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Messages - Look-Up!

General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
April 26, 2024, 07:12:27 AM
Massive game this weekend in north London. Regardless of what points City do or don't drop, Arsenal have to keep the pressure on. A slip of any sort from now on by them and the race is well and truly over.
Quote from: johnnycool on April 25, 2024, 12:04:41 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on April 25, 2024, 11:42:27 AMVVD plays in a vital position. Still has plenty to give and a natural leader. I think it would be too risky to get rid, unless his heart not in it and he wants away himself. Earns 150k less than Salah, who I think is a big problem going forward not only because of his poor form, but he's putting massive upward pressure on future wage negotiations, be that existing contract renewals or new signings. 

Bank the Saudi cash for Salah and go for Ivan Toney, seriously rate that lad, he'll get 20 plus a year on a good team.

Salah is bang out of form, there's no doubting that, but Liverpools main assists used to come from wide, TTA and Robertson, TAA injured quite a lot this year and so has Robertson, who's been below par as well.

Carragher has given up on Nunez, seems to think he'll not get any better than what he is now and although his rates of scoring from really good chances is poor, surely that's something that still can be worked on, no?

Gakpo looked a bit better the last few games, probably missed last night, but not complaining..

Great shout on Toney. I don't think you can blame assists because an assist is only an assist if the chance is converted. Creating chances is not a problem for Liverpool.

I'd agree with Carragher. He's had 2 years, he's a 7-10 goals a season striker at best. He's even doing well to maintain that rate in a team where he's getting an embarrassment of chances. People saying he'll come good, or if he could just develop the finishing of Fowler he'd be class etc. You could equally say if Jozy Altidore was hypnotized to believe he was Lionel Messi, the result would be Darwin Nunez.
VVD plays in a vital position. Still has plenty to give and a natural leader. I think it would be too risky to get rid, unless his heart not in it and he wants away himself. Earns 150k less than Salah, who I think is a big problem going forward not only because of his poor form, but he's putting massive upward pressure on future wage negotiations, be that existing contract renewals or new signings. 
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
April 25, 2024, 08:34:44 AM
I thought at the time of his new contract they would have been better cash in. He was always a greedy player on the pitch and could be frustrating to watch but justified it with his record. But now looks a shadow of himself and getting paid way way way more than he's worth.
 Nunez, for a lad who wouldn't finish his dinner, has some self belief and is an incredibly greedy player. Takes some crazy options at critical times when he should be laying off. Unbelievably frustrating, gets so many chances, and that has to eventually wear on a team. Grand lad for a mid table club but to win a championship, forget it.
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
April 25, 2024, 07:46:52 AM
Quote from: J70 on April 24, 2024, 10:02:45 PM
Quote from: jcpen on April 24, 2024, 09:57:59 PMDeserved win for Everton. If they played like that every week they would be in the mix for European places.
Liverpool's form has really fallen off a cliff the last few weeks.
At least the new manager will have Champions League football for next season.

Hope everyone who filled their boots at HT betting on a Liverpool win now know how foolish gambling is... ;)

They've still created more than enough chances to win almost all those games though. I'd say the finishing has fallen off a cliff. Salah and Nunez in particular look hopelessly out of form.
Would that not be Nunez bang on form?
Quote from: David McKeown on April 13, 2024, 12:42:49 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on April 13, 2024, 10:32:41 AMWhat utter nonsense. As if the judiciary give a crap about the tax payer when they're billing their time! And they're well fit to throw the book at people if they've gotten out of the wrong side of the bed for trivial crap.

This sc**bag raped a baby, filmed it, put it up on a sharing platform and would not co-operate with authorities in naming his buddies. The book should be thrown at him. If some p***k in government then wants to take issue with that and over rule the judge, I doubt they'd be too popular or get very far.
There are not too many crimes as stomach churning or vile as this one. Letting him walk in 4 years is a complete insult and more retraumatizing to the victims than anything that could have been said in court. And if we've lowered ourselves to the point of affording credit to the most depraved of paedos so as not to upset them, then the lunatics are truly running the asylum. 

I am in no way defending the sentence. It is reprehensible. The problem is. The judge does what you suggest and goes against the guidance from government and it's an easy and costly appeal with the potential for damages, further suffering for victims and further ridicule. Had this sentence been imposed in the north it would have been at the lower end of the guidance but still within the guidance. So in such a scenario was the Judge wrong to follow the guidance or is the guidance wrong?  Clearly the guidance is wrong and therefore the criticism of the judiciary is largely misplaced.

Also individual politicians or even ministers or governments can't really over rule judges in particular cases. Parliament can of course amend the law but by and large in criminal matters this can't have retrospective effect. But the law has developed over many years to water down or eradicate the executives role in judicial matters. Save for providing guidance on sentences which should be followed.
Just one of the acts carries a life sentence. If a proper sentence was frivolously appealed then that would be a problem that needs further addressing later. The fix is most certainly not to allow judges threat scum like this with kiddy gloves and let them walk in 40 odd months time. Jesus Christ this filth is an absolute menace.

I'd be willing to bet my life that if there was the remotest possibility this POS was going to be next door neighbour to that judge, the sentence would be very different.
What utter nonsense. As if the judiciary give a crap about the tax payer when they're billing their time! And they're well fit to throw the book at people if they've gotten out of the wrong side of the bed for trivial crap.

This sc**bag raped a baby, filmed it, put it up on a sharing platform and would not co-operate with authorities in naming his buddies. The book should be thrown at him. If some p***k in government then wants to take issue with that and over rule the judge, I doubt they'd be too popular or get very far.
There are not too many crimes as stomach churning or vile as this one. Letting him walk in 4 years is a complete insult and more retraumatizing to the victims than anything that could have been said in court. And if we've lowered ourselves to the point of affording credit to the most depraved of paedos so as not to upset them, then the lunatics are truly running the asylum. 
"Marshall was facing a maximum life sentence for the defilement charge, a maximum sentence of five years for the possession charge, and up to 14 years on each of the other three charges including, producing child pornography, distributing child pornography and using communication technology to facilitate the sexual exploitation of a child. "

"Marshall uploaded and shared 15 videos and two images on kik of sex acts involving children, including the infant boy, as well as images and videos of a number of underage girls that were shared with him by a third party whom Marshall did not identify."

The law needs to be tougher on crime in general but I see nothing here to give that judge a pass. If he saw fit to give that utter scum "credit" and thinks it's ok for him to prey on others in 4 years time, which he most certainly will do, then he is not fit to be a judge.
Quote from: balladmaker on April 12, 2024, 02:16:59 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on April 12, 2024, 02:10:58 PM

There are no words

Despicable crime.  As for the 4 yr jail time sentence, WTF!  The courts really do not help the situation ... 133 previous convictions, then this ... 4 yrs!  The key should be thrown away on scumbags like this.
Would make you sick to the pit of your stomach but to add insult to injury they hand out a sentence like that. Blood boiling! Surely they'll have to appeal the leniency of the sentence. No way someone like that can be let stalk the streets in less than 4 years.
General discussion / Re: Movie recommendations
March 30, 2024, 09:18:12 AM
Unfortunately the yanks might lap up McGregor's character. Only saw the trailers but he looked more like a paddywhack baddie Mike Myers might play in Austin Powers.
GAA Discussion / Re: Division 2 2024
February 16, 2024, 02:12:33 PM
Quote from: mup on February 16, 2024, 01:57:07 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on February 16, 2024, 01:28:22 PMThis is a Division 2 league thread. Dublin are not in this division. I expected Kildare to be in the shake up for promotion start of year.

We're after a break and still 10 points to fight for so they can still turn it around but I cannot get my head around the defeatist attitude of some on here. Kildare have competed in Div1 recently, were in the super 8's when they were a thing. Narrowly lost to Dublin in Leinster last year, narrowly lost to Monaghan to make AIQF. Have been in 3 of the last 6 U20 AI finals, winning 2. Have a large passionate following so money is flowing. Are a stones throw from Dublin so educational and work options are optimal for players and travel distances for collective training shouldn't prove too problematic. There are so many counties in Ireland would give their right arms to have their "problems"!

Get a grip FFS. Go out and play the game and forget about the Dubs unless ye meet them come championship. But if some of your players have the same attitude as some of the posters on here, maybe ye'd be better off in Division 3.

Dublin are not in Div 2 yet you go on to mention them several times in your post.

Kildare and Meath are in Div 2 and are going poorly. There is no rule against putting forward opinions on why they that may be.

The attitude or opinion of some anonymous posters on a message board has no effect on the Kildare players.
Last time I checked Kildare players were from Kildare. If some of the attitudes on here are a prevailing attitude within the county then it would explain your performances.
GAA Discussion / Re: Division 2 2024
February 16, 2024, 01:28:22 PM
This is a Division 2 league thread. Dublin are not in this division. I expected Kildare to be in the shake up for promotion start of year.

We're after a break and still 10 points to fight for so they can still turn it around but I cannot get my head around the defeatist attitude of some on here. Kildare have competed in Div1 recently, were in the super 8's when they were a thing. Narrowly lost to Dublin in Leinster last year, narrowly lost to Monaghan to make AIQF. Have been in 3 of the last 6 U20 AI finals, winning 2. Have a large passionate following so money is flowing. Are a stones throw from Dublin so educational and work options are optimal for players and travel distances for collective training shouldn't prove too problematic. There are so many counties in Ireland would give their right arms to have their "problems"!

Get a grip FFS. Go out and play the game and forget about the Dubs unless ye meet them come championship. But if some of your players have the same attitude as some of the posters on here, maybe ye'd be better off in Division 3.
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
February 07, 2024, 04:31:08 PM
Quote from: Cunny Funt on February 07, 2024, 03:28:27 PM
Quote from: Look-Up! on February 07, 2024, 02:54:08 PMPep is a special manager, no question. Klopp too. Both well run clubs, you cannot but be impressed by how both clubs have gone about their business last while, on and off field. Klopp had something very special in Merseyside, it's just unfortunate for them they met the perfect storm in City. Great manager and well run club with an unlimited blank cheque book. That's the only difference between the two.

When Pep goes things will even out. It will be nothing to do with other clubs getting their act together or putting on big boy pants. It will be City regressing. The managerial position is that important. FFP or money will not keep them where they are. Look at Utd, have spent more than anyone but don't have a manager of their calibre.

But for now, cannot see past City and it is getting boring. But it will be interesting to see who their next manager is, who Liverpool get in and indeed who's at the helm in Old Trafford next couple of years. There is a change coming soon.

As you say Liverpool, Man City are well run clubs and both Klopp and Pep can get the best out of their teams in that environment. At United they have gone through numerous managers the last decade and another change of manager won't make a big difference until they become a well run club. Jury is out on what Radcliffe and Co can do now they have control of the sport side of the club.
I can see the truth in what you're saying but end of the day bean counters run every club and if the football man in charge is not of strong enough personality or competence, and doesn't impress and domineer to them what exactly he needs from them, or indeed he doesn't truly know himself what he needs, then success is unlikely. It's a balancing act where either or can come first.
General discussion / Re: Premier League 2023-2024
February 07, 2024, 03:33:55 PM
Quote from: Blowitupref on February 07, 2024, 03:13:31 PM
Quote from: J70 on February 07, 2024, 10:57:18 AMPerhaps we're just surveying the considerable stack of evidence before us when reaching the conclusion that City will win it again MR2.

And it's not like the team are giving up. But most supporters of any team, once they're beyond the age of 12, are sensible enough to call things as they are.

When Liverpool won it by a country mile they had to reach levels of performance which are simply not sustainable or repeatable.

82 points would have been enough to win that league title. Mid 80 points will likely be enough to finish 1st this season. At home to City a huge fixture for Liverpoool in the run in and even a draw would be a decent result.
I thought similar last year but this City team have a tendency to hit beast mode from Feb to April, especially when the pressure is really put on them. And their squad affords them more options and unlikely match winners and probably can absorb injuries better.