The Many Faces of US Politics...

Started by Tyrones own, March 20, 2009, 09:29:14 PM

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Trump is stranger than fiction. Havingt his nice piece of ass daughter in on an unbriefed meeting with the Japanese PM and his son in law breaking nepotism laws. I vaguely remember seeing him in the Sunday Times in the 80s. He was the kind of rich asshole Murdoch sold the plebs.  It would be fitting for Thatcherism to collapse while he is in charge 


Quote from: sid waddell on November 20, 2016, 06:40:58 PM
Quote from: muppet on November 20, 2016, 06:24:18 PM
Donald J. Trump  ✔ @realDonaldTrump
I watched parts of @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live last night. It is a totally one-sided, biased show - nothing funny at all. Equal time for us?

Who is 'us'?

Does he still think he is in an election campaign?
The poor snowflake.

Lol....he's just after ripping a page out of the Democratic playbook....outraged at everything


Quote from: whitey on November 20, 2016, 09:02:32 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on November 20, 2016, 06:40:58 PM
Quote from: muppet on November 20, 2016, 06:24:18 PM
Donald J. Trump  ✔ @realDonaldTrump
I watched parts of @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live last night. It is a totally one-sided, biased show - nothing funny at all. Equal time for us?

Who is 'us'?

Does he still think he is in an election campaign?
The poor snowflake.

Lol....he's just after ripping a page out of the Democratic playbook....outraged at everything

Yes he is just like Obama.
MWWSI 2017


Expendable America
Charles Simic

Matt Black/Magnum Photos

Harlan County, Cumberland, Kentucky, 2015
     Donald Trump "may not be good for America, but he's damn good for CBS."
     —Les Moonves, President and Chief Executive Officer of CBS

The Ship of State is sinking and a rooster is chasing a hen in a neighbor's yard. How can that be? A woman is hanging her husband's underwear on the laundry line and singing to herself. The dead leaves are dancing on the ground while a few jump high in the air as if trying to get back on a branch they fell from. A strange dog in my driveway is looking off into the distance and wagging his tail. Don't any of them have patriotic feelings? The Ship of State, festooned with Trump/Pence election signs, is sinking. Shouldn't we all fall silent in awe? The bare trees look spooked though it's past Halloween. The president-elect with a spyglass and his orange pompadour shouts from the crow's nest that he can see thousands of Muslims on rooftops in New Jersey still celebrating the collapse of the Twin Towers—unless I'm hallucinating, but who nowadays can be sure their eyes and ears work? If he is bonkers, as he surely is, many of us are too, like that woman hanging laundry to dry on a day cold enough to snow.

All of us who are familiar with rural areas and former industrial towns in this country know the impoverishment and hopelessness of many men and women who live there. Barely surviving by holding part-time jobs, since businesses now rarely hire full-time workers in order to avoid paying benefits, they are not just underpaid and constantly in debt, but know in their hearts that they and their children are expendable. Understandably, they are angry. When Democrats proclaimed that the economy was doing well and that we were still the greatest country in the world, they started listening to Trump, who told them what they could already plainly see, that we are in decline. These unfortunates, who've been cheated and swindled by bosses, mortgage banks, loan sharks, health insurance companies, and both political parties, have put all their hopes in a billionaire who has a long record of not paying taxes, cheating his workers and contractors out of their pay, and seemingly using his own "charitable" foundation as a slush fund. They voted for a buffoon who doesn't care whether they live or die.

They got plenty of help in making that decision. Having a candidate as uninspiring as Hillary Clinton, whose weaknesses ought to have been obvious to the party that nominated her and even more so after she lost the white working classes and the young people to Bernie Sanders in the primaries, as it was to many other Americans, including those like me who voted for her, turned out to be a catastrophic error. Not that it is easy to run a national campaign in a country so polarized as ours, split between liberal and conservative voters, urban and rural, educated and uneducated, religious and secular, rich and poor, with the predictable class animosities between them; and with the Internet and social media as our main source of information, a medium ideal for spreading lies and brainwashing the gullible. Without it ISIS could not have gotten all those tens of thousands of recruits and an outright huckster could not have become president of the United States.
It took years of deliberate effort by vested interests to create this "proudly ignorant populism," as someone called it, know-nothing voters who are easily led by the nose, incapable of distinguishing lies from truth, or an honest person from a crook. Easily duped, they can be depended on to act against their own self-interest again and again. Throw into the mix racism, misogyny, hatred of immigrants, gays, and other minorities, the dumbing down of the population by inadequate education, suspicion of learning, rejection of science and history, and dozens of other things like guns and violence, and you have the kind of environment in which people chose their next president.
"Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated are confident they are acting on their own free will," Goebbels said. Everywhere one turns one hears people parroting lies as if they were their own carefully considered personal opinions. The upshot is that an alternate reality has been constructed for millions in this country over the last couple of decades thanks to TV, talk radio, and the Internet. Spreading falsehoods, of course, is very profitable, as con artists of every type from mealy-mouthed preachers addressing their mega churches to those touting loans that require no background check can tell you. Lies sell everything from fattening foods to "your computer is damaged and we'll help you fix it" scams. The basic requirement for democratic governance—that the majority of the population agrees on the parameters of what is true and what is false—has been deliberately obfuscated in this country. The absence of accountability for repeated fraud by those in power, both in government and in the private sector, the proliferation of fake grass-root organizations, think tanks, and lobbyist firms funded by the wealthy to deceive their fellow citizens and turn them against one another, has become the most characteristic feature of our political life. A genuinely functioning democracy endangers powerful interests and those working so hard and making so much money to destroy it, since they may sooner or later end up in jail.
To mislead one's fellow citizens on such a vast scale is evil. We've seen it before. Never the good old days, of course, but the vile stuff we imagined we'd never see again. How is it possible that mass murder and torture, till yesterday universally condemned, now have their proponents, not just among religious fanatics, but among millions of Americans, including those running for the highest office in the land? The world seems to be divided today between those horrified to see history repeat itself and those who eagerly await its horrors.
In the meantime, I bet the fortune tellers in their storefronts are all depressed, since their prospective clients already know what the future holds. Once the new president settles in and brings the dregs of our society into his administration and they appoint other corrupt and worthless men and women to other positions in the government and start settling scores with their political and personal enemies and keeping their most rabid followers happy by deporting, persecuting, or physically abusing some minority, we won't need a crystal ball to tell us what's in store for us. Thank God, there are all these leaves still to rake in my yard and take my mind off this subject, and the quiet waters of the lake to reflect the setting sun just before a great dark night descends upon us bringing the kind of quiet that makes one hesitate to go indoors just yet, despite the chill, and turn on the first light in the house.

sid waddell

Sunday Independent, February 5th, 1933


Hitler deserves a chance

Protests by opposition supporters are just childish - the new German Chancellor is not a racist and will undoubtedly row back on his more populist promises, says Eoin Harrison

The reaction from all over the world to Adolf Hitler's appointment as German Chancellor has been nothing short of hysterical, to the point of it even being a little amusing.

Smug, all-knowing left-wing liberals everywhere have been pontificating from behind the safety of their typewriters. They have little understanding of what real Germans are thinking and how Hitler has perfectly tapped into the mood of the times in a way the metropolitan liberal elites have completely failed to do.

Hitler has promised to bring the jobs back to failing industrial areas, get better trade deals for Germany, rebuild the country's infrastructure, eradicate the corruption of the Berlin insiders, fix the financial system, and clamp down on immigration, especially Jewish immigration. This appeals to real Germans, and the left simply don't get it.

I travelled over to Germany for the last few days of the campaign and was tremendously enthused by what I saw. Hitler has made politics relevant to the ordinary man in a way it hasn't been since the days of Bismarck. He's not a politician. He has charisma, people listen to him. People may lampoon his facial hair, but that's part of the charm.

He's an outsider and that's what the people want. The enthusiasm at his rallies has to be seen to be believed. That enthusiasm is undoubtedly good for democracy. I attended a rally in Nuremberg three days before the election. Critics have branded his supporters as "racists and anti-semites". These people are no racists or anti-semites. They're just ordinary Helmuts and Hildegaards who are sick of seing their country decline and want to make it great again. They believe Hitler will do that. And so do I.

The out of touch, politically correct classes moan about him not having won a majority of the votes – this completely misses the point. The German system is a democratic parliamentary one - a representative democracy designed specifically to protect against the worst excesses of demagoguery - that was the genius of the founding fathers of the Republic who wrote the constitution in 1919. The lessons of the Great War period have been learnt. Hitler will be no new Kaiser – he won't be free to exert his own authority in an unfettered way, but subject to the checks and balances of the system.

The most hysterical commentary on Hitler's election has surrounded his promises on Jews and immigrants. Let's get real here. Hitler is no racist and no anti-semite. He is a pragmatist and knows that he will need the support of all ethnic groups going forward if he is to make this administration a success.

Jews will not be deported, they will not be discriminated against. There will be no crackdown on a free press. Talk of invading other countries is so ludicrous as to be unworthy of a response.

But one thing is for sure. Hitler and his team tell it like it is. Real Germany is sick of the political correctness surrounding political discussion. Michael Flinz, the man rumoured to be Hitler's choice as National Security Chief, has said that "fear of Jews is rational". That's a sensible and in no way racist or anti-semitic point to make. But those outside of Germany who don't understand the situation have blown the comment into something it's not. Rational discussion is impossible amidst such overblown reaction.

There's a serious lesson here for the left. They have neglected the concerns of the ordinary German. They must address that if they want to be relevant again. They must learn that it's not anti-semitic to object to Jews taking their jobs or peddling their far-left influence in academia. Allegations of anti-semitism lose their meaning if they're thrown around like confetti. Let's hear no more of them from those who don't understand what's happening on the ground.

Berlin insiders have been apoplectic as Hitler moves to appoint his new team. The biased liberal media have added to the noise surrounding the appointment of the new cabinet by claiming, without any evidence whatsoever, that the process was in "chaos". National broadcaster, Cable Nachrichten Networken (CNN ) - known good humouredly by the Nazi camp as the "Communist News Network" – even said there was a metaphorical "knife fight" going on. Rest assured, knives have no place in this new administration.

Already, six days into his tenure, Hitler is showing strong signs of rowing back on his campaign rhetoric, governing from the centre and being a Chancellor for all the people. He has so far appointed two popular and well respected ministers. Wilhelm Frick, the new Interior Minister, is strong on policy details, a superb organiser, and said to be "a safe pair of hands who will relish the cut and thrust of parliamentary debate", while Hermann Goering, ridiculously accused by left-wingers of being an anti-semite, is seen as a maverick who won't be afraid to do some straight talking in the new coalition cabinet in his role as Minister Without Portfolio.

Joseph Goebbels, owner of the extremely popular alternative newspaper Breitburst, has made a name for himself as a gifted journalist and communicator and is hotly tipped to become Communications Minister. Allegations that he is an anti-semite and an irresponsible hothead are also well wide of the mark. He's another very talented maverick who will do a fine job if appointed.

Heinrich Himmler is tipped for a major role in the Defence department. Widely respected across party lines and viewed as extremely capable and versatile, he'll bring a calm head and a common sense attitude to the cabinet.

So overall, Hitler has surrounded himself with people he can trust, and looks like he'll have the backing of a very strong team, perhaps the strongest since Bismarck.

I was heartened by the Taoiseach's message of congratulations to the new Chancellor. Ireland and Germany have always had a close relationship and I expect that to continue without any problems over the coming years.

Hitler has won his chance. Let's give him that chance. Pessimism about his leadership is misplaced. This outsider has been written off many times but always won against the odds. And, whisper it, he may just turn out to be an inspired choice.

Eoin Harrison

Jell 0 Biafra

Good stuff, Sid.  You should send that on to The Onion, or waterford whispers.


This cvnt is completely unhinged

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up there with you. I like brawling."


Quote from: whitey on November 20, 2016, 09:02:32 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on November 20, 2016, 06:40:58 PM
Quote from: muppet on November 20, 2016, 06:24:18 PM
Donald J. Trump  ✔ @realDonaldTrump
I watched parts of @nbcsnl Saturday Night Live last night. It is a totally one-sided, biased show - nothing funny at all. Equal time for us?

Who is 'us'?

Does he still think he is in an election campaign?
The poor snowflake.

Lol....he's just after ripping a page out of the Democratic playbook....outraged at everything

Took the words right outta my mouth whitey, everything he does they will hammer him, maybe the rules apply to everyone but p
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: sid waddell on November 20, 2016, 11:59:53 PM
Sunday Independent, February 5th, 1933


Hitler deserves a chance

Protests by opposition supporters are just childish - the new German Chancellor is not a racist and will undoubtedly row back on his more populist promises, says Eoin Harrison

The reaction from all over the world to Adolf Hitler's appointment as German Chancellor has been nothing short of hysterical, to the point of it even being a little amusing.

Smug, all-knowing left-wing liberals everywhere have been pontificating from behind the safety of their typewriters. They have little understanding of what real Germans are thinking and how Hitler has perfectly tapped into the mood of the times in a way the metropolitan liberal elites have completely failed to do.

Hitler has promised to bring the jobs back to failing industrial areas, get better trade deals for Germany, rebuild the country's infrastructure, eradicate the corruption of the Berlin insiders, fix the financial system, and clamp down on immigration, especially Jewish immigration. This appeals to real Germans, and the left simply don't get it.

I travelled over to Germany for the last few days of the campaign and was tremendously enthused by what I saw. Hitler has made politics relevant to the ordinary man in a way it hasn't been since the days of Bismarck. He's not a politician. He has charisma, people listen to him. People may lampoon his facial hair, but that's part of the charm.

He's an outsider and that's what the people want. The enthusiasm at his rallies has to be seen to be believed. That enthusiasm is undoubtedly good for democracy. I attended a rally in Nuremberg three days before the election. Critics have branded his supporters as "racists and anti-semites". These people are no racists or anti-semites. They're just ordinary Helmuts and Hildegaards who are sick of seing their country decline and want to make it great again. They believe Hitler will do that. And so do I.

The out of touch, politically correct classes moan about him not having won a majority of the votes – this completely misses the point. The German system is a democratic parliamentary one - a representative democracy designed specifically to protect against the worst excesses of demagoguery - that was the genius of the founding fathers of the Republic who wrote the constitution in 1919. The lessons of the Great War period have been learnt. Hitler will be no new Kaiser – he won't be free to exert his own authority in an unfettered way, but subject to the checks and balances of the system.

The most hysterical commentary on Hitler's election has surrounded his promises on Jews and immigrants. Let's get real here. Hitler is no racist and no anti-semite. He is a pragmatist and knows that he will need the support of all ethnic groups going forward if he is to make this administration a success.

Jews will not be deported, they will not be discriminated against. There will be no crackdown on a free press. Talk of invading other countries is so ludicrous as to be unworthy of a response.

But one thing is for sure. Hitler and his team tell it like it is. Real Germany is sick of the political correctness surrounding political discussion. Michael Flinz, the man rumoured to be Hitler's choice as National Security Chief, has said that "fear of Jews is rational". That's a sensible and in no way racist or anti-semitic point to make. But those outside of Germany who don't understand the situation have blown the comment into something it's not. Rational discussion is impossible amidst such overblown reaction.

There's a serious lesson here for the left. They have neglected the concerns of the ordinary German. They must address that if they want to be relevant again. They must learn that it's not anti-semitic to object to Jews taking their jobs or peddling their far-left influence in academia. Allegations of anti-semitism lose their meaning if they're thrown around like confetti. Let's hear no more of them from those who don't understand what's happening on the ground.

Berlin insiders have been apoplectic as Hitler moves to appoint his new team. The biased liberal media have added to the noise surrounding the appointment of the new cabinet by claiming, without any evidence whatsoever, that the process was in "chaos". National broadcaster, Cable Nachrichten Networken (CNN ) - known good humouredly by the Nazi camp as the "Communist News Network" – even said there was a metaphorical "knife fight" going on. Rest assured, knives have no place in this new administration.

Already, six days into his tenure, Hitler is showing strong signs of rowing back on his campaign rhetoric, governing from the centre and being a Chancellor for all the people. He has so far appointed two popular and well respected ministers. Wilhelm Frick, the new Interior Minister, is strong on policy details, a superb organiser, and said to be "a safe pair of hands who will relish the cut and thrust of parliamentary debate", while Hermann Goering, ridiculously accused by left-wingers of being an anti-semite, is seen as a maverick who won't be afraid to do some straight talking in the new coalition cabinet in his role as Minister Without Portfolio.

Joseph Goebbels, owner of the extremely popular alternative newspaper Breitburst, has made a name for himself as a gifted journalist and communicator and is hotly tipped to become Communications Minister. Allegations that he is an anti-semite and an irresponsible hothead are also well wide of the mark. He's another very talented maverick who will do a fine job if appointed.

Heinrich Himmler is tipped for a major role in the Defence department. Widely respected across party lines and viewed as extremely capable and versatile, he'll bring a calm head and a common sense attitude to the cabinet.

So overall, Hitler has surrounded himself with people he can trust, and looks like he'll have the backing of a very strong team, perhaps the strongest since Bismarck.

I was heartened by the Taoiseach's message of congratulations to the new Chancellor. Ireland and Germany have always had a close relationship and I expect that to continue without any problems over the coming years.

Hitler has won his chance. Let's give him that chance. Pessimism about his leadership is misplaced. This outsider has been written off many times but always won against the odds. And, whisper it, he may just turn out to be an inspired choice.

Eoin Harrison

Is this the way liberals are going to portray Trump? What classless bastards!
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: whitey on November 21, 2016, 02:01:59 AM

This cvnt is completely unhinged

"You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn't wear a veil. You know, guys like that ain't got no manhood left anyway. So it's a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them. Actually it's quite fun to fight them, you know. It's a hell of a hoot. It's fun to shoot some people. I'll be right up there with you. I like brawling."

1500 American vets have no testicles. IEDS are cheap. Place them at waist hight . Armour is no ptotection. It''s fun to mangle US soldiers I imagine. In Afghanistan.


Sid, did you write this piece? It's terrific.

sid waddell

Quote from: stew on November 21, 2016, 05:44:56 AM

Is this the way liberals are going to portray Trump? What classless b**tards!
Is it a conscious decision on your part to model your writing style on Trump's twitter messages or is that simply your natural style that you arrived at all by yourself?

Quote from: Oraisteach on November 21, 2016, 05:54:58 AM
Sid, did you write this piece? It's terrific.