GPA issues members with a ballot for strike!

Started by amallon, October 17, 2007, 04:40:36 PM

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his holiness nb

Quote from: deiseach on October 18, 2007, 12:38:21 PM
Quote from: his holiness nb on October 18, 2007, 12:33:15 PM
Sorry behind the wire, I fall for it every time  :-[ :-[

You (and I) need to acquire some of the Zen that oozes out of every pore of yer man in your avatar ;)

Repeat after me "gooooooooskaaaaabaaa"  ;D
Ask me holy bollix


Quote from: Maximus Marillius on October 18, 2007, 12:01:44 PM
Well i know of one county player in derry who is self employed, if he has to take a day off work because of a dead leg or bruised ribs....does he get reimburshed...of course not...these are the real issues that need to be addressed

I understand your point max, however has this person ever gained work as a result of being a county player?

I know myself and a hell of a lot of others around the country would give the job to a GAA man ( especially an intercounty player) over another.


I find it incredible that virtually all of the posters here are ignoring the fact that this is but one further step in the inexorable move to a form of professionalism at the top end of the GAA. I see nothing wrong with this - if we want to see the level of fitness and professionalism that has been exhibited by the counties over the past ten years or so. I see no reason why we don't go the way that the AFL has gone in Australia. Sport in general and the GAA in particular has adopted effective marketing strategies in recent years. Why should the players not benefit from it? Rugby has gone the same way. Let's get real here. The demands put forward by Dessie Farrell and his organisation are so mild that they barely scratch the surface. I would prefer to witness high quality professional GAA over the summer months rathetr than going back to the days when players were not properly fit.


Quote from: DandyMan on October 18, 2007, 01:42:00 PM
I find it incredible that virtually all of the posters here are ignoring the fact that this is but one further step in the inexorable move to a form of professionalism at the top end of the GAA. I see nothing wrong with this - if we want to see the level of fitness and professionalism that has been exhibited by the counties over the past ten years or so. I see no reason why we don't go the way that the AFL has gone in Australia. Sport in general and the GAA in particular has adopted effective marketing strategies in recent years. Why should the players not benefit from it? Rugby has gone the same way. Let's get real here. The demands put forward by Dessie Farrell and his organisation are so mild that they barely scratch the surface. I would prefer to witness high quality professional GAA over the summer months rathetr than going back to the days when players were not properly fit.

not properly fit ?
thats was 15 years ago or more.
Our players (and indeed most club players) have been shown to be as fit as the Aussies - its just they werent tough or big enough (not to mention smart).
The other problem from this is money. The association cannot sustain pro players.
Look at welsh and connacht rugby and their financial collapses.
The grass roots of the asociation dont want this to happen, and it wont - as long as this is the way.
The membership would rather pump money into development of kids , esp in disadvantaged areas - rather than pay player who will play anyhow - and we all want players to be well looked after, and in most places they are.
Its just that professionalism is a step too far.
Its been long discussed and debated on here.
When inter county players retire , they will see the bigger picture - as Fergal McCusker - the once pro GPA player has demonstrated.
If players cannot continue to play as it affects their work - then they , like countless men and generations before them, will have to make the choice (or the county board get them a new job like so many get).

Fear ón Srath Bán

Quote from: DandyMan on October 18, 2007, 01:42:00 PM
I see no reason why we don't go the way that the AFL has gone in Australia. Sport in general and the GAA in particular has adopted effective marketing strategies in recent years. Why should the players not benefit from it? Rugby has gone the same way. Let's get real here.

Let's get real indeed:

1. Australia has several times the population of Ireland
2. Rugby in Connacht is on it's knees, and has been since the introduction of professionalism
3. And professionalism has really helped the national rugby team, hasn't it? Witness the World Cup debacle.
4. Why does the only benefit for players have to be financial? (At least do yourself the favour of reading Fergal Mc Cusker's piece)
5. Professionalism would kill the GAA, period.
Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...


Quote from: DandyMan on October 18, 2007, 01:42:00 PM
Rugby has gone the same way.

Indeed. And the World Cup has shown that that's not a road the GAA want to go down

Tatler Jack

QuoteI find it incredible that virtually all of the posters here are ignoring the fact that this is but one further step in the inexorable move to a form of professionalism at the top end of the GAA. I see nothing wrong with this - if we want to see the level of fitness and professionalism that has been exhibited by the counties over the past ten years or so. I see no reason why we don't go the way that the AFL has gone in Australia. Sport in general and the GAA in particular has adopted effective marketing strategies in recent years. Why should the players not benefit from it? Rugby has gone the same way. Let's get real here. The demands put forward by Dessie Farrell and his organisation are so mild that they barely scratch the surface. I would prefer to witness high quality professional GAA over the summer months rathetr than going back to the days when players were not properly fit.

Good first post Dessie - did Donal or Geezer help you :o

Your right - the Kerry and Dublin teams of the 70's and 80's were out of breath after 10 mins. As for the Galway 3 in a row team of the 60's sure they could not run to save their lives. I am looking forward myself to this professional era where we can rightfully compete with the League of Ireland..can't wait for it ;)

Fear ón Srath Bán

Carlsberg don't do Gombeenocracies, but by jaysus if they did...

magpie seanie

QuoteGood first post Dessie - did Donal or Geezer help you

Where's King Dub?


Quote from: amallon on October 18, 2007, 11:44:08 AM
I was so pissed off last night when I read the gpa's site ( that I went and bought the domain with the intent of starting some anti GPA campaign.  Today I'm not too sure what to do with it, all the great ideas I had last night seem like they'd be pretty much a waste of time.  It seems from reading this board that there is little support for the GPA's actions.  Anyone any ideas of what could be done?  I'm still waiting on the registration of the site to complete.

Lol good idea AMallon.
Just looked at the new GPA site. Its almost embarrasing.
Let them make all the noise they want. they clearly have no support at any level, other than their own top table.


I see the Roscommon players will support a GPA strike if asked, i thought they had been on strike for the last 15 years.....Boom boom


I'm still waiting to hear from one player who can categorically state that he's out of pocket playing for his county. AFAIK in most counties all expenses are seen to, new gear is handed out as well as spending money on trips abroad for some. I know some counties are wealthier than others in GAA terms but I'd love to hear from some who feel they need the extra dosh.

Maybe if we were all county players and had been whipped into an hypnotic frenzy by Farrell and his crew we'd feel different.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Quote from: ONeill on October 18, 2007, 10:35:57 PM
I'm still waiting to hear from one player who can categorically state that he's out of pocket playing for his county. AFAIK in most counties all expenses are seen to, new gear is handed out as well as spending money on trips abroad for some. I know some counties are wealthier than others in GAA terms but I'd love to hear from some who feel they need the extra dosh.

Maybe if we were all county players and had been whipped into an hypnotic frenzy by Farrell and his crew we'd feel different.

Then theres the revenue to be made after your playing career ends - Brolly, O'Rourke, Tohill, Burns - all making plenty of money in broadcasting. Theres the writing of newspaper columns, the public speaking circuit - the generation of jobs just to keep players happy. Id be surprised if PTG leaves the house for an official public speaking engagement for under a grand - and thats all fair game!
Talk of strike is just going too far. Let them go. Theres many champing at the bit to be in their shoes.

Last Man

Hungry huers, let them strike, let them p!ss all over what their fathers and we hold dear and ultimately let them be ejectected from their positions of assumed authority that we the giving for nought,paying for every thing shite hawks should at last bring some balance to this totally untenable situation of the GPA. The G.A.A. is part of us all and none of us deserve more than th next man and who is anyone to put a price upon what any man delivers to this glorious and unique assocciation, Shame on those who seek to to submerge it it in the mediocre emulsion of professional sport. Their betrayal should never be forgotten!!


Quote from: Puckoon on October 18, 2007, 10:51:36 PM
Quote from: ONeill on October 18, 2007, 10:35:57 PM
I'm still waiting to hear from one player who can categorically state that he's out of pocket playing for his county. AFAIK in most counties all expenses are seen to, new gear is handed out as well as spending money on trips abroad for some. I know some counties are wealthier than others in GAA terms but I'd love to hear from some who feel they need the extra dosh.

Maybe if we were all county players and had been whipped into an hypnotic frenzy by Farrell and his crew we'd feel different.

Then theres the revenue to be made after your playing career ends - Brolly, O'Rourke, Tohill, Burns - all making plenty of money in broadcasting. Theres the writing of newspaper columns, the public speaking circuit - the generation of jobs just to keep players happy. Id be surprised if PTG leaves the house for an official public speaking engagement for under a grand - and thats all fair game!
Talk of strike is just going too far. Let them go. Theres many champing at the bit to be in their shoes.

Puckoon - with regards to revenue after your playing career ends that is just for the elite you see any Mayo hurlers or Kilkenny footballers etc getting the same benefits????