Dublin v Kerry all ireland SF

Started by anportmorforjfc, August 12, 2007, 03:35:27 PM

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Captain Scarlet

the non gaa discussion is mostly a piss take but its meant to be that and at the moment there are probably more well rounded arguements there. the gaa discussion make is gone ta poo lately.
how many threads do we need slaggin the dubs!!!
them mysterons are always killing me but im grand after a few days.sickenin aul dose all the same.


the only worthwhile debate on this site takes place on the hurling section. The football section is now hoganstand material. It is arguably the most poorly administered site out there with the amount of libellous material posted.

Wee Roddy

Anyone who does not recognise the two Brogans talent certain does not follow football. Alan was always a fantastic player but in my eyes he has always been a little timid. I watched my own clubmate, Conor Gormley take him to the cleaners physically without being dirty in the 2005 quarter final. Pillar would have told Brogan that he had to get nastier, and there is nothing wrong with that. If Dublin are going to win All Ireland they can not let their main man be pushed, or indeed intimadted off the ball. Now something that very few off us would understand is the amount of pressure that a player is under when they play for Dublin. It has to be released someway. What Brogan and Bonnar did would off been as a result of, and i can not be sure of this, but i think something was going on with Darren Rooney and Bonnar and Alan Brogan got a bit carried away as a result. What he did was not as bad as Jayo or Bryan Cullens actions yesterday.

magpie seanie

Quotewith a numbskull like Budweiser as a regular poster what can we do.

How many new panes are you looking for for the glasshouse?

Our Nail Loney

Can someone tell me with authority exactly how many 45s there was in the match yesterday? Was watching it in work so kept getting distracted and need to settle a bet

Captain Scarlet

wee roddy must agree over the over rating of brogan, greedy little shit.
the amount of times he goes for the impossible effort amazes me at times.
then he hits a couple of scores and he a hero and the RTE lads forget to mention his five previous wides
them mysterons are always killing me but im grand after a few days.sickenin aul dose all the same.


Have to agree ,fair play to the Lads and everyone involved .

Sure it was a bad year to win it would of distracted from the Hurling revival , clearly the DCB plan to win it next year , its a master stroke really :D
Anyway, long story short... is a phrase whose origins are complicated and rambling.

Jell 0 Biafra

Don't like to get into discussions about the ref, but I can't see where people are getting the idea that the ref favored Dublin (though you do hear this after every Dublin game...). 

Two incidents spring to mind: Galvin (I think it was) putting the head on Casey, but staying on the pitch, and Ryan being called back for a free when he was bearing down on goal.  Surely if the ref was favoring Dublin, those calls would have been different?

And before the accusations of sour grapes fly  in, I'm offering these only as evidence of the lack of a pro-Dublin bias in the ref, and not as reasons why Dublin didn't win.

Bud Wiser


Numbskull I may be but let me tell you this, there was I time I suspected you to be a complete thick.  Now I know I am right.

I had the luck one time to study and obtain a diploma in Civil Law & Basic Risk Insurance.  First you accuse me of being a numbskull and then you rant on about Libellous Material posted.  I'd say you wouldn't know Libellous Material from toilet paper.  Just to point you in the right direction about what could be libellous, here is a little gem from yourself, posted not so long ago at all:

QuoteSean O Neill was a dirty bollox- who knoced the shite out of Tommy Kehoe in a league game earlier that year. I attended the 1996 All-Ireland Final and Sean O Neill hit O Connor first and O Connor hit him back. The fact that O Connor was better able to hit wasn't his fault because O Neill started it. That was a physcial Wexford outfit but i never saw them pull across people'es heads like i saw two of the limerick players doing at the weekend. Gary Kirby never put his hurl up behind his hand a skill you learn at juvenile level- what did he expect. I read somewhere he broke 4-5 fingers in his time. Limerick have always sailed close to the wind but they could always hurl but this crowd go beyond it because they can't hurl.

Now, I will put my name to what I posted and you can send it to alan Brogan.  In return I ask you to put your name to above and I will send it to Sean O'Neill.     


 had the luck one time to study and obtain a diploma in Civil Law & Basic Risk Insurance

hardly studying  for the bar exams ? You wouldn't know libellous material from factual material with your above comments. And yes my original description of you being a numbskull still stands. Anyone who would be so bitter to take the time out to post your original post is a complete numbskull in my view.


Quote from: Barney on August 27, 2007, 08:06:22 AM
QuoteAnd to think we let this clown live in Ros 

Where else would you put a clown but in the circus. Ros is Ireland's Big Top.

For pity's sake don't forget to distract the Mayos outside at the candy floss stall.

It could get very messy if they get anywhere near the high wire ...  ;) :D ;D

his holiness nb

Sorry folks have been out for a few hours, yeah I'll get in on that group hug!

(I'm not gay)
Ask me holy bollix


well done to the dubs, brought great colour, excitement, craic and skill to the championship yet again this year.


Some of this shite is way over the top. Yes, I was delighted to see O'Sullivan shove Casey's taunts down his throat, but the Dubs are hardly the only team who do this. Plenty of the outraged Tyrone lads were defending their own team earlier this year after similar incidents in their game against Donegal. There's probably lads on every team who do it. Regarding Morrison and Caffrey, Morrison said in his Tribune column a few weeks back that that was a very minor incident and there was no hard feelings at all after it.


Again I don't like hammering on about a ref but yesterday the free count was 29 - 16, he definitely gave Dublin the easier frees, but don't believe he went out of his way to influence the result as has been suggested.
Great game for the neutral, but a few instances turned the game.
Cluxton's f**king about was just crazy, what the fcuk was he at even holding the ball and doing a few solos coming out from his box, laughable decision making, just pass it out and keep the momentum going. really turned the tide on the comeback, simply stupid.
As for Ray Cosgrave's goal effort, did it even reach the goal line, think it was sliced so bad it actually stayed in play, great play by Magee though beforehand.
Fair play to Cooper, he took some big hits but stayed firm and showed his class, unbelievable footballer off both feet, how would you begin to mark a player like that (fairly).
Impressed with Donaghy as well. people have been raving about this second season syndrome, but this year he's been double marked and hammered from pillar to post in every match, he kept his mouth shut and got on with it (except for NFL v Fermanagh, but he learned from that), battled away for form and found it, very likeable player.
Delighted also for Declan O'Sullivan after the booing last year, frontrunner for player of the year at this rate.
Three O'Se's are legends.
As for Whelan I don't think he'll walk away yet, they are so close to getting it right, I personally believe he deserves an All-Ireland final appearance at least.
Anyway can't see Cork beating Kerry now.