Terror attack in London

Started by Farrandeelin, March 22, 2017, 05:24:36 PM

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Quote from: Rossfan on March 23, 2017, 06:50:19 PM
I think you'll find non stop US backing of the rogue State of Israel and US and British illegal invasion of the sovereign state of Iraq, illegal and immoral invasions and bombings and mass murder of civilians in Libya, Syria and Afghanistan
Just might have a little but of something to do with it.
Not to mention arming ISIS.

Correct on all fronts, as for arming Isis, sure according to your hero Obama they are the JV squad, you lot blame the right for everything and are accountable for.......... You guessed it.

What about the immoral invasion of the USA by persons not eligible by their laws  to be there, do they count????

No one doctrine is fully right, the left is a lot less right at this juncture, President Saunders should be handing you liberals all golden handouts by now but no, you had to have Clinton, thanks for f**k all liberals!

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: Rossfan on March 23, 2017, 06:50:19 PM
I think you'll find non stop US backing of the rogue State of Israel and US and British illegal invasion of the sovereign state of Iraq, illegal and immoral invasions and bombings and mass murder of civilians in Libya, Syria and Afghanistan
Just might have a little but of something to do with it.
Not to mention arming ISIS.

That's fair enough, but at what point do we stop justifying why these people are attacking us

Osama Bin Laden justified the 9/11 attacks by stating theat infidels should not be on sacred soil...ie Saudi Arabia


Quote from: sid waddell on March 23, 2017, 06:03:34 PM
Quote from: thebuzz on March 23, 2017, 05:36:39 PM
Quote from: J70 on March 23, 2017, 05:08:52 PM
Quote from: whitey on March 23, 2017, 02:20:38 PM
Quote from: Hardy on March 22, 2017, 11:43:40 PM
Quote from: screenexile on March 22, 2017, 11:17:45 PM
Just what we need ... more scaremongering from the Foxnews crew... I'll bet this was top story there all day ignoring the dozens of a Americans killed by guns at the same time!

That was a horrible ordeal in London today and my heart goes out to the families who have suffered a terrible and senseless loss!!

Fewer than ten people have died in Britain in "terrorist" attacks in ten years. In the same period over 21,000 have died on the roads. But commentators seem unable or unwilling to accommodate the conclusion that the threat to the individual from politically motivated attacks is 1/2000th of the threat from motor cars. On the contrary, the news media collaborate with the deranged lunatics who carry out these attacks, and with the deranged right-wing nutcases who will feed their xenophobia on this news, by providing them with the achievement of their objective. Non-stop coverage on the BBC throughout the afternoon. Extended news programmes. Hours of coverage again tonight.

In a mediascape with a sense of perspective, wouldn't the ten o'clock news have been, "Five people died today when a man attacked passers-by and police in Westminster. Five people died today in road accidents across Britain. And in sport ..."? Of course I'd still not expect any coverage of the murder of expendable foreign civilians in drone attacks etc.

What a pile of nonsense.......how many would have been killed if the plot to hijack the airlines hadnt been foiled back in 2006.

Much (but not all) of the terrorism has been perpertated by individuals (and their offspring)  who have been allowed/invited into the UK under the Labour Partys multicultural wet dream

And how many people would be alive if there was decent health service? How many would be alive if a ban on texting while driving was properly enforced or the real dangers even recognized by all drivers? How many would be alive if people didn't drive drunk?

The point about risk and perspective is absolutely valid.

The point is that no one sets out to deliberately kill people by not having a decent health service. No one (usually) sets out to kill people by crashing a car. This guy deliberately murdered those people so it's automatically viewed in a different perspective.

The ridiculous, over the top, non-stop hysterical media coverage given to this type of terrorism is entirely disproportionate to the threat it poses.

And it's encouraging it, if anything.

The political and media coverage given to the so called "threat" of immigration and particularly Islamic immigration throughout the western world is an utter nonsense and a fraud which seeks to manufacture a massive problem which doesn't exist. But make enough people think something exists and you might just manufacture a real problem. That's what happening. And that problem isn't immigration. It's the demonisation and vilification of immigrants. Those that claim a "massive problem", generally are the massive problem.

Sid, please go live in the Muslim world, take ten thousand of your closest friends with you and see what happens you absolute useless apologist you.

Look at the rape figures in Scandinavia, look at what happene
d when Merkel parted her legs and let some of these extremist  c***ts flow in like wine!

I am living beside a gaggle of syria refugees, I used to live in the apartment they now live in, they are drunken, loud, obnoxious arseholes that stink the place up and throw their shit everywhere, they hold phone calls in the hallway at all hours waking the rest of us up, they got to bed around four, I wake the c***ts up at six every morning by knocking the door prior to me going to work, Obama is to blame for this forced

Ask the French if there is a problem, ask the Belgians, you make me sick siddie, your head is squarely up your ass at this juncture, remember the statement where the Muslims and liberals news outlets blamed instances of attempted/rape cases on the fact these c***ts were not used to seeing women in skirts and halter tops etc!

I hope you have it in you to move to the middle east, take your family/friends with you for a year and if you come back with the same opinion I will accept it as fact, the fact is you are owned by the left, the same left who want cheap labour worldwide and who fawn over foreign nationals for future votes, you make me sick siddy!

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: whitey on March 23, 2017, 07:25:44 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on March 23, 2017, 06:50:19 PM
I think you'll find non stop US backing of the rogue State of Israel and US and British illegal invasion of the sovereign state of Iraq, illegal and immoral invasions and bombings and mass murder of civilians in Libya, Syria and Afghanistan
Just might have a little but of something to do with it.
Not to mention arming ISIS.

That's fair enough, but at what point do we stop justifying why these people are attacking us

Osama Bin Laden justified the 9/11 attacks by stating theat infidels should not be on sacred soil...ie Saudi Arabia

Not good enough, sure didnt a fair amount of Palestinian people want the israelis slash Jewish people worldwide exterminated! Not a question, fact!
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on March 23, 2017, 07:29:50 PM
Quote from: whitey on March 23, 2017, 07:25:44 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on March 23, 2017, 06:50:19 PM
I think you'll find non stop US backing of the rogue State of Israel and US and British illegal invasion of the sovereign state of Iraq, illegal and immoral invasions and bombings and mass murder of civilians in Libya, Syria and Afghanistan
Just might have a little but of something to do with it.
Not to mention arming ISIS.

That's fair enough, but at what point do we stop justifying why these people are attacking us

Osama Bin Laden justified the 9/11 attacks by stating theat infidels should not be on sacred soil...ie Saudi Arabia

Not good enough, sure didnt a fair amount of Palestinian people want the israelis slash Jewish people worldwide exterminated! Not a question, fact!

Can you provide a figure to 'fair amount' and provide a source for your claim?


Whitey, alcoholism or unacceptable levels of risk taking could be described in similar terms to a political ideology that people will not be swayed from. Drink driving and dangerous driving kill many multiples of lone wolf terrorist attacks and are accepted as par for the course. Smoking is the sexy killer, of course. 


As the mans says "you'll play with the cat til she scrabes you"

Britain has been playing too much for her own good. They should be grateful to martin mcguinness that its only isis that's giving them a headache   
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once

sid waddell

Quote from: stew on March 23, 2017, 07:27:37 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on March 23, 2017, 06:03:34 PM
Quote from: thebuzz on March 23, 2017, 05:36:39 PM
Quote from: J70 on March 23, 2017, 05:08:52 PM
Quote from: whitey on March 23, 2017, 02:20:38 PM
Quote from: Hardy on March 22, 2017, 11:43:40 PM
Quote from: screenexile on March 22, 2017, 11:17:45 PM
Just what we need ... more scaremongering from the Foxnews crew... I'll bet this was top story there all day ignoring the dozens of a Americans killed by guns at the same time!

That was a horrible ordeal in London today and my heart goes out to the families who have suffered a terrible and senseless loss!!

Fewer than ten people have died in Britain in "terrorist" attacks in ten years. In the same period over 21,000 have died on the roads. But commentators seem unable or unwilling to accommodate the conclusion that the threat to the individual from politically motivated attacks is 1/2000th of the threat from motor cars. On the contrary, the news media collaborate with the deranged lunatics who carry out these attacks, and with the deranged right-wing nutcases who will feed their xenophobia on this news, by providing them with the achievement of their objective. Non-stop coverage on the BBC throughout the afternoon. Extended news programmes. Hours of coverage again tonight.

In a mediascape with a sense of perspective, wouldn't the ten o'clock news have been, "Five people died today when a man attacked passers-by and police in Westminster. Five people died today in road accidents across Britain. And in sport ..."? Of course I'd still not expect any coverage of the murder of expendable foreign civilians in drone attacks etc.

What a pile of nonsense.......how many would have been killed if the plot to hijack the airlines hadnt been foiled back in 2006.

Much (but not all) of the terrorism has been perpertated by individuals (and their offspring)  who have been allowed/invited into the UK under the Labour Partys multicultural wet dream

And how many people would be alive if there was decent health service? How many would be alive if a ban on texting while driving was properly enforced or the real dangers even recognized by all drivers? How many would be alive if people didn't drive drunk?

The point about risk and perspective is absolutely valid.

The point is that no one sets out to deliberately kill people by not having a decent health service. No one (usually) sets out to kill people by crashing a car. This guy deliberately murdered those people so it's automatically viewed in a different perspective.

The ridiculous, over the top, non-stop hysterical media coverage given to this type of terrorism is entirely disproportionate to the threat it poses.

And it's encouraging it, if anything.

The political and media coverage given to the so called "threat" of immigration and particularly Islamic immigration throughout the western world is an utter nonsense and a fraud which seeks to manufacture a massive problem which doesn't exist. But make enough people think something exists and you might just manufacture a real problem. That's what happening. And that problem isn't immigration. It's the demonisation and vilification of immigrants. Those that claim a "massive problem", generally are the massive problem.

Sid, please go live in the Muslim world, take ten thousand of your closest friends with you and see what happens you absolute useless apologist you.

Look at the rape figures in Scandinavia, look at what happene
d when Merkel parted her legs and let some of these extremist  c***ts flow in like wine!

I am living beside a gaggle of syria refugees, I used to live in the apartment they now live in, they are drunken, loud, obnoxious arseholes that stink the place up and throw their shit everywhere, they hold phone calls in the hallway at all hours waking the rest of us up, they got to bed around four, I wake the c***ts up at six every morning by knocking the door prior to me going to work, Obama is to blame for this forced

Ask the French if there is a problem, ask the Belgians, you make me sick siddie, your head is squarely up your ass at this juncture, remember the statement where the Muslims and liberals news outlets blamed instances of attempted/rape cases on the fact these c***ts were not used to seeing women in skirts and halter tops etc!

I hope you have it in you to move to the middle east, take your family/friends with you for a year and if you come back with the same opinion I will accept it as fact, the fact is you are owned by the left, the same left who want cheap labour worldwide and who fawn over foreign nationals for future votes, you make me sick siddy!
You're a walking cliche.  ;D

And you genuinely haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.

Hence you quote "rape figures" from Scandinavia, a favoured red herring of the Trumpets and other anti-immigrant morons, the narrative around which has long been debunked, but I guess that doesn't stop you quoting fake news.

Every time you post you prove me right.


Quote from: stew on March 23, 2017, 07:27:37 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on March 23, 2017, 06:03:34 PM
Quote from: thebuzz on March 23, 2017, 05:36:39 PM
Quote from: J70 on March 23, 2017, 05:08:52 PM
Quote from: whitey on March 23, 2017, 02:20:38 PM
Quote from: Hardy on March 22, 2017, 11:43:40 PM
Quote from: screenexile on March 22, 2017, 11:17:45 PM
Just what we need ... more scaremongering from the Foxnews crew... I'll bet this was top story there all day ignoring the dozens of a Americans killed by guns at the same time!

That was a horrible ordeal in London today and my heart goes out to the families who have suffered a terrible and senseless loss!!

Fewer than ten people have died in Britain in "terrorist" attacks in ten years. In the same period over 21,000 have died on the roads. But commentators seem unable or unwilling to accommodate the conclusion that the threat to the individual from politically motivated attacks is 1/2000th of the threat from motor cars. On the contrary, the news media collaborate with the deranged lunatics who carry out these attacks, and with the deranged right-wing nutcases who will feed their xenophobia on this news, by providing them with the achievement of their objective. Non-stop coverage on the BBC throughout the afternoon. Extended news programmes. Hours of coverage again tonight.

In a mediascape with a sense of perspective, wouldn't the ten o'clock news have been, "Five people died today when a man attacked passers-by and police in Westminster. Five people died today in road accidents across Britain. And in sport ..."? Of course I'd still not expect any coverage of the murder of expendable foreign civilians in drone attacks etc.

What a pile of nonsense.......how many would have been killed if the plot to hijack the airlines hadnt been foiled back in 2006.

Much (but not all) of the terrorism has been perpertated by individuals (and their offspring)  who have been allowed/invited into the UK under the Labour Partys multicultural wet dream

And how many people would be alive if there was decent health service? How many would be alive if a ban on texting while driving was properly enforced or the real dangers even recognized by all drivers? How many would be alive if people didn't drive drunk?

The point about risk and perspective is absolutely valid.

The point is that no one sets out to deliberately kill people by not having a decent health service. No one (usually) sets out to kill people by crashing a car. This guy deliberately murdered those people so it's automatically viewed in a different perspective.

The ridiculous, over the top, non-stop hysterical media coverage given to this type of terrorism is entirely disproportionate to the threat it poses.

And it's encouraging it, if anything.

The political and media coverage given to the so called "threat" of immigration and particularly Islamic immigration throughout the western world is an utter nonsense and a fraud which seeks to manufacture a massive problem which doesn't exist. But make enough people think something exists and you might just manufacture a real problem. That's what happening. And that problem isn't immigration. It's the demonisation and vilification of immigrants. Those that claim a "massive problem", generally are the massive problem.

Sid, please go live in the Muslim world, take ten thousand of your closest friends with you and see what happens you absolute useless apologist you.

Look at the rape figures in Scandinavia, look at what happene
d when Merkel parted her legs and let some of these extremist  c***ts flow in like wine!

I am living beside a gaggle of syria refugees, I used to live in the apartment they now live in, they are drunken, loud, obnoxious arseholes that stink the place up and throw their shit everywhere, they hold phone calls in the hallway at all hours waking the rest of us up, they got to bed around four, I wake the c***ts up at six every morning by knocking the door prior to me going to work, Obama is to blame for this forced

Ask the French if there is a problem, ask the Belgians, you make me sick siddie, your head is squarely up your ass at this juncture, remember the statement where the Muslims and liberals news outlets blamed instances of attempted/rape cases on the fact these c***ts were not used to seeing women in skirts and halter tops etc!

I hope you have it in you to move to the middle east, take your family/friends with you for a year and if you come back with the same opinion I will accept it as fact, the fact is you are owned by the left, the same left who want cheap labour worldwide and who fawn over foreign nationals for future votes, you make me sick siddy!
Stew, I lived in Egypt for a while. Very few Egyptians would countenance moving to Lurgan.


Quote from: hardstation on March 23, 2017, 09:29:22 PM
QuoteLook at the rape figures in Scandinavia, look at what happened when Merkel parted her legs and let some of these extremist  c***ts flow in like wine!


Ok then, what are the rape figures in Scandinavia and what happened when Merkel let them in?

so sexual frustration is putting these fellas away in head? them horny horney??
A coward dies a thousand deaths a soldier only dies once


Quote from: stew on March 23, 2017, 07:27:37 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on March 23, 2017, 06:03:34 PM
Quote from: thebuzz on March 23, 2017, 05:36:39 PM
Quote from: J70 on March 23, 2017, 05:08:52 PM
Quote from: whitey on March 23, 2017, 02:20:38 PM
Quote from: Hardy on March 22, 2017, 11:43:40 PM
Quote from: screenexile on March 22, 2017, 11:17:45 PM
Just what we need ... more scaremongering from the Foxnews crew... I'll bet this was top story there all day ignoring the dozens of a Americans killed by guns at the same time!

That was a horrible ordeal in London today and my heart goes out to the families who have suffered a terrible and senseless loss!!

Fewer than ten people have died in Britain in "terrorist" attacks in ten years. In the same period over 21,000 have died on the roads. But commentators seem unable or unwilling to accommodate the conclusion that the threat to the individual from politically motivated attacks is 1/2000th of the threat from motor cars. On the contrary, the news media collaborate with the deranged lunatics who carry out these attacks, and with the deranged right-wing nutcases who will feed their xenophobia on this news, by providing them with the achievement of their objective. Non-stop coverage on the BBC throughout the afternoon. Extended news programmes. Hours of coverage again tonight.

In a mediascape with a sense of perspective, wouldn't the ten o'clock news have been, "Five people died today when a man attacked passers-by and police in Westminster. Five people died today in road accidents across Britain. And in sport ..."? Of course I'd still not expect any coverage of the murder of expendable foreign civilians in drone attacks etc.

What a pile of nonsense.......how many would have been killed if the plot to hijack the airlines hadnt been foiled back in 2006.

Much (but not all) of the terrorism has been perpertated by individuals (and their offspring)  who have been allowed/invited into the UK under the Labour Partys multicultural wet dream

And how many people would be alive if there was decent health service? How many would be alive if a ban on texting while driving was properly enforced or the real dangers even recognized by all drivers? How many would be alive if people didn't drive drunk?

The point about risk and perspective is absolutely valid.

The point is that no one sets out to deliberately kill people by not having a decent health service. No one (usually) sets out to kill people by crashing a car. This guy deliberately murdered those people so it's automatically viewed in a different perspective.

The ridiculous, over the top, non-stop hysterical media coverage given to this type of terrorism is entirely disproportionate to the threat it poses.

And it's encouraging it, if anything.

The political and media coverage given to the so called "threat" of immigration and particularly Islamic immigration throughout the western world is an utter nonsense and a fraud which seeks to manufacture a massive problem which doesn't exist. But make enough people think something exists and you might just manufacture a real problem. That's what happening. And that problem isn't immigration. It's the demonisation and vilification of immigrants. Those that claim a "massive problem", generally are the massive problem.

Sid, please go live in the Muslim world, take ten thousand of your closest friends with you and see what happens you absolute useless apologist you.

Look at the rape figures in Scandinavia, look at what happene
d when Merkel parted her legs and let some of these extremist  c***ts flow in like wine!

I am living beside a gaggle of syria refugees, I used to live in the apartment they now live in, they are drunken, loud, obnoxious arseholes that stink the place up and throw their shit everywhere, they hold phone calls in the hallway at all hours waking the rest of us up, they got to bed around four, I wake the c***ts up at six every morning by knocking the door prior to me going to work, Obama is to blame for this forced

Ask the French if there is a problem, ask the Belgians, you make me sick siddie, your head is squarely up your ass at this juncture, remember the statement where the Muslims and liberals news outlets blamed instances of attempted/rape cases on the fact these c***ts were not used to seeing women in skirts and halter tops etc!

I hope you have it in you to move to the middle east, take your family/friends with you for a year and if you come back with the same opinion I will accept it as fact, the fact is you are owned by the left, the same left who want cheap labour worldwide and who fawn over foreign nationals for future votes, you make me sick siddy!

You're an awful bollix.

'Murcia has fucked your head up.
Fantasy Rugby World Cup Champion 2011,
Fantasy 6 Nations Champion 2014

The Gs Man

Keep 'er lit


Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on March 22, 2017, 05:34:48 PM
Terror incident?  Guy with a knife?  Bullshit...a nutjob either thinking he is someone or a domestic violence gone crazy.

I should state that he was a self radicalised nutjob thinking he was someone. ISIS might claim him but he was a life criminal involved in petty crimes. According to the senior office in counter terrorism "Our working assumption is that he was inspired by international terrorism'. He was 'inspired'...not directed, not ordered, not under instructions but inspired. Some days I'm inspired to sing songs...it doesn't make me a rock star. To call him a terrorist is wrong as it creates a mystique around him that makes him a martyr for the cause. He should be clearly made out to be a crazed lunatic who has used a set of circumstances to fulfill his innate desire to cause trouble. No freedom fighter here only an ill educated fool who has caused mayhem and destruction for a cause he probably doesn't even understand


Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on March 24, 2017, 01:06:54 PM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on March 22, 2017, 05:34:48 PM
Terror incident?  Guy with a knife?  Bullshit...a nutjob either thinking he is someone or a domestic violence gone crazy.

I should state that he was a self radicalised nutjob thinking he was someone. ISIS might claim him but he was a life criminal involved in petty crimes. According to the senior office in counter terrorism "Our working assumption is that he was inspired by international terrorism'. He was 'inspired'...not directed, not ordered, not under instructions but inspired. Some days I'm inspired to sing songs...it doesn't make me a rock star. To call him a terrorist is wrong as it creates a mystique around him that makes him a martyr for the cause. He should be clearly made out to be a crazed lunatic who has used a set of circumstances to fulfill his innate desire to cause trouble. No freedom fighter here only an ill educated fool who has caused mayhem and destruction for a cause he probably doesn't even understand

Spot on. And as for the this being an example of islamic immigrant killers "flowing" in, like wine no less, his name was Adrian and he was born in Kent.


Researchers examined Trump's healthcare proposal to deny health insurance to 24 million people and estimated it would cause 44,000 deaths per year.

You won't hear about that on Fox. Let's all jump up and down about terrorism.