government grants to GAA players -- not getting into prefessionalism etc

Started by squareballz, March 18, 2008, 02:23:09 PM

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Quote from: Uladh on April 15, 2008, 01:21:07 PM

cornafean - i don't recall that but given your posting history i'd be pretty confident you'd have given plenty of reason to question your character.

well given that you now agree with me on the "grubby and underhand" grants scheme, its reassuring to know that I am in good company on that score.  :D
Boycott Hadron. Support your local particle collider.


Quote from: INDIANA on April 15, 2008, 01:30:19 PM
it isn't indicative of the grassroots. The bottom is this -this was rail-roaded through to avoid the players going on strike for the summer- that was the thinly veiled ultimatium by the GPA. The thought of empty stadiums during the summer concerned the gaa top brass to the extent that they meekly gave in. As a result Brennan has just postponed the stand off and will be able to say "it didn't happen on my watch".
At some point (and this will happen)- there will be a stand off between inter county players in general and the GAA about looking for substantial payment ie- a cut of tv money or gate receipts. The gaa top brass will baulk at the notion and then the real plays begin.THis is inevitable after saturday. I my view i wouldn't have permitted the grants because of what's coming down the line. We'd have been better having the stand off now- because it's going to happen. Once you decide on semi-professionalism you can't stop what will follow because it's a natural progression. In the 80's aussie rules was semi-professional they said professionalism ie million dollar salaries would never happen- look at it now.
The clubs weren't even mandatted nationally on this. The reality is your average clubman like myself simply feels totally removed and disenchanted from the top brass in the association. They don't give a rat's ass about the grassroots or their views- they will do exactly as they bloody well like. The day of the grass-roots member being able to make a difference is long gone. And don't we know it.

My sentiments exactly !


Uladh are you saying that the grassroots dont have opinions on this or dont have the right to opinions on this.  I certainly believe you mean the latter.  The GPA ballotted the "membership" of their grouping, the GAA heirarchy didnt give their membership the chance and railroaded this through.  Undoubtedly legally this could yet be exposed but I salute the end of the  dignified democracy seeking campaign of the of one belief representatives who literally exposed the ongoing erosion of democracy in the GAA, who have shown up the GAA top brass for what they were always suspected of being,  and who did this in the face of individuals like Dessie Farrell who ironically wanted to give his crowd a voice whilst he literally told everyone else to shut up - Last weekend in Congress didnt shut up Farrell nor the GPA - they simply shut up the rest of us.  

behind the wire

my take on the whole thing:

we tried we failed. dont think we were ever going to be allowed to win. the reason many gaa members seemingly 'didnt have an opinion' was that they were never asked for one. such was the underhand nature of the entire episode that only for conway et al and a few journalists (mcmanus etc) some gaa members wouldnt even have realised that this issue was serious at all.

now that dessie has got the door open what will he ask for next? my guess is a slice of the tv money.

nicky brennan - dont have any time for the man. best described as the gaa's version of tony blair - didnt start off too bad but shot himself in the foot regarding the big issue. everyone has seen through him as a result and this will be his legacy no matter how hard he tries to dress it up.

all in all i think the whole issue simply represents a problem which not only effects the gaa but the nation as a whole - the country is obsessed by money money money. we now live in a materialistic society where the volunteer is becoming more and more a thing of the past. dessie and the gang are the epirotomy of this progression.
He who laughs last thinks the slowest


the most recent posts from OM and rrhf are symptomatic of how this "debate" has degenerated. The issue is a general one and at a stretch i can see the legitimacy of the arguments on individuals. How this nitpicking of phrasiology and intention lowers the quality.

It's obvious to anyone with reading skills that i do not think that the ordinary member should not have an opinion. how you think making stuff up will further your cause is beyond me.

Quote from: rrhf on April 15, 2008, 01:49:01 PM
 Undoubtedly legally this could yet be exposed but I salute the end of the  dignified democracy seeking campaign of the of one belief representatives who literally exposed the ongoing erosion of democracy in the GAA, who have shown up the GAA top brass for what they were always suspected of being
for thaey shall be known as peace makers....

rrhf - you are the GAA's equivilent of 1980s Ian Paisley zombie. Full of rhetoric and oob doctrine but never a word of common sense


I propose we park this thread now, save a copy, and have a look at it on the eve of the championship in say 2012. I'd say there'd be some craic looking at it retrospectively. Of course we would have two boards at that stage, the PGAABoard, and the AGAABoard.

magpie seanie

Will they be two seperate boards or two pages on the same board?


Quote from: behind the wire on April 15, 2008, 02:00:52 PM
dessie and the gang are the epirotomy of this progression.

In isolated form, could i ask you where your dislike for what i presume is the GPA comes from?


No, we'll all post on the same board but the you and me will have to use different coloured crayons.

az will have a colour of his own of course


Uladh you and your GPA cronies have now in your hands the torch but rather than carry it to a place where it can burn brightly like our own Olympic flame I suspect that you will burn the very fabric of our association to the ground with it.

I dont suspect you guys will be on the board in 2012.  I believe you will have lost interest.  


Quote from: behind the wire on April 15, 2008, 02:00:52 PM
my take on the whole thing:

we tried we failed. dont think we were ever going to be allowed to win. the reason many gaa members seemingly 'didnt have an opinion' was that they were never asked for one. such was the underhand nature of the entire episode that only for conway et al and a few journalists (mcmanus etc) some gaa members wouldnt even have realised that this issue was serious at all.

now that dessie has got the door open what will he ask for next? my guess is a slice of the tv money.

nicky brennan - dont have any time for the man. best described as the gaa's version of tony blair - didnt start off too bad but shot himself in the foot regarding the big issue. everyone has seen through him as a result and this will be his legacy no matter how hard he tries to dress it up.

all in all i think the whole issue simply represents a problem which not only effects the gaa but the nation as a whole - the country is obsessed by money money money. we now live in a materialistic society where the volunteer is becoming more and more a thing of the past. dessie and the gang are the epirotomy of this progression.

Good post. I agree with the part in bold in particular. Is is worth saying tho that if Dessie and the gang are the epitome of this then they are simpley the epitome of the Nation as a whole and the responsibility is with society as much as it is with Dessie and the gang.


Quote from: rrhf on April 15, 2008, 02:15:24 PM
Uladh you and your GPA cronies have now in your hands the torch but rather than carry it to a place where it can burn brightly like our own Olympic flame I suspect that you will burn the very fabric of our association to the ground with it.

I dont suspect you guys will be on the board in 2012.  I believe you will have lost interest.  

Yeah because only people with your viewpoint have real interest in the GAA.
Your holier than thou shite makes me sick. If i were in the anti grant camp i'd turn coats just to argue with the like o ye


Quote from: rrhf on April 15, 2008, 02:15:24 PM
Uladh you and your GPA cronies have now in your hands the torch but rather than carry it to a place where it can burn brightly like our own Olympic flame I suspect that you will burn the very fabric of our association to the ground with it.

I dont suspect you guys will be on the board in 2012. I believe you will have lost interest.  

No they won't ! There'll be money to be made !  ;) :D ;D


Quote from: magpie seanie on April 15, 2008, 02:12:05 PM
Will they be two seperate boards or two pages on the same board?

Two seperate boards of course. Some of us will be paid for our high quality elite posts on the Pro board. The rest of ye scrubbers can keep lining your pitches on the poxy amateur one :)


Quote from: Uladh on April 15, 2008, 02:20:24 PM
Quote from: rrhf on April 15, 2008, 02:15:24 PM
Uladh you and your GPA cronies have now in your hands the torch but rather than carry it to a place where it can burn brightly like our own Olympic flame I suspect that you will burn the very fabric of our association to the ground with it.

I dont suspect you guys will be on the board in 2012.  I believe you will have lost interest.  

Yeah because only people with your viewpoint have real interest in the GAA.
Your holier than thou shite makes me sick. If i were in the anti grant camp i'd turn coats just to argue with the like o ye

Now he's rattled rrhf ! Keep at it !  ;D ;D