Electricity competition - Fund raising opportunity for NI clubs?

Started by snatter, May 25, 2010, 08:58:43 AM

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Airtricity are to start offering electricity supplies to residential properties in Northern Ireland next month. They claim that they will be 14% cheaper than NIE.

See http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/northern_ireland/8702519.stm

In England, where competiton is long established, these companies pay referrers a decent commission per customer signed.  I think its in the region of £30 to £40.

The GAA's network of clubs offers a great marketing route for this sort of thing.
As long as the tariff is cheaper than NIE's (and it has to be or there's no point), it's a win - win for both the GAA and the consumer.

Airtricity will be keen to sign up as many as possible, as quickly as possible, to make this exercise  feasible.

Does anybody know if the GAA in Ulster have approached Airtricity, or vice versa?
I think this could be a really good fund raiser - way better than the gaelic telecom.