Derry Club Football & Hurling original

Started by Loup Bandit, May 08, 2007, 04:25:59 PM

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Total Members Voted: 21


Disgusting scenes at the end of the Screen Greenlough game. Are the CB gonna grow a set and hammer Greenlough for this? And this So don't judge the outcome without judging the cause.".. What the fcuk! Justifying officials being assaulted.. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
Absolutely disgusting that our officials can be assaulted on a football field.

Glen and the old hands of Ballinderry served up a cracking contest at Owenbeg. Some crazy decision making when 4 up by Glen who should have closed the game out midway through the 2nd half.
Hope D Mckindless is well after being stretchered off


Quote from: HiMucker on September 22, 2018, 08:38:28 PM
No that wasn't my point. I think it's disgraceful, and all the bad press will be on greenlough and rightly so. However there has been numerous incidents previously involving screen and certain posters weren't too quick calling them out. One of our players was racially abused during a senior championship game a few seasons back and there wasn't a dicky bird on here about it. So forgive me if I take the condemnation with a pinch of salt. It's GAA wide problem that we try to sweep our own crap under the carpet.

I can't remember our lads assaulting an official in recent times unless you want to refresh my memory.

Didn't hear about the other thing you're talking about and I'd find it difficult to believe if I'm honest. Obviously if it happened it shouldn't have!!


Quote from: JoG2 on September 22, 2018, 09:42:16 PM
Disgusting scenes at the end of the Screen Greenlough game. Are the CB gonna grow a set and hammer Greenlough for this? And this So don't judge the outcome without judging the cause.".. What the fcuk! Justifying officials being assaulted.. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic.
Absolutely disgusting that our officials can be assaulted on a football field.

Glen and the old hands of Ballinderry served up a cracking contest at Owenbeg. Some crazy decision making when 4 up by Glen who should have closed the game out midway through the 2nd half.
Hope D Mckindless is well after being stretchered off
CB will handle it.  With hammer.  Will Greenlough appeal?  That will be the real moral test. How long before a fatality?  Official or player? Tyrone last weekend, Derry this one.  Time to grow up and respect fellow Gaels.

You, Yew and Ewe

Quote from: Estimator on September 22, 2018, 05:04:15 PM
Quote from: Newbridge Exile on September 22, 2018, 04:55:32 PM
Who was the ref SE?

Damien Harkin was the ref.

Referees, by my reckoning, are the most ardent of GAA supporters.  Why else would they put themselves up for public ridicule week in and week out by so-called 'supporters', some of whom can't watch a game without wearing their club blinkers?

Sure, referees make mistakes, they're only human after all. Players make mistakes too, far more often than the referees do, yet when things go wrong it's invariably the referees fault.  Who in their right mind goes out to have a bad game?  Not even a bad game, who in their right mind goes out to make one or two mistakes? 

To treat a fellow Gael, one we rely upon to play our games, like what happened tonight to Damien Harkin, is nothing short of disgusting and scandalous.

I for one stand up and applaud the referees we have.  Sure, they might not get everything right, they see things from different angles than most of us on the other side of the wire, they make the calls on what they see, and they may make mistakes.  But let's not kid ourselves - they are honest mistakes, made by men who make it possible for our games to be played.

To treat anyone to the vitriol spewed towards our referees is an easy way out, when that descends into a physical assault it is SHAMEFUL.

Let's hope the idiot involved tonight can put himself up for the GAA world to judge, like our referees do every week.  Let's hope he doesn't hide behind his club blinkers, or worse his club hide him.  That idiot tonight was an embarrassment to himself, his club, OUR county and the GAA in general.

The shameful thing is, is that it seems to becoming all to prevalent in our football.  One idiot hits a referee, a whole team chastise him for his performance and he's generally out there on his own taking this abuse.  Why would anyone in their right mind do it? 

I said it before and I'll say it again: referees are the most ardent of GAA supporters.  They deserve our respect and thanks for doing the job.

So to Damien Harkin and the rest of the Derry referees, I say thank you for enabling our games to be played.


Quote from: You, Yew and Ewe on September 23, 2018, 01:33:00 AM
Quote from: Estimator on September 22, 2018, 05:04:15 PM
Quote from: Newbridge Exile on September 22, 2018, 04:55:32 PM
Who was the ref SE?

Damien Harkin was the ref.

Referees, by my reckoning, are the most ardent of GAA supporters.  Why else would they put themselves up for public ridicule week in and week out by so-called 'supporters', some of whom can't watch a game without wearing their club blinkers?

Sure, referees make mistakes, they're only human after all. Players make mistakes too, far more often than the referees do, yet when things go wrong it's invariably the referees fault.  Who in their right mind goes out to have a bad game?  Not even a bad game, who in their right mind goes out to make one or two mistakes? 

To treat a fellow Gael, one we rely upon to play our games, like what happened tonight to Damien Harkin, is nothing short of disgusting and scandalous.

I for one stand up and applaud the referees we have.  Sure, they might not get everything right, they see things from different angles than most of us on the other side of the wire, they make the calls on what they see, and they may make mistakes.  But let's not kid ourselves - they are honest mistakes, made by men who make it possible for our games to be played.

To treat anyone to the vitriol spewed towards our referees is an easy way out, when that descends into a physical assault it is SHAMEFUL.

Let's hope the idiot involved tonight can put himself up for the GAA world to judge, like our referees do every week.  Let's hope he doesn't hide behind his club blinkers, or worse his club hide him.  That idiot tonight was an embarrassment to himself, his club, OUR county and the GAA in general.

The shameful thing is, is that it seems to becoming all to prevalent in our football.  One idiot hits a referee, a whole team chastise him for his performance and he's generally out there on his own taking this abuse.  Why would anyone in their right mind do it? 

I said it before and I'll say it again: referees are the most ardent of GAA supporters.  They deserve our respect and thanks for doing the job.

So to Damien Harkin and the rest of the Derry referees, I say thank you for enabling our games to be played.

Great post. Damian loves the GAA. One of best referees out there and goes out each game to do his very best. He is a cousin of mine and shocked to see the video this morning. I referee my myself and often speak to damian for advice and such.

The same man will not let this affect him.

Greenlough Facebook account usually great for match reports and stats, but didn't like that post.


Damian has reffed a lot of our games in Tyrone here for Ulster League, a gentleman and a very fair ref. Disgrace what happened, players will always have brawls etc but spectators entering the field is a worrying trend.


About time criminal charges for assault are brought for an incident (supporter attacking the ref) like this!


Quote from: Wildweasel74 on September 23, 2018, 11:20:18 AM
About time criminal charges for assault are brought for an incident (supporter attacking the ref) like this!
Already done re player assaulting ref after Derry Club Championship match in 2010.  Went to court, player given fine of £500.  3 years later, another player attacks ref at end of Championship final, his suspension is halved so he can represent his county!  Until a clear, strong message is sent out, it will continue. We are all family people and GAA people and I hope that no one has to die before we see sense. At present it is something 'waiting to happen'.


Just see that the county board has fixed the Slaughtneil /Coleraine replay for next Wednesday night. Not much consideration for the dual players at both clubs with the hurling finals fixed for next Sunday. The club players should be shown a bit more respect than this and then people at times wonder why some players don't want to represent the county. I think at times give respect/get respect is one way traffic at this point.


Quote from: oneclubonelife on September 23, 2018, 10:53:02 PM
Just see that the county board has fixed the Slaughtneil /Coleraine replay for next Wednesday night. Not much consideration for the dual players at both clubs with the hurling finals fixed for next Sunday. The club players should be shown a bit more respect than this and then people at times wonder why some players don't want to represent the county. I think at times give respect/get respect is one way traffic at this point.

Interesting, so what's your alternative given the matches have to played in time for ulster club in hurling and football?


Given that the preliminary round of the ulster club football is not until 21/10/18 and first round proper is not until 04/11/18 and that that the Derry v Down teams don't meet in the ulster club hurling semi final until 28/10/18, I think there was plenty of room to give both team a bit of lee way

Billy Magoo

Quote from: lenny on September 24, 2018, 06:56:29 AM
Quote from: oneclubonelife on September 23, 2018, 10:53:02 PM
Just see that the county board has fixed the Slaughtneil /Coleraine replay for next Wednesday night. Not much consideration for the dual players at both clubs with the hurling finals fixed for next Sunday. The club players should be shown a bit more respect than this and then people at times wonder why some players don't want to represent the county. I think at times give respect/get respect is one way traffic at this point.

Interesting, so what's your alternative given the matches have to played in time for ulster club in hurling and football?

Put someone with a wee bit of sense in charge of fixtures.  The county board have known that it was very possible that dual clubs would progress to that latter stages of the championship,  especially with the new hurling intermediate and junior competitions and yet they have no allowance for replays in their scheduling. 


Any of the fixtures can be amended still and I know the cry will be why should other clubs have to wait on one or two clubs, but I think in this case an allowance should be shown. Derry champions in football don't play in Ulster until 04/11/18 against the Cavan champions so what is the issue with giving the teams their recovery between games. Is there an underlying agenda against dual clubs?

Josey Wales

Totally agree regards disgraceful scenes after the screen match and no officials should have to put up with it.

Though what I will disagree with is ones on here saying that Damien Harkin is a good referee.  Time and time again he has affected the outcomes of big games with his decisions, which were later proven to be wrong with evidence and on occasions the CB having to throw them out. 

A good referee should be seen and not heard.  With Damien he seems to enjoy being the center of attention no matter if its right or wrong. 


All very quick to condemn but the CB should be commended for fixing the Coleraine Sneil game for next Wednesday night!!