Down v Meath official thread

Started by bcarrier, June 24, 2007, 06:15:31 PM

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Hardy, it was hard to nail down where Moyles was playing. I had him marked down at CHF for most of the first half, with Reilly playing at 6. Reilly was a certainly picking up Carr at kick-outs. He did a bit of a defensive work, but was definitely too advanced too regularly to have a defender's jersey.

In the second half, Moyles was playng more as a sweeper, picking up bits a pieces.

He's a class act by the way. An absolutely top drawer footballer.


Moyles has easily been one of the best performers of the year, he was a class act again last night. Good captain material too, at five points up he was still roaring at any Meath man who made stupid mistakes. He played a roaming game and was up and down the field all night, MOTM followed closely by Byrne who showed a magnificent turn of pace for the goal.

5Times I do not think Meath were there for the taking, they were a bit premature in taking Crawford off as he was holding Midfield together, but after the goal they never looked like loosing the game.

Carr was not really marking Moyles, I forget who was on him most of the night but it was not Carr. Rooney was probably the best Down player for me, he was the only defender that won a few 50/50 balls albeit mostly the first half.

An excellent stadium and a great crowd and super pitch. The Down fans must surely be questioning the passion of the players?


Thanks Wobbler and corn02. Yes, Moyles is the business and just the type of player to build a team around. He has the talent to do well in most positions and has already excelled for Meath at full back, CHB and midfield, while he also has a forward's instinct for playing the right pass or taking a score, as you saw. He has also scored crucial goals for Meath.

He's had a bit of a suspect temperament at times, with a tendency to pick up cards and give away the silly free, but that's been absent from his game this year, so far. It would be encouraging to think that he's recogniused it as a problem and worked to eliminate it from his game. If this team is to go anywhere in the next few years, he'll be the driving force.


5Times you can have Joe Kernan off us, I won't mind. In fact please take him.

Ok off to Clones now, not as confident as most Armagh folk but still expect us to squeeze through. If we do I guarantee we face Meath next.

Class of 99

In response to 5times regarding Benny and the bricklaying couldnt agree more form and more importantly his hunger has appeared to have dipped since
his career change.
Very disheartening last night and really hard to take anything good from it. John Clarke was our best defender, and I also thought midfield done ok especially in the final quarter. Mccomiskey should have replaced McGovern at half time as a couple of early scores where needed and he appears the man most likely in the current set up. Really thought the forwards would do the business and feel very sorry for Michael Walsh appears a million miles away from the player he once was. Ronan Sexton is a dilema in that, if the rest of the team had shown half of his hunger it would have been much closer, however he is unfortunately just too small for this level(a good big un will always beat a good little-an). He must have been giving away 6 inches to his man and like the rest of the Down forward line was far too easily dispossesed.
Ronan Murtagh had a night to forget although I think he will come again. Scullion was a little off the pace but I think he can still do a job at full back for us just needs more confidence and self belief. Great to see Ambrose back although played out of position. Midfield at that stage however didnt need him so cant blame Ross for taking a gamble.
Most disappointing of all for me was the lack of support the team was given by the crowd, far too many smart arse remarks about players who in some cases where giving there all. OK some might not be what we have come to expect from Down County players but they are there and as long as they give there all what more can we ask. This was evident from members of the crowd in the first couple of minutes it wasnt a case of frustration getting the better of them. I think there is wholesale changes needed on the playing field but also in the mind set of the fickle following who turn up for whatever reason, for oner it isnt to lend there support to a team in need of it.


Walsh and Coulter both peaked when they were 17/18.

Whatever about the physical effects of too much football neither look like they have mental strength/savvy at senior intercounty level.

Benny plays an occasional cameo role but has never delivered on his promise. Probably been at the wrong club for that. Downs worst spell  for 50 years has been matched by Mayobridge dominance at club level within the county ( and abject failure in Ulster Club).


Haha, that last comment is sure to get a keen response bcarrier!

I'm not blaming the management for yesterday's debacle, but in all seriousness, we are stuck with the players we have. And as we don't appear to have the players to threaten anyone seriously, we really do need someone in charge who is going to organise us from the back up. Based on evidence so far, that wouldn't appear to be Ross and DJ's way of doing things.

Also, with regards to player/squad selection, they would appear to be a step backwards on Paddy O'Rourke. Too many square pegs in round holes yesterday. I know there mightn't be a lot of round pegs for certain positions in Down football, but are at least some with curvier edges.

wobller - I don't see how you blame our underage systems. There are literally dozens of players young enough to play for Down walking around with All-Ireland minor medals, Hogan Cup medals or Sigerson medals in their pockets. Why they're not making the step up is the big issue.


As a neutral who attended last night's game....just a few very quick points:

Worst Down performance I have ever witnessed, simply attrocious.

Meath were also extremely poor, if they had met anyone else bar Leitrim, they could easily have been stuffed.  Colm O'Rourke had a poor game.  His positional sense, particularly in the first half was very poor, it almost looked like he was going out of his way to get a position where he would never receive a pass.

Darren Faye still the best player on the field.

Down can't blame Paddy O'Rourke on this one, simply awful. 


If the current Down Players are not up to the task who should be introduced to the panel or is it a case of they are the best we have.


Quote from: balladmaker on July 08, 2007, 02:29:24 PM
As a neutral who attended last night's game....just a few very quick points:

Worst Down performance I have ever witnessed, simply attrocious.

Meath were also extremely poor, if they had met anyone else bar Leitrim, they could easily have been stuffed.  Colm O'Rourke had a poor game.  His positional sense, particularly in the first half was very poor, it almost looked like he was going out of his way to get a position where he would never receive a pass.

Darren Faye still the best player on the field.

Down can't blame Paddy O'Rourke on this one, simply awful. 

Kinda hard to take the rest of your report seriously after reading that.
If you were any use you'd be playing.


UPDOWN.........Sadly, apart from a few who are out injured, they are the best we have. On a slightly different point, whats the point in having a second goalkeeper [Connell] on your squad, if you bypass him and call another 'keeper into your team to play ahead of him in a match ?. Must be very demoralising for him.


Quote from: Hardy on July 08, 2007, 12:00:48 PM
Thanks agorm for that report from the Meath perspective. I didn't make it to Newry in the end. I'll have to make amends by travelling to Ballybofey or Enniskillen or wherever next weekend!

One question. The commentators on LMFM said Moyles was playing in the half forward line (they specifically said RHF at one stage) and occasionally helping out the defence and that Kevin Reilly was CHB. I took this to mean Moyles was playing as a third midfielder (or fourth, if you count Donegan for his short sojourn). Lads here are saying Moyles scored his 3 points from CHB, but they may be just going by the number on his back. How did it look to you – was he marking Carr or operating as a midfielder and was Reilly CHB?

I'm absolutely against moving Moyles from CHB. He has solved our biggest problem, that has been with us since the departure of Enda McManus. There's no longer a gaping hole in the middle, as there was since 2001. I agree he's the inspirational player in the team and we should build this project around him, but from CHB. Every successful team has a very good half back line and I think we have the makings of it in Kenny, Moyles and King.

It seems the doubts about Crawford are justified. As you mentioned, he looks to me to be missing something, perhaps enthusiasm. Or maybe he's just had his day. I've always been a fan of Charles, despite his many detractors and feel he could be a first rate midfielder if given a decent run and the confidence of the selectors. How did he do when he came on?

Hi Hardy, you must be happy that we have a home tie next round and the chance to get 1 back on Fermanagh!

Moyles was drawn outfield early on by his opposite number (Carr I think) who played very deep. I think that he did swap for a while with Reilly. You are probably right about keeping Moyles at CHB where he has solved a major problem for us. The problem is that we are struggling at midfield. I dont know much about this years Fermanagh team but I am sure they will be no pushover. I would expect that the team will be kept generally the same with perhaps McLoughlin starting in place of Donegan.


I think a realistic look at this shows we are in the 'tommy murphy' bracket at the moment and have been for the past 4 years - albeit to blind to see it!
Nothing last night was enough to convince of anything different. Calls were made to reinstate Scullion all year - well he got his chance last night and agian showed how inept he is - one such note was the easy ball he had to catch in the first half - oh no he fisted it (with both fists) straight to his marker who simply stroked it over the bar. Murtagh isnt up to it either, Rooney is no leader and always has to shoot - badly! Sexton is too small, walsh is finished, jack lynch - where do you start with that one? McGovern another bad display and very over-rated.
The terrible thing is we will all sit back and watch Benny, Sexton(s), Walsh, grant etc stroll their way to another SFC in Down as there is nothing else available to challenge them.
At the meeting of club officials and Ross & co in the Burrendale Hotel back in January - Ross stated last year Paddy had the best panel availabe to him picked last year and it was dismal then - well this is just as bad if not worse and Down should act now.

Sure Big Joe will be free now!!!!!!!!!!!


We can talk all we like about individual players not being good enough, but even the best players would struggle to shine under the system we play. We who once led in terms of innovation or nows years behind the times. We have to live with the players available for the moment, but we change our system, improve our coaching, develop a more professional organisation[on that note the Co.Board office is a model of ineptitude and inefficiency], provide fresh vision and drive and to do that we need to bring in the best people available.

5 Sams

After that fiasco does anyone else think that Paddy O'Rourke got a raw deal???? I'm starting to think we are all wrong!!

Fundamental problem...I think we have 40 odd clubs in Down . Counting subs close to 850 seniors footballers paly football in Down each weekend...we havent had 15 to put up a challenge in the past 4 years.

We havent got the stuff lads plain and simple...its not Ross or DJs fault either...our senior footballers are simply not good enough....minors and under 21s my hole....the nucleus of our team is the 99 minor team and apart from the odd freak result against Tyrone in the Ulster Final a locka years ago and a very poor Cavan team this year we have achieved f**k all.

It would make you fuckin sick watchin that shite....

BTW good luck to Meath...I had good crack with a locka of the Royals in the Canal Court before and after the game.  Thon Anthony Moyles has won an Allstar already in my opinion.
The Aristocrat Years