the troubles i've seen.....

Started by milltown row, January 24, 2009, 06:08:02 PM

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milltown row

the other topic regarding the first news reports you can remember has got me thinking about this.

the troubles I've seen, I'm sure we all have some serious some sad and some very funny things that happened through the troubles. some may be distorted over time but I've some vivid memory's from growing up on the Falls road.

Gun attacks, bombs going off and gun battles in the streets, the funnier side being when the Hunger strike rioting was going on and i was at the shop with my cousin when a drinks lorry was hijacked. being ten we gathered up the coke bottles drunk some and threw some at the gable wall. heading home later my mate shouted to me that i was on the news, not waiting to find out what i was doing i ran in to tell my mum. we all sat down as i watched myself throwing coke bottles at a wall. a few smacks later and i was sent to bed >:( and was not aloud out for two days

The Watcher Pat

I used to work in a country pub that has been shot at 3-4 times...Out in the middle of nowhere!!  Football team that played there (when i used to play) were getting showered when 2 gun men came towards the changing rooms but the gun jammed....They would have killed all of us!! The bar still has bullet proof glass!!

A court document from one of the incedents
There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME


This is going to be a depressing thread.
Which one of you bitches wants to dance?

The Watcher Pat

I'm not depressed at all...Thanking my lucky stars i'm still here!!
There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME

milltown row


My primary school got blown up, always remember it as it was the night we were told we'd be having a new brother or sister, right when we were being told the bomb went off, we could hear it at home 4 miles away!

Then around the time of Drumcree, me and a few mates could see thick dark smoke in the sky, so we decided to get on our bikes and investigate. Once we got there it was a train that had been hijacked and was being burnt out in Kilwilke!

What always sticks out is the Rosemary Nelson murder. I was old enough to understand what was going on and it was quite a distressing time, i would have known one of her sons from school...I remember a Brit helicopter landing in the field next to the neighbours house and the Brits getting out and walking up our street. I live in a cul-de-sac of five houses about 60 yards long and its the first and only time I ever saw soldiers walking up it. Was always baffled as to the reason why soldiers would be near our us as we were kinda out of the way so to speak and never had any trouble in the estate, but it soon became apparent why

new devil

Teebane bomb were 8 Protestant workmen were blew up..lived beside it

King rat came twice to a garage beside home..owner got away both times...2nd time gun jammed and he beat the f**k out of the rat

thankfully crip finished him off  ;)

The Watcher Pat

Quote from: fitzroyalty on January 24, 2009, 06:40:31 PM
My primary school got blown up, always remember it as it was the night we were told we'd be having a new brother or sister, right when we were being told the bomb went off, we could hear it at home 4 miles away!

Then around the time of Drumcree, me and a few mates could see thick dark smoke in the sky, so we decided to get on our bikes and investigate. Once we got there it was a train that had been hijacked and was being burnt out in Kilwilke!

What always sticks out is the Rosemary Nelson murder. I was old enough to understand what was going on and it was quite a distressing time, i would have known one of her sons from school...I remember a Brit helicopter landing in the field next to the neighbours house and the Brits getting out and walking up our street. I live in a cul-de-sac of five houses about 60 yards long and its the first and only time I ever saw soldiers walking up it. Was always baffled as to the reason why soldiers would be near our us as we were kinda out of the way so to speak and never had any trouble in the estate, but it soon became apparent why

Collusion that's why!
There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME


Left in a car in Portadown at Christmastime while my parents went shopping (probably 1963), and having a drunken Loyalist stagger by yelling, "Yiz F@@kin' Fenian bosstirds!" Scared to death, thinking, of course, that he was referring to me and my brothers. First encounter with sectarianism.

Hearing the first Armagh Civil Rights' marchers singing "We Shall Overcome" on their way to their confrontation with Paisleyites in Thomas Street.  Moved by the song, and terrified too about what would happen.

Juggling a soocer ball on way to setting a personal record (had always stopped at 500 out of boredom) as an army foot patrol went by.  About 200 taps or so later, a shot cracked and interrupted my quest.  Later learned that a soldier had been killed in D'alton Park.

Sitting in Charlie McMahon's pub when it was rocked by the reverberations from the bomb blast that had hit McGleenan's where I was supposed to be.

Being stupidly sent to retrieve my younger brother from the Pearse Og club at the Athletic Grounds during a riot in Drumarg, when the Ogs club was probably the safest place to be on the planet-- its own little Fort Apache.

Being stopped by a foot patrol up an alley behind Rice's.  My friend produced a holy card of St. Bernadette of Lourdes, and having the soldier ask him if that was a picture of his mother.  A nineteenth century French peasant girl!  Then having same soldier pee on the back of our legs as we were up against the wall.

Playing Gaelic football against St. Mary's, Dundalk.  A shot rings out over the Athletic Grounds intended for army on the Ring Road.  The Dundalk team hits the ground, wisely enough, but we, used to such things, carry on and score a goal, clinching the match.

Going to my friend's house in Drumarg during an army blackout, tripping over a soldier who is partially hidden under a shrub, and having my friend's father open the door, point to the soldier and say, "How do you like me new garden gnome?"

And many more . . .  

Square Ball

favourite one of mine is:

A riot had just started on the Falls at the top of the Donegall road, a hooded gunman got on the bus and ordered everyone off the bus, as they were walking past the bloke a woman shouted to him "!!!! is that you?" then started to bait her son around the head with her handbag, much to the delight of the people on the bus, she continued to do this until she had forced him off the bus.

Hospitals are not equipped to treat stupid

milltown row

i remember one Saturday afternoon, sun was shining and i was heading back from the club. it seemed real quiet but as a Saracen was coming up the road one of the local ballons ran out onto the road and chucked a beer keg at the Saracen. the keg bounced off the thing and whacked one of the other guys, hilarious

The Watcher Pat

Quote from: Square Ball on January 24, 2009, 08:14:18 PM
favourite one of mine is:

A riot had just started on the Falls at the top of the Donegall road, a hooded gunman got on the bus and ordered everyone off the bus, as they were walking past the bloke a woman shouted to him "!!!! is that you?" then started to bait her son around the head with her handbag, much to the delight of the people on the bus, she continued to do this until she had forced him off the bus.

Thats like the boys from Lurgan who hijacked a bus...Got on with petrol and doused it all over the bus....Not one of these smart individuals had a match to light the think.....Priceless
There is no I in team, but if you look close enough you can find ME


Quote from: fitzroyalty on January 24, 2009, 06:40:31 PM
My primary school got blown up, always remember it as it was the night we were told we'd be having a new brother or sister, right when we were being told the bomb went off, we could hear it at home 4 miles away!

Then around the time of Drumcree, me and a few mates could see thick dark smoke in the sky, so we decided to get on our bikes and investigate. Once we got there it was a train that had been hijacked and was being burnt out in Kilwilke!

What always sticks out is the Rosemary Nelson murder. I was old enough to understand what was going on and it was quite a distressing time, i would have known one of her sons from school...I remember a Brit helicopter landing in the field next to the neighbours house and the Brits getting out and walking up our street. I live in a cul-de-sac of five houses about 60 yards long and its the first and only time I ever saw soldiers walking up it. Was always baffled as to the reason why soldiers would be near our us as we were kinda out of the way so to speak and never had any trouble in the estate, but it soon became apparent why

Fairly similar experiences to yourself Fitz. Can remember us having to duck down beneath our desks in school one day because there shots outside. Think the IRS were shooting at the Brits. Seemed totally bizarre at the time.

The Rosemary Nelson one sticks out as the thing that would have had the most effect on me. Was very friendly with one of the sons at the time. Don't think I'll ever forget that funeral.
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


Bobby Sands dying, all the hunger strikers dying actually but Sands's death made more of an impact on me than the others.

A Prison Officer getting killed outside Armagh jail (can't remember his name), we were in our car and drove past about 10 minutes afterwards.  Carnage.

Yer man Kerr getting shot dead at Armagh Cathedral after attending Mass with his wife and family. 

Multiple bombings and shootings

I can't say I would ever wish to see a return to the likes of that.  All of it was just pure insanity.
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something
