Is the whole show couped?

Started by The Iceman, February 27, 2014, 01:06:38 AM

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The Iceman

Where are the science boys? What does Science teach us about gender? Are there 2 or 3 or more?
Eamonn? MGHU? Puck?

Science seems to be the go-to refernce guide on the gaaboard. What say you? :)
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight


i don't think there is a go to reference on the GAABoard, imagine trying to get agreement on that, make the Haas talks look like wee buns
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity

The Iceman

Quote from: heganboy on February 27, 2014, 07:14:20 PM
i don't think there is a go to reference on the GAABoard, imagine trying to get agreement on that, make the Haas talks look like wee buns
I think its fair to ask though heganboy. So many of my contributions about religion have been "discredited" by science or explained away by science. I'd like to hear the scientific answer to how many genders are there.....?

And if scientific rules don't apply then why not?
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight


Quote from: The Iceman on February 27, 2014, 06:56:59 PM
Where are the science boys? What does Science teach us about gender? Are there 2 or 3 or more?
Eamonn? MGHU? Puck?

Science seems to be the go-to refernce guide on the gaaboard. What say you? :)

You have to seperate sex and gender, is my opinion. They are often used interchangably and incorrectly. Gender incorporates physical, mental and behavioral facets which blur the lines drawn between male and female physical characteristics. Obvious examples being the physical male with female gender qualities (Julian Simmons for example)!

If it looks like a duck etcc... it might feel like it is an elephant.


Quote from: The Iceman on February 27, 2014, 07:24:10 PM
Quote from: heganboy on February 27, 2014, 07:14:20 PM
i don't think there is a go to reference on the GAABoard, imagine trying to get agreement on that, make the Haas talks look like wee buns
I think its fair to ask though heganboy. So many of my contributions about religion have been "discredited" by science or explained away by science. I'd like to hear the scientific answer to how many genders are there.....?

And if scientific rules don't apply then why not?

Why do the science boys have to carry Facebook's water? Facebook have decided to give multiple options for gender so they can better decide what ads with which to target users. There's no 'science' behind it, unless you think marketing is a science.


51 me hole. You're either male or female. Mutilated males are still male.

Cold tea

Quote from: BennyCake on February 27, 2014, 07:38:13 PM
51 me hole. You're either male or female. Mutilated males are still male.


The Iceman

Quote from: deiseach on February 27, 2014, 07:37:42 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on February 27, 2014, 07:24:10 PM
Quote from: heganboy on February 27, 2014, 07:14:20 PM
i don't think there is a go to reference on the GAABoard, imagine trying to get agreement on that, make the Haas talks look like wee buns
I think its fair to ask though heganboy. So many of my contributions about religion have been "discredited" by science or explained away by science. I'd like to hear the scientific answer to how many genders are there.....?

And if scientific rules don't apply then why not?

Why do the science boys have to carry Facebook's water? Facebook have decided to give multiple options for gender so they can better decide what ads with which to target users. There's no 'science' behind it, unless you think marketing is a science.
It's not just facebook  - they are just an 'in everybody's face' example of all of this. 2 year old girl tells her parents she is a boy so they shave her head, let her wear boys clothes and go to gender spectrum support groups so as not to affect her mental health by going against her....
I just don't know where it's all headed.
does science support it? That's my first question.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight

Cold tea

There are loads of women apparently that are born in men's bodies, it must have been happening for millennia but it has only come to light the last few decades. 


To be fair, some people are born with a condition where they have the genitalia of both sexes. Some people are born with the body of one gender and the mind of another.  Not exactly widespread, but it does exist. It becomes noticeable because it's so unusual.  When you're walking through the Tenderloin area of San Francisco you see a lot of strangely tall women with masculine features, you can't help but notice them.

If you want a scientific explanation, well this is a condition that isn't exactly life-threatening, so there's no reason why it would completely drop out of the gene pool.

As others have said, Facebook doesn't care how many genders there are, they only care about how many different gender identities  people identify with. It's about satisfying their users. Same as how their relationship status field is a bit more flexible than the boring old married/single choice.


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 27, 2014, 08:07:59 PM
To be fair, some people are born with a condition where they have the genitalia of both sexes. Some people are born with the body of one gender and the mind of another.  Not exactly widespread, but it does exist. It becomes noticeable because it's so unusual. When you're walking through the Tenderloin area of San Francisco you see a lot of strangely tall women with masculine features, you can't help but notice them.

If you want a scientific explanation, well this is a condition that isn't exactly life-threatening, so there's no reason why it would completely drop out of the gene pool.

As others have said, Facebook doesn't care how many genders there are, they only care about how many different gender identities  people identify with. It's about satisfying their users. Same as how their relationship status field is a bit more flexible than the boring old married/single choice.

Emm. Are they not just men dressed as women? If I dress up as a gorilla, I'm still a man, whether I like it or not. It reminds me of that scene in the Life of Brian. "Where are you going to keep the foetus? In a box!?"

The Iceman

I've looked more into it all and I'm shocked. these Gender Spectrum conferences for parents of gender "confused" kids had a 13year old boy speaking on stage to huge applause:
"I call myself gender-fluid because I can be any and all genders. But i don't want to even put myself in a box with a word like gender-fluid. I'm just me"

I'm just not sure where are we going as a race, a people, a world? Do 51 categories of gender help people or create even more confusion? Does the study of human psychology become obsolete as so much of it is defined by our gender?

I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight



Quote from: The Iceman on February 27, 2014, 09:19:30 PM
I'm just not sure where are we going as a race, a people, a world?

I think we'll get by just fine.

QuoteDo 51 categories of gender help people or create even more confusion?

It helps people who are caught between male and female to accept that they don't have to artificially squeeze themselves into a category that they're not going to fit into. It's not about "creating confusing," it's about accepting the diversity that exists in the human race without putting artificial constraints on people just so that they can make the majority feel more comfortable.

Again, I compare it to the way left-handed people used to be mis-treated.  Accepting that some people prefer to write with their left hand has not "created confusion" or led to the collapse of the human race.

The Iceman

Quote from: Eamonnca1 on February 27, 2014, 09:24:06 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on February 27, 2014, 09:19:30 PM
I'm just not sure where are we going as a race, a people, a world?

I think we'll get by just fine.

QuoteDo 51 categories of gender help people or create even more confusion?

It helps people who are caught between male and female to accept that they don't have to artificially squeeze themselves into a category that they're not going to fit into. It's not about "creating confusing," it's about accepting the diversity that exists in the human race without putting artificial constraints on people just so that they can make the majority feel more comfortable.

Again, I compare it to the way left-handed people used to be mis-treated.  Accepting that some people prefer to write with their left hand has not "created confusion" or led to the collapse of the human race.

I think thats an unfair comparison Eamonn and a very strategic slight of hand in many ways. Comparing it to something we can all relate to and to which we would all stand behind conjuring up emotions based on something it isn't.
This isn't about left hand or right hand (two choices) this is about at least 51 choices. It's about taking something which your rock of science (which you cling to when it would seem to suit) says is either male or female and turning it into something different. What is gender-fluid two spirits in the world of science?

I think we're spiraling out of control as a people.

I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight