McCarthy admits he does not have backing of Cork hurlers

Started by Minder, October 23, 2008, 09:44:10 PM

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Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 05:59:50 PM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on February 08, 2009, 05:52:11 PM
2000 isn't a big crowd Gerald.

It's not a bad crowd Rellers when you have to pay in, and there aren't too many side attractions like on site McDonalds and multiplex cinemas to draw in a few rubber neckers. By the way, and I'm not for a moment disputing that 12,000 dragged themselves out of pubs and cinemas to have a look at yesterday's heros in the second City yesterday, but would you have an approximation of how many of them were under the age of, say, 10.

The age barrier surprisingly spread across the board and very surprisingly most were what you could say, older, with as little offense meant by that, lol.
Not a lot of kids at all. 2000 isn't a lot of fans for a Cork match. This was the CB/Gerald's supporters chance to make their voice heard and they didn't.

Stop trying to undermine 12000 people who left their nice warm homes to travel (and I was talking to people driving 3 hours down the road to get their, Cork fans coming from Dublin, fans from up North..etc. The fans at the march were there for one reason and one reason only and they were bloody vocal.
A clear message was sent.

Fans from up North ???? I thought there was nobody on the run anymore. The orad must be well improved if it only took them 3 hours.


Quote from: Owenmoresider on February 08, 2009, 05:59:44 PM
Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 05:18:52 PM
"Never have I seen so many angry texts sent in and do try and keep it clean."

Ger needs to swallow his pride, no man is bigger then Cork hurling"

"The Cork hurling public has spoken at the march yesterday"

"It's time for the CB and Gerald to listening to the public"

"If we don't want to be recognised as a hurling county lets keep Gerald and Frank, we're a shambles"

"The Cork lads did ok but next week we'll be hammered."

What a load of waffle has Gerald no cop on

"Wait for Valentines night masacre"

Good to know the 2008 panel are able to use the texting on their phone. :P

Can't be judging the Cork GAA opinion on those anyway, sure a lot of those doing it would only see the players side of things, and not the bigger picture. And what sort of crowd would turn up for a league match v Dublin in ordinary circumstances?

Right, don't used that, use the 12000 to 2000. It shows the support that both sides have.


Quote from: orangeman on February 08, 2009, 06:02:53 PM
Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 05:59:50 PM
Quote from: anglocelt39 on February 08, 2009, 05:52:11 PM
2000 isn't a big crowd Gerald.

It's not a bad crowd Rellers when you have to pay in, and there aren't too many side attractions like on site McDonalds and multiplex cinemas to draw in a few rubber neckers. By the way, and I'm not for a moment disputing that 12,000 dragged themselves out of pubs and cinemas to have a look at yesterday's heros in the second City yesterday, but would you have an approximation of how many of them were under the age of, say, 10.

The age barrier surprisingly spread across the board and very surprisingly most were what you could say, older, with as little offense meant by that, lol.
Not a lot of kids at all. 2000 isn't a lot of fans for a Cork match. This was the CB/Gerald's supporters chance to make their voice heard and they didn't.

Stop trying to undermine 12000 people who left their nice warm homes to travel (and I was talking to people driving 3 hours down the road to get their, Cork fans coming from Dublin, fans from up North..etc. The fans at the march were there for one reason and one reason only and they were bloody vocal.
A clear message was sent.

Fans from up North ???? I thought there was nobody on the run anymore. The orad must be well improved if it only took them 3 hours.

My point was that people came from all over the place, people from Dublin, people travelling from all sides of Cork, I was talking to lads not just from Cork but people who made the journey down. There was a massive effort from people to get there. In contrast to the CCB supporters as they showed today.


Oh and Offaly manager has stepped down. Did the right thing for the county and stepped down..unlike some.


As I said earlier, it doesn't matter a jot how many were at the march or not, how  many were at the match today or not.

What matters is that there is a strike on by the 2008 panel and they need to bring about change in a democratic way. The Provos eventually realised that the ONLY way to make political change was not by bombing themselves to the table, but by taking the democratic and political route. The Brits would have fought them for another 30 years - not a problem - and would the Brits have cared if the war carried on ? No way.

So if the strikers want to effect change, standing outside the door and refusing to come into the room will get them nowhere.

If the strikers have the support you claim they have, let them all go back to the clubs, bring their mandate to the CB and make change from within.

But I suspect that this is NOT going to happen.

Why ??

Simple - they haven't got universal support or anything near it.


Quote from: Zulu on February 08, 2009, 05:24:33 PM
Quote from: dowling on February 08, 2009, 05:12:08 PM
Quote from: Zulu on February 08, 2009, 04:41:00 PM
Quote"Sorry now but what does that mean?"

Typical pro 2008 panel response Zulu.

What are you talking about, I didn't understand the point you were trying to make so I sought clarification, which you still haven't provided.

QuoteIf it helps even things up, I've no evidence but I've no doubt that Croke Park is in contact with the Cork board in an "unoffical" way.
And another typical response, make a conclusion on what you want to believe I write rather than reading it. I never said the GPA are pulling the strings just that I believe they're involved and very much have a vested interest in this dispute. If there's an opportunity for the GPA "to get their feet further under the table" do you really think they're going to leave it to chance without any input? As more information comes out as this continues more people are questioning a possible GPA involvement.  
It's quite clear as more information surfaces too that Donal og is the man pulling the strings in all this. But don't forget he wears too hats. And as he is pulling the strings why wasn't he at the front of the press conference? To give the impression he wasn't pulling the strings perhaps.

I've no doubt that both the GPA and CP are in touch with either (possibly both sides) and I fully accept that Donal Og is the driving force behind the players, but so what? You seem intent on uncovering some dastardly sub plot to all of this, when there isn't any evidence to suggest there is. So do us a favour and drop the GPA bullshit, you have nothing to back up your point so it is irrelevant.

Any real need for these "bullshit" comments Zulu? Predominately they come from the pro 2008 panel posters and I have to say it reflects on you badly.
To be honest I'd like to get off the GPA case. I've made my points and no one has to accept them. But I'll say this, I would not use the word dastardly at all but if the GPA have any influence over how this dispute pans out the it will be to serve their needs not the Cork GAA. And I believe they would see this as an opportunity to further their interests. There has never been silence like this from the GPA in any dispute before and you have to wonder at that. But we'll see in time.

When you repeatedly refer to the GPA in this dispute, it gets a bit frustrating but you're right I shouldn't have used the term 'bullshit', so I apologize. Now maybe you could point out where pro-player posters have come out with rubbish comments, because at least we can debate that rather than your up to now unsupported opinions.

Why are you asking me to refer to rubbish posts? I have never brought myself to that level to describe anyone's posts as such. And in spite of accusations when I entered this debate I had little to say on the GPA and you can check back. I did throw them into the equation because I think they are a factor and a factor which very much needs to be considered. Over the last few pages I've been responding to the likes of yourself mostly. And the ironic thing is you agree with me about GPA involvement. We just disagree on the extent and potential consequrnce of it.


Quote from: orangeman on February 08, 2009, 06:14:32 PM
As I said earlier, it doesn't matter a jot how many were at the march or not, how  many were at the match today or not.

What matters is that there is a strike on by the 2008 panel and they need to bring about change in a democratic way. The Provos eventually realised that the ONLY way to make political change was not by bombing themselves to the table, but by taking the democratic and political route. The Brits would have fought them for another 30 years - not a problem - and would the Brits have cared if the war carried on ? No way.

So if the strikers want to effect change, standing outside the door and refusing to come into the room will get them nowhere.

If the strikers have the support you claim they have, let them all go back to the clubs, bring their mandate to the CB and make change from within.

But I suspect that this is NOT going to happen.

Why ??

Simple - they haven't got universal support or anything near it.

It shows how people feel does it not.

And if they stand in the door, nothing will be achieved and we'll be stuck in a rut for another two years.
The CB are, in large, cowards, they wont and can't fight the CB. The only people with "guts" to do so are the players.
IF they go back, that'll be that and the CB will have all power and control and we'll have nothing.
I know for a fact and people are bloody well clear of this, that more then one time people have gone to the CB meeting and voted against what the clubs have told them to do.
You know nothing of Cork politics so why bother pretending like you do.


Dowling, I don't agree that the GPA are involved, I just accept that they are most likely in touch with Donal Og et al, so outside of the GPA can you tell me why you don't support the players?

QuoteSo if the strikers want to effect change, standing outside the door and refusing to come into the room will get them nowhere.

OM you've been saying this for some time now, do you not understand that there isn't any common gropund on which to base a compromise. The CB won't sack Gerald and the players won't play for him so there is little point in discussing this any further, besides compromise was tried last year and the 'peace' lasted less than a year.


Reillers, telling everybody on here that has different point of view to yourself that they're gobshites, that they haven't a clue, for them to get a life etc etc etc hasn't adavnced your cause an inch. In fact it probably sets it back.

If clubs are mandated to vote on an issue and the club delegates vote another way, there is a process whereby clubs can call an EGM and sort the issue out and I've no doubt that if this did in fact happen, then Donal Og would not be very long in bringing this story to the attnetion of the national media.

You've tried to make out that Cork are unique - you've called the CB cowards - a disgrace to the GAA -  I assume you're including Gerry O'Sullivan in this as well - he's a coward as well is he ?? - you've also accused the club delegates of doing Frank's dirty work.

In doing so, you've unfairly labelled a lot of very good men, some excellent GAA people. You can't just broad brush everybody who has a role in Cork GAA in this way. And whilst I don't have all the knowledge about Cork GAA, I know enough to relaise that the accusations you've made are wild, wdie of the mark and downright insulting.


Quote from: witnof on February 08, 2009, 05:41:51 PM
Ah come off it. If people in Cork really wanted Hitler out they would do something about it themselves. You telling me he controls all clubs and members in Cork. No one in Cork has the balls to stand up to him?? They have been moaning about Hitler for 20 yrs or more and done nothing. Nothing to do with Croker and its best the rest of the GAA stay out of it.

And why should Croke Park get involved? Cork don't want it solved

I assume the fact that you have only 30 posts down means that you haven't been looking in while we dabated all your questions to death over the last couple of months


Quote from: Reillers on February 08, 2009, 06:26:10 PM
Quote from: orangeman on February 08, 2009, 06:14:32 PM
As I said earlier, it doesn't matter a jot how many were at the march or not, how  many were at the match today or not.

What matters is that there is a strike on by the 2008 panel and they need to bring about change in a democratic way. The Provos eventually realised that the ONLY way to make political change was not by bombing themselves to the table, but by taking the democratic and political route. The Brits would have fought them for another 30 years - not a problem - and would the Brits have cared if the war carried on ? No way.

So if the strikers want to effect change, standing outside the door and refusing to come into the room will get them nowhere.

If the strikers have the support you claim they have, let them all go back to the clubs, bring their mandate to the CB and make change from within.

But I suspect that this is NOT going to happen.

Why ??

Simple - they haven't got universal support or anything near it.

It shows how people feel does it not.

And if they stand in the door, nothing will be achieved and we'll be stuck in a rut for another two years.
The CB are, in large, cowards, they wont and can't fight the CB. The only people with "guts" to do so are the players.
IF they go back, that'll be that and the CB will have all power and control and we'll have nothing.
I know for a fact and people are bloody well clear of this, that more then one time people have gone to the CB meeting and voted against what the clubs have told them to do.
You know nothing of Cork politics so why bother pretending like you do.

Your comments are fundementally disgraceful, and it highlights the arrogance of the '08 panel who in some way believe themselves to be Gods and martyrs to the cause. You and they can throw muck at anyone as suits, trying to paint people who have given their life to the GAA as some sort of monsters.

Also the bold is a bit of a stupid statment...the CB can't fight the CB??

Also all the time the delegates are voting against the clubs wishes and the clubs just sit there and let them, time after time after time....would you ever go....

They are all democratically elected and they are all know so either put up or shut up, list out which members of the County Boards are cowards and highlight why.


Quote from: orangeman on February 08, 2009, 06:41:32 PM
Reillers, telling everybody on here that has different point of view to yourself that they're gobshites, that they haven't a clue, for them to get a life etc etc etc hasn't adavnced your cause an inch. In fact it probably sets it back.

If clubs are mandated to vote on an issue and the club delegates vote another way, there is a process whereby clubs can call an EGM and sort the issue out and I've no doubt that if this did in fact happen, then Donal Og would not be very long in bringing this story to the attnetion of the national media.

You've tried to make out that Cork are unique - you've called the CB cowards - a disgrace to the GAA -  I assume you're including Gerry O'Sullivan in this as well - he's a coward as well is he ?? - you've also accused the club delegates of doing Frank's dirty work.

In doing so, you've unfairly labelled a lot of very good men, some excellent GAA people. You can't just broad brush everybody who has a role in Cork GAA in this way. And whilst I don't have all the knowledge about Cork GAA, I know enough to relaise that the accusations you've made are wild, wdie of the mark and downright insulting.

He also claimed that the CG executive are paid - as far as I'm aware, Frank Murphy is the only paid member of the Cork county board executive.

Reillers - you also ignored my question - are you now admitting that the players are on strike?


Quote from: The GAA on February 08, 2009, 06:47:54 PM
Quote from: witnof on February 08, 2009, 05:41:51 PM
Ah come off it. If people in Cork really wanted Hitler out they would do something about it themselves. You telling me he controls all clubs and members in Cork. No one in Cork has the balls to stand up to him?? They have been moaning about Hitler for 20 yrs or more and done nothing. Nothing to do with Croker and its best the rest of the GAA stay out of it.

And why should Croke Park get involved? Cork don't want it solved

I assume the fact that you have only 30 posts down means that you haven't been looking in while we dabated all your questions to death over the last couple of months

You assume wrong.

Oh, and despite what people who live on forums may presume, high post count does not equal high intellectual count.


Then why would you be as backward as to rehash ground that we have covered extensively?
did you think you were making an astonishing eureka statment?


Quote from: orangeman on February 08, 2009, 06:41:32 PM
Reillers, telling everybody on here that has different point of view to yourself that they're gobshites, that they haven't a clue, for them to get a life etc etc etc hasn't adavnced your cause an inch. In fact it probably sets it back.

If clubs are mandated to vote on an issue and the club delegates vote another way, there is a process whereby clubs can call an EGM and sort the issue out and I've no doubt that if this did in fact happen, then Donal Og would not be very long in bringing this story to the attnetion of the national media.

You've tried to make out that Cork are unique - you've called the CB cowards - a disgrace to the GAA -  I assume you're including Gerry O'Sullivan in this as well - he's a coward as well is he ?? - you've also accused the club delegates of doing Frank's dirty work.

In doing so, you've unfairly labelled a lot of very good men, some excellent GAA people. You can't just broad brush everybody who has a role in Cork GAA in this way. And whilst I don't have all the knowledge about Cork GAA, I know enough to relaise that the accusations you've made are wild, wdie of the mark and downright insulting.

No, no, just you really.
And I told indiana who was saying he doesn't care and doesn't have time for this..etc to go off and get a life then and stop coming on here and whinging about it.
I never called anyone gobshites, you exagerating again.
You don't no anything about Cork politics.
Some of the CB men are good men, but are held at ransom, like I said, by FM. And you'd know it if you knew about Cork GAA politics. That point proving yet again that you don't. Others are just cowards who don't and wont fight against men who think they can do what they want and treat people like they do.
None of this can be sorted at some AGM, these stupid questions and points from you prove what I said, you don't understand Cork politics.
So stop talking like you do, because by doing so you yourself are insulting people and you don't even know it yourself.