Bird Help

Started by girt_giggler, May 20, 2008, 03:25:48 PM

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It seems I have birds in my attic, I assume nesting.  The back of my house is a mess with bird shit on the house, windows, yard etc.  Anyone ever had this problem before or have any advice on what to do?


Sorry mate, once the nest is inhabited, it's illegal to touch it.
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A few years back a mate had birds nesting outside in the eaves (sp?) So he leaned out his bedroom window with a lighter to try and burn the nest out as it was keeping him up at all hours with the noise of the chicks!!! Obviously the dry wood etc caught fire and in a matter of seconds it was all out of hand.... needless to say the TWAT burned the house down and it had to be gutted!!!  :o :o :o


good story, i'll know not to be trying that one. 

these birdies are really doing mine & the families head in, especially in the morning.  Washing can't even be hung out to dry anymore it ends up covered in shit.

Surely them being up there has to be some sort of hazard? when the chicks are ready to leave 'home' will they just feck off and not come back or will this go on? 

googled the rspb or whatever they are called, poor website doesnt help much


f**k the RSPB and Roy Cropper (no offence intended ziggy just thought it was funny) I'd take the nest out if u can get to it!! prob the best thing is to try and re-locate it somewhere decent like a hedge row or tree etc and make sure you block up the gaps in the house....


Well do what you want with the nest, but don't say you didn't know ;)
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Sea gulls are bastards when they have young in the nest , hormonal as fcuk and will dive bomb anything that moves .

The Real Laoislad

Ah feck ya mean real birds,and here i was ready to give my many years of experience and expertise on the human bird
You'll Never Walk Alone.


Quote from: The Real Laoislad on May 20, 2008, 03:59:50 PM
Ah feck ya mean real birds,and here i was ready to give my many years of experience and expertise on the human bird

Burn a few out of house and home?
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guy crouchback

they are prob swallows. if you want to get rid of them just pin a small plastic bag by the nest or the entrance. they wont go in by it.


fecking starlings invaded my house last year. right under the slates at the front and back of the house! i got a mate of mine to wap one of the nests out one day while he was up there cleaning the guttering.  the feckers were building the next day...

eventually we got a fella out to look at it.  They had pecked away and took a massive chunk out of the felt (both sides of the house) and got under the slates and into the attic. the noise of them was brutal. so before they started mating again, we got new bird excluders and felt put in (after the nests were took away). cant remeber exactly but it cost a right bit. 350 quid i think... they havent been back since though!


I have birds in the chimney. Horrible bastards. If I light the fire i will burn the house down. I only think it's illegal if they are indangered. I could be wrong though.

The Real Laoislad

Not trying to hijack the thread...well i suppose i am really..but anyone know what you should do with a wasphive? I have one in my garden shed its not fully constructed yet but its about the size of my fist and has about 12 wasps buzzing around it daily..I was gonna take me hurl to it
You'll Never Walk Alone.


Quote from: The Real Laoislad on May 20, 2008, 05:02:40 PM
Not trying to hijack the thread...well i suppose i am really..but anyone know what you should do with a wasphive? I have one in my garden shed its not fully constructed yet but its about the size of my fist and has about 12 wasps buzzing around it daily..I was gonna take me hurl to it

Yo should do that. Document it on camera too so we can all be educated on how best to puck a hive ;)


Quote from: The Real Laoislad on May 20, 2008, 05:02:40 PM
Not trying to hijack the thread...well i suppose i am really..but anyone know what you should do with a wasphive? I have one in my garden shed its not fully constructed yet but its about the size of my fist and has about 12 wasps buzzing around it daily..I was gonna take me hurl to it

You sure you want to....

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