The Political History of Northern Ireland

Started by Lar Naparka, July 04, 2010, 11:57:31 AM

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Quote from: lynchbhoy on July 06, 2010, 05:04:54 PM
Quote from: delboy on July 06, 2010, 04:49:11 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on July 06, 2010, 03:33:48 PM

a 'mainland' in that context is an ENTIRE island - get over your bigotry self !!

I don't even know what thats supposed to mean but thats your supposed justification for calling me a bigot  ???

Quote from: lynchbhoy on July 06, 2010, 03:33:48 PM
go google yourself, there are certain things you will hear in news over your lifetime - eg tiger woods has had an affair - where did I hear that (ok not from woods himself) but in the media- papers and tv etc -  I know if I googled it , I would find something at some stage.
so go check it out yourself !
A source that is not open to you is Irish minister of finance Brian lenihan, who said the same thing to me a few months ago after talking to british politicians ! He and I were both in agreement that we didnt want you (citizens of the north of Ireland) , certainly not right now - though that kind of cuts against both our 'republican-esque' roots !!

I refer you back to my previous post, you make a claim you back it up with credible sources otherwise its just a lot of hot air, to expect the person you are debating with to chase up your souces for you is laughable. Yeah lets throw all the conventions of debating out of the window so that Lynchboy can go on making all sorts of unsubstantiated claims.

Quote from: lynchbhoy on July 06, 2010, 03:33:48 PMfor all the 'paradigms' (read this to mean you cannot win a debate in plain english so must resort to whimsy and daft jargon) you talk about, you are obviously not well enough up on the things you try to discuss in order to refutre or even now about them !

I think its you that is flying in the face of conventions, surely the above is a piss take, are you really suggesting I have lost the debate because i have used the word paradigm, which in your eyes is jargon despite it being neither specialised/technical or vague. Im not going to apologise for using a word in a perfectable good way to illisustrate a point, a paradigm is a mindset that affects how a group/community view a situation or reality, by its definition is also suggests that others may not choose to share that mindset or view of situation or reality.

Quote from: lynchbhoy on July 06, 2010, 03:33:48 PM
check up about american funding of places after wars etc...
google might work for you, if you have the head out of the sand long enough !!

I refer you back to the other post again you make a claim back it up, for whats its worth the examples you gave are of countries the yanks were at war with (germany, Japan, Vietnam, Grenada), i know private american individuals donated money to the IRA etc but im not sure that could be regarded as a declaration of war. You claim i have my head in the sand but im pretty sure i know where yours is ;D
so you accept that you are incorrect regarding yur usage of 'mainland' then !

why dont you ask Canalman (on the other thread -you started) to back up where he gets his 'notion' regarding what cameron said...I am pretty sure it was reported in some thread on here also around then...

well you take your head out of the sane only to insert it up yer posterior- not an iota of understanding for previous historical and political let alone financial precedent do you have !
it will hit and hurt you far harder when the time comes I 'd say !

Nope i don't accept that im incorrect in my usage of the mainland, and i don't see how you manage to come to that conclusion, nor do i agree with your assertion that im a bigot or to think of that mainland in any other terms than the ones you use is is bigoted, its amazing what sort of personal abuses getting thrown about here just because you happen to have a different viewpoint from republicans.

Im almost certain i know what you are trying to refer to even though its obvious you don't, hence why no examples were ever given just ill informed bluff and bluster as usual. Cameron singled out NI as an example of a region of the UK that had an over reliance on the public sector (along with the NE of england as well) if thats amounts to wanting to ditch NI as you seem to believe is the case that begs the question who is he going to give the NE of england to  ???   

When you start listing comparable and crediable historical and finicial precedents that actually back up your assertions i'll start taking you drivelling more serious.


Quote from: Banana Man on July 06, 2010, 05:36:59 PM
QuoteLynchboy I wouldn't bother with the man, his mainland theory is proven wrong, say no more, do what i do and agree to disagree, you'll never change his paradigm 

What passes for proof around here is pretty tenuous it would seem. 

Well it worked for Widgery.....

And your point is what exactly?


Quote from: Banana Man on July 06, 2010, 05:18:12 PM
Lynchboy I wouldn't bother with the man, his mainland theory is proven wrong, say no more, do what i do and agree to disagree, you'll never change his paradigm  ;)

BTW didn't you get the memo from lynchboy apparently using the word paradigm or any other that he may have to look up is an automatical fail, thats a shame  :(  better luck next time.


If delboy wants to call england the mainland what do yous care? What does it matter?

I cringe when I hear people referring to the mainland, it's pathetic but sure if that's what he wants then let him.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Nally Stand

Quote from: fitzroyalty on July 06, 2010, 05:41:59 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on July 06, 2010, 05:00:37 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on July 06, 2010, 11:51:10 AM
Quote from: Banana Man on July 05, 2010, 08:59:18 AM
No doubt the village was Moneyslane....

The flag of old South africa would have been up to commerate those 'brave gunrunners' who supplied the weapons to the chosen race here. A lot of loyalist guns came in from there, suppose it's a nod to them
Indeed it is. Just passed thru on the way to Castlewellan and it is sporting all the favourites - the old SA flag, Israeli flag plus the usual suspects.
On the way back I noticed that they, bizarrely, have a Gibraltar fleg up too. Strange wee place.
How on earth does the OO intend on marketing this shite as a 'cultural' event and a 'tourist attraction' when it has the likes of Israeli flags and the old SA flag flying!  :o ???
The ignorance and utter stupidity within Loyalism knows no bounds!

Reminds me of this old classic.....Nazi salutes over the Star of David flag  :D :D :D :
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore

Myles Na G.

Quote from: Ulick on July 06, 2010, 08:31:03 AM
Quote from: Myles Na G. on July 06, 2010, 06:43:56 AM
Quote from: Farrandeelin on July 05, 2010, 10:28:53 PM
I don't get Unionism at all. If they're British, they should live in Britain. The occupied 6 counties is not part of Britain.
The British have been in the north of Ireland longer than white people have been in Australia or North America. Try telling the Americans that they should hand back control of the US to the descendants of Sitting Bull and his like.


  • Farrandeelin is correct the 6 counties is not part of Britain. 
  • Britain was created with the Act of Union in 1707. North America was settled in the 16th century (belfore Britain was created), therefore the British could not have been in Ireland longer than they have been in North America as the "British" only came into being after both were "settled".
The settling of America began in the early 17th century. The plantation of Ulster started in the early 17th century also. Both these events happened before the state known as 'Britain' was created, but so what? The British presence in Ulster - contrary to what republicans would tell you - is not a government or a state or an army. It is the hundreds of thousands of people who trace their ancestry back to England, Scotland and Wales and who feel an allegiance with those places as a result. I repeat, since these people have been in Ulster for as long as the white settlers have been in North America, they have as much claim to the territory here as do the descendants of the white settlers in the USA.


Quote from: pintsofguinness on July 06, 2010, 06:19:20 PM
If delboy wants to call england the mainland what do yous care? What does it matter?

I cringe when I hear people referring to the mainland, it's pathetic but sure if that's what he wants then let him.

Well said, i find it slightly pathetic that someone should cringe at another person referring to the mainland, but as POG say thats there business, i certainly wouldn't label someone a bigot for doing so.


Sorry delboy , you will have to try harder!
I'm not making it up - sure even canalman on your other thread talks about Cameron and his admission about wanting to jettison the deadwood that is the north of Ireland - and it wasn't the comment from Cameron you hoped it was!
Furthermore politicians before that in England have said the same - from all parties..... But check it out with any normal English person - they don't want to be be wasting their taxes on keeping that dead duck afloat!! Maybe someday your bigoted blinkered view will slip and allow you to see the reality!! :)


Being a bit mischevious when I say you are a bigot - it's just your views are bigoted and are the usual blinkered types trotted out by the unionist/loyalist dup et al bigots!
Nothing to do with my pedantically pointing out that the actual mainland is the European continent land mass itself!
But best ofl luck in that cocoon surrounded by sand! 


Quote from: lynchbhoy on July 06, 2010, 07:09:49 PM
Sorry delboy , you will have to try harder!
I'm not making it up - sure even canalman on your other thread talks about Cameron and his admission about wanting to jettison the deadwood that is the north of Ireland - and it wasn't the comment from Cameron you hoped it was!
Furthermore politicians before that in England have said the same - from all parties..... But check it out with any normal English person - they don't want to be be wasting their taxes on keeping that dead duck afloat!! Maybe someday your bigoted blinkered view will slip and allow you to see the reality!! :)

Trying to have a debate with you is damn hard work, im expected to do both sides of the work  :P , give me a sporting chance and at least give me a link to this statement that cameron has made and i''ll try to address it, but expecting me to refute any and all statements that cameron has made pertaining to here on the off chance that i might hit upon the one you are talking about is more than can be expected of anyone surely. And no it isn't enough to say that thing that canalman said unless he give a link to this statement which if he has you can of course just copy and paste.


Quote from: lynchbhoy on July 06, 2010, 07:15:52 PM
Being a bit mischevious when I say you are a bigot - it's just your views are bigoted and are the usual blinkered types trotted out by the unionist/loyalist dup et al bigots!
Nothing to do with my pedantically pointing out that the actual mainland is the European continent land mass itself!
But best ofl luck in that cocoon surrounded by sand!

Ah nice change of tactic straight out of the fundamentalist christian guidebook of how not to appear a hateful bollox, don't hate the person, hate the sin, i don't hate homosexuals i just hate those awful homesexual acts etc.
So im not a bigot i just think like one, and the difference is what exactly, to be honest your willingness to call people bigots for not agreeing with you says much more about you than it does me.


Jesus..... sorry for bringing up the whole mainland thing. Just a pet peeve of mine. Nothing more. Didn't expect it to get blown up like this!
Testing Accessibility

red hander

Quote from: Myles Na G. on July 06, 2010, 06:59:49 PM
Quote from: Ulick on July 06, 2010, 08:31:03 AM
Quote from: Myles Na G. on July 06, 2010, 06:43:56 AM
Quote from: Farrandeelin on July 05, 2010, 10:28:53 PM
I don't get Unionism at all. If they're British, they should live in Britain. The occupied 6 counties is not part of Britain.
The British have been in the north of Ireland longer than white people have been in Australia or North America. Try telling the Americans that they should hand back control of the US to the descendants of Sitting Bull and his like.


  • Farrandeelin is correct the 6 counties is not part of Britain. 
  • Britain was created with the Act of Union in 1707. North America was settled in the 16th century (belfore Britain was created), therefore the British could not have been in Ireland longer than they have been in North America as the "British" only came into being after both were "settled".
The settling of America began in the early 17th century. The plantation of Ulster started in the early 17th century also. Both these events happened before the state known as 'Britain' was created, but so what? The British presence in Ulster - contrary to what republicans would tell you - is not a government or a state or an army. It is the hundreds of thousands of people who trace their ancestry back to England, Scotland and Wales and who feel an allegiance with those places as a result. I repeat, since these people have been in Ulster for as long as the white settlers have been in North America, they have as much claim to the territory here as do the descendants of the white settlers in the USA.

More bullshit from your BP-sized leaking well of excrement ... at least the US government has gone some way to recognise the wrongs the settlers did to that land's native people (theft, ethnic cleansing, genocide, famine), unlike the English and the wrongs their planters did to this land's native people (theft, ethnic cleansing, genocide, famine) ... but sure what else would you expect from those lovely people who introduced the world to the lovely concept of the concentration camp? 

Tony Baloney

Quote from: red hander on July 06, 2010, 08:03:38 PM
Quote from: Myles Na G. on July 06, 2010, 06:59:49 PM
Quote from: Ulick on July 06, 2010, 08:31:03 AM
Quote from: Myles Na G. on July 06, 2010, 06:43:56 AM
Quote from: Farrandeelin on July 05, 2010, 10:28:53 PM
I don't get Unionism at all. If they're British, they should live in Britain. The occupied 6 counties is not part of Britain.
The British have been in the north of Ireland longer than white people have been in Australia or North America. Try telling the Americans that they should hand back control of the US to the descendants of Sitting Bull and his like.


  • Farrandeelin is correct the 6 counties is not part of Britain. 
  • Britain was created with the Act of Union in 1707. North America was settled in the 16th century (belfore Britain was created), therefore the British could not have been in Ireland longer than they have been in North America as the "British" only came into being after both were "settled".
The settling of America began in the early 17th century. The plantation of Ulster started in the early 17th century also. Both these events happened before the state known as 'Britain' was created, but so what? The British presence in Ulster - contrary to what republicans would tell you - is not a government or a state or an army. It is the hundreds of thousands of people who trace their ancestry back to England, Scotland and Wales and who feel an allegiance with those places as a result. I repeat, since these people have been in Ulster for as long as the white settlers have been in North America, they have as much claim to the territory here as do the descendants of the white settlers in the USA.

More bullshit from your BP-sized leaking well of excrement ... at least the US government has gone some way to recognise the wrongs the settlers did to that land's native people (theft, ethnic cleansing, genocide, famine), unlike the English and the wrongs their planters did to this land's native people (theft, ethnic cleansing, genocide, famine) ... but sure what else would you expect from those lovely people who introduced the world to the lovely concept of the concentration camp?
You looking for a claim?


Some of this 'mainland' discussion is ridiculous.  The term can refer to "a large landmass in a region (as contrasted with a nearby island or islands), or to the largest of a group of islands in an archipelago" or "a particular landmass as viewed from a nearby island with which it has close links".

If used as a geographical team, it's quite accurate that Britain could be a mainland from Ireland (and not just N Ireland). Similarly, Ireland (and not just N Ireland) would be the mainland for Rathlin.

There's no reason to get overly sensitive about it.