The Many Faces of US Politics...

Started by Tyrones own, March 20, 2009, 09:29:14 PM

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Tyrones own

Quote from: heganboy on May 04, 2010, 03:55:19 AM
QuoteWhat's your thoughts on his handling(a week later) of the Oil leak in the gulf Katrina anyone?
Or the attempted car bomb in your back garden?

poor and slow and cant believe he didn't blame bush or the lobbyists that changed the legislation surrounding the oil rig safety features.
That's a bit of an understatement no harm to you...did you get a load of the list of people he was sending down there 12 days later ???
absolutely and completely over his head with no Idea of what he was even supposed to do...t**ser >:(
especially when I remember this out of him in Jan of last year: ::)
Quoteas for the attempted car bomb
Yet another massive failure for the ongoing joke that is Janet Napolitano
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Puckoon on May 03, 2010, 07:45:10 PM
Stew -  The US needs illegal workers, it really does. Maybe the current economic crisis has hurt many people - but all the people I hear bitching on the job forums and news lines in Reno are more than welcome to apply for the janitorial jobs, the McDonalds jobs and so on. They dont however. They would rather sit at home and bitch about whatever administration is in power and live off the state - at the same time crying about the mexicans taking their jobs. I would have GLADLY worked in McDonalds - or any other minimum paying job during the 8 months I was jobless - but my hands were tied in that I could only work in an area related to my degree in order to maintain legal status. I dont see the average unemployed american taking their future in their own hands right now and doing lower paying jobs just to be doing something. A slice of bread is better than no loaf - but they cant see that.

I am working as a janitor in a local hospital. Night after night I clean up piss, blood, shit, puke and anything else that comes out of a human while they are worked on in the trauma center in the Emergency Room. Does the job suck...YES. Does it pay the bills....sortof. I use to make my two week paycheck in about 5 hours worth of work before this depression (I can call it that because thats how I feel). But the old saying goes "beggars can't be choosers". There are several "professional" workers now working besides me or in other parts of the hospital to help keep a roof over their head or food for their kids.

The illegal immigrants do work the menial jobs because most can not speak or read english so the tend to fall into the "crappy" jobs. Also most of the jobs they take are paid in cash were no taxes, social security, unemployement or health insurance is taking from their income...hence the low pay that most Americans would not accept.

There is a mexican guy I work with who came to the states about 7 years ago legally, he despises the Mexicans who came here illegally and wants them deported. He states "why should these people get what they want without following the rules I had to...f**king puntas" .

Be a Republican, Democrat or Independent their are plenty of past Presidents, Congresses to blame for not controlling the borders to keep illegal imigrants from crossing the border or following up on person flying into the States and never leaving.

I was going to fly to Australia some years back to visit my old college roommate who went to school here in the States, in order to fly into OZ you had to have a round trip ticket before you board the plane. I don't know if thats the same here if someone from Europe flys here but it should be mandatory.

I hope this makes some sense, just worked a double(16hrs) so i could buy my books for summer classes, and I am dead tired.
Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014

Hedley Lamarr

Quote from: stew on May 03, 2010, 11:58:44 PM
Quote from: Hedley Lamarr on May 03, 2010, 07:26:41 PM
"That line about the illegals only doing work the yanks wont do is a lie, a damned lie, the same shite was spouted in Ireland and nothing could have been further from the truth."

Sure it you don't get a nose bleed up on that high horse of yours :D

I am not on a high horse, I know the score, I live in the states and I have a strong opinion on this, are you suggesting that illegal aliens have the right to be living in a country that didnt authorize their entry into the country?

Of course you do :D

look out behind you Stew....I think there are some Canadians trying to sneak cross the border......better get that BIG gun of yours

SMALL MAN SYNDROME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:

Hedley Lamarr

The next 9/11 links
Citing the possibility of a terrorist organization getting hold of a nuclear weapon as the greatest threat to US security, President Barack Obama persuaded 46 other countries at the recent Nuclear Security Summit to agree to secure the world's loose nuclear material.

Those leaders who came to Washington might have done more to avert a nuclear attack, however, if they had asked the US president to account for America's own loose nukes.

Of course, Obama may not even be aware of the egregious failure of the United States to secure its nuclear materials and know-how from the predation of its alleged "closest ally." But since Obama is unwilling to even "speculate" about which country in the Middle East has nuclear weapons, he could hardly be expected to acknowledge how it got them.

In a recent article aptly titled "America's Loose Nukes in Israel," Grant F. Smith, director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRMEP) and author of Spy Trade: How Israel's Lobby Undermines America's Economy, shows how "the US is a sieve for Israeli nuclear espionage."

The massive arms smuggling network set up by David Ben-Gurion in the US in the 1940s had acquired a nuclear branch within a decade, according to Smith. The 1955 purchase of the Apollo Steel Company plant in Pennsylvania was financed by David Lowenthal, a close friend of Israel's first prime minister and a former member of the Haganah, the precursor to the Israeli Army. The following year, Zalman Shapiro, head of a local Zionist Organization of America chapter, incorporated the Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corp. (NUMEC) at Apollo. Before long, NUMEC was receiving large quantities of highly enriched uranium and plutonium from Westinghouse and the US Navy for nuclear reprocessing.

By the 1960s, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) became suspicious of security lapses at NUMEC, and even considered suspending its "classified weapons work." A 1965 AEC audit discovered that 220 pounds of highly enriched uranium were unaccounted for. The following year, the FBI launched its own investigation, codenamed Project Divert, to monitor NUMEC's management and its frequent Israeli visitors. Nevertheless, the diversion of nuclear material to Israel continued unabated. After a Sept. 10, 1968 visit by four Israelis, including Mossad agent Rafi Eitan, a further 587 pounds of highly enriched uranium went missing.

Israel's nuclear espionage against the US didn't end with its accession to the nuclear club in the late 1960s, however. As former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds revealed, its smuggling network received crucial assistance from three high-ranking officials in the George W. Bush administration. All three have close ties to Israel's military-industrial complex.

According to the FBI whistleblower, Richard Perle and Douglas Feith provided Marc Grossman, the third highest-ranking official in the State Department, with a list of Department of Defense employees with access to sensitive data, including nuclear technology. The list also included highly sensitive personal details, such as sexual preference, problems with gambling or alcoholism and how much they owed on their mortgages. Grossman then passed on the information to Israeli and Turkish agents, who used it to "hook" those Pentagon officials. In addition, as Edmonds testified in an Ohio court case, the foreign operatives had recruited people "on almost every major nuclear facility in the United States."

After Israel and Turkey took what they wanted from the pilfered secrets, their agents offered what was left to the highest bidder. As Edmonds has told the Sunday Times, American Conservative and, nuclear information was sold on the black market, where anyone — even Al-Qaeda — could buy it.

So then, it would seem that those who shout loudest about the threat of terrorists — namely, neoconservatives like Perle, Feith and Grossman and their Israeli counterparts — are the very ones who are aiding them, at least indirectly, to acquire those much touted weapons of mass destruction.

But why, one might reasonably ask, would Israeli agents help their supposed enemies get hold of the bomb?

Well, what would be the likely outcome if Obama's worst fears of a nuclear attack on the US — or one of its allies — are realized?

Regardless of the facts, some Muslim country — most likely, Iran or Pakistan — would be blamed for aiding the terrorists. And it doesn't require an advanced degree in game theory to predict what America's reaction would be. The retaliation would be so swift and devastating that the designated evildoers might envy the fate of post-invasion Iraqis — also victims of an Israeli misdirection.

If, as Benjamin Netanyahu admitted, 9/11 was "very good" for Israel, a nuclear 9/11 might be even better. As the spellbinding effects of that traumatic event nine years ago have begun to wear off, and with Americans increasingly questioning the costs of a one-sided alliance, it may even be considered necessary.

I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:

give her dixie

Again, the subject of Nuclear weapons and who has them?

Israhell have approx 300 nuclear weapons. What does uncle Sam do?
Well, he digs deep into US pockets and gives them $7 million per day.
Gives them US spies to steal US secrets and nuclear technology.
Number of countries Israhell have invaded in past 60 years?
Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.
(Plus the US on 9/11, but the its only a matter of time before the truth comes out on this)

Has Israel signed up to the NPT?   No.

Iran have no nuclear weapons.
Have Iran signed the NPT? Yes
What does uncle Sam do?
Well, he is currently drawing up plans to attack Iran,
and Israhell is planning another 9/11 to begin another "Us against the Muslims illegal war".
Number of countries Iran has invaded in the past 300 years?

So, why is the US/Israel so determined to invade Iran?
Yes, thats right folks, they have the "Black Gold". And lots of it......

To see the disgraceful behaviour of several countries yesterday at the UN summit just proves
the fact that the west is gearing up for an attack on Iran.

How the hell can the US, France and Britan walk out of a meeting on Nuclear weapons
whenever it was the US and France who gave Israhell the nuclear weapons?
Plus, what moral high ground can the US and Britain stand on whenever they are
responsible for 2 illegal wars that have killed over 1 million innocent people, displaced
millions more, and wrecked their countries for the sake of the "Black Gold"?

But sure then again, the more stunts like these that the US and Britain can pull off,
the easier the job will be to attack Iran. Make them out to be another bad country,
and hey presto, the stupid sheeple will will all shout, "Hey bomb the shit out of those motherfckers".
We will send our sons and daughters to another one of your illegal wars. We don't care if they
live or die, just as long as you secure the "Black Gold", and gas for our monster trucks
will be cheaper to buy at the pumps.


On another note, how many people in the US were shocked and angry at the discovery of
the car bomb in New York at the weekend?
And how many of those were furious that it was a white man and not a muslim with dark skin
and a long beard?

next stop, September 10, for number 4......

give her dixie

US nuclear arsenal: A TOTAL OF 5,113 WARHEADS

The United States disclosed for the first time on Monday the overall size of its nuclear arsenal, saying it had a total of 5,113 warheads operationally deployed, kept in active reserve and held in inactive storage. Moreover, Israel is believed to be the sole nuclear power in the Middle East with more than 200 nuclear heads and is not even a signatory for the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT).

However, Washington and its main ally Israel are impudent enough to attack Iran's peaceful nuclear program claiming Tehran is seeking to develop a nuclear bomb and threatening to impose more sanctions against the Islamic republic.

Again the double standard policy seems to dominate the US talks, one can not but wonder how come the international community, led by the United Nations, doesn't raise its questions about the US and Israeli nuclear arsenals at a time it is seeking sanctions against the Islamic republic nuclear program based on "doubts" and "fears" that it may be using it for developing a nuclear bomb.   

According to figures released by the Pentagon, the total does not include warheads that have been retired and scheduled for dismantlement, an estimated 4,600 according to the Federation of American Scientists nonprofit group. The US nuclear arsenal has been reduced by 84% from its maximum level of 31,225 warheads at the end of fiscal year 1967.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday said that Iran's nuclear program put the world at risk and called on global nations to rally around US efforts to hold Tehran to account. "Iran is the only country represented in this hall that has been found by the IAEA board of governors to be currently in non-compliance with its nuclear safeguard obligations," Clinton said in a speech to a Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference at the United Nations.

"It has defied the UN Security Council and the IAEA and placed the future of the non-proliferation regime in jeopardy, and that is why it is facing increasing isolation and pressure from the international community," she said.

Clinton spoke to the meeting of the 189 signatories of the 1970 NPT just hours after Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blasted the United States for threatening to use nuclear arms, triggering a sharp American response and a walkout by several delegations.

Ahmadinejad said having nuclear weapons was "disgusting and shameful, and even more shameful is the threat to use, or to use, such weapons."

"Regrettably, the government of the United States has not only used nuclear weapons but also continues to threaten to use such weapons against other countries, including Iran," he said.

The Iranian president called for states that threaten to use atomic weapons to be punished, a clear reference to a new US nuclear strategy released last month.

He urged "considering any threat to use nuclear weapons or attack against peaceful nuclear facilities as a breach of international peace and security."

Such threats should meet with "swift reaction from the United Nations and termination of all cooperation of NPT member states with the threatening aggressor state," Ahmadinejad said, adding that among the punishments that should be meted out to countries that use, or threaten to use, atomic weapons against other nations is suspension from the board of governors of the UN nuclear watchdog in Vienna.

Ahmadinejad also hinted that Israel and an unnamed European country had made nuclear threats.

His attacks against the United States and its allies triggered the walkout. Delegates from the United States, Britain, France and several non-nuclear weapons states left the assembly hall.

The Iranian leader went on to attack Israel directly, saying, "The Zionist regime continues to threaten the countries of the Middle East with its arsenal. It continues to threaten the world's countries with acts of terror and invasion, and even gets the necessary assistance for its nuclear program."

The United States' so-called nuclear posture review reduces the role of atomic weapons in US defense policy but does not rule out the use of nuclear warheads against countries like Iran and North Korea that are according to the US considered to be "NPT violators".

According to the Iranian television IRIB reported that a Fox news reporter "was angry Monday that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been appreciated by the participants of the NPT Review Conference despite his critical remarks about US policies and calling Israel as Zionist regime .
IRIB added that "in his report, Fox news reporter Eric Shawn, also expressed regret that while President Ahmadinejad denied that his country was to make nuclear bomb and instead said that the US should be punished for possessing nuclear weapons, he was still appreciated by the participants . "

Both the United States and Israel have suggested that they could use military force against Iranian nuclear facilities, which they suspect are part of a covert atomic weapons program. Iran denies pursuing atomic weapons and insists its nuclear program is limited to peacefully generating electricity.

In his speech, Ahmadinejad rejected allegations that his country is developing nuclear weapons, citing "not a single credible proof."

Clinton said the world stood at a crossroads, facing a future either of sharply reduced nuclear risk or of a spread of nuclear-armed states and groups, and that issues such as Iran's nuclear program could determine which path is taken. "Rules must be binding. Violations must be punished. Words must mean something and the world must stand together to prevent the spread of these weapons," Clinton said. "It is time for a strong international response."

She also said the United States would ratify nuclear weapons-free zones in Africa and the South Pacific and also support "practical measures" to establish the Middle East as a region free of weapons of mass destruction - which could pique US ally Israel, presumed to have a sizable nuclear arsenal. However, Clinton later told reporters that conditions for such a zone in the Middle East did not yet exist.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......

give her dixie

Times Square bomb hoax, Israeli intel group shows its hand
Gordon Duff
Veterans Today
Sun, 02 May 2010 13:54 EDT

Who would have believed it? Only days after a warning of an Israeli "false flag" bombing against the US "in the works" a massive car bomb is discovered in Time Square! Better yet, though no intelligence organization in the world could discover anyone claiming responsibility for this embarrassing failure, SITE Intelligence, a group rumored as the "voice of the Mossad" has placed the blame on the Pakistani Taliban.

This is the same group that has come up with numerous bin Laden "audio" tapes, seemingly, though tiny and nearly totally unstaffed, whenever it is convenient for Israel to point a finger at someone, magically Site Intelligence, run by former IDF soldier Rita Katz, whose father was executed as a spy by Saddam Hussein, makes another "unbelievable" intelligence find.

Site Intelligence finds are not only timely for Israel, when the world is focused on claims they have been planning a 'dirty bomb' attack to send the US to war against Iran, but always tend to support mysterious organizations run from the caves of the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region.

Smoking gun?

After the demise of Iraq, victim of falsified intelligence, now eliminated as an Israeli competitor, all eyes turned to Pakistan, Islam's only nuclear state. To establish footholds to destabilize Pakistan, a pro-Indian/Israeli government under President Karzai was installed in Kabul.

After 9 years, no evidence of any terrorist activity involved in 9/11 has been found in Afghanistan. The great "net" meant to catch Osama bin Laden and armies of Al Qaeda terrorists came up empty. Instead, we are told from reliable sources that Arab nations friendly to the US released criminals, transporting them to Afghanistan.

These "foreign fighters", actually little more than "extras" in a massive global theatre, kept the small US forces engaged for years, all without any purpose other than to establish that a terrorist organization must have been in Afghanistan because there certainly was one after 2002.

Surrogate warfare on Pakistan

In addition to installing a government that would work directly with Israel and India to organize terrorist attacks on Pakistan, funding to destabilize the oil and gas rich republics of the former Soviet Union had to be raised.

Opium production under the Taliban had been eliminated. The new government quickly began a resurgence of opium production and heroin processing. Aided by agents of the Indian RAW and Israeli Mossad, the governments of Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan quickly fell under the influence of the 65 billion dollar a year Afghanistan drug empire.

Though the drugs may have been from Afghanistan, multiple intelligence agencies from Israel, India, Turkey and others, aided by military contracting firms contracted to the CIA, carried this plan forward.

Continual news stories tying Pakistan to failures to suppress terrorism or rumoring involvement in terrorism themselves flowed onto the world scene through western mainstream media, providing a clear footprint of a classic Mossad operation.

Not so "unexpected"

With the demise of Al Qaeda, an unnamed Taliban organization with a website only visible to one person on earth has now declared a mysterious and shadowy war against the United States, in New York City, a city under tight security but one with a very large Israeli/Mossad presence.

This was the same city where the "dancing Israeli's," celebrated 9/11 after filming the attacks. Their advance knowledge of the attacks has been one of the many puzzle pieces tying Israel to 9/11.

However, it wasn't until the "crotch bomber" of last Christmas that the breadth of Israel's penetration of US security was demonstrated with Abdulmohammed's attack tying directly to Tel Aviv.

Anyone who visits New York is aware that security there, especially in Time Square is the highest of anywhere in the world. The intelligence organizations protecting New York, including the world's best police force, leave only one organization as capable of this kind of effort, an organization with massive resources in the area, numerous Israeli/American assets and many residual relationships with Gulliani/Kerik/Bush era friends, friends conveniently "asleep at the switch" on 9/11.


Recent intelligence leaks from several agencies have warned of an impending "9/11 style" attack on a high value target in the US or Europe. Reports indicated that a conventional bomb enhanced with nuclear material would be used. Such a weapon would indicate sufficient "WMD" credentials in whipping up the necessary war frenzy to get the American public to overlook the history of falsified intelligence that drove them to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

However, a quickly thrown together "prank" terror attack taking advantage of the environmental disaster in the gulf and the president's presence there, when coordinated with the press campaign already in motion attempting to smear the Obama administration with the Katrina failures during the Bush presidency, is just too convenient.

With Iranian president Ahmadinejad and Secretary of State Clinton both scheduled to be in New York in the next 24 hours, and recent stories out of Israel trying to tie Iran to the Taliban, the issue of "timing" is a critical one.

The "managed press" aspect of this attack, the phony "web based" confession, the "keeping you safe" scare tactics and the continual drumming of Islamophobia is unmistakable.

Israel ties to Pakistan Taliban well established

The group blamed in the Site Intelligence/Israeli report, the Pakistani Taliban, has been responsible for hundreds of attacks in Pakistan, killing thousands of citizens. However, reliable sources have tied this group directly to Mossad/RAW training camps inside Afghanistan and Balochistan. The Pakistani Taliban have long been allies of Israel and India with 2000 terrorist trainers inside Afghanistan arming Pakistani Taliban terrorist group.

This has been confirmed, not only in direct briefings with the Pakistani ISPR and ISI but US military intelligence sources as well, who dispute the number of terrorist trainers, not their presence.

Terrorist groups inside Balochistan, the remote Pakistan province said to be a haven for Mossad attacks against Iran, claim to be headquartered in Israel. These groups work directly with the Pakistani Taliban and are another indication of this current "stunt" turning back on non-Islamic planners.

Always the same, "who gains?"

With Iran taking the propaganda offensive to the United States, a nation increasingly distancing itself from, not only the idea of supporting an Israeli attack on Iran, but Israel herself. Israel is under pressure to reestablish itself as America's partner in a long discredited "war on terror" that has been a huge embarrassment to the US.

A "very public" attack like his is a message to President Obama. "We can go where we want and our control of the press will put the blame on anything we do, on you."

With over 90% of America's terror arrests turning out to be innocent bystanders, some tortured for years, untold numbers "disappeared," Bush era failures have soured public support for hunting terrorist leaders who have increasingly been either captured by Pakistan or have been found to be negotiating with US forces. The "war on terror" had become an "Israeli franchise," making billions in increased military aid, some covertly transferred to Israel through "weapons replenishing" and fat military contracts taken from American firms.

The Marines in Afghanistan are using MRAP vehicles built in Israel, a country with nearly one million guest workers while America has over 30 million unemployed and an unused technology and industrial base better equipped for such production.

With the signature of this bombing being so close to that of the "crotch bombing," an attack with Israeli fingerprints from Nigeria to Yemen to Amsterdam, the "superfast" accusation against a Pakistani group was no surprise.

Ongoing investigation/FOX "Israeli asset" News attacks Obama

With New York police discounting the Pakistan connection to the bombing immediately, Fox News has unleashed an attack on the Obama administration in a well orchestrated manner, accusing democrats of "failing to protect the American people."

With both Site Intelligence and Fox News tied directly to Israel and the signature and timing of this attack showing clear Israeli fingerprints, Fox may be right.

America may be unable to protect itself from a nation still seen by most Americans as a close ally. No other nation has the capability of such an attack or the influence to orchestrate the news, an act already in motion.

If any finger is pointing anywhere, Fox News is telling us "Israel did it."
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: Hedley Lamarr on May 04, 2010, 09:54:16 AM
Quote from: stew on May 03, 2010, 11:58:44 PM
Quote from: Hedley Lamarr on May 03, 2010, 07:26:41 PM
"That line about the illegals only doing work the yanks wont do is a lie, a damned lie, the same shite was spouted in Ireland and nothing could have been further from the truth."

Sure it you don't get a nose bleed up on that high horse of yours :D

I am not on a high horse, I know the score, I live in the states and I have a strong opinion on this, are you suggesting that illegal aliens have the right to be living in a country that didnt authorize their entry into the country?

Of course you do :D

look out behind you Stew....I think there are some Canadians trying to sneak cross the border......better get that BIG gun of yours

SMALL MAN SYNDROME :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

If you are too ignorant to know that countries should secure their borders, especially the yanks you have issues.

The Canadian border is well policed unlike the Mexican one.

As for my gun, my home has been attacked twice, I have a wife and two kids that live with me, you bet yer arse I have a gun.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: give her dixie on May 04, 2010, 11:41:52 AM
Again, the subject of Nuclear weapons and who has them?

Israhell have approx 300 nuclear weapons. What does uncle Sam do?
Well, he digs deep into US pockets and gives them $7 million per day.
Gives them US spies to steal US secrets and nuclear technology.
Number of countries Israhell have invaded in past 60 years?
Palestine, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.
(Plus the US on 9/11, but the its only a matter of time before the truth comes out on this)

Has Israel signed up to the NPT?   No.

Iran have no nuclear weapons.
Have Iran signed the NPT? Yes
What does uncle Sam do?
Well, he is currently drawing up plans to attack Iran,
and Israhell is planning another 9/11 to begin another "Us against the Muslims illegal war".
Number of countries Iran has invaded in the past 300 years?

So, why is the US/Israel so determined to invade Iran?
Yes, thats right folks, they have the "Black Gold". And lots of it......

To see the disgraceful behaviour of several countries yesterday at the UN summit just proves
the fact that the west is gearing up for an attack on Iran.

How the hell can the US, France and Britan walk out of a meeting on Nuclear weapons
whenever it was the US and France who gave Israhell the nuclear weapons?
Plus, what moral high ground can the US and Britain stand on whenever they are
responsible for 2 illegal wars that have killed over 1 million innocent people, displaced
millions more, and wrecked their countries for the sake of the "Black Gold"?

But sure then again, the more stunts like these that the US and Britain can pull off,
the easier the job will be to attack Iran. Make them out to be another bad country,
and hey presto, the stupid sheeple will will all shout, "Hey bomb the shit out of those motherfckers".
We will send our sons and daughters to another one of your illegal wars. We don't care if they
live or die, just as long as you secure the "Black Gold", and gas for our monster trucks
will be cheaper to buy at the pumps.


On another note, how many people in the US were shocked and angry at the discovery of
the car bomb in New York at the weekend?
And how many of those were furious that it was a white man and not a muslim with dark skin
and a long beard?

You are a clampett of the highest order.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.

Carmen Stateside

Its obvious Stew watches to much Fox news.  Spend a few days around NY till you see how live can go on without all this crap about your status in the country. I am illegal, i pay my taxes so i have every right to use  the hospitals etc. or is it my taxes that send the poor young rednecks to places like Iraq to get killed.  Anyhow if there is any problem I'll just marry an American to gain status just like everyone else does these times
As for the bomb, i was thinking along the same lines as Hegenboy. It emay have been a dry run to see reactions of police etc.
Interesting that it is an American that is wanted.


Quote from: Carmen Stateside on May 04, 2010, 03:52:55 PM
Its obvious Stew watches to much Fox news.  Spend a few days around NY till you see how live can go on without all this crap about your status in the country. I am illegal, i pay my taxes so i have every right to use  the hospitals etc. or is it my taxes that send the poor young rednecks to places like Iraq to get killed.  Anyhow if there is any problem I'll just marry an American to gain status just like everyone else does these times
As for the bomb, i was thinking along the same lines as Hegenboy. It emay have been a dry run to see reactions of police etc.
Interesting that it is an American that is wanted.

Struck me as a Tim McVeigh type of effort, but the target doesn't make sense for that.

Tyrones own

Oh fcuk..I was wondering how long it would take
Till McVeigh would be mentioned in this...the PC
Passiveness knows no bounds on this board :o
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Carmen Stateside on May 04, 2010, 03:52:55 PM
Its obvious Stew watches to much Fox news.  Spend a few days around NY till you see how live can go on without all this crap about your status in the country. I am illegal, i pay my taxes so i have every right to use  the hospitals etc. or is it my taxes that send the poor young rednecks to places like Iraq to get killed.  Anyhow if there is any problem I'll just marry an American to gain status just like everyone else does these times
As for the bomb, i was thinking along the same lines as Hegenboy. It emay have been a dry run to see reactions of police etc.
Interesting that it is an American that is wanted.

Out of nothing more than sheer curiosity - how do you pay taxes on illegal status? Do you have the use of a social security number or something?

Carmen Stateside

TO his name has come up alot this last few days not just on here.
Puckoon i have a tax id number which is easily obtained no matter of status. Not sure if the the same applys for all states.


Quote from: heganboy on May 04, 2010, 03:55:19 AM
poor and slow and cant believe he didn't blame bush or the lobbyists that changed the legislation surrounding the oil rig safety features.
Other countries require remote control cut-off devices, the oil industry in the US persuaded the US government not to require them.