All Ireland Club Senior Semi-Finals

Started by armaghranger12, February 13, 2012, 02:19:54 PM

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Quote from: theticklemister on February 19, 2012, 09:22:16 PM
best kicker of the ball on display yesterday was the number 8 fella for Garrycastle! wouldnt mind getting the service he gave yesterday.

Seanie O'Donoghue has always been a brilliant kick passer.  He was an outstanding underage player but did his cruciate twice in his early 20's and as a result never played county senior.


I actually remember him from the Leinster final.
He was spraying the ball around that day too.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


Quote from: Jinxy on February 20, 2012, 12:23:21 AM
I actually remember him from the Leinster final.
He was spraying the ball around that day too.

You may also remember him from the Leinster u21 final in 2000 when we had a rare win over your lot. He was wing back that day at 18 years of age.


Calmed down a bit now and have watched the game a few times in the calm of victory.  For 20 minutes, as has been said by everyone, Dr Crokes were very good.  Their game plan of holding the ball up and having Buckley, Daithi Casey, O'DOnovan and in particular Brosnan making driving runs through the centre was very effective.  However, the reality is that this game is very is very labour intensive and the repeated tackles that the runners take means that they are worn out very quickly.  The 2 MFs and Caey in particular faded very badly and once Titch came on the launch pad for this was lost.  The reality is too that in that period the Crokes got 3-4 very crucial refereeing decisions, the square ball goal, Ambroses excavation to pick up a ball which let to a point and there were 1-2 very dubious frees which allowed the to keep the ball in the Cross half, one in particlular against PK.  We were fortunate once or twice as well, in particular a jersey pull by Titch should have afforded a 21 yard free which would have been scored. 

Of course we all know what happened in regards to Oisin taking responsibility.  I want to ask a very simple question, why could Cooper not do what Oisin did at the end of the first half when the Crokes needed him?  We often see lists of the greatest forward of the last 30 years etc etc.  Invariably the top 5 generally are Canavan, Maurice, Gooch, Joyce, Trevor Giles.  You will then have the mentions for Mattie Forde, Dessie Dolan, Donnellan but rarely Oisin is seen as the top class forward in the same class as these men.  I know I am biased, and I know he has been surrounded by great players, but he has been the fulcrum of the county team and the club team for years and is far from simply a free taker.  His point to kick start our comeback was brilliant.  He took it on himself to drive at the Crokes defence and was noy afraid to do it.  This is a man of 36 with probably over 400 games at all levels to his name and he still has the drive and ability to do that.  I have read on numerous forums that Crokes had better footballers but we were just a better team.  I personally believe that if you went man for man on ability wise we would come out on top in over half the positions.

The sending off was wrong and frankly if, for talk sake Aaron Cunningham did what the Crokes man did, which he nearly did against St Galls (ie coming through late and frontal), there would have been uproar with the dirty cynical northerners tag being thrown up.  The reality is that in a fairly clean game that didn't have a bad tackle the only instances of "cynical" play that I saw were this follow through on SK and the Gooch going down like he was shot when Oisin fouled him.  It was a fould but why did he feel the need to tuck his legs under himself and spin around other than to emphasize the fall and draw a card. 

The Crokes,by the time the game was really in the melting pot, were a spent force.  The had no leadership in the forward line, outside of Brosnan there was no drive around the middle and he was noticebly less forceful in the second half, and the defence were chasing shadows.  They were overkicking balls into the forward line and we were picking up a lot of lose ball and you'd swear we had the extra man.  On several occassions Skinny, PK and Paul McKeown picked up stray passes.  Gooch dropped balls, and on at least one occassion O'Leary was in his own full back line picking up the ball.  This was of no benefit to Crokes. 

Anyway, onto the final.  Garrycastle have a very tight unit and play a very simpl style.  Leave room for the 2 Dolans in the forward line and work the ball into the best position for them and Mulvihill to pick off scores.  They work exceptionally hard and in Dessie have a special player.  We will need Danny O back, Titch fully fit and SK to have his card lifted.  We will of course be favourites and that in itself can bring problems but the management are the best I have ever seen at taking boys down to the ground after a big win. Another factor is the experience of playing in the Final.  That in itself is invaluable. So long as we focus on playing our own game and do not underestimate Garrycastle then we can win but not easing up as some have suggested.


Firstly, congratulations to Cross on an outstanding display of character and resolve. I thought they were in big bother but the goal before half time brought it back.

The minutes leading up to that goal were, in my view, the iconic images from this game. I agree with BC1 that the mental strength of Cross is typified by Oisin McConville. The point he scored just before that goal lifted the team just as he has done on many occasions. Oisin never ever shirks responsibility. From the penalty miss in '02 (which would have finished a lesser man) to the winning goal, and to this latest performance, this isn't new. He was, I thought, initially thinking about a goal as that's what his side needed. He took the point then set up the goal a few minutes later. Sheer class.

The wider point I want to address, is why do intercounty teams not play like Cross? Why are no other teams coaching their players in this style. The corner backs kick the ball 30 yards and kick it accurately! The wing forwards kick the ball as soon as they get it. No soloing or very very little. There was the odd time the kick pass went astray but that wasn't the norm.

Why teams can't see that this conserves a hell of alot more energy in contrast to the constant running game is beyond me. Possession seems to be king in football. So, would Crossmaglen's style work at the top of intercounty level? Would it work verses a blanket defence Donegal style? Even Kerry, long regarded by themselves mainly, and others, as the artistes of the game, do not play like Cross. They tend to carry the ball to midfield before releasing.

Football at the top level is all about the percentages i.e. balls dropped, passes gone astray. Is this why the top intercounty teams choose not to play the Cross way preferring the running and handpassing game where athleticism takes precedence over footballing ability. Perhaps most intercounty players aren't able to kick the ball accurately. Or catch it under pressure. One of the hardest skills in the game is catching a ball with a defender all over you when you are meeting the ball at speed. It's much easier to take a handpass off the shoulder and 'cross the gain line' as that b*stard McStay would say.

You could argue Armagh tried to copy the Cross way last year. It worked v Down but it cost them the game v Derry. Maybe Cross are just better than Armagh :-)

Anyway, whatever the reasons Cross are a joy to watch and I applaud them...

Denn Forever

I concur.  Both semi finals were a joy to watch and I was thinking to myself it was a pity the IC football wasn't like this.

The most enjoyable football to watch is underage, Sigerson and club football.
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...



I know you say O'Callaghan would be a miss and he does a good job in the role he plays, but I thought McKeown was very good the other day and steadied things up somewhat when he was introduced.  Paul Kernan was excellent and didnt give an inch.  I know a final is a final but experience should see you through with a few points to spare on Patricks Day.

Croí na hÉireann

Great win in Longford on Sat, raging I couldn't make it but will be there for the final with bells on. It was a performance full of heart, vigor and belief and Garrycastle kept firing till the final whistle. Fair play to Anthony Cunningham, not only is he getting the best out of his players but he has them well set up and hard to break down, the Galway hurlers will have no excuse for failure this year.

As I predicted it was a nip and tuck match with a kick of the ball between the teams. Joe McQuillan is one of the better refs around but he employed an uncharacteristic officious style of referring on Sat, as did Coldrick in the other semi. The GAA obviously want to avoid mills, negative footage, etc. due to the recent incidents but they are doing a particular disservice to the partaking teams with this approach. McQuillan was throwing cards around like confetti and it very nearly cost Garrycastle, Shaughos first card was never a free never mind a booking. Couldn't see much contact in the second either but credit to the man, his instinct was to turn around to gee up his teammates and he lifted Duignan's chin up off the floor. Great leader and playing his best football in years, great partnership with Seanie O'Donoghue in the middle. Seanie's kick passing has already been mentioned but his ball in to Dessie for his secong point from play in the first half was unreal. Dessie had two men hanging out of him and one retreating to cover in front but Seanie was able to put it in the one position where Dessie could get it. Reminded me of an NFL quarter back, our very own Tebow. Paddy Mulvihill really helped out in the middle too, was surprised tbh, more of a luxury player. And this game was won in the middle I feel, Brigids just couldn't get enough ball in to Kilbride and Frankie wasn't at the races at all, or rather he wasn't given the time to pick off passes. It was unreal commitment in the middle third and they are flying fit. Maybe after Paddys Day when Cunningham has a bit more time he can take the physical training sessions for Westmeath.  :P

Another turning point was Mullins save in the second half when the game was in the melting pot. A fine dedicated keeper who gave many years to Westmeath and could consider himself unfortunate to find himself backup in both Aidan Lennon's and Gary's stints. Early yellow cards didn't help Henson or Doran but they never shirked the battle. James Dolan was everywhere as well and took his goal and point well, lovely check inside for the goal. Gary, Dillon and Duignan put in the hard yards and all took fine points when presented. Garrycastle also maintained a fine tradition on Saturday, a 100% record for Westmeath teams over Connacht teams in the senior championships, keep her lit.

All thoughts will turn towards Paddys Day and the final now. They will be massive underdogs and hopefully that will suit them as there will be zero pressure or expectation on them and they can just go out and play. I liken it to Offally Kerry in 82, they will need a sneaky push to edge it.  :P Have been threatening to go to the club finals for years but between matches and what not I've never managed it. Can't bloody wait for this now. This will be my third time to see them in this extended run of theirs, the other two being the replayed county final and the leinster final, a lucky omen I hope!

Crossmaglen in the other semi final were like a juggernaut, even at 7 points down you just knew they were never beaten. Feel sorry for Brosnan though, my motm, didn't deserve to be on the losing side. Surprised Crokes running game caused such problems, they won't be caught like that again. Hard to pick out anyone outstanding for Cross, like Garrycastle it was a committed team display. Hopefully it's a tight final but Cross hold all the big cards at the moment, great for a Westmeath team to be there.
Westmeath - Home of the Christy Ring Cup...


Quote from: Denn Forever on February 20, 2012, 11:20:46 AM
I concur.  Both semi finals were a joy to watch and I was thinking to myself it was a pity the IC football wasn't like this.

The most enjoyable football to watch is underage, Sigerson and club football.

Better players means less room for the good ones. My most cherished memories remain the 2001 and 2010 Connacht finals (coupled with the 2006 minor finals). Nothing can top that sort of unified passion and excitement of those occasions, both on and off the field.


Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on February 20, 2012, 10:54:03 AM
Calmed down a bit now and have watched the game a few times in the calm of victory.  For 20 minutes, as has been said by everyone, Dr Crokes were very good.  Their game plan of holding the ball up and having Buckley, Daithi Casey, O'DOnovan and in particular Brosnan making driving runs through the centre was very effective.  However, the reality is that this game is very is very labour intensive and the repeated tackles that the runners take means that they are worn out very quickly.  The 2 MFs and Caey in particular faded very badly and once Titch came on the launch pad for this was lost.  The reality is too that in that period the Crokes got 3-4 very crucial refereeing decisions, the square ball goal, Ambroses excavation to pick up a ball which let to a point and there were 1-2 very dubious frees which allowed the to keep the ball in the Cross half, one in particlular against PK.  We were fortunate once or twice as well, in particular a jersey pull by Titch should have afforded a 21 yard free which would have been scored. 

Of course we all know what happened in regards to Oisin taking responsibility.  I want to ask a very simple question, why could Cooper not do what Oisin did at the end of the first half when the Crokes needed him?  We often see lists of the greatest forward of the last 30 years etc etc.  Invariably the top 5 generally are Canavan, Maurice, Gooch, Joyce, Trevor Giles.  You will then have the mentions for Mattie Forde, Dessie Dolan, Donnellan but rarely Oisin is seen as the top class forward in the same class as these men.  I know I am biased, and I know he has been surrounded by great players, but he has been the fulcrum of the county team and the club team for years and is far from simply a free taker.  His point to kick start our comeback was brilliant.  He took it on himself to drive at the Crokes defence and was noy afraid to do it.  This is a man of 36 with probably over 400 games at all levels to his name and he still has the drive and ability to do that.  I have read on numerous forums that Crokes had better footballers but we were just a better team.  I personally believe that if you went man for man on ability wise we would come out on top in over half the positions.

The sending off was wrong and frankly if, for talk sake Aaron Cunningham did what the Crokes man did, which he nearly did against St Galls (ie coming through late and frontal), there would have been uproar with the dirty cynical northerners tag being thrown up.  The reality is that in a fairly clean game that didn't have a bad tackle the only instances of "cynical" play that I saw were this follow through on SK and the Gooch going down like he was shot when Oisin fouled him.  It was a fould but why did he feel the need to tuck his legs under himself and spin around other than to emphasize the fall and draw a card. 

The Crokes,by the time the game was really in the melting pot, were a spent force.  The had no leadership in the forward line, outside of Brosnan there was no drive around the middle and he was noticebly less forceful in the second half, and the defence were chasing shadows.  They were overkicking balls into the forward line and we were picking up a lot of lose ball and you'd swear we had the extra man.  On several occassions Skinny, PK and Paul McKeown picked up stray passes.  Gooch dropped balls, and on at least one occassion O'Leary was in his own full back line picking up the ball.  This was of no benefit to Crokes. 

Anyway, onto the final.  Garrycastle have a very tight unit and play a very simpl style.  Leave room for the 2 Dolans in the forward line and work the ball into the best position for them and Mulvihill to pick off scores.  They work exceptionally hard and in Dessie have a special player.  We will need Danny O back, Titch fully fit and SK to have his card lifted.  We will of course be favourites and that in itself can bring problems but the management are the best I have ever seen at taking boys down to the ground after a big win. Another factor is the experience of playing in the Final.  That in itself is invaluable. So long as we focus on playing our own game and do not underestimate Garrycastle then we can win but not easing up as some have suggested.

I've always thought that, if records are to go by then quite simply Oisin is probably the best footballer Ulster has ever seen, its hard to argue with. Some would say so and so has this medal and that medal but when you look at Oisins medal haul and records then it would be extremerly difficult to find anyone to match.


Quote from: Armaghgeddon on February 20, 2012, 02:11:24 PM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on February 20, 2012, 10:54:03 AM
Calmed down a bit now and have watched the game a few times in the calm of victory.  For 20 minutes, as has been said by everyone, Dr Crokes were very good.  Their game plan of holding the ball up and having Buckley, Daithi Casey, O'DOnovan and in particular Brosnan making driving runs through the centre was very effective.  However, the reality is that this game is very is very labour intensive and the repeated tackles that the runners take means that they are worn out very quickly.  The 2 MFs and Caey in particular faded very badly and once Titch came on the launch pad for this was lost.  The reality is too that in that period the Crokes got 3-4 very crucial refereeing decisions, the square ball goal, Ambroses excavation to pick up a ball which let to a point and there were 1-2 very dubious frees which allowed the to keep the ball in the Cross half, one in particlular against PK.  We were fortunate once or twice as well, in particular a jersey pull by Titch should have afforded a 21 yard free which would have been scored. 

Of course we all know what happened in regards to Oisin taking responsibility.  I want to ask a very simple question, why could Cooper not do what Oisin did at the end of the first half when the Crokes needed him?  We often see lists of the greatest forward of the last 30 years etc etc.  Invariably the top 5 generally are Canavan, Maurice, Gooch, Joyce, Trevor Giles.  You will then have the mentions for Mattie Forde, Dessie Dolan, Donnellan but rarely Oisin is seen as the top class forward in the same class as these men.  I know I am biased, and I know he has been surrounded by great players, but he has been the fulcrum of the county team and the club team for years and is far from simply a free taker.  His point to kick start our comeback was brilliant.  He took it on himself to drive at the Crokes defence and was noy afraid to do it.  This is a man of 36 with probably over 400 games at all levels to his name and he still has the drive and ability to do that.  I have read on numerous forums that Crokes had better footballers but we were just a better team.  I personally believe that if you went man for man on ability wise we would come out on top in over half the positions.

The sending off was wrong and frankly if, for talk sake Aaron Cunningham did what the Crokes man did, which he nearly did against St Galls (ie coming through late and frontal), there would have been uproar with the dirty cynical northerners tag being thrown up.  The reality is that in a fairly clean game that didn't have a bad tackle the only instances of "cynical" play that I saw were this follow through on SK and the Gooch going down like he was shot when Oisin fouled him.  It was a fould but why did he feel the need to tuck his legs under himself and spin around other than to emphasize the fall and draw a card. 

The Crokes,by the time the game was really in the melting pot, were a spent force.  The had no leadership in the forward line, outside of Brosnan there was no drive around the middle and he was noticebly less forceful in the second half, and the defence were chasing shadows.  They were overkicking balls into the forward line and we were picking up a lot of lose ball and you'd swear we had the extra man.  On several occassions Skinny, PK and Paul McKeown picked up stray passes.  Gooch dropped balls, and on at least one occassion O'Leary was in his own full back line picking up the ball.  This was of no benefit to Crokes. 

Anyway, onto the final.  Garrycastle have a very tight unit and play a very simpl style.  Leave room for the 2 Dolans in the forward line and work the ball into the best position for them and Mulvihill to pick off scores.  They work exceptionally hard and in Dessie have a special player.  We will need Danny O back, Titch fully fit and SK to have his card lifted.  We will of course be favourites and that in itself can bring problems but the management are the best I have ever seen at taking boys down to the ground after a big win. Another factor is the experience of playing in the Final.  That in itself is invaluable. So long as we focus on playing our own game and do not underestimate Garrycastle then we can win but not easing up as some have suggested.

I've always thought that, if records are to go by then quite simply Oisin is probably the best footballer Ulster has ever seen, its hard to argue with. Some would say so and so has this medal and that medal but when you look at Oisins medal haul and records then it would be extremerly difficult to find anyone to match.

This logic would make Mike Frank Russell probably the greatest fupballer in history. Maybe he is.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: hardstation on February 18, 2012, 02:22:19 PM
Have seen Cross a number of times this year and thought they would walk the AI. Can't see them winning this....


Quote from: AFS on February 18, 2012, 11:27:15 PM
I'm pretty sure you miss the next game, regardless if it falls outside of the suspension time window.
I think thats only in the national league, so should be a month if it sticks.


Quote from: Applesisapples on February 20, 2012, 02:36:03 PM
Quote from: AFS on February 18, 2012, 11:27:15 PM
I'm pretty sure you miss the next game, regardless if it falls outside of the suspension time window.
I think thats only in the national league, so should be a month if it sticks.

If any appeal is unsuccessful he misses the final. The rule is if there are no games within the time frame of the suspension then you automatically miss the nest game after the time suspension is up. So even though a 4 week ban would be up on 16th he still would miss the Final as it is the next game in the competition.


Oisin McConville, like Gooch, MF Russell, Mickey Linden, Joe Brolly and Peter Canavan was and is a formidable footballer and a special talent who unlike some of the afore mentioned hasn't faded from the scene. You can't gauge a player by his medal haul. Oisin still has it.