6 counties election

Started by Ulick, April 22, 2010, 10:29:56 PM

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Quote from: Myles Na G. on May 02, 2010, 10:43:41 AM
Quote from: Ulick on May 01, 2010, 11:06:19 PM
Burning questions about SDLP Tommy and his Afghan adventure paid for by the British Army


THE SDLP seems to have signed its own unofficial Official Secrets Act about SDLP MLA Thomas Burns's visit to British troops in Afghanistan.
In the Assembly members' of interests, the South Antrim lists that:
"In September 2008, I visited Afghanistan on a fact-finding trip to observe military operations and reconstruction efforts in the region. The cost was met by the Ministry of Defence."
When Gerry Adams raised Tommy's Afghan adventure during the UTV Leaders' Debate last week, SDLP leader Margaret Ritchie was dumbfounded. She sat silent.
I can't find any mention of the Afghan adventure on any of Tommy's websites and there does not appear to be any press releases about the SDLP man's military adventure with the British Army.
So these questions remain unanswered by Tommy Burns and the SDLP:–
•    What are the details?
•    Who proposed the visit – the SDLP or the British Army?
•    Who else was on the trip?
•    What was the duration of the trip?
•    What exactly did it entail?
•    Who did the SDLP man meet in Afghanistan?
•    What were Tommy's arrangements with the British Army?
•    Which "military operations" did he observe?
•    Which "reconstruction efforts" did he observe?
•    What was the benefit of the trip?
•    What has happened since as a product of the trip?
•    Why is the SDLP so coy about this?
•    Will it need a Freedom of Information Act enquiry to find out what Tommy did with the British Army then and since?

Why are the Shinners getting so excited about Tommy's MOD trip? Since SF is currently in the business of administering British rule in the 6 counties, and taking the Queen's shilling for doing so, why would they look down their noses at somebody going out for a jolly to inspect the handiwork of Her Maj's troops? Are they miffed they weren't invited?

...also very cosy with Bush and his ilk when they were laying into Iraqi civilians. Eeven once not going to the St Patrick's day party in protest at their foreign policy might have made a statement.
People like Eamonn McCann and George Galoway are only ones here and in Britain really put it up to the government and US over this.


What constituency is Tommy Burns running in for this election? Or is this just irrelevent mud slinging?


Quote from: Maguire01 on May 02, 2010, 04:52:13 PM
What constituency is Tommy Burns running in for this election? Or is this just irrelevent mud slinging?

Asking questions is mudslinging?


What about sticking to things relevant to this election, such as Gerry's usual grasp of Economics and the implications of SF's abstentionist policy?

Sinn Féin's response to criticism of their refusal to sit at Westminster in the face of proposed cuts post-election has been to call on all the other parties "to unite with us against the cuts", and even to press for an increase in the block grant.  At the same time the party's manifesto, along with others, wants fiscal powers devolved and corporation tax reduced – whilst also refusing to agree to the introduction of water charges.  Balance those books.

The example Gerry Adams has cited in support of his call for unified opposition here is the negotiatons over the devolved policing and justice budget.

The problem for Sinn Féin is that, in that case, their objective of prompt devolution of those powers was shared by the UK government - It was the DUP's consent which was being negotiated.

Post-election, without any votes in Parliament, what do Sinn Féin have to offer in any negotiation over cuts?

The SDLP's Dolores Kelly calls it right in this Belfast Telegraph report

SDLP Upper Bann candidate Dolores Kelly argued: "When the battle of the cuts is joined on the floor of Westminster, Sinn Fein won't even be there. By all accounts they are getting a hard time on the doorsteps on their totally outdated abstention policy, especially given the possibility of a hung Parliament.

"Public-sector workers are asking them what they are going to do if David Cameron swings the axe and they have no answers. Now it seems they want us and others to be their Westminster proxies, to attach themselves in some way to those who will be actually doing the hard work and the fighting. [added emphasis]

"We are no longer hearing grandiose claims about their influence at Downing Street. They will get short shrift at the back door of Downing Street if David Cameron gets his hands on the front door."



No problem, but asking questions is mudslinging?


Quote from: Ulick on May 02, 2010, 04:56:20 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on May 02, 2010, 04:52:13 PM
What constituency is Tommy Burns running in for this election? Or is this just irrelevent mud slinging?

Asking questions is mudslinging?
What is the relevance of this line of questioning? The man in question isn't a candidate for this election and this visit doesn't appear to have been part of a party policy.


He's an elected representative for a Party standing for election and is out on the doorsteps canvassing for them so it is very relevant to the election.


Well if he's out on the doorsteps canvassing I'm sure there's ample opportunity to put those questions to him.


**shakes head and walks away**


How about this for a press release from the UUP:


Another confused outburst from Jeffrey

Responding to another confused outburst from Jeffrey Donaldson concerning a mistaken story in the Financial Times an Ulster Unionist Party Spokesperson said:

"Jeffrey appears to be thoroughly confused about a whole host of matters. The statement was issued on behalf of both parties – the Conservatives and the Ulster Unionists. Having separated himself from reality, Jeffrey is now fantasising about jumping into bed with Conservatives after sharing a bed with Labour throughout this election campaign.

"It really is quite a strange fantasy.

"From crowing that the UUP has no clout with the Conservative Party, to inferring that the UUP has now taken control of CCHQ's press office, Jeffrey seems equally confused about the strength of our partnership.

"I am afraid it is Jeffery who is becoming increasingly hysterical, but at least it is nice to see him out and about again."



A most interesting press release.  Jeffrey's current address might well be different to that on his posters.  UUP trying to get that message across in a slightly sly but quite devastating manner.  This should get tongues wagging.  It's getting really dirty now!


Right lads, I'm going to bed early on Thursday night and I am not sure what time to set the alarm for.

I am tempted to set it for 11.45, because RTE coverage starts then, and I can have a neat rundown from them of everything I have missed.

However, I might not even have got to sleep by then.  I am tempted to lie on until 1.00am.

Does anyone know what time results are expected.  I heard on Radio Ulster today that West Belfast was going to try to be the first constituency in the whole UK to declare, but I'm not bothered about WB anyway, as obviously Big Gerry will romp home.

Can anyone advise me?


Quote from: Feckitt on May 05, 2010, 02:38:52 PM
Can anyone advise me?

Channel 4's Alternative Election night ;)
Testing Accessibility


Quote from: ziggysego on May 05, 2010, 02:41:43 PM
Quote from: Feckitt on May 05, 2010, 02:38:52 PM
Can anyone advise me?

Channel 4's Alternative Election night ;)
seen that advertised alright, should be a laugh.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

Nally Stand

Quote from: pintsofguinness on May 05, 2010, 11:48:56 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on May 05, 2010, 02:41:43 PM
Quote from: Feckitt on May 05, 2010, 02:38:52 PM
Can anyone advise me?

Channel 4's Alternative Election night ;)
seen that advertised alright, should be a laugh.

Sort of hear the ad in the background but did't see it. Whats sort of form is that show taking or what are they doing?
"The island of saints & scholars...and gombeens & fuckin' arselickers" Christy Moore