GAA grants exclusive global digital highlights rights to The Sun newspaper

Started by neilthemac, June 06, 2014, 10:22:30 AM

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Excuse my ignorance but what exactly does "digital rights " mean.  Does it stop other papers from reporting on matches, interviews, pre match analysis etc?
I used to be indecisive but now I'm not too sure.


Quote from: Hardy on June 06, 2014, 06:13:31 PM
A step too far for me.

Me too. I realise the potential hypocrisy in my position, but the sun is far different in my eyes to sky.


So if someone including the childer wanted the view online highlights, they'd have to watch a topless model first. Followed by their county making a tit of themselves. <enter Gael's name> will be turning in his grave.

Harold Disgracey


"Better to die on your feet,than live on your knees"...


That was never a square ball!!


all red tops are the same regardless.
Is it not a step forward that such an anti irish paper in the past now wants to associate with our national game and put money into it.  Hillsborough has nothing to do with the GAA.
Not condoning the tripe they spouted about that day but out of interest how many of you giving out about this are Liverpool fans.


I am, and I would never buy the Sun because of it. I accept that I am biased in this. But I would say, even notwithstanding the Hillsborough stuff, that the Sun has proven itself to be a bucket of shite as a paper since it's inception almost. Then again the Independent isn't much better I suppose.


The sun and sky and the english times are all the fooking same.

Once you have decided to take money from one ......


Quote from: AZOffaly on June 06, 2014, 06:48:18 PM
Quote from: Hardy on June 06, 2014, 06:13:31 PM
A step too far for me.

Me too. I realise the potential hypocrisy in my position, but the sun is far different in my eyes to sky.

And apart from our Internet indignation, what are we going to do about it?? Exactly nothing I'd wager.

No more than with our politicians, we all complain about this type of stuff but won't get off our arses to do anything about it. I include myself in that also


Jell 0 Biafra

Of course, there was the "Irish Bastards" front page headline too.


I had a "GAA just play" app last year which showed loads of clips of games which I thought was a great little app. Why couldn't the GAA develop this, their own digital app, charge £3.99 or so themselves and sell a load of advertising space on it. Surely the difference in revenue wouldn't be that huge in comparison to selling the rights to such a controversial organisation, which they must have known would further alienate the average GAA person. I'm actually a supporter of the Sky deal, but this is more due to my frustration at RTE and the relatively poor coverage I've felt people like me, living in England, have received of games. However, the Sun deal just doesn't seem to sit right with me.
That was never a square ball!!