Official Gooners Thread - A New Hope

Started by Dinny Breen, November 10, 2006, 09:10:06 AM

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Dinny Breen



could be the start of wholesale changes in the board room, looks like the yanks are wanting the whole club


Vice-chairman Dein leaves Arsenal  (From BBC)

Dein's sudden departure from Arsenal is a stunning development
Arsenal vice-chairman David Dein has left the club with immediate effect because of "irreconcilable differences" with the rest of the board.
American billionaire Stan Kroenke has bought 9.9% of Arsenal and more shares from major stakeholder Danny Fiszman.
It sparked takeover talk, but chairman Peter Hill-Wood played down moves.
He revealed remaining board members, who own 45.45% of the remaining shares, had agreed not to dispose of their shares for at least one year.
In a statement, Hill-Wood said: "On behalf of the board I would like to express our gratitude to David Dein for the many years of loyal service he has given to the club.
"We sincerely regret that irreconcilable differences between Mr. Dein and the rest of the board have necessitated a parting of the ways."


looks like he wanted to sell his share

Norf Tyrone

Good ridance to the scum bag.........
Owen Roe O'Neills GAC, Leckpatrick, Tyrone


The thing about Dein is that for the most part he always had Arsenal's future at heart, usually successfully so. If he thought the investment by Kroenke was a good thing, I'd have trusted him. He was up against a board who were reluctant to sell, the latter argument being one of sentimentality. I know Dein was angry that the board were still tight on the purse strings towards Wenger, especially now that Arsenal have allegedly the most lucrative stadium in terms of internal merchandise and sales in Europe.

The big worry is that Dein and Wenger were extremely close. Unless Hill-Wood can convince Arsene that their opposition to Yankee investment will not hinder his spending prowess, then it could be bye-bye Arsene in the summer.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

An Fear Rua

Arsenal statement today

Arsenal chairman snubs US buyer

Arsenal chairman Peter Hill-Wood has sent a hands-off warning to American billionaire Stan Kroenke over any potential takeover of the club.
Kroenke recently bought 9.9% of Arsenal and also acquired more shares from major stakeholder Danny Fiszman, sparking talk of a takeover.

But Hill-Wood told the Guardian: "The shareholders would prefer to stay in control than sell out to some stranger.

"We would be horrified to see ownership of the club go across the Atlantic."

I was always against a takeover and this may put some rumours to bed


Hill-Wood claims that he and three of the club's major shareholders - Fiszman, Lady Nina Bracewell-Smith and the Carr family - have "no intention of selling".

He added: "These people love Arsenal, they are independently wealthy and do not need the money. Having a few extra million pounds in the bank is of no interest to them.

"We're here for Arsenal football club, not to make a few bob. The club has been run for the benefit of supporters, staff and players."

Dein obviously wants to get in bed with the yanks, and was out voted so he walked

American backers and arab sponsors, potentially explosive mix.

Word on the bush telegraph in North west england is ther "EEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIII" is possibly sussing out a move to merseydive , poor andy johnston  ;)
Its Grim up North


Although only speculation, Dein could be some kind of silent partner now in the takeover, having relinquished his share. Dein was well respected by all at the club and beyond and has been instrumental in making the club what it is now. I'd imagine the smaller shareholders will feel the same way and if they all head the same way as Dein...... I sincerely hope it does happen. It wouldn't change the club's ethos a jot. They talk about the "rigid backbone of tradition" that exists at Arsenal (Bank of England and all that) so it could be a messy one if a struggle for power emerges. I'd back Dein. He's a Gunner to the core. 
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

An Fear Rua

Dein, has been the public figure of l'arse in recent years, always good for a soundbite. The average joe will assume he is right and when he reappears in afew weeks , dollar in hand he will rely on that factor to swing the fan/shareholder that his path is right.

it begs the same question we have been asking for a few years now at Utd. What is in it for the yanks? or more so what exaclty is going to happen to the tv deals, becasue they sure as hell are not going to make any real money from shirts and an extra fiver on a brief.

some one some where has spotted a loophole in the tv contract, and they are waiting to use it.

Rem Real Madird have just been handed a fortune for thr rights to their games in an individual deal
Its Grim up North


I don't think American takeovers are going to affect the TV deals in the future. We were heading that way already for years now.

Dein has hardly put a foot wrong for Arsenal up until now. His pursuit of Wenger could prove to be the single most important decision in the history of the club.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

An Fear Rua

the americans WILL affect the relationship with emirates.

the money is in the TV deal, the yanks know how to work that, if and when it comes off the sponsorship from the likes of the emirate will be tiny in comparison. Utd already have an US sponsor, whos sole aim is to get their insurance products into asia. This week has seen the rearing head of the no alchohol sponsors brigade, which ties in nicely with the US take over of the vermin (note the lack of protest by fans of the local club for local people). The US has rule about who can sponsor what etc (see Mansion not getting sponsorship of utd becasue the gimps owned the bucks).

If the yanks get in, they will buy out emirates deal ala the chavs and emirates/samsung and you will have a nice western politcially , presbtyrian proof sponsor... and prices will rise, you will offically become a CUSTOMER
Its Grim up North


Away to the Spuds this Saturday morning. A win or a draw for the Gooners and we can all celebrate St Totteringham's Day with a pint or veno. Being honest, I think Spurs have a great chance to beat Arsenal for the first time this century on Saturday. Arsenal are still not firing on all cylinders.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

ONeill get us in the mood....

Martin Jol is out shopping in town when he sees an old lady struggling with her shopping...
MJ "Can you manage, love?"
Old Lady: "Up yours Fat Boy, you took the job, you're stuck with it..."

I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


SOme gems from Baptista here - I have a feeling Arsene has told him his desicion!

Baptista cannot settle at Arsenal 

Julio Baptista's future at Arsenal is in doubt after he revealed he is struggling to adjust to playing in the Premiership and life in England.
The 26-year-old is on a season-long loan from Real Madrid as part of a swap deal for Jose Antonio Reyes.

Baptista told The Times: "The weather over here is killing me. We get one day of sunshine for every 30 days of rain.

"The Premiership is very hard. I enjoy making clever touches but the game is so fast I don't have time to think."

There is still a possibility of Baptista's switch being made permanent but the Brazilian indicated he would rather return to the Bernabeu at the end of the season.

"I could stay at Arsenal but right now I can't see myself anywhere for definite," he explained.

"But it is clear in my mind that I'd tackle a second chance with Real with far more maturity than I did my first.

"My girlfriend and my mother are frightened about not seeing the sun in England. They miss being in Madrid."

Baptista, known as 'The Beast', has not been impressed by some of Arsenal's rivals.

"The teams from the north of England are terrible," Baptista said. "When we play them I have counted their centre-backs booting up to 30 long balls upfield per game.

"The moment you stop to think, someone has taken the ball off you and knocked you to the ground.

"Over here they value a corner kick more than a fancy flick. I am lucky to be with Arsenal, as they are a team that likes to play proper football."

I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.



Arsenal 2
Spuds 1

Arsenal coming back from 1-0 down to take lead with ten left, c'mon arsenal!