RIP Michaela McAreavey

Started by MR99, January 10, 2011, 05:03:56 PM

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What can be said that hasn't already been said.

Deepest sympathies to the families and friends in what can only be a horrible, horrible time in their lives.

Stall the Bailer

Such a shocking tragedy. Heartbreaking.

My prayers are with the Harte and McAreavey families.

May she rest in peace.


Sincerest sympathies to the Harte and McAreavey families.  It's difficult to see where the strength would come from to get through this, but I hope they get that strenght. 

Sudden death from natural causes is bad enough, but given the circumstances and while on honeymoon, the tragedy is magnified.

Tragic is an understatement.


What a tragedy. Someone so young to be murdered at the prime of life and when just setting out on her new life with her husband. Sincerest sympathy to the Harte family and to her new husband John. I can not imagine what they must be going through. RIP Michaela
Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.

ross matt

Quote from: Kerry Mike on January 11, 2011, 08:08:31 AM
The updated news this morning has just made this a whole lot worse for the families involved, hope they find the perpetrator. May she RIP.
My thoughts exactly Mike. As if her loss was enough heartache for them.... to find she died in such circumstances....


First post on here for many months, but like Shawshank, agree that there is a surreal feel to this. Though I too never met Micheala personally there is a sorrow and numbness associated with this that to be honest has reduced me to well up on several occasions - and I cant remember the last time that happened!

A lot of posters have articulated their feelings better than i possibly could, but having read Mickeys book, its clear that Michaela was Mickeys personal inspiration, as well as the shining star in his life. The very best thing we could possibly do, on Mickeys behalf, is storm heaven that God is merciful with her beautiful soul.

All Ulster Gaels unite in a show of strength that might give some comfort to those most deeply affected by this tragedy.


Im very shocked and saddened by the news.
My heart goes out to the Harte family and friends and the people of Tyrone.



As posters have stated, there is a really surreal feeling to all of this.  Absolutely devastated for the family, friends and for her husband as well as god only knows what that man is going through right now out there on his own.  Really is hard to comprehend what has happened, you never think much of these things in the news until it happens locally.  I dont know how a family gets over something like this, I just hope they find the strength to do so.  RIP.
Beer, now there's a temporary solution!!!

Sandy Hill

Absolutely tragic! May she rest in peace.
"Stercus accidit"


Quote from: nrico2006 on January 11, 2011, 09:19:37 AM
Just read this article there now, really  hit home:

Lynda and I met Michaela Harte when her father brought her into the UTV studios some years ago when he was there for an interview. It is easy to say now that they were the perfect father-daughter combination, but you get a sense of these things, and I trust mine almost as much as I trust Lynda's – and we both thought the same.

What a shock to hear that Michaela has gone. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hartes and the McAreaveys.

Mickey Harte did the most wonderful thing for me once. I asked if he would help a young man who was dying of cancer by letting him watch Tyrone train ahead of the 2003 All-Ireland Final. He did, and he ensured the team treated young David Gillespie as a superstar. But that is what decent people do. Mickey went the extra mile. He let it be known he did not want to read of David's passing in the papers; he wanted a call. And I am afraid he got it the weekend after he took his Tyrone team to Croke Park.

Mickey visited David's mum and dad during the wake. Anne could not believe it when she saw Mickey Harte in his match day suit at their front door – so imagine how she felt when Mickey stood back to reveal the entire Sam Maguire winning team were also there, in their match day suits, to pay their respects to a boy they had met for only half an hour.

It was an act of uncommon humanity in the midst of terrible grief for the Gillespies and unprecedented celebration for Tyrone GAA.

It is hard to take on board that a man who did so much for a mother and father who suffered the loss of a child now has to experience even more sudden and unexpected loss himself.

Thats amazing.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians

EC Unique

The area locally here is in total shock. People lastnight were shocked and saddened to a massive extent but we woke this morning to hear that she had been murdered! Unreal, a nightmare, how her husband and her family are to deal with this I do not know. This sort of thing should just not happen. Pray for them.


Terrible news. May she rest in peace.

the Deel Rover

Totally shocked by this awful news my thoughts and prayers are with the Harte family. I never had the pleasure of metting mickey but he is  a man i greatly admire as he allways appears gracious be it in victory or defeat . A blind man could see the bond between him and his daughter Michaela and as a father myself i can only imagine what he and his family is going through . May she rest in peace   
Crossmolina Deel Rovers
All Ireland Club Champions 2001

The Gs Man


Having a daughter myself I can't get this out of my head.

Thoughts are with her family and friends.
Keep 'er lit


To describe this as heart wrenching would be an understatement.

I didn't know Michaela, I spoke to her once when she happened to be standing beside me at a game. Seemed a lovely girl. As other have said, it seems strange that you sort of felt you knew her just by seeing her with her father. The poor families must be going through hell.

Words on a page dont and never will suffice at a moment like this. No-one that young should ever be taken away, and no-one should ever be taken away in the way it seems she has.

The GAA is a community, always has and always will, and right now and in the days, weeks and years to come them families will need the support of that community like never before.