The Budget and Lenihans 'call to patriotic action'

Started by Donagh, October 14, 2008, 04:49:14 PM

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Myers might have said something about buying drink in North but I havent heard it.


Quote from: bcarrier on October 15, 2008, 11:08:16 AM

Will ye calm down about crucifying min wage workers.

In Dundalk a min wage worker working a 35 hour week will get 8.65 x35 = 302.75 . The 1% levy and 20% tax after basic allowances takes him off 50.03 euro  . Net pay =252.72 euro. Effective ROI tax rate is 16.5%.

A min wage worker in Newry working 35 hours would get 250.68 euro gross and pay tax and ni of 42.97 . net is 207.71  ( a coversion rate 1.25 used) The Dundalk min wage worker has 45 euro or 22% more take home than his Newry equivalent. The effective uk rate of tax is 17.1%

There is of course another issue about the level of benefits ...

I can't figure out how you got this ROI net pay figure of eur252.72.
Have you included the basic weekly tax credit of eur70.39 for a single person, which means that he is basically paying no income tax at all? Only reinforces your argument I suppose.


I wasnt aware that it worked as tax credit rather than an allowance.

This means that the Irish minimum paid worker working 35 hours has take home pay 44% above his Uk equivalent circa 95 euros per week more.


Are ye all feeling more patriotic? Lenihan has the sincerity of a hookers compliment.