James Horan Appointed Mayo Manager 2011

Started by Barney, June 06, 2010, 09:39:34 AM

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Who would you like to see as Mayo Manager in 2010

James Horan
Tommy Lyons
Anthony McGarry
John Maughan


well my dog pisses in the same field as tommys nephews neighbours dog and he reckons that its all a set up, jack o connor from kerry is going to get it. This is just hearsay from the dogs mouth.


Tommy Carr whom while Cavan Manager was at the Dublin/Donegal National League game standing along the side-line,when there was a full round of Cavan League Games going on at the same time.  ::)
How the hell is he even in the running for whatid consider is a top tier county job like Mayo??


"Interview board for Mayo Senior manager announced, James Waldron, JP Lambe, Padraic Walsh, Denis O'Boyle, John Farragher," according to the Mayo Advertiser's Colm Gannon on Twitter.

Is that good or bad?


Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 21, 2010, 10:47:23 PM
"Interview board for Mayo Senior manager announced, James Waldron, JP Lambe, Padraic Walsh, Denis O'Boyle, John Farragher," according to the Mayo Advertiser's Colm Gannon on Twitter.

Is that good or bad?

Who do you want them to appoint Iolar? What would be good and what would be bad? They can only select from what s in front of them now anyway. They are an august body of men who are unlikely to do anything rash. But they could hardly do anything rash with what s in front of them.


Quote from: Tubberman on September 21, 2010, 07:11:36 PM
QuoteOn a completely unsubstantiated story, my boss was talking to Tommy Lyons son at a do last sat week and he reckoned Maughan would be offered the job, turn it down and Tommy would hen be offered it and delighted to take it.
(Note: completely based on hearsay from a third source!)

Sounds kinda bullshitty doesn't it? Why would Maughan allow his name go forward, meet with the CB, do the interview (presumably), only to turn it down when the job is offered to him!?
yeah how can you besmirch a internet discussion board with a story not fully checked with 3 sources.
If you make yourself understood, you're always speaking well. Moliere


I guess backroom teams may be a swaying factor at this stage.

Anybody have any details of proposed trainers, selectors etc.


Quote from: Barney on September 22, 2010, 08:38:35 AM
I guess backroom teams may be a swaying factor at this stage.

Anybody have any details of proposed trainers, selectors etc.

Good point.
Which one is Jim Kilty with?


Why not speed up the process and get to the bit where you say the new manager has to resign and it is time for another new manager?


That's a bit harsh, though I guess the manager has been gone for some time ago now.


QuoteWhy not speed up the process and get to the bit where you say the new manager has to resign and it is time for another new manager?

Says the man from the County with 3 managers in 4 years


I want Horan, because I think he wold have a good knowledge of the club-scene and as well as that, we could copy Kildare and Down in appointing new, modern young managers, OK, neither of them won Sam, but they were miles ahead of us this year.

I don't know enough about McGarry to make a judgement on him, Maughan MIGHT finally exorcise a ghost if he gets it, but it is a MIGHT. I don't know how on Earth Tommy Lyons is in the running at all.
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.


Quote from: moysider on September 22, 2010, 12:11:24 AM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 21, 2010, 10:47:23 PM
"Interview board for Mayo Senior manager announced, James Waldron, JP Lambe, Padraic Walsh, Denis O'Boyle, John Farragher," according to the Mayo Advertiser's Colm Gannon on Twitter.

Is that good or bad?

Who do you want them to appoint Iolar? What would be good and what would be bad? They can only select from what s in front of them now anyway. They are an august body of men who are unlikely to do anything rash. But they could hardly do anything rash with what s in front of them.

An august body of men perhaps, but in those five I see enough to see Tommy Lyons as the next Mayo manager. I hoped this wouldn't happen but I think it is what's in front of us now. Get your money on him if you want to feel any way better about it.
Mayo for Sam! Just don't ask me for a year

the Deel Rover

Quote from: RedandGreenSniper on September 22, 2010, 11:47:35 AM
Quote from: moysider on September 22, 2010, 12:11:24 AM
Quote from: IolarCoisCuain on September 21, 2010, 10:47:23 PM
"Interview board for Mayo Senior manager announced, James Waldron, JP Lambe, Padraic Walsh, Denis O'Boyle, John Farragher," according to the Mayo Advertiser's Colm Gannon on Twitter.

Is that good or bad?

Who do you want them to appoint Iolar? What would be good and what would be bad? They can only select from what s in front of them now anyway. They are an august body of men who are unlikely to do anything rash. But they could hardly do anything rash with what s in front of them.

An august body of men perhaps, but in those five I see enough to see Tommy Lyons as the next Mayo manager. I hoped this wouldn't happen but I think it is what's in front of us now. Get your money on him if you want to feel any way better about it.

:o :o :o oh no 
Crossmolina Deel Rovers
All Ireland Club Champions 2001


Quote from: Barney on September 22, 2010, 09:20:42 AM
QuoteWhy not speed up the process and get to the bit where you say the new manager has to resign and it is time for another new manager?

Says the man from the County with 3 managers in 4 years

Yes Barney but we don't go ON and ON and then ON and a bit more ON about it. It is exactly the same with the Sun and the England football manager. The exact same pattern year in year out. Unstoppable process. 

I couldn't care less who the Galway manager is btw. I know the day will arrive when we have a decent team and we'll win another all-Ireland. There is no need for so much introspection. Is iontach an la e a bheith ag deanamh aon rud ach a bheith ag iontrospeactail mar gheall ar bhainisteoir nua Mhaigh Eo.   


And for the latest the Mayo News has this:

QuoteCommittee to interview Mayo manager candidates chosen

Daniel Carey

FOOTBALL The five-man committee set up to interview the four remaining candidates for the Mayo manager's job has been finalised.
The committee will include three members of the Mayo GAA Board Executive – Chairman James Waldron, Treasurer JP Lambe and Youth Officer Pádraic Walsh. They will be joined by Denis O'Boyle, Chairperson of the Connacht Coach Education Committee, and Garrymore GAA Club delegate John Farragher.
James Waldron told Tuesday night's meeting of Mayo GAA Board that members of the Executive had spoken to four candidates – John Maughan, James Horan, Anthony McGarry and Tommy Lyons. He said that Denis Kearney had withdrawn from the contest.
"Each of the people gave an outline of what they had in mind," said Waldron. "Any of the four candidates, in our opinion, would be well capable of doing the job." Waldron said the interview process would establish each of the candidates' prospective back-room teams and "the finer details".
Waldron recommended that the three members of the Executive in addition to Denis O'Boyle should serve on the interview committee, and expressed a preference that the fifth member be a club delegate.
John Farragher (Garrymore) was proposed by Tommy Goonan (Assistant Treasurer) and seconded by Gerry Bourke (Breaffy).
Aidan Brennan was also proposed and seconded, but the Claremorris delegate said the interview committee should include "at least one" person who had played inter-county football "within the last ten or 12 years", someone "who knows what's involved and knows the commitment needed" in modern day football.
Brennan said he had "no interest" in being on the interview committee and would "step back in favour of" any player.
Anthony Egan, a former Mayo player and manager, was also proposed, but the Bonniconlon delegate agreed with Brennan that somebody who had represented Mayo "in the last ten or 15 years" would be more appropriate.
He backed a suggestion from Brendan Byrne (Castlebar Mitchels) that it might be appropriate to have Pat Holmes on the interview panel.
Crossmolina delegate Ray Mulligan proposed "bringing in a professional interviewer" who would be "used to the job" and "knows how to mark questions and answers".
However, James Waldron replied that the Executive had interviewed senior, minor and U-21 managers in the past and added: "If we're not capable of doing the job, we shouldn't be here".
Aidan Brennan said the interview panel should include "a broad spectrum" and "a spread of skills". "Pick someone and get on with it," said Peter Geraghty (Swinford).
The proposal that the interview committee include three members of the Executive in addition to Denis O'Boyle was passed overwhelmingly, with just a handful of delegates voting against. After Aidan Brennan stood down, John Farragher was appointed without a contest.
The managerial candidates are likely to be interviewed later this week. However, there was no date mentioned on Tuesday night for the next Mayo GAA Board meeting.

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