Paul Grimley goes to Monaghan

Started by Carbery, September 02, 2009, 09:31:54 AM

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Quote from: ardmhachaabu on September 10, 2009, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on September 10, 2009, 09:54:43 AM
Grimley was given 24hrs by Monaghan to make a decision. Very persuasive ;). He decided not to take the risk of interview for the Armagh job, but the Armagh county board couldn't back out of the interview process they'd publicly announced even though he'd have got it had he went for it.

According to some well connected Ogs people, that's not what happened at all.  I am talking about people who would know the man well incidentally

Apparently PG gave the CB a deadline of 1pm for him to get papers saying the deal was signed, sealed and delivered on his terms, they told him they couldn't do that because they couldn't get everyone together to discuss as one person was on holidays.  At that point he told them that they had until 3pm to give him the papers, knowing he wouldn't get them that quickly and why. 

His reasoning was that he had to look after himself, understandable and all that.
What? The Banty's money was going to burn up in 24 hours?


Logan I said something similar to the Ogs person who told me the story, they insisted it was true and that it was from PG himself
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something


Quote from: full back on September 10, 2009, 07:40:10 PM
Quote from: full back on September 10, 2009, 07:09:28 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on September 10, 2009, 07:04:45 PM
Check out page 29 of the armagh management thread my good friend.
You dismissed my claim that Joe wasn't interested  in other jobs as half- assed gossip!
Have a few other bits of news as regards Armagh football if you're interested

Was it you that broke the story on Dyas coming back?

What about this exclusive you broke to us?

even Stephenite who lives over there and follows AFL said he heard something similar and lets face it he isn't a fan of mine. So there may be something in it. I haven't read anywhere he's been offered a new contract yet. So we'll see, but I don't want to come across as wishing the young lad any misfortune so I'm not going to labour the point. But i'll happily concede I was wrong if that proves to be the case.
Just saying what a prominent Armagh GAA man told me thats all.


Quote from: Logan on September 10, 2009, 09:23:49 PM
Quote from: ardmhachaabu on September 10, 2009, 09:10:54 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on September 10, 2009, 09:54:43 AM
Grimley was given 24hrs by Monaghan to make a decision. Very persuasive ;). He decided not to take the risk of interview for the Armagh job, but the Armagh county board couldn't back out of the interview process they'd publicly announced even though he'd have got it had he went for it.

According to some well connected Ogs people, that's not what happened at all.  I am talking about people who would know the man well incidentally

Apparently PG gave the CB a deadline of 1pm for him to get papers saying the deal was signed, sealed and delivered on his terms, they told him they couldn't do that because they couldn't get everyone together to discuss as one person was on holidays.  At that point he told them that they had until 3pm to give him the papers, knowing he wouldn't get them that quickly and why. 

His reasoning was that he had to look after himself, understandable and all that.
What? The Banty's money was going to burn up in 24 hours?

Anyone would have struggled to turn down Monaghan's offer. I think looking from the outside in a lot of people criticising Grimley wouldn't have said no especially if you've been screwed over once before.

under the bar

Apparently Paul Grimley was seen tonight coming out of a house in Irish Street, Armagh shaking hands at the door with a well-known county board member.

Who says Indiana has all the scoops??  ;)


I know everyones getting carried away with the scoop and all that but to be quite frank about it, I think the whole thing is the most anti GAA incident that has happened in Armagh footballing history. As an Armagh Gael I am frankly disgusted at the way the whole rotten scenario has been handled, by ALL concerned, county board, PG, JK, sponsors, the lot of them.  In my opinion they have turned Armagh football into some sort of bargaining chip in a political and economic game.  I personally feel sick to the stomach that someone should have to be bribed with money to accept the opportunity to manage ones own county.  Where did the love of the game and parish go to? I have also incidentally lost all respect I had for Joe Kernan.  I always praised him for his assertion that he would never go to another county, thinking that this principle was an honourable one.  Now imagine the scenario, Armagh meet Galway in an All-Ireland quarter final, that man is standing shouting instructions to a group of players he never knew before now against his own flesh and blood all for the sake of monetary gain and ego.  To me that is everything the GAA isn't, but has been allowed to become.

Another thing, after all this hooha, imagine if both Armagh and Galway go out of the championship at the first round stage this summer.  Just imagine after all this talk of the great "managers" from armagh, how much of a laughing stock Armagh Gaels will be?  I lay the blame at all their doors and to be honest at this stage if they all removed themselves from Armagh football right now, I'd be happy to start from scratch.  There are enough good footballing people in the county who will carry out the Couny board jobs and the management and sponsorship roles with silence and with honourary compensation in the form of pride. Time to get back to what really matters, this has been lost.  I am ashamed that all concerned come from Armagh!!!


Its supporters like you that armagh could do without. aside from your latest attack on, well everyone, looking back through your posts you consistently just criticise every aspect of armagh gaa?

these people who you have "lost all respect for" have done mountains of work for the county. it is your right on a discussion forum to speculate on their motives but they can't all be the devil incarnate, can they?


Quote from: DuffleKing on September 11, 2009, 02:34:39 AM

Its supporters like you that armagh could do without. aside from your latest attack on, well everyone, looking back through your posts you consistently just criticise every aspect of armagh gaa?

these people who you have "lost all respect for" have done mountains of work for the county. it is your right on a discussion forum to speculate on their motives but they can't all be the devil incarnate, can they?

Yeh ... but he does have a bit of point though doesn't he?

McGeeney - Kildare - Full Time Manager?
Grimley - Full time? Manager Clontibret, Monaghan, DCU
Kernan - Manager - Galway


Quote from: Logan on September 11, 2009, 08:31:23 AM
Quote from: DuffleKing on September 11, 2009, 02:34:39 AM

Its supporters like you that armagh could do without. aside from your latest attack on, well everyone, looking back through your posts you consistently just criticise every aspect of armagh gaa?

these people who you have "lost all respect for" have done mountains of work for the county. it is your right on a discussion forum to speculate on their motives but they can't all be the devil incarnate, can they?

Yeh ... but he does have a bit of point though doesn't he?

has he? which point?


Quote from: DuffleKing on September 11, 2009, 10:16:45 AM
Quote from: Logan on September 11, 2009, 08:31:23 AM
Quote from: DuffleKing on September 11, 2009, 02:34:39 AM

Its supporters like you that armagh could do without. aside from your latest attack on, well everyone, looking back through your posts you consistently just criticise every aspect of armagh gaa?

these people who you have "lost all respect for" have done mountains of work for the county. it is your right on a discussion forum to speculate on their motives but they can't all be the devil incarnate, can they?

Yeh ... but he does have a bit of point though doesn't he?

has he? which point?

I liked these comments

Quote from: Aoise on September 11, 2009, 01:58:54 AM
I know everyones getting carried away with the scoop and all that but to be quite frank about it, I think the whole thing is the most anti GAA incident that has happened in Armagh footballing history. As an Armagh Gael I am frankly disgusted at the way the whole rotten scenario has been handled, by ALL concerned, county board, PG, JK, sponsors, the lot of them.  In my opinion they have turned Armagh football into some sort of bargaining chip in a political and economic game.  I personally feel sick to the stomach that someone should have to be bribed with money to accept the opportunity to manage ones own county.  Where did the love of the game and parish go to? I have also incidentally lost all respect I had for Joe Kernan.  I always praised him for his assertion that he would never go to another county, thinking that this principle was an honourable one.  Now imagine the scenario, Armagh meet Galway in an All-Ireland quarter final, that man is standing shouting instructions to a group of players he never knew before now against his own flesh and blood all for the sake of monetary gain and ego.  To me that is everything the GAA isn't, but has been allowed to become.

Another thing, after all this hooha, imagine if both Armagh and Galway go out of the championship at the first round stage this summer.  Just imagine after all this talk of the great "managers" from armagh, how much of a laughing stock Armagh Gaels will be?  I lay the blame at all their doors and to be honest at this stage if they all removed themselves from Armagh football right now, I'd be happy to start from scratch. There are enough good footballing people in the county who will carry out the Couny board jobs and the management and sponsorship roles with silence and with honourary compensation in the form of pride. Time to get back to what really matters, this has been lost.  I am ashamed that all concerned come from Armagh!!!


I wasn't aware of any "statements" by any of the people you mention unitl Grimley's a couple of weeks ago clarifying his posiiton.

Did i miss morgan's copius paper articles? or kernan's on the matter? or grimley's horsetrading to get the job? no. what you read on the internet is not real life. it's people's opinions and rumour.

the latest piece of crap from this aoise character is to claim that grimley was waiting on some sort of financial bribe to manage his own county and implying that the money didn't stack up so hi pissed off ofr a better deal. he couldn't work with nor reach agreement with the county board. end of. if he chooses to remain in the game coaching after that then that's his business.

of course there are plenty of people who will do all of the jobs you list. personally, i want the best and most capable possible person for each of the roles you list.


So it seems that Brendan Crossan was full of shit anyway  ::)


Quote from: DuffleKing on September 11, 2009, 11:40:10 AM

I wasn't aware of any "statements" by any of the people you mention unitl Grimley's a couple of weeks ago clarifying his posiiton.

Did i miss morgan's copius paper articles? or kernan's on the matter? or grimley's horsetrading to get the job? no. what you read on the internet is not real life. it's people's opinions and rumour.

the latest piece of crap from this aoise character is to claim that grimley was waiting on some sort of financial bribe to manage his own county and implying that the money didn't stack up so hi pissed off ofr a better deal. he couldn't work with nor reach agreement with the county board. end of. if he chooses to remain in the game coaching after that then that's his business.

of course there are plenty of people who will do all of the jobs you list. personally, i want the best and most capable possible person for each of the roles you list.

I don't follow all that - you're getting personal - I'm talking about the game in general.

I've no interest in the people concerned - they could be great honorable people - i just don't know - but as a general comment -

It does look as though the game is changing to a more financially driven game where money dictates loyalty, and for whatever reason 3 Armagh people seem to be the most commented on movers in the past few weeks.


well 2 - That's just the way it is now. in a few weeks these 2 will be forgotten and the speculation will be somewhere else


Quote from: Aoise on September 11, 2009, 01:58:54 AM
I know everyones getting carried away with the scoop and all that but to be quite frank about it, I think the whole thing is the most anti GAA incident that has happened in Armagh footballing history. As an Armagh Gael I am frankly disgusted at the way the whole rotten scenario has been handled, by ALL concerned, county board, PG, JK, sponsors, the lot of them.  In my opinion they have turned Armagh football into some sort of bargaining chip in a political and economic game.  I personally feel sick to the stomach that someone should have to be bribed with money to accept the opportunity to manage ones own county.  Where did the love of the game and parish go to? I have also incidentally lost all respect I had for Joe Kernan.  I always praised him for his assertion that he would never go to another county, thinking that this principle was an honourable one.  Now imagine the scenario, Armagh meet Galway in an All-Ireland quarter final, that man is standing shouting instructions to a group of players he never knew before now against his own flesh and blood all for the sake of monetary gain and ego.  To me that is everything the GAA isn't, but has been allowed to become.

Another thing, after all this hooha, imagine if both Armagh and Galway go out of the championship at the first round stage this summer.  Just imagine after all this talk of the great "managers" from armagh, how much of a laughing stock Armagh Gaels will be?  I lay the blame at all their doors and to be honest at this stage if they all removed themselves from Armagh football right now, I'd be happy to start from scratch.  There are enough good footballing people in the county who will carry out the Couny board jobs and the management and sponsorship roles with silence and with honourary compensation in the form of pride. Time to get back to what really matters, this has been lost.  I am ashamed that all concerned come from Armagh!!!

These men still love the game and they still love their parish as you put it, the thing is that they realise that they should be compensated in some way for their time, why should some faceless paper pusher at HQ get paid when managers put their hearts and soul into leading their counties, working four or five nights a week without some sort of compensation. I have no problem with any of these men getting expenses at all at all because by your way of looking at it, they should actually lose money if like you seem to want to do, pay them nothing.

Joe Kernan has the right to change his mind, he took a job outside of the province at least, unlike Grimley who went to a neighbour. I didnt like the way Joe treated Grimley & Geezer etc toward the end of his tenure with us but he owes Armagh nothing.

Everything is sports is becoming more political, revenue dictates politics and vice versa, we have opened Croker to sawker and rugby and the money is rolling in, the managers see this, know what they give to further the cause of the GAA and they want to be compensated for their time, what is wrong with that?

This is an embarassment to the county, the players sending a letter to the papers is an embarassment and that is why we need to appoint a strong leader, someone who can work with both the board and the players, make fact based decisions on team selections and we need someone who can effectively bring on the youth that is out there and incorporate them into the team.

This is a watershed appointment for Armagh, we have some tremendous talent coming through in the nest 3-4 years and we need the right man to harness that talent, I hope the board ends this mess quickly, get their man and start building for the season ahead so that we can put this whole mess behind us.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.