The Many Faces of US Politics...

Started by Tyrones own, March 20, 2009, 09:29:14 PM

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give her dixie

Quote from: screenexile on February 24, 2016, 03:57:37 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on February 24, 2016, 03:42:15 PM
Stew is wrong on the number of deaths Clinton is responsible for in Libya.

She is responsible for the deaths of thousands, the overthrow of Gadaffi and the destruction of a prosperous country,
the rise of ISIS in the country, and the influx of refugees into Europe, among others.

She is a warmonger of the highest order, and her love in with brutal dictators and despots makes her a sad excuse for a
human, never mind a woman.

But then again, those are the qualities a US President has required of late.

PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE ALL ON HER OWN... what a load of aul shite!!

I didn't say she was responsible for all of it on her own. Cameron, Sarkozy and Obama shoulder the blame as well,
but she was revelling in the death and destruction bestowed upon Libya.

And that is just one country in the Middle East that she played a major role in destabilising.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: screenexile on February 24, 2016, 03:57:37 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on February 24, 2016, 03:42:15 PM
Stew is wrong on the number of deaths Clinton is responsible for in Libya.

She is responsible for the deaths of thousands, the overthrow of Gadaffi and the destruction of a prosperous country,
the rise of ISIS in the country, and the influx of refugees into Europe, among others.

She is a warmonger of the highest order, and her love in with brutal dictators and despots makes her a sad excuse for a
human, never mind a woman.

But then again, those are the qualities a US President has required of late.

PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE ALL ON HER OWN... what a load of aul shite!!

Every word true, I was referring to the four Americans she killed by not giving them the security they needed when they asked for it.

Take a tablet son, he never said all on her own, you are an apologist for the scum of the earth, good luck with that.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


I feel sorry for you stew... Watching Fox News and listening to Rush  Limbaugh has turned you into a scared xenophobe full of hate for 'liberals' Muslims and indeed anyone who disagrees with your warped outdated views.

Chill out and remember where you came from you sound like  a DUP politician... Son!


"Donald Trump Is Completely f**king Nuts" – Kim Jong-un

THE leader of the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea Kim Jong-un has gone on record to express his concern for the American electorate stating that prospective Republican candidate Donald Trump is "completely f**king nuts".

"Holy shit, have you heard the stuff this guy comes out with?" Kim Jong-un said in a TV address to the people of North Korea, "he's like insulted the Mexican, Black, Asian, Irish and Italian communities in almost every speech. Plus, the dude totally cannot take a joke," the Supreme Leader added.

Trump's support in his bid for the Republican presidential nomination has swelled off the back of several frankly insane public appearances and remarks, with his last televised speech, in which he opened with "f**k you America", proving to be his most popular yet with an enraptured crowd hollering and cheering on Trump.

Such was Jong-un's concern for the people of America, the despot sent an email to the UN which raised some serious concerns. "Guys, I know you'll call me a worrier, but is there like a real chance this guy will get elected? He's completely f**king nuts, and seriously I know nuts when I see it".

"There's a parallel with his polling numbers alright, the more racist he gets, the more popular he seems to be," political commentator Ezra Klein told WWN.

Trump's rise in the polls has seen the Obama administration begin to hide all of America nuclear warheads, so that in the event of Trump coming to power, pressing the big red button will simply result in some helium balloons with 'yay you're the best Donald' emblazoned on them being released from the ceiling of the Oval Office.

Detractors of the billionaire have noted that Trump has been divorced 4 time, 3 times from his former wives and late last year he was also granted a divorce from reality.

Jong-un signed off his address to the North Korean people with a lament, in which he hoped Trump's presidential bid would falter as "there is a real danger America will get the leader it deserves".
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: Íseal agus crua isteach a on February 24, 2016, 04:11:28 PM
Killary is a political prostitute that's how it is in the United States. Its a lobbyocracy not a democracy. If you are not an Israel first-er you don't stand a chance. Its pathetic and frightening at the same time.

The love affair with Israel is starting to fray a little. Young secular jews are becoming less pro-Israel than they used to be.
Netanyahu and Obama don't like one another personally, while Kerry has criticized Israel over the settlements, which would have been unheard of not long ago. Even some right wingers concerned about government spending have questioned all the foreign aid going to Israel, but on the other side the religious wing is as fanatical in their support as ever, and even Trump had to walk back comments he made when he had the temerity to suggest that he would adopt a neutral position in trying to facilitate a settlement as president (and on the Dem side, Chuck Shumer, about as strong a supporter of Israel as there is, will be the next minority or majority leader of the Senate).

Very tiny steps maybe, and the lunacy they've unleashed in the middle east means the US will remain closely entwined with Israel (and the Saudis and the rest too), but its a start.


Another mass shooting today in Kansas. At least 4 dead, 20 injured.

Just checked the cable news channels at the top of the hour:

CNN - GOP debate
Fox - Hannity talking about Trump
MSNBC - interview with Sanders

Not a word. Another day another mass murder. Not newsworthy any more unless Muslims do it.


Probably a white guy killing other white people not sensational enough,
If it was a cop shooting a black guy or white guy shooting minority's the media would be all over it that's how it goes these days ,of course it should be a headline story but it's for the opposite reason that you are implying .


Quote from: screenexile on February 24, 2016, 06:54:22 PM
I feel sorry for you stew... Watching Fox News and listening to Rush  Limbaugh has turned you into a scared xenophobe full of hate for 'liberals' Muslims and indeed anyone who disagrees with your warped outdated views.

Chill out and remember where you came from you sound like  a DUP politician... Son!

I do not hate Muslims and I never listen to Limbaugh, in go troll elsewhere,  theres a good lad.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: screenexile on February 24, 2016, 06:54:22 PM
I feel sorry for you stew... Watching Fox News and listening to Rush  Limbaugh has turned you into a scared xenophobe full of hate for 'liberals' Muslims and indeed anyone who disagrees with your warped outdated views.

Chill out and remember where you came from you sound like  a DUP politician... Son!

Like you i came from the womb kid ) As for the rest of your ignorant bile I will simply say, take two tablets son, one aint. Getting the job done.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


I am surprised Stew still supports the GOP. There is no party for regular conservatives. The GOP is a prisoner of the Koch brothers. Middle class salaries are stagnant. 1% salaries are booming.


Quote from: seafoid on February 26, 2016, 09:19:12 AM
I am surprised Stew still supports the GOP. There is no party for regular conservatives. The GOP is a prisoner of the Koch brothers. Middle class salaries are stagnant. 1% salaries are booming.

The wacky thing about modern conservatism is how deeply radical it is. Robespierre would be agog at the extent to which the GOP want to change things. Go figure.


Quote from: Gmac on February 26, 2016, 04:50:52 AM
Probably a white guy killing other white people not sensational enough,
If it was a cop shooting a black guy or white guy shooting minority's the media would be all over it that's how it goes these days ,of course it should be a headline story but it's for the opposite reason that you are implying .

I'm not implying anything. I'm saying straight out that it is a fatigue thing, with these murders happening so often that people are accepting them and tuning them out unless something very unusual is involved, such as the ISIS sympathizers (and a woman) in San Bernadino. Nothing to do with black or white either. All to do with mundane routine. San Bernadino would probably have got some headlines due to the sheer number killed, but the Muslim terrorism aspect made all hell break loose. But everyday, background level mass murders are no longer noteworthy, especially with a presidential election going on. The one in Kalamazoo got a bit of coverage due to the completely bizarre aspect of an Uber driver killing random strangers between fares, as well as it happening on the weekend. Otherwise mass murders are generally met with a shrug. People are just used to it and resigned to it now. The news people don't consider them headline stuff any more. The politicians won't/can't do anything to address it and can't even begin to agree on might help address it. Sandy Hook was a watershed. It is now a fact of life in the US.

Cops killing unarmed black people went on for decades. The only reason it became a sensation was the sudden advent of mobile phone and police car video footage, which often directly contradicted the police accounts.


Romney's 2012 campaign manager lays out what he believe it will take to beat Trump and why its absolutely necessary (sounds like Rubio started to put this advice into action last night):


Well, one maverick loud-mouthed Republican (Christie) has just endorsed another (Trump).  Is this a play for VP?

Funny since Christie jailed Trump's son-in-law's father and Trump has said that Christie knew all about the closing of the George Washington Bridge.  Strange how the party of moral rectitude pairs such curious bedfellows.


Quote from: deiseach on February 26, 2016, 09:43:45 AM
Quote from: seafoid on February 26, 2016, 09:19:12 AM
I am surprised Stew still supports the GOP. There is no party for regular conservatives. The GOP is a prisoner of the Koch brothers. Middle class salaries are stagnant. 1% salaries are booming.

The wacky thing about modern conservatism is how deeply radical it is. Robespierre would be agog at the extent to which the GOP want to change things. Go figure.
GOP ideology is a mixture of evangelical and Koch and has only the most tenuous link to reality.