the futures bright! the futures red and white

Started by sam03/05, September 27, 2008, 09:56:49 PM

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the future looks very bright for Tyrone. So who are the players that could break into the senior panel?
I think the panel will stay much the same next season. With a much stronger Brian McGuigan and Stephen ONeill
to bolster things.
I also think that some of the boys from the 04 minor panel might begin to break through - players like Mulgrew.
It will be about two or three years before we see the crop of todays minor team - Coney, Girvan, McKenna, McNabb, McNeice etc
I actually think that this minor team is as good as any we have ever had. The good thing is that Tyrone can afford to give these guys time to develop into senior players, this is a luxury that many other teams cant afford with young players.

the future is bright, the future is red and white.