The Many Faces of US Politics...

Started by Tyrones own, March 20, 2009, 09:29:14 PM

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sid waddell

Quote from: trailer on January 12, 2021, 01:02:48 PM
Quote from: whitey on January 12, 2021, 12:34:14 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on January 12, 2021, 12:22:35 PM
And Indiana has some of the most lax gun laws in the country

And the gun laws everywhere in the country are nuts

Because the second amendment is a ludicrous piece of shit

Three year olds could write more sensible pieces of law

Town I grew up in Ireland has had more murders than the town I live in (which has thousands of people licensed to own a gun)

I don't know how anyone with any empathy, can see children gunned down in a classroom and not see a problem with that countries gun laws.
Extreme pathology of the mind, total brainwashing

Exhibited emphatically on this thread by several posters

sid waddell

Republican mega-donor and arch-Israeli apartheid lover Sheldon Adelson is dead

Seamus will be devastated


Quote from: five points on January 12, 2021, 12:57:06 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on January 12, 2021, 12:48:12 PM
The Republican Party is the Confederate Party

The idea of the Confederacy is American Nazism

The Confederacy was never routed like the Nazis

It was allowed survive, both in government and in the general culture

What America has had for the last 156 years is like if the Nazis had been allowed to regroup in Germany post World War II

Calls for "unity" are effectively calls for tolerance of Nazism - but you can't run a country like that

Nobody with power is taking the threat remotely seriously enough

For America to "heal", the American Nazis have to be defeated, routed, driven into the dust, and a stake plunged through the rotten heart of their rotten ideology

And even then, there's always a risk of it returning

Everything you say here is based on lies.

Lincoln was a Republican.

The Southern Democrats founded and established the Confederacy.

The Confederates were Democrats.

20th century Democrat, Confederate apologist and segregationist Strom Thurmond picked Joe Biden to deliver the eulogy at his funeral, which took place in 2003.

How is any of that, including Biden giving the eulogy for a long time Senate colleague, relevant to the GOP's current status as the party of the confederacy?

Did Congress not just override Trump's veto of legislation which he objected to on account of a measure to remove the names of confederate "heroes" from military bases?

Have the right not been having collective fits over the past decade on the subject of getting rid of statues of confederate generals? Do right wing rallies not feature confederate battle flags all over the place?

Do progressives and liberals speak about the "war between the states" or the "war of northern aggression"?

Is the left trying to mold school history curriculums to downplay the role of slavery and racism in American history?

Specifically on Biden, he didn't endorse the racist views of Thurmond, who, remember, left the Dems for the GOP the minute LBJ signed the civil rights act in 1964. The Senate was a different place back then, where politicians of all stripes built relationships even where they were ideologically bitterly opposed. People can be personally close, even where they may have serious disagreements philosophically. Look at the late US Supreme Court justices, RBG and Antonin Scalia. About as diametrically opposed politically and philosophically as you could imagine, yet personally extremely close, to the extent that they spent New Year's Eves together for decades.

Two of America's greatest presidents, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt, were Republicans. They wouldn't be today. And if they wanted to, they wouldn't be welcome. Mitt Romney, their presidential candidate a mere eight years ago, is barely tolerated.

five points

Quote from: sid waddell on January 12, 2021, 01:06:42 PM
Standard issue pro-Republican response

My post is the truth and you don't like it because you have Confederate sympathies

The Democratic party was indeed the Confederate party - it should have been driven into the dust after the Civil War

As it happened the parties ended up swapping places in the century afterwards - this was a process completed by the Civil Rights Act, when the Democrats lost the white south forever - because the white South was and is iredeemably racist - and became the party of choice for minorities - and the Republicans became once and for all the Confederate party

Today the Republican party is the Confederate party, it is the American Nazi Party, it is the white supremacist party

This is basic history and it's quite astonishing you didn't know it

If so, why did Joe Biden, of all people, deliver the eulogy at the funeral of America's most prominent 20th century Confederate apologist, only 17 years ago?

five points

Quote from: J70 on January 12, 2021, 01:17:32 PM
How is any of that, including Biden giving the eulogy for a long time Senate colleague, relevant to the GOP's current status as the party of the confederacy?

Because your claim to that effect is bogus.


Quote from: five points on January 12, 2021, 01:25:34 PM
Quote from: J70 on January 12, 2021, 01:17:32 PM
How is any of that, including Biden giving the eulogy for a long time Senate colleague, relevant to the GOP's current status as the party of the confederacy?

Because your claim to that effect is bogus.


sid waddell

Quote from: five points on January 12, 2021, 01:23:33 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on January 12, 2021, 01:06:42 PM
Standard issue pro-Republican response

My post is the truth and you don't like it because you have Confederate sympathies

The Democratic party was indeed the Confederate party - it should have been driven into the dust after the Civil War

As it happened the parties ended up swapping places in the century afterwards - this was a process completed by the Civil Rights Act, when the Democrats lost the white south forever - because the white South was and is iredeemably racist - and became the party of choice for minorities - and the Republicans became once and for all the Confederate party

Today the Republican party is the Confederate party, it is the American Nazi Party, it is the white supremacist party

This is basic history and it's quite astonishing you didn't know it

If so, why did Joe Biden, of all people, deliver the eulogy at the funeral of America's most prominent 20th century Confederate apologist, only 17 years ago?
Because Biden obviously believes in saying nice things about people who have died who he knew personally or knew from work

Sometimes he may be mistaken or misguided in that opinion, as he was probably was here

It's a bizarre point you're trying to make

Strom Thurmond left the Democratic party in 1964 and became a Republican

I was just wondering if you had any knowledge of why Thurmond did that, and if so, maybe you might impart that knowledge to us

I note you haven't pointed out anything in my posts that is untrue

I wonder why


sid waddell

Quote from: J70 on January 12, 2021, 01:17:32 PM

Specifically on Biden, he didn't endorse the racist views of Thurmond, who, remember, left the Dems for the GOP the minute LBJ signed the civil rights act in 1964. The Senate was a different place back then, where politicians of all stripes built relationships even where they were ideologically bitterly opposed. People can be personally close, even where they may have serious disagreements philosophically. Look at the late US Supreme Court justices, RBG and Antonin Scalia. About as diametrically opposed politically and philosophically as you could imagine, yet personally extremely close, to the extent that they spent New Year's Eves together for decades.

See the thing with lads like "five points" is they "debate" from an obviously bad faith position

If a Democrat (or somebody on the broad left) is friends with a Republican (or somebody on the broad right), or says something nice about them, that to "five points" and his like is something to be jumped on in a cynical manner

If a Democrat personally dislikes Republicans because the Democrat cannot separate the Republican as a person from their hateful beliefs, the likes of "five points" also tries to seize on that

So nothing is good enough for "five points" - damned if you do,  damned if you don't

Basically "five points", like pretty much all right-wingers these days (because right-wing politics has descended into such a shitshow) doesn't really have any sort of constructive world view whatsoever, cannot verbalise what they believe in in any positive sense whatsoever, and really has nothing only a Putinist ultra-cynicism where everything they say is about creating some sort of imagined "gotcha" against people they dislike

It's a really, really, sad, unhealthy mindspace to be in - and sadly that is right-wing ideology in a nutshell

Right-wing ideology has failed, so the only thing it has is to try and drag everything else down with it - its a form of nihilism

sid waddell

Quote from: J70 on January 12, 2021, 01:17:32 PM

Two of America's greatest presidents, Lincoln, and Teddy Roosevelt, were Republicans. They wouldn't be today. And if they wanted to, they wouldn't be welcome. Mitt Romney, their presidential candidate a mere eight years ago, is barely tolerated.
Sure Mike Pence is as right-wing conservative as it gets and they now literally want to hang him


A slight deviation from the topic at hand and I am sure it has been answered but can someone remind me why we use to see a confederate flag at cork games?

five points

Quote from: J70 on January 12, 2021, 01:41:20 PM
Quote from: five points on January 12, 2021, 01:25:34 PM
Quote from: J70 on January 12, 2021, 01:17:32 PM
How is any of that, including Biden giving the eulogy for a long time Senate colleague, relevant to the GOP's current status as the party of the confederacy?

Because your claim to that effect is bogus.


Because the GOP is clearly not the party of the Confederacy.


Quote from: Solo_run on January 12, 2021, 02:38:55 PM
A slight deviation from the topic at hand and I am sure it has been answered but can someone remind me why we use to see a confederate flag at cork games?

The "Rebel" County

Confederates were also known as Rebels

five points

Quote from: sid waddell on January 12, 2021, 01:57:35 PM
Quote from: J70 on January 12, 2021, 01:17:32 PM

Specifically on Biden, he didn't endorse the racist views of Thurmond, who, remember, left the Dems for the GOP the minute LBJ signed the civil rights act in 1964. The Senate was a different place back then, where politicians of all stripes built relationships even where they were ideologically bitterly opposed. People can be personally close, even where they may have serious disagreements philosophically. Look at the late US Supreme Court justices, RBG and Antonin Scalia. About as diametrically opposed politically and philosophically as you could imagine, yet personally extremely close, to the extent that they spent New Year's Eves together for decades.

See the thing with lads like "five points" is they "debate" from an obviously bad faith position

If a Democrat (or somebody on the broad left) is friends with a Republican (or somebody on the broad right), or says something nice about them, that to "five points" and his like is something to be jumped on in a cynical manner

If a Democrat personally dislikes Republicans because the Democrat cannot separate the Republican as a person from their hateful beliefs, the likes of "five points" also tries to seize on that

So nothing is good enough for "five points" - damned if you do,  damned if you don't

Basically "five points", like pretty much all right-wingers these days (because right-wing politics has descended into such a shitshow) doesn't really have any sort of constructive world view whatsoever, cannot verbalise what they believe in in any positive sense whatsoever, and really has nothing only a Putinist ultra-cynicism where everything they say is about creating some sort of imagined "gotcha" against people they dislike

It's a really, really, sad, unhealthy mindspace to be in - and sadly that is right-wing ideology in a nutshell

Right-wing ideology has failed, so the only thing it has is to try and drag everything else down with it - its a form of nihilism

If a 21st century Republican Presidential candidate had delivered Thurmond's eulogy, you wouldn't be trying to explain away their friendship and you would most definitely be condemning that act as an endorsement of his racism.

And you're wasting your time insulting me. Nobody here has the first clue who I am anyway.


Thanks Whitey.

If you want to see the difference between Republican and Democrats just watch the relevant news channels.