China Coronavirus

Started by lurganblue, January 23, 2020, 09:52:32 AM

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That's what some of them are saying too. (Well Michael Deane). Hard to disagree.

This alcohol is bad thing is what the DUP have been wanting for years... I am sure they'd have the off licenses shut too if they could.

Milltown Row2

Nothing opening up bar wise, cafes may open up can't see any restaurant opening at all, why would you, the margins are tight and alcohol is what brings in the extra money..

But it'll be better in two weeks, that'll be 6 weeks, if nothing has changed then the hairdressers and beauty salons will get the blame.

The reality of the spread is simply not enough people socially distancing, sanitising and so on, if we can bring in up to 30/40 people and carry out my job while following the rules, and enforcing it on others why isn't it possible in other establishments?

None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea

6th sam

Quote from: imtommygunn on November 09, 2020, 07:04:44 PM
That's what some of them are saying too. (Well Michael Deane). Hard to disagree.

This alcohol is bad thing is what the DUP have been wanting for years... I am sure they'd have the off licenses shut too if they could.

The fact is that alcohol increases risk, in terms of hygiene challenges around serving and drinking from glasses. It also causes intoxication ,depresses inhibitions and increases toilet visits, which means that social distancing and hygiene is put at risk . It can cause belligerence and argumentative behaviour , therefore difficulties with enforcement of distancing and go home time.

Much as we can blame DUP for alot of things , this is not a Puritanical attempt to eradicate alcohol. I imagine the executive are attempting to aid the hospitality industry and also protect them and their customers on return. Cafes won't be a problem. Some restaurants may be happy to work with it, and if they are allowed off sales, guests may eat , drive themselves home and enjoy a bottle of wine. hopefully today's better news re the vaccine and other recent positive indicators will
Mean the hospitality industry will be back to normal eventually, but in the meantime the no-alcohol
Option may be a potential "halfway house" (no pun intended)


Quote from: dublin7 on November 09, 2020, 06:47:34 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on November 09, 2020, 06:41:51 PM
It's not. No booze and a fair few limitations too.

Opening restaurants, but not allowing them to sell alcohol must be the stupidest suggestion yet. You either keep them closed(which they should) or allow them to reopen without restrictions on alcohol.

It stops them becoming de facto pubs.
Plenty of people have no problem eating without drinking.
MAGA Make Armagh Great Again


Quote from: armaghniac on November 09, 2020, 08:20:58 PM
Quote from: dublin7 on November 09, 2020, 06:47:34 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on November 09, 2020, 06:41:51 PM
It's not. No booze and a fair few limitations too.

Opening restaurants, but not allowing them to sell alcohol must be the stupidest suggestion yet. You either keep them closed(which they should) or allow them to reopen without restrictions on alcohol.

It stops them becoming de facto pubs.
Plenty of people have no problem eating without drinking.

The wine/drinks etc is were the restaurants make their biggest margins/profits. With reduced capacity and no alcohol sales it won't be worthwhile for some restaurants to even open


No agreement at Stormont about what to do after this Friday. Sinn Feins "restaurants with no alcohol" brainwave is now reportedly off the table.


Can they not open cafes feck sake.

Milltown Row2

Quote from: imtommygunn on November 09, 2020, 10:04:20 PM
Can they not open cafes feck sake.

That crowd couldn't open a can of beans without f**king it up!!
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea

Fear Bun Na Sceilpe


It seems to be who can be the most draconian, Nicola Mallon on yapping about keeping the restrictions, whilst she keeps getting a lucrative salary as they all did when none of them worked for years, and these people are meant to represent us.


Quote from: Seaney on November 10, 2020, 08:09:16 AM
It seems to be who can be the most draconian, Nicola Mallon on yapping about keeping the restrictions, whilst she keeps getting a lucrative salary as they all did when none of them worked for years, and these people are meant to represent us.

They do represent us normal people.
MAGA Make Armagh Great Again


Sweet Jesus - is this what it has come to, you are not normal if you question the restrictions.   You obviously have been lucky enough not to be affected by the restrictions financially or emotionally - good for you.

Milltown Row2

Quote from: Seaney on November 10, 2020, 10:53:41 AM
Sweet Jesus - is this what it has come to, you are not normal if you question the restrictions.   You obviously have been lucky enough not to be affected by the restrictions financially or emotionally - good for you.

Its on TV, 25% hike in calls during the lockdown, these services are still operating so if you are taking abuse at home phone through, don't delay..

In Northern Ireland, a domestic abuse call is made to the PSNI on average every 17 minutes.

Resources like housing, aid and legislation are among a raft of measures that deal with the aftermath of domestic abuse but preventing it, is for Alannah, something that needs to start in the home.

"I have a boy and a girl. Raising your daughter to be aware of it and to recognise red flags and leave and speak out - and that's one thing but if everybody just teaches their daughters to leave, we're not handling the problem, we need to teach our sons as well.

"We need to instil in them the values and the importance of respecting women and respecting themselves and opening up if they are struggling."

All your actions while children grow up will have repercussions, monkey sees and all that .

How would you fix this Seaney? 
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


I believe it was you said they could just leave.  ::)

Milltown Row2

Quote from: Seaney on November 10, 2020, 12:51:42 PM
I believe it was you said they could just leave.  ::)

No plan then? Just using it as a means for your covid denial? You're some man
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea