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Messages - Tony Baloney

General discussion / Re: Predictions
November 11, 2009, 10:12:12 PM
Quote from: ONeill on November 11, 2009, 09:30:53 PM
That if the foot woman doesn't cure my toenail problem by 430pm tomorrow I will kill someone on the Glen Road near the oul barracks at 435pm.

The wife letting you off the leash on Friday then? Bot?
Heard the second story earlier. Made me feel sick. The parents in the original case should have had no say in sentencing. A decision they must surely now regret.
General discussion / Re: Living in Sin in the Big Smoke
November 11, 2009, 09:19:51 PM
Quote from: Lady in Red and Black on November 11, 2009, 08:55:44 PM
Well I haven't figured out how to change the friking avatar yet, so give over! I just put that one up for now!

Hardy id say the only thing resembling shite looks remotely like your face.

Jez, golden! I was only in 3rd year when you were leaving Uni!!
Bot still seems ta be the hot spot, altho I am starting ta feel a tad old in it!

Don't havta worry about living in sin just yet... need an "other half" for that craic!
My friend maybe should have thought of that tho! I think she loves it really tho...

Apparently its true about the early nites tho, it is all flannel pjs and socks to bed... anything resembling sexy is only dusted off for birthdays and valentines day! Tragic
You are quick on your feet. Your profile said you were 19 earlier. Realising the above post contradicted this it is now N/A.
General discussion / Re: Living in Sin in the Big Smoke
November 11, 2009, 07:58:04 PM
You would have thought Hurler on the Bitch would have bothered to change his avatar before pretending to be a woman. Oh and alco pop is obviously the same person also. Stuff like this happens a lot on the Antrim Hurling thread.
Quote from: Donagh on November 10, 2009, 11:13:24 PM
You need to change the battery and then reset the unit when you plug it back into the ceiling. Even alarms on the mains have a battery backup. When this starts to die, it sounds the alarm. There should be instructions on a sticker inside the unit or on the bit on the ceiling telling you what to do. Same thing happened me the other week.
Cheers will give a new battery a rattle tomorrow. The sticker says that it will chirp every minute if the battery is out which wasn't the case here but it's worth checking.
Quote from: omagh_gael on November 10, 2009, 10:29:00 PM
Willy Noble The world needs educated! We are two Diffrent countries lol

If an English Fella calls you Irish just call them Scottish and say its the same thing! lol

I doubt our wee Wilie needs to go back and get re-educated himself. By the way what's this GAWA they're on aboot?
Green and White Army. I don't think there is much education between them.
Quote from: DirtyDozen12 on November 10, 2009, 10:01:13 PM
Should we rebel, start an invasion??

It really is pathetic and i would say the same of someone had a republic of Ireland facebook site.  Sad arseholes if you ask me.

What a group of arseholes. I'm sure their Orange brethren in the south will be glad to see that they aren't Irish. All that is bad about the black six is encapsulated in that group.
General discussion / Re: BT broadband & mobile broadband
November 10, 2009, 09:19:51 PM
Quote from: Abble on November 10, 2009, 09:15:18 PM
i signed up recently to BT home broadband package but i also needed the mobile broadband more importantly for work purposes. now I'm not a big user or downloader, mainly viewing sports news, an odd forum and youtube. i've found that my mobile broadband is ample for my needs.

so big question now is - do i really need the home broadband if i am happy with what my mobile/dongle is providing ? i dont want to be paying on extra that i dont really need. i'm hoping the bt line rental would be ample and then i can top up for whatever mobile broadband as and when i need.
I think you already know the answer. If you have a dongle and laptop at home and don't cane the internet access then I'd say it works out less than both packages.
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on November 10, 2009, 09:11:17 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on November 10, 2009, 09:06:53 PM
Switched the circuit off at the board and it's still alarming so must be the unit. Will just pull the whole unit out and get a new one tomorrow.

It will still alarm if the battery is in it even if you have the mains voltage knocked off to it.
Sounds like unit is fecked alright..
I'll change it for you...I'll give you the reduced rate  ;)
I pulled the whole thing out and fired it onto the kitchen table. Of course I forgot about the battery and the fecker started again on its own! Permanently silenced now - mains is back on to the others so hopefully get a replacement tomorrow.

What's the reduced rate? €60 per unit?! Doll in work was getting charged £50 a socket for each additional socket over the advertised spec. Bandits yis are!
General discussion / Re: 3G iPhone
November 10, 2009, 09:12:19 PM
Considering joining the club next month when my contract is up. Big question for me is it worth it considering I don't have broadband at home and I'm not in a 3g area either? At the minute my trusty N95 is my only web access available outside work hours.
Switched the circuit off at the board and it's still alarming so must be the unit. Will just pull the whole unit out and get a new one tomorrow.
It's on a mains circuit with a battery backup. There are 5 in total on the circuit and they all relay when this one alarms so the whole house is deafened. The one in the front hall is the culprit.

Would there be crap in the sensor causing a false alarm or likely that is a faulty unit?
Quote from: Puckoon on November 10, 2009, 08:17:55 PM
Quote from: Caid on November 10, 2009, 07:49:06 PM
Been out in the states for 5 months.  Wasn't sure how I was going to cope with all the light beers but I have to say I have sold out a little bit.  I stilll drink Guinness 80% of the time (even though it aint good in NYC) but the rest of the time I may have a bottle of Coors Light if looking for a cold drink.  At the end of the day I'd rather drink two light beers and no gym than two normal beers and a half hour workout to burn the extra 200 cals.

On a different but related point.  Is a belt with a suit a necessity?  I wear a suit to work.  Today I didnt wear a belt (because (1) I couldn't be bothered looking for it and (2) I don't need a belt as my trousers stay up without a belt - which I thought was it's function).  Subsequently a few of the lads - yanks I may add - have commented about "look at him not wearing a belt - haha Irish".  Was this a major fashion faux pas on my part ???

FFS go home to the bog before you give us a bad name. ;)
White socks too?
Quote from: muppet on November 10, 2009, 08:37:40 PM
Alright own up, who are the Men drinking Coors light?

Haven't drank it in years but would take one in the morning. Given the choice between an ice cold Coors Light and a pint of Harp or Tennents it would be the woman's drink every time!
General discussion / Help! Smoke alarm keeps going off.
November 10, 2009, 08:35:37 PM
There is no fire, no cooking or no dust but the fecking thing goes off every now and again out of the blue. A day last week it went off in the middle night which isn't great when you've 3 wanes asleep!

Any ideas? Where is the resident spark?
General discussion / 10k Posts
November 09, 2009, 09:56:08 PM
Congratulations to Pints and O'Neill for reaching ten thousand posts.

I'm sure it's a moment they'll cherish forever.