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Messages - weareros

That old John Donnellan quip  would fit Mayo here: "If it was raining soup, ye'd be out with a fork". I'd say in the history of the GAA most manager positions were filled a bit like this.  The problem is the volunteers in charge don't have the skills to deal with the modern world and the pace of how news spreads, and how quickly things can blow up. If back in the 70s or 80s an appointment was filled like this, the only news that would have got out would have been that they interviewed Connelly and Holmes and McStay and McHale and the first two lads got it. No one would have been any the wiser that they'd picked their man before McStay and McHale even interviewed. And even if they did, at most it would have only made the rounds of a few pubs before someone started moaning about something else... the weather, the price of cattle or the three soft All-Irelands Galway won back in the 60s. Did I mention John Donnellan.
Quote from: Denn Forever on September 24, 2014, 03:06:26 PM
What defines Poshness?  Accent? Affluence?

In Ireland it's the ability to squeeze your vowels.
Thought the Yes campaign started to lose the momentum they were rapidly gaining when RBS and Lloyds said they'd relocate to London. That was a spectacular missed opportunity by Yes to say "These are banks that failed and then even squandered the bailouts from the taxpayers... let's not take economic advice from these crowd of ganststers." Can you imagine Anglo Irish Bank having that effect in Ireland? Instead they turned on the BBC and were portrayed as fanatics. Even though they were 100% right about the BBC. And their coverage in the early hours of the morning put me to sleep.

But bottom line, the Scots are a spineless lot. They need to dump the Tartan Army, proud Celt, Scotland the Brave lark. Scotland the Brave was ripped off from O'Donnell Abu anyway. They will forever more be just known as a little piece of England. Such a parcel of rogues as Robbie Burns would say.
Easy attack Bruton and Geldof but most recent poll shows more Catholics in NI back remaining in UK that joining a UI. And the opinion polls unfortunately look being accurate in the Scotland poll. It's clear people  put the their pennies before their patriotism.
Quote from: seafoid on September 17, 2014, 01:53:56 PM
Quote from: Farrandeelin on September 16, 2014, 04:58:08 PM
Funny how Roscommon people come out to post in times when there's a hint of upheaval in Mayo.
Maybe they have nothing else to add a bit of excitement to their lives

As the dark nights approach, the endess básin from the Mayo básahauns can always be guaranteed to provide a bit of amusement to help get us through the wet auld winter. Till the  FBD anyway.
This quote from Bill Clinton highlights all the BS the Yes side have to put up with.

"Because the independence vote is a decision for the Scots alone to make, and because Scots are already legendary for their independence of mind, I have been reluctant to express my views on the matter. I hope my decision to do so will be received in the spirit of friendship with which it is offered," Clinton said in a statement released through the Better Together campaign.

Oh yeah, not interfering in a statement released through Better Together Campaign.

Add to this the bias of the BBC, the British media at large, world politicians (Obama, Barrosa etc), the portrayals of Scottish Nationalism = bad, British Nationalism = Unity.

Hopefully, the younger generation of Scots will prevail tomorrow. And if they do, watch them become a modern and prosperous Northern European country.

Last  unionist blog post clearly not too familiar with poetry of Burns who wrote of the traitors who signed the Union in 1707.

O would, or I had seen the day

That Treason thus could sell us,

My auld grey head had lien in clay

Wi Bruce and loyal Wallace!

But pith and power, till my last hour

I'll mak this declaration

We're bought and sold for English gold -

Sic a parcel o rogues in a nation!

General discussion / Re: International Ciotóg day
August 14, 2014, 01:24:23 AM
Woodwork class was the worst, every bench and tool designed for a rightie. Glad I stiill have a paw.
So if someone including the childer wanted the view online highlights, they'd have to watch a topless model first. Followed by their county making a tit of themselves. <enter Gael's name> will be turning in his grave.
Roscommon 2-12 Mayo 0-16. That's what the tayleaves say.
Quote from: Syferus on June 04, 2014, 01:50:30 PM
Quote from: Chimley on June 04, 2014, 01:39:37 PM
Quote from: Syferus on June 04, 2014, 12:23:30 PM
It's strange. Horan was far less bullish in years where things were going better, less quick with the talk of championship pace leagues (if Mayo's performance against Derry is Mayo's idea of championship pace we will be very happy campers on Sunday) and talking about other teams' weaknesses or levels.

I dunno if he's trying to dispel the cloud that's been over Mayo as a county since September. Everything I heard suggested he was dead-set on doing that by winning a league title but that didn't go anywhere close to plan.

I suppose he knows he's probably one defeat from this huge journey he and that team have been on being over so he's doing everything and anything this year. Well, except for changing the line-up.

He came out with fairly bullish and similar statements prior to the Galway match last year so it might be best not invest too much hope in it being false bravado.

Fair enough but Horan's regular approach has been far more coy than he has been this year. He's not deflecting criticism as much this year either. There is a clear change in his demeanour this year.

He certainly gave some good lines for our team talk on Sunday in the presser for this match and that isn't very Horan-like. We'll see.

In fairness now you getting close to reading the tea leaves territory or determining the outcome of the game based on how the swallows are flying. Will be hoping myself that I won't see a lone magpie before the game. Never a good sign.
Ironically the Kerryman did try a makeshift version of the blanket against Tyrone last year and I think he even made himself sick because he has not gone back to it in the league. Then again there was little need.
What a stupid conversation by Ros posters asking Mayo posters what Ros players they'd like to have. Isn't it bad enough that they are already taking their pick of Ballagh.
Looks like a black card inspired move. Big 15 stone all muscle lad like that storming through, backs will have to be careful not to haul him down. You add the two O'Sheas ploughing through and that could be Mayo's tactic this year.
Quote from: magpie seanie on May 08, 2014, 11:59:26 PM
These "bright young things" that are being rolled out for FF in particular are merely pawns in the game. The old faces don't fit any more so the young ones are getting fast tracked in in an effort to regain power. Same wolf, different sheep. Martin will get "shafted" (I believe this is planned a long time) conveniently to end the link with the "old FF" and give them the extra boost and eejits will fall for it. FF will be back in Govt after the next election unfortunately and that will prove how stupid/gullible Irish people really are.

FG/Lab "didn't bankrupt the country" merely because they weren't in power at the time. I do not believe they would have done anything materially different. They haven't done a single thing different since they got to power than FF would have done. Anyone who believes there is any difference, bar number of years in office, between FF/FG/Lab is deluded or naive in my view. FF appear more corrupt because they have been in power more and "know the ropes" a bit better.

Disagree. Historically, Fine Gael/Labour have brought in a lot of social legislation that  Fianna Fáil would never have brought in (divorce, contraception, abortion, equality). FG/Lab have taken on Catholic Church, FG at the risk of losing votes since they have a conservative vote base in rural areas. Never saw a FF leader lambaste the Vatican, nor SF for that matter. Labour were only party to vote against bank guarantee so it cannot be claimed they would have done the same as FF.  As for SF, they tolerated a man working for them who had raped his daughter and they tolerate a leader who knew this man had raped his daughter. If they don't have the moral fibre to call him to resign over that, how can you say they deserve a chance to govern. It's an infinite amount of times more serious than what Shatter resigned for.