The Many Faces of US Politics...

Started by Tyrones own, March 20, 2009, 09:29:14 PM

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Quote from: seafoid on September 28, 2016, 04:20:46 PM
Quote from: J70 on September 28, 2016, 02:23:10 PM
Quote from: stew on September 27, 2016, 09:10:55 PM
Clinton has had thirty years to effectively change America and the world as a career politician, she has failed miserably at every turn, she has made racist comments about black men and she won last night because Trump wanted to not be seen attacking her.

The moderator was as usual lobbing her softballs and once again went soft on her, I have never seen an election with so much collusion in it, this notch needs to be brought to task for her many failures,Trump is going to unload at some point, can't wait!0

WTF are you talking about? She was elected to the Senate in 2000. She was not a politician before that. If she had influence on her husband as president, it must have been mostly for the better given how good things were in the 90s. Similarly, Arkansas was pretty content with them, given they reelected Bill numerous times.

What racist comments did she make about black men? The "super predators" thing? That wasn't about black men per se. That was about gang members in the drug trade who kill without empathy or remorse. How about you pull up some GOP pushback on that speech which doesn't involve talking points connected to this election?

It's like you have no original thoughts stew - it's all right wing talking points you're spouting here. And don't blame Lester Holt for Trump f**king up. How about his "tremendous" temperament and his complete lack of prep. He had plenty of opportunities to drive home his points, but when you fly by the seat of your pants...
In fairness she tried to reform healthcare in the early 90s and failed

Ok, but I doubt if that's one of the "failures" stew wants her "brought to task" for!


Quote from: J70 on September 29, 2016, 01:45:33 AM
Quote from: whitey on September 28, 2016, 08:05:39 PM
Quote from: omochain on September 28, 2016, 05:50:47 PM
Quote from: whitey on September 28, 2016, 04:01:49 PM
Quote from: seafoid on September 28, 2016, 03:51:41 PM
Quote from: omochain on September 27, 2016, 06:28:39 PM
Hillary crushed the orange but it doesn't matter.
"The middle finger of the American electorate" wants to vent so badly they cannot process a rational thought. They just want somebody to show up in Washington and blow government up.
Consequences be damned.

Remember these people have been voting against their economic self interest for 30 years. They know they have been shafted and are determined to have their revenge. They support Trump because he is the one most likely to throw a hand grenade into the system that shafted them.
Hillary needs the support of rational Republicans to pull this one off.
I am praying but worried.
Great post. a vote for Trump would be another vote against their own interest.

A lot of white bluecollar GOP voters have Ulster Protestant roots. The community has a problem with demagogues and arseholes who call themselves leaders.

I don't know if I buy the whole "voting against your economic self interest" line

If you work, and are a middle wage earner many Democratic proposals or agenda items would be enough to put you in the poor house.

Could you please tell me which proposals and agenda items you are referring to?

That article doesn't support your case at all! All it details is one union family falling for Trumps shite, but quoting other union people who call it for what it is.

Both parties have been in favour of the various trade deals over the years. The GOP still overwhelmingly is! Its complete pie in the sky bullshit from Trump that he is somehow going to roll back globalization or suddenly start manufacturing everything in the US again. His own brands come from places like China FFS. Its like telling the people of Donegal that Fruit of the Loom are suddenly going to come and reopen their factories, years after fleeing for cheaper labour costs and fewer regulations abroad. Yeah, it sounds great in a campaign, but its utter shite and anyone who believes him is just a clueless idiot. As I've said before here, there are reasons places like Walmart can sell all their stuff fairly cheap. Shelves stocked with "Made in the USA" goods is not one of them.

Working and middle class voters are fleeing the Democratic Party in droves. Stick your head in the sand if you don't want to believe it. Most blue collar and middle earning Dems I know don't give a flying fvck about transgender bathrooms, climate change, same sex marriage or Planned Parwnthood

They care about jobs, taxes, healthcare and education and feel that the elites of the Drmocratic party have sold them out

Many of these people supporting Trump are not traditional Republucan voters.....they are Reagan Democrats.

Don't take my word for's Clinton loyalist and former cabinet member

"Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ardently pushed for free trade agreements, for example, without providing the millions of blue-collar workers who thereby lost their jobs any means of getting new ones that paid at least as well."


Quote from: J70 on September 29, 2016, 01:45:33 AM.
the people of Donegal that Fruit of the Loom are suddenly going to come and reopen their factories, years after fleeing for cheaper labour costs and fewer regulations abroad.

You lot a similar reaction to American's are having now

"I'd build a wall around old Donegal"

Donald Trump even got a mention in that too.... maybe yous inspired him


Quote from: whitey on September 28, 2016, 08:05:39 PM
Quote from: omochain on September 28, 2016, 05:50:47 PM
Quote from: whitey on September 28, 2016, 04:01:49 PM
Quote from: seafoid on September 28, 2016, 03:51:41 PM
Quote from: omochain on September 27, 2016, 06:28:39 PM
Hillary crushed the orange but it doesn't matter.
"The middle finger of the American electorate" wants to vent so badly they cannot process a rational thought. They just want somebody to show up in Washington and blow government up.
Consequences be damned.

Remember these people have been voting against their economic self interest for 30 years. They know they have been shafted and are determined to have their revenge. They support Trump because he is the one most likely to throw a hand grenade into the system that shafted them.
Hillary needs the support of rational Republicans to pull this one off.
I am praying but worried.
Great post. a vote for Trump would be another vote against their own interest.

A lot of white bluecollar GOP voters have Ulster Protestant roots. The community has a problem with demagogues and arseholes who call themselves leaders.

I don't know if I buy the whole "voting against your economic self interest" line

If you work, and are a middle wage earner many Democratic proposals or agenda items would be enough to put you in the poor house.

Could you please tell me which proposals and agenda items you are referring to?

That really does not answer my question.
It is an article that just articulates that more pissed off people are planning to vote against their economic self interest.
Their rational for abandoning Unions and the Democratic Party,  is Trump and Pence will bring back manufacturing jobs.
Let's take a look at that and check it off against the Business and voting records of Trump and Pence.
Pence has never voted against a Trade Deal
Trump is a Property / Franchising Guy who gets his stuff manufactured by the lowest bidder. Mostly outside the US.
Evidenced by their track records to date neither of them have much passion for creating manufacturing jobs in the United States.
They have just empty slogans and promises about "Building a Wall" , "Make America Great"
The fact that people will vote for them is only testimony to their blind passion for revenge against the system.
They do not see that they are voting for the party that used and abused them ergo they are voting against their own self interest.


Quote from: whitey on September 29, 2016, 02:55:09 AM
Quote from: J70 on September 29, 2016, 01:45:33 AM
Quote from: whitey on September 28, 2016, 08:05:39 PM
Quote from: omochain on September 28, 2016, 05:50:47 PM
Quote from: whitey on September 28, 2016, 04:01:49 PM
Quote from: seafoid on September 28, 2016, 03:51:41 PM
Quote from: omochain on September 27, 2016, 06:28:39 PM
Hillary crushed the orange but it doesn't matter.
"The middle finger of the American electorate" wants to vent so badly they cannot process a rational thought. They just want somebody to show up in Washington and blow government up.
Consequences be damned.

Remember these people have been voting against their economic self interest for 30 years. They know they have been shafted and are determined to have their revenge. They support Trump because he is the one most likely to throw a hand grenade into the system that shafted them.
Hillary needs the support of rational Republicans to pull this one off.
I am praying but worried.
Great post. a vote for Trump would be another vote against their own interest.

A lot of white bluecollar GOP voters have Ulster Protestant roots. The community has a problem with demagogues and arseholes who call themselves leaders.

I don't know if I buy the whole "voting against your economic self interest" line

If you work, and are a middle wage earner many Democratic proposals or agenda items would be enough to put you in the poor house.

Could you please tell me which proposals and agenda items you are referring to?

That article doesn't support your case at all! All it details is one union family falling for Trumps shite, but quoting other union people who call it for what it is.

Both parties have been in favour of the various trade deals over the years. The GOP still overwhelmingly is! Its complete pie in the sky bullshit from Trump that he is somehow going to roll back globalization or suddenly start manufacturing everything in the US again. His own brands come from places like China FFS. Its like telling the people of Donegal that Fruit of the Loom are suddenly going to come and reopen their factories, years after fleeing for cheaper labour costs and fewer regulations abroad. Yeah, it sounds great in a campaign, but its utter shite and anyone who believes him is just a clueless idiot. As I've said before here, there are reasons places like Walmart can sell all their stuff fairly cheap. Shelves stocked with "Made in the USA" goods is not one of them.

Working and middle class voters are fleeing the Democratic Party in droves. Stick your head in the sand if you don't want to believe it. Most blue collar and middle earning Dems I know don't give a flying fvck about transgender bathrooms, climate change, same sex marriage or Planned Parwnthood

They care about jobs, taxes, healthcare and education and feel that the elites of the Drmocratic party have sold them out

Many of these people supporting Trump are not traditional Republucan voters.....they are Reagan Democrats.

Don't take my word for's Clinton loyalist and former cabinet member

"Both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama ardently pushed for free trade agreements, for example, without providing the millions of blue-collar workers who thereby lost their jobs any means of getting new ones that paid at least as well."

I'm not disputing that some of them are "fleeing" the Dems, whether for jobs/trade or down to Trump's rhetoric about immigrants, his strongman leanings and so on.

What I'm saying is that they're morons who have been asleep for decades if they think that Trump and, especially, the GOP, is going to do anything for them.


Quote from: J70 on September 29, 2016, 01:32:54 AM
Quote from: stew on September 28, 2016, 03:31:57 PM
Quote from: J70 on September 28, 2016, 02:23:10 PM
Quote from: stew on September 27, 2016, 09:10:55 PM
Clinton has had thirty years to effectively change America and the world as a career politician, she has failed miserably at every turn, she has made racist comments about black men and she won last night because Trump wanted to not be seen attacking her.

The moderator was as usual lobbing her softballs and once again went soft on her, I have never seen an election with so much collusion in it, this notch needs to be brought to task for her many failures,Trump is going to unload at some point, can't wait!0

WTF are you talking about? She was elected to the Senate in 2000. She was not a politician before that. If she had influence on her husband as president, it must have been mostly for the better given how good things were in the 90s. Similarly, Arkansas was pretty content with them, given they reelected Bill numerous times.

What racist comments did she make about black men? The "super predators" thing? That wasn't about black men per se. That was about gang members in the drug trade who kill without empathy or remorse. How about you pull up some GOP pushback on that speech which doesn't involve talking points connected to this election?

It's like you have no original thoughts stew - it's all right wing talking points you're spouting here. And don't blame Lester Holt for Trump f**king up. How about his "tremendous" temperament and his complete lack of prep. He had plenty of opportunities to drive home his points, but when you fly by the seat of your pants...

Your candidate is a racist tr**p, liberal spin does not change the facts, you lot sicken me with your defence of this horrible b**tard, she is a racist under whose watch black Americans have suffered, more black homeless now than since the depression in 29.

But yuck it up for the liberal candidate because you know we are the progessives etc etc, utter balderdash.

You say she is a racist tr**p but provide no evidence whatsoever to back that up.

How is she personally responsible for black homelessness?

They way she described young black men from the poor neighbourhoods, I will find the exact quote.

As for black homelessness, she is responsible because she and her party have made a lot of the poorest African Americans less well off, for example, even take since Obama came into power, more homeless blacks and more poverty in that community, in short, the democrats want to continue the illusion they give a damn about black America when all they care about is their vote, well that and to keep up the illusion that the are the party that are looking after the black population!
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


She called young black serial offenders from the ghettos 'Super Predators'

She has a tendency to mimic black southern woman with their drawl and dialect and makes them sound like they are ignorant dolts!

Martin Luther King wasn't that great according to your hero in 2008!

Obama was in cahoots with a black 'slum lord' according to Killory in 2008.

There are more, far more, like for example the quote about it being 'black peoples time.

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Holy shit! She didn't! Did she? Jeeeezusss!


Quote from: stew on September 29, 2016, 01:53:01 PM
Quote from: J70 on September 29, 2016, 01:32:54 AM
Quote from: stew on September 28, 2016, 03:31:57 PM
Quote from: J70 on September 28, 2016, 02:23:10 PM
Quote from: stew on September 27, 2016, 09:10:55 PM
Clinton has had thirty years to effectively change America and the world as a career politician, she has failed miserably at every turn, she has made racist comments about black men and she won last night because Trump wanted to not be seen attacking her.

The moderator was as usual lobbing her softballs and once again went soft on her, I have never seen an election with so much collusion in it, this notch needs to be brought to task for her many failures,Trump is going to unload at some point, can't wait!0

WTF are you talking about? She was elected to the Senate in 2000. She was not a politician before that. If she had influence on her husband as president, it must have been mostly for the better given how good things were in the 90s. Similarly, Arkansas was pretty content with them, given they reelected Bill numerous times.

What racist comments did she make about black men? The "super predators" thing? That wasn't about black men per se. That was about gang members in the drug trade who kill without empathy or remorse. How about you pull up some GOP pushback on that speech which doesn't involve talking points connected to this election?

It's like you have no original thoughts stew - it's all right wing talking points you're spouting here. And don't blame Lester Holt for Trump f**king up. How about his "tremendous" temperament and his complete lack of prep. He had plenty of opportunities to drive home his points, but when you fly by the seat of your pants...

Your candidate is a racist tr**p, liberal spin does not change the facts, you lot sicken me with your defence of this horrible b**tard, she is a racist under whose watch black Americans have suffered, more black homeless now than since the depression in 29.

But yuck it up for the liberal candidate because you know we are the progessives etc etc, utter balderdash.

You say she is a racist tr**p but provide no evidence whatsoever to back that up.

How is she personally responsible for black homelessness?

They way she described young black men from the poor neighbourhoods, I will find the exact quote.

As for black homelessness, she is responsible because she and her party have made a lot of the poorest African Americans less well off, for example, even take since Obama came into power, more homeless blacks and more poverty in that community, in short, the democrats want to continue the illusion they give a damn about black America when all they care about is their vote, well that and to keep up the illusion that the are the party that are looking after the black population!

We will await the quote.

On the other stuff, all you are providing is a correlation between increasing black homelessness and Obama being in power, all the while completely ignoring the circumstances in which Obama took over. He didn't inherit a booming economy and cause the worst financial crisis in 80 years. That's what was handed him. And if the Democrats in general, and Hillary in particular, are just cynical racist opportunists, then why have black people, by a massive, massive, majority, voted for them for 50 years? They're not being swayed by some one-off fast talking demagogue courting a protest vote; this is half a century of loyalty.

But regardless, nothing you've posted to date in any way shape or form supports your accusations of racism against Hillary Clinton.


Quote from: muppet on September 28, 2016, 04:13:00 PM

Where is your faux outrage now Stew?

Its Newsweek ffs!

If true the same should apply to Bush and ten some, given that Cheney is in the mix this is really damning if true, Bush should be in prison alongside Clinton and given a longer term.

You see muppet, these f**kers put the lives of Americans at risk, it left the country side open to security breaches and harm, it left operatives wide open to slaughter and I do not give a f**k what side of the political divide they come from.

Unlike yourself and many, many others on here I think that if ANYONE breaks the law of the land they should be held accountable, you liberals support the laws that suit your agenda, if that is true why are the looney left not screaming from the rafters?

Bush was a hateful git, Cheney as despicable as Clinton, all should be tried for war crimes, now is that the answer to your question muppet????????????????????????

Faux outrage my hole, it is disgusting if true and again if true he should have to go through the same ordeal that lying sc**bag you love went through and more!
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on September 29, 2016, 02:17:13 PM
She called young black serial offenders from the ghettos 'Super Predators'

She has a tendency to mimic black southern woman with their drawl and dialect and makes them sound like they are ignorant dolts!

Martin Luther King wasn't that great according to your hero in 2008!

Obama was in cahoots with a black 'slum lord' according to Killory in 2008.

There are more, far more, like for example the quote about it being 'black peoples time.

"Super predators " - I've already addressed that in a previous post. She was talking about remorseless killers with no empathy connected to the drug trade. She was NOT labeling black men. Poor choice of words maybe. Go look up the actual speech. But the hypocrisy is breath taking when complaints about this come, 22 years later, from conservatives who routinely call black men thugs and have never uttered a word of disagreement with what she was saying in that speech.

As for the rest, post some details, not just vague allegations.


Quote from: J70 on September 29, 2016, 02:32:03 PM
Quote from: stew on September 29, 2016, 02:17:13 PM
She called young black serial offenders from the ghettos 'Super Predators'

She has a tendency to mimic black southern woman with their drawl and dialect and makes them sound like they are ignorant dolts!

Martin Luther King wasn't that great according to your hero in 2008!

Obama was in cahoots with a black 'slum lord' according to Killory in 2008.

There are more, far more, like for example the quote about it being 'black peoples time.

"Super predators " - I've already addressed that in a previous post. She was talking about remorseless killers with no empathy connected to the drug trade. She was NOT labeling black men. Poor choice of words maybe. Go look up the actual speech. But the hypocrisy is breath taking when complaints about this come, 22 years later, but conservatives who routinely call black men thugs and have never uttered a word of disagreement with what she was saying in that speech.

As for the rest, post some details, not just vague allegations.

I tried to copy and paste quotes but was unable to.

Google HC racist comments, do the same for Bubba )
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Donald's charity could land him in a small spot of bother, and the Cuba play isn't that smart either.

Just when I think Clinton foundation will be the October surprise

Neither of the pair of them know what to be at
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Trump has attacked our Dinny. Something our media will not do.


How's Trump's temperament looking now? 3am tweets directing people to check out the sex tape of a former beauty queen!! How presidential!! The man just cannot help himself. Every perceived slight has to be hammered down. How the f**k will he cope with the criticism and scrutiny that will be coming his way if he wins? And this is a boy who doesn't even have an excuse that he'd had a few too many before he thoughtlessly launched into his latest tirade! He dismissed it as old, but Hillary's quip in the debate about not being to trust someone who can be baited with a tweet with the nuke codes still stands.