The Many Faces of US Politics...

Started by Tyrones own, March 20, 2009, 09:29:14 PM

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The Dems are trying to impeach Clarence Thomas at the moment too which gets very little play


Quote from: omaghjoe on September 28, 2018, 05:52:54 PM
So let me get this straight... if there was an investigation it would delay the process to after the midterms which would mean that the Republicans would loose their majority and the Dems wouldnt vote him in? So the Reps obiviously dont want that?

But the investigation would likely find the same as we saw yesterday... a he said/she said scenario, and the nomination would have proceeded, which is why the Dems held back off this until this point.

Unfortunately everyone loses out of this:
Reps look their forcing thru a person of possible dubious character
Dems look like they have been playing for time
Cavanagh has his personal reputation in tatters
Dr Ford has her personal life and history thrust into public domain and is abused and threatened

The closer to the midterms we get with this circus, the better it is for Dems who can rightly argue that the GOP is stacking the courts as part of an ongoing coup. The GOP will drag on this era of minority rule for as long as they can in order to stuff the pockets of themselves and their rich donors.


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on September 29, 2018, 01:06:57 AM
Quote from: omaghjoe on September 28, 2018, 05:52:54 PM
So let me get this straight... if there was an investigation it would delay the process to after the midterms which would mean that the Republicans would loose their majority and the Dems wouldnt vote him in? So the Reps obiviously dont want that?

But the investigation would likely find the same as we saw yesterday... a he said/she said scenario, and the nomination would have proceeded, which is why the Dems held back off this until this point.

Unfortunately everyone loses out of this:
Reps look their forcing thru a person of possible dubious character
Dems look like they have been playing for time
Cavanagh has his personal reputation in tatters
Dr Ford has her personal life and history thrust into public domain and is abused and threatened

The closer to the midterms we get with this circus, the better it is for Dems who can rightly argue that the GOP is stacking the courts as part of an ongoing coup. The GOP will drag on this era of minority rule for as long as they can in order to stuff the pockets of themselves and their rich donors.

The left has no one to blame but themselves.



Quote from: Syferus on September 29, 2018, 01:41:59 AM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on September 29, 2018, 01:06:57 AM
Quote from: omaghjoe on September 28, 2018, 05:52:54 PM
So let me get this straight... if there was an investigation it would delay the process to after the midterms which would mean that the Republicans would loose their majority and the Dems wouldnt vote him in? So the Reps obiviously dont want that?

But the investigation would likely find the same as we saw yesterday... a he said/she said scenario, and the nomination would have proceeded, which is why the Dems held back off this until this point.

Unfortunately everyone loses out of this:
Reps look their forcing thru a person of possible dubious character
Dems look like they have been playing for time
Cavanagh has his personal reputation in tatters
Dr Ford has her personal life and history thrust into public domain and is abused and threatened

The closer to the midterms we get with this circus, the better it is for Dems who can rightly argue that the GOP is stacking the courts as part of an ongoing coup. The GOP will drag on this era of minority rule for as long as they can in order to stuff the pockets of themselves and their rich donors.

The left has no one to blame but themselves.

What "left" would you be talking about now. If there is a left that is to be found in the US you should more "rightly" call it the center. The Dems ain't no left party but as the Republican Party pushes it's center further to the right and is successful at normalizing it; continues to demonize helping poor people as that terrible socialist thing. The only thing the "left" has to blame itself for is not being as effective at propaganda as the Right. How many people do they get to vote against their economic and social self interest.



His drinking  was key


Replying to
The fact that he was drinking so much, he was vomiting regularly seems like a red flag to me. When someone is puking, they're wasted. His whole sensitive stomach / ketchup on pasta thing sounds like major bs.

Nate Silver


During the Whitehouse questions about the yearbook, he's literally almost sneering with contempt while launching into a series of wildly implausible explanations on ralphing, devil's triangle, Renate Dolphin, "boofed", etc.

Norman Ornstein


This is outrageous. I hope
will tell McConnell and Trump that this is unacceptable, he will vote against unless the investigation is a real and complete one.
Quote Tweet

Even worse: the WH Counsel's Office — led by Kavanaugh's top WH ally — "has given the FBI a list of witnesses they are permitted to interview."

Francis Wilkinson


NYT shows Kavanaugh lied repeatedly under oath about drinking and social life. Post nails him on lies on stolen Dem docs. l

NBC News reported on Saturday that the White House had placed constraints on the investigation including that the third woman to accuse Kavanaugh, Julie Swetnick, would not be questioned.

Philip Gourevitch


"Two sources familiar with the investigation said the FBI will also not be able to examine why Kavanaugh's account of his drinking at Yale University differs from those of some former classmates, who have said he was known as a heavy drinker."


so that's a preliminary list of what the White House most fears for Kavanaugh: Swetnick, documentary corroboration of Basey Ford's post-assault encounter with Judge at supermarket, Kav's lies under oath about his drinking, and likely emergence of new corroborating witnesses


John Harwood


the widening recognition that Kavanaugh wasn't straight under oath w/Judiciary Committee is becoming its own separate problem for his nomination whatever this week's limited FBI investigation turns up on sexual misconduct allegations


Quote from: omochain on September 30, 2018, 12:07:17 AM
Quote from: Syferus on September 29, 2018, 01:41:59 AM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on September 29, 2018, 01:06:57 AM
Quote from: omaghjoe on September 28, 2018, 05:52:54 PM
So let me get this straight... if there was an investigation it would delay the process to after the midterms which would mean that the Republicans would loose their majority and the Dems wouldnt vote him in? So the Reps obiviously dont want that?

But the investigation would likely find the same as we saw yesterday... a he said/she said scenario, and the nomination would have proceeded, which is why the Dems held back off this until this point.

Unfortunately everyone loses out of this:
Reps look their forcing thru a person of possible dubious character
Dems look like they have been playing for time
Cavanagh has his personal reputation in tatters
Dr Ford has her personal life and history thrust into public domain and is abused and threatened

The closer to the midterms we get with this circus, the better it is for Dems who can rightly argue that the GOP is stacking the courts as part of an ongoing coup. The GOP will drag on this era of minority rule for as long as they can in order to stuff the pockets of themselves and their rich donors.

The left has no one to blame but themselves.

What "left" would you be talking about now. If there is a left that is to be found in the US you should more "rightly" call it the center. The Dems ain't no left party but as the Republican Party pushes it's center further to the right and is successful at normalizing it; continues to demonize helping poor people as that terrible socialist thing. The only thing the "left" has to blame itself for is not being as effective at propaganda as the Right. How many people do they get to vote against their economic and social self interest.

As you say its all relative but you must also recognise that your idea of the left is based on what your believe to be left most likely from a European perspective

The "left/liberal" side of American politics is more progressive than true left.

The idea of "making it" thru opportunity and social mobility is deeply ingrained into American pysche in a way that Irish people would have difficulty in understanding. To have this you need a free market, a majority of Americans from all sides of the political spectrum would be loathe to give this up.


Norman Ornstein


Two chilling reasons why Republicans want to jam this through now. 1, Kavanaugh will give Trump total power over Mueller investigation. 2, a case that Anthony Kennedy insisted be heard this term, to block state prosecutions, would give Trump more power to pardon self and others.


Like everything else, this isn't actually going anywhere. It seems like the democrats and their friends in the media like to tell each other what they want to hear and talk each other up get their readers and supporters in a frenzy and then it all falls apart and comes to nothing in the end.

It's all a charade. They publish some self referential articles and tweet each other's tweets but it's only their to stir up the base because ultimately Kavanaugh is going to get the nomination because there was nothing to back up these allegations. Just like Trump isn't going to be impeached because there is nothing to the Russia collusion allegations.

Trump will win 2020 because the Democrats have no serious candidates or even a message that might bring enough people over.

Sorry, by all means keep banging those drums if it makes you feel better but just don't kid yourself that you're doing anything other than preaching to the choir.
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Quote from: thejuice on October 01, 2018, 10:42:31 PM
Like everything else, this isn't actually going anywhere. It seems like the democrats and their friends in the media like to tell each other what they want to hear and talk each other up get their readers and supporters in a frenzy and then it all falls apart and comes to nothing in the end.

It's all a charade. They publish some self referential articles and tweet each other's tweets but it's only their to stir up the base because ultimately Kavanaugh is going to get the nomination because there was nothing to back up these allegations. Just like Trump isn't going to be impeached because there is nothing to the Russia collusion allegations.

Trump will win 2020 because the Democrats have no serious candidates or even a message that might bring enough people over.

Sorry, by all means keep banging those drums if it makes you feel better but just don't kid yourself that you're doing anything other than preaching to the choir.

Fantasy Rugby World Cup Champion 2011,
Fantasy 6 Nations Champion 2014

sid waddell

Quote from: thejuice on October 01, 2018, 10:42:31 PM
Like everything else, this isn't actually going anywhere. It seems like the democrats and their friends in the media like to tell each other what they want to hear and talk each other up get their readers and supporters in a frenzy and then it all falls apart and comes to nothing in the end.

It's all a charade. They publish some self referential articles and tweet each other's tweets but it's only their to stir up the base because ultimately Kavanaugh is going to get the nomination because there was nothing to back up these allegations. Just like Trump isn't going to be impeached because there is nothing to the Russia collusion allegations.

Trump will win 2020 because the Democrats have no serious candidates or even a message that might bring enough people over.

Sorry, by all means keep banging those drums if it makes you feel better but just don't kid yourself that you're doing anything other than preaching to the choir.

Are you Newstalk Text Man?  ;D


Quote from: thejuice on October 01, 2018, 10:42:31 PM
Like everything else, this isn't actually going anywhere. It seems like the democrats and their friends in the media like to tell each other what they want to hear and talk each other up get their readers and supporters in a frenzy and then it all falls apart and comes to nothing in the end.

It's all a charade. They publish some self referential articles and tweet each other's tweets but it's only their to stir up the base because ultimately Kavanaugh is going to get the nomination because there was nothing to back up these allegations. Just like Trump isn't going to be impeached because there is nothing to the Russia collusion allegations.

Trump will win 2020 because the Democrats have no serious candidates or even a message that might bring enough people over.

Sorry, by all means keep banging those drums if it makes you feel better but just don't kid yourself that you're doing anything other than preaching to the choir.

You are right to a degree but I think you are missing the real point... As long as the Dakotas with 4% of the population of California have 2 times the representation in the Senate, the Democrats can bloviate all they want. Mitch McConnell will decide the fate of Bret Kavanaugh even if he had a few too many beers in High School and College that led him to disremember stuff.


Quote from: omaghjoe on October 01, 2018, 03:23:18 PM
Quote from: omochain on September 30, 2018, 12:07:17 AM
Quote from: Syferus on September 29, 2018, 01:41:59 AM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on September 29, 2018, 01:06:57 AM
Quote from: omaghjoe on September 28, 2018, 05:52:54 PM
So let me get this straight... if there was an investigation it would delay the process to after the midterms which would mean that the Republicans would loose their majority and the Dems wouldnt vote him in? So the Reps obiviously dont want that?

But the investigation would likely find the same as we saw yesterday... a he said/she said scenario, and the nomination would have proceeded, which is why the Dems held back off this until this point.

Unfortunately everyone loses out of this:
Reps look their forcing thru a person of possible dubious character
Dems look like they have been playing for time
Cavanagh has his personal reputation in tatters
Dr Ford has her personal life and history thrust into public domain and is abused and threatened

The closer to the midterms we get with this circus, the better it is for Dems who can rightly argue that the GOP is stacking the courts as part of an ongoing coup. The GOP will drag on this era of minority rule for as long as they can in order to stuff the pockets of themselves and their rich donors.

The left has no one to blame but themselves.

What "left" would you be talking about now. If there is a left that is to be found in the US you should more "rightly" call it the center. The Dems ain't no left party but as the Republican Party pushes it's center further to the right and is successful at normalizing it; continues to demonize helping poor people as that terrible socialist thing. The only thing the "left" has to blame itself for is not being as effective at propaganda as the Right. How many people do they get to vote against their economic and social self interest.

As you say its all relative but you must also recognise that your idea of the left is based on what your believe to be left most likely from a European perspective

The "left/liberal" side of American politics is more progressive than true left.

The idea of "making it" thru opportunity and social mobility is deeply ingrained into American pysche in a way that Irish people would have difficulty in understanding. To have this you need a free market, a majority of Americans from all sides of the political spectrum would be loathe to give this up.

You make a very valid point... unfortunately for most Americans.. the American dream is the fallacy they are sold to get them to vote against their own economic self interest. Remember, Joe the plumber.. he was earning a pittance but thought he was capable of earning millions and voted for tax cuts on his perceived earnings potential. In truth he would have been better of with an increase in the minimum wage. But your are correct, a lot of us buy into the idea of "making it"