgaa poll with over 2000 votes indicates a slight favouring for the players. And at the Cork AGM there was a fairly heated 90 minute debate with opinion again divided, which is once more at odds with your statement that the Cork public are against them. So one more time with feeling, What is you justification for supporting the CCB and not the players?


One more time, you've about as much proof as I have then ??


Quote from: Zulu on December 16, 2008, 09:45:07 PM
Thr rumour is the footballers are willing to join the hurlers but are waiting to see how things pan out prior to the league. How true that is I can't say but I'd be confident that the footballers are fully supportive of the hurlers.

As regards the number of strikes, what does it matter if it's 1 or 301, if there is just cause for taking an action then you take it. The CCB are banking on GAA people like you, to get sick of hearing about the Cork hurlers and their uppity ways and just wanting everything to get back to normal. Well the Cork players are more interested in substance than apperance, they want things to be right not to just look right to the outside world. And this is the thing you don't seem to get, something is very wrong in Cork GAA and it needs addressing not sweepinh it under the carpet just so Cork can field a team this summer.

Ya, apparently they are waiting to see what will happens after Christmas. I think everyone is.
And again, completley agree.


OM it is pointless discussing this with you, you can't even justify your opinion when directly asked to do so. But to prevent you from deflecting from the issue anymore I'll concede that i don't have proof that opinion is divided, in fact  I'll agree that Cork opinion is against the players. So will you now justify your opinion?


Quote from: Zulu on December 16, 2008, 09:45:07 PM
Thr rumour is the footballers are willing to join the hurlers but are waiting to see how things pan out prior to the league. How true that is I can't say but I'd be confident that the footballers are fully supportive of the hurlers.

As regards the number of strikes, what does it matter if it's 1 or 301, if there is just cause for taking an action then you take it. The CCB are banking on GAA people like you, to get sick of hearing about the Cork hurlers and their uppity ways and just wanting everything to get back to normal. Well the Cork players are more interested in substance than apperance, they want things to be right not to just look right to the outside world. And this is the thing you don't seem to get, something is very wrong in Cork GAA and it needs addressing not sweepinh it under the carpet just so Cork can field a team this summer.

So there's something major wrong at every level of Cork GAA ? Is that what you're saying ?

That's a load of codswallop ! The footballers are as happy as Larry - they're not out in sympathy - have you ever considered that the footballer believe that the hurlers' cause isn't worth striking over or else they believe it's the wrong way to go about solving their grievance.


i know very well what jbm thinks bout the sitiuation he is totally against what the players are doing

as for the footballers lads they wont be getting involved in this i know a few of them and they will not get involved
they are happy with their setup and conor warned them he will walk and they dont want to lose him as a manager


Quote from: Zulu on December 16, 2008, 10:46:46 PM
OM it is pointless discussing this with you, you can't even justify your opinion when directly asked to do so. But to prevent you from deflecting from the issue anymore I'll concede that i don't have proof that opinion is divided, in fact  I'll agree that Cork opinion is against the players. So will you now justify your opinion?

I've already attempted to by pointing out to you that there was an AGM down there on Sunday.

Frank or the top table didn't have to fight off a vote of no confidence. There might have been heated debate - we had our AGM last night and there was plenty of debate, sometimes heated, but everybody went home happy, conident in the ability of the top table who were mostly all returned.

If there were such division and if there were such strife, there be more goings on - but there's not.

Croke Park don't want to get involved. They can;t get 2 people acceptable to the hurlers in order for to meet them.


Quote from: realrebel on December 16, 2008, 10:52:04 PM
i know very well what jbm thinks bout the sitiuation he is totally against what the players are doing

as for the footballers lads they wont be getting involved in this i know a few of them and they will not get involved
they are happy with their setup and conor warned them he will walk and they dont want to lose him as a manager

Thanks for that - JBM's is only one view but in my opinion it's a significant one.


Anything specifically mentioned at the debate with the CB along with the Corks delegates which made you define it as heated Zulu?

Surely someone had the balls to demand that FM should resign? If not why not? If so what was the reaction of the delegates?
Did anyone suggest that Ger Mac resign? If not why not? If so what was the reaction of the delegates?

Surely a fair number would have been up in arms? If not, what makes you think that you have the support of people who do the work in Cork GAA. Clubs up and down the county must be raising a right old rumpous if a lot of people agree with your perspective?

I seriously don't know the answers to any of those questions? I would love to know how many are behind you lads where it counts?

Oh yes passedit.....the answer is I don't know
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