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Messages - strongbow316

He is a proper C*NT and the sooner he disembarks this world the better it will be for everyone around him.

What professional sportsman threathens to get another fellow sportsman shot, just because he was from Coalisland!!!!

General discussion / Re: Head Shops Closed
May 17, 2010, 03:45:04 PM
Probably because the class A drugs in Ireland are shite.
The head shops sold the best stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If people want to take drugs, thats there issue and it has feck all to do with anyone else.

I would rather be in a nightclub full of people, who are off there faces, than be stuck in a club with a pile of drunks.

I say lets ban alcohol and legalise DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets see Arelene fosters celebrating now, like she did last night  ;D
I believe that regardless of the outcome in FST, this is a big result for Sinn Fein. I think that the SDLP have probably polarised a lot of there followers and there will be a big swing to Sinn Fein in the stormont elections.

Sinn Fein will be officially the largest party in Northern Ireland on the basis of overall vote's, after the FST result comes in. It surely wont be long now till they are the largest party in stormont, with a Sinn Fein 1st Minister.

Either way, this has been a big result for Sinn Fein!!!!!
Quote from: Bensars on May 05, 2010, 10:29:01 AM
Quote"Also, how do you figure that the British parliament has more effect on the lives of the people of the north? Do you know what proportion of legislation affecting the north originates in Westminster?"

Idealistic bullsh*t.

For those queueing up for,

Unemployment benefit
Job seekers allowance
Child benefits
Disability benefits
Television License
Council Tax Benefit
Housing Benefit
Funeral Payments
Bereavement benefits
War Widow's
Widower's Pension
Maternity allowance
Statutory maternity pay
Statutory sick pay
Cold weather payments
Carers allowance

Certainly isnt coming from Dublin.

Irrespective of the romantic notion you may have Ulick, westminister has a much much more significant impact on the lifes of the people in the six counties than Dublin.

The Majority of these are benifits.
That actually looks like it was directed by spielberg, compared to "The Room" lol
A but that is the whole point.

This movie is so bad that it is brilliant.

No one could purposely make a movie as bad as this.
This movie is fast becoming the biggest cult classic ever.

I keep watching this movie again and again and still cant get over it.
There isnt a critic on this planet, that would not ell you this is a must see MOVIE!!!!!

I wish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But unfortunately I believe that Even I could not produce a masterpiece of this standard!!!!!
This probably the greatest movie I have ever come across. The fact that makes this movie so great is the guy Tommy Wiseau who wrote this move was 100% serious when he did it.
This movie cost him an estimated $7Million to make.
Pay carefull notice to the opening credits if you download it.

Written by:
Tommy Wiseau

Excecutive Producer:
Tommy Wiseau

Produced by:
Tommy Wiseau

Directed by:
Tommy Wiseau

Tommy Wiseau

Here are some links to get a feel for the Movie:

The Room Trailer:

Greatest roof scene ever:

This one scene deseves an oscar:

General discussion / Re: Renshaws Return??
March 10, 2010, 10:56:21 AM
I was in Renshaws for a few last saturday night and this place is not Renshaws. It is now a soleless hotel bar with no atmosphere. Probably the worst bar in Belfast. We were even afraid to talk in case we woke anyone up. BTW dukes is even worse. I think the best thing to do is just remember what it used to be like and dont go through the pain of seeing it as it is now.
I think this topic should be Aborted.......ABORT...ABORT.....ABORT ;D