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Messages - dowling

Take it you would have a bit of difficulty answering then GAA.
Read what I wrote where I stated my questions implied possible involvement.
Back to the insulting remarks and 'you don't know what you're talking about'. You're the one who implied I used a remark which I didn't and bore no comparison to any term I used. Have I to start doing this quote thing? What I wrote was,
"GAA I'm pointing out similarities between the players actions and behaviour with that of the GPA and asking how the GPA couldn't be involved in some way in the present dispute."
Now I have implied how the GPA might have an involvement in all this and I'm asking to be shown in some way how it isn't. Saying you're talking shite doesn't really count.
But even take a lesser view so to speak.
Do you believe there has been no contact between the players or the leaders of the group with the GPA from the beginning of this dispute?
Now I have to throw my hands up and say I'll occasionally use a word that isn't absolutely correct where it's being used so if you can bring yourself to overlook that and see the meaning intended in my posts it would be much appreciated.
I never mentioned the word strongarm. Like you I'm asking questions, maybe there's a slight implication in them but instead of calling me a spoofer why not show how illogical they are?
Ok, why did you ask it in the first place?
Of course it is. Why are you asking it?
GAA I'm pointing out similarities between the players actions and behaviour with that of the GPA and asking how the GPA couldn't be involved in some way in the present dispute. So if you have answers then tell me.
Who was the first player to decide 'McCarthy's not for us boys'?
And did everyone else then together say 'that's what I was thinking'?
Or did some have to have it pointed out to them and be convinced?
Did everyone turn up together at the same place at the same time coincidentally and all say the same thing or did one or some of the players arrange a meeting and an agenda?
Did everyone decide at the same time 'let's stop playing' or did one or more players propose this course of action and convince others to go along with it?
Should we believe the players just act like a shoal of fish or are there one or two leaders among them?
And if there are leaders who are they?
Were they at the front of the press conference or on the edges or at the back?
If it was the latter two was that to give the impression there were no leaders, just a group?
And if there are leaders among the players would they also be leaders in the GPA?
And if that were to be so are we to believe then that there is no GPA influence in this dispute?
Are we even expected to believe there's been no comunication between the GPA and the 2008 panel?
You see Reillers I could start directing insulting language towards you but I don't think it would achieve anything. We're all passionate in some way about the GAA, last years Cork hurling panel isn't unique. In fact I'd say this year's panel, if they marched into a press conference would say the same thing about themselves. I have certain opinions but I am posing questions which I haven't seen answered in all the pages of this debate. Some posters have been specific about rules and procedures for effecting change but it seems pro-player posters can only give generalisations, relate hearsay and refer to 'apparently'.
Last year began with the selectors issue, then Teddy Holland was an issue who became a victim, 'for the good of Cork'. This year Gerald McCarthy was the issue. Now Frank Murphy and the county board are issues.  What could it be next year? But are you saying to me that those who lead the players last year are not the same as those leading the players this year? I would find that difficult to believe. And I'm not implying 'earnings' or money is a factor in this, I'm asking the question what influence might the 'senior' players have used to get and keep others onside. Logically there had to be some convincing -and indeed the players allude to that in their statement - as surely thirty players couldn't all arrive at the same opinion of Gerald McCarthy at the same time could they? A response like 'you know nothing about Cork hurling' means nothing. The GAA is pretty much the same throughout the country at club and county level in relation to teams, players and committees. Even at national level individuals and committees can have their critics about the way they do things.  So we're all 'talking' from experience of some sort. I don't believe anyone wants to see what is going on in Cork nor takes pleasure from it. But when you read the players statement one piece which stands out for me is about the players being committed to Cork, each other and their cause. There seems to be two elements specific to the players and one to the county. Seems like a case of divided loyalties with loyalty to themselves dominating. So rather than just brushing remarks away give some logic as to why there would be no GPA influence here in spite of leading GPA members being involved. The players might be speaking with one voice now but  it's questionable if they are all of one mind.
What is hard to question though is that the path the players took last year and this mirrors threatened action of strikes and disruption of the GPA and the personalised attacks made on individuals who spoke out against that group.
Now there's no need to start the 'crap' stuff. If we can't all express an opinion or ask questions sure this board may as well close down. I'm only asking who would have started the criticism. I doubt very much if Cathal did and I would guess one of three and you would probably guess likewise if you are to be honest, and I'm sure you are.. now the three I would guess at would be GPA men, well up there and all that. Would you guess differently?
A question for the 'pro-players'' stance. Who would have been the first player to offer criticism of GMC? All this player unity seems strange to me. In all my time I have never known 100% solidarity among any team on an issue.  Surely the GPA mentality, at the very least, is in there. Now if I was a young hurler and an older one came to me and said, "if you support and stand firm on this issue you've great potential earnings", I would at least give great consideration to that.

But someone started it off and went to someone else to talk about it, who and who did they talk to? Did Cathal Naughton start it all?
I don't think anyone disputes that letter and the benefits of the involvement of those players anywhere throughout the country. But does that mean they become qualified to determine aspects of county decisions? If these players, and I am still to be convinced in spite of this 'show of strength' that there is total unity, are convinced there are such problems in Cork and they have the interests of Cork at heart why not seek election to the county board with the intention of righting all the wrongs?
Interesting point about GPA involvement for the present Cork panel, does the GPA view them as strike breakers? And how does the grant money come into play for the new season? Would this dispute have taken place without the existence of a GPA? A slightly different point on the theme of the dispute, could anyone explain why the 'Hogan Stand' gives 'extracts' from GMCC's recent statement but gives the full statement from the players?
Well then Steve why don't you enhance my knowledge for me. I posed a couple of questions about the Cork county board in my posts, maybe you'd care to address them if you had the time. I don't have a closed mind. And if I'm not pushing it perhaps you could explain the source of all your knowledge, for instance have you been on the county board, had direct dealings with it or maybe crossed the secretary and paid for it? Just what does make this board and how it works so different to the rest of the counties?
Sorry there heffo if the use of my terminology was wrong. I thought delegate was the same as representitive but if you say I'm wrong I'll stand corrected - no point in getting into another debate over the use of words. But to be fair I think the majority of posters know how county committees are elected and and how clubs are involved. The question is how can a county committee be expected to seek approval for every decision it wants to take from clubs/club delegates/club representitives/club officers/club executives or whatever before it takes them? And therin lies the confusion heffo; what would be the point in electing a county committee in the first place? It would be a wonderful world if county committees made all the right decisions and at the same time pleased everyone. Could you suggest a better system than there is at present?
And another question, has the Cork county committee over the last number of years contributed nothing at all meaningful to Cork GAA, nor any of the individuals on it?

I have to admit that, as a first time poster, I was somewhat fearful of getting into this debate after 140 odd pages and some passionate comments. So I did try to keep my comments measured and diplomatic. And to be fair I've met with a fairly moderate response.
Now I wouldn't be into pasting what was previously posted - indeed I don't know why it's done here but so be it -and neither would I be into highlighting posts in red but I do think posters who have taken my comments to task have read what they perceived to be written rather than what I wrote.
Firstly I didn't give anyone any shit about democracy, I don't even vaguely recall anything close to it. But being vague leaves you open to correction anyway so I try to be definite and when I'm not sure I'll ask for relevant information. And for what it's worth I don't believe there's any such thing as democracy in practise, only how people decide to interpret and implement their theory of it as it suits them. So in the same way that county board members ruling with an iron fist for example aren't democratic neither is a few players cajoling a group of players to behave in a certain way.   
But of course players as amateur athletes don't have to accept anything. What do they have to accept though?
I know counties work differently but what I find hard to understand is why a county board would be put in place by club delegates to act on the clubs' and county's behalf and then be expected to have the delegates to get club approval on decisions the board might take. It's even confusing writing that.
Maybe the Cork board aren't any board and maybe everything isn't black and white but to be honest all counties have similar problems, although maybe not as intense, and similar personality issues.
Most posters against the players' action have given praise to the players for their commitment and various qualities on and off the field but the anti board posters have lacked any praise in their comments. So as an outsider am I to believe this county board and those who have served on it in the past and are maybe still on it have given nothing positive to Cork hurling?
As for the GPA element of my post, how could they not be involved? A dispute with the players and the players' body not involved? How could they not be?
But thanks for the welcome, I'm a bit rushed but hope you get my points as I meant them.

As a new contributor to this site let me state my knowledge of the 'inner workings' of Cork GAA is little. However there are many facets to what is happening in Cork that are common to all counties. And every county board makes decisions from time to time which don't always have universal support. Sometimes those decisions work out and other times they don't. But if every time a board wanted to take a decision that might be perceived as controversial it had to go round consulting others to get the go ahead there would be no point to that board.
And this is an underlying theme to what people are saying here. Others are arguing the hurlers' actions were the only way to deal with specific problems as they saw them. So does that mean all the rules, procedures and mechanisms of the Association are thrown out the window? This is what worries an element of contributors. And because they are derided for having limited knowledge of the workings in Cork doesn't undermine their case.
If the Clonye club can bring something to the table in an 'official way' why were the players, or one or two of them, not able to bring something through their club some time ago? Or even why didn't one of the posters to this site do it?
No one would deny that boards can be a bit power crazy at times, especially if they've been around some time but maybe there's a similar situation with the players here. Because they've been together for some time could they be thinking they know better than the rest of us as if no one else has ever played hurling or been involved in decision making? And you really have to wonder how far the arm of the GPA reaches into this because of the type of action the players have taken and the upcoming press conference. Very GPA like. Or am I just being foolish to think the GPA are advising the players and that the GPA's concern is not with Cork hurling?
There's  continual reference to this 'power struggle' and no doubt there is one. But while I can go through the constitution and find defined roles for committee members I can find no reference to player power. Or am I missing something? But if players want power, and of course they do as being able to determine who will not be manager is having power, will they take the power of going to mundane meetings that go along with the power of board members? Or is it just power without responsibility and accountability?
Great players have lost some respect of posters here because of bullying tactics used against Teddy Holland last year and Gerald McCarthy this year and it's a pity. We can all be consumed at winning but not at the public humiliation of individuals. And when we lose we can always find someone else to blame and not recognise our own failings.
There's no doubt the Cork team of last year still had something to offer but in all honesty regardless of training techniques or the style of play they weren't the team they were the previous years and no manager would make them so. And that has to be faced up to by posters on here instead of blindly putting all the blame at G MCC's door.
Like them or loathe them committees at different levels are a necessity to the GAA and no individual worth his/her salt is going to go on a committee if the decision making lies somewhere else but they're loaded with the responsibility and accountability for what someone else does. And that's what a large number of people are fearful of and why they'll back the Cork county board on this issue although oppose it on others.