Down Club Hurling & Football

Started by Lecale2, November 10, 2006, 12:06:55 AM

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Quote from: charlie stubbs on November 24, 2006, 03:23:58 PM
agree totally with bt.apparantly ahughes is a cocky **** so a bit roughin up wont do him any harm

charlie, thats a real top class statement. danny is one of the best club forwards in down, and will  definitely play starting 15 in the 07 championship. He plays with a swagger, a confidence that was a hallmark of great down forwards from yesteryear. And your neanderthal comment is "yeah, knock the fck outta him"?? what benefit is there in roughing him up? to get used to it? or just to take him down a peg or two...if its the latter, thats the spiteful hateful side to down gaa.....

charlie stubbs

will mcmenamin/bellaw etc not do it?


There's a difference between playing with a swagger/cockiness and being arrogant. It cant be doubted that Hughes is one of the best forwards in Down football & is well worth his place on the team, but it's the nature of the game that all forwards of his diminutive stature will get roughed up in the game. I'm sure he's well used to it by now & just takes it in his stride. Wouldn't like to think he would be a member of the "don't you know who I am" brigade !.


daniel hughes is one of the best forwards in the county and his application to the game is to admired.

we would be delighted to have all our panel members to prepare like daniel-
he doesn't abuse alcohol
he doesn't play moronic third rate junior soccer like some
his number one aim is success with down

anyone who trys to damn him is nothing short of jealous!

his preparation and attitude is the reason he is one of the best in the county.

the gael takes no prisoners!


There's no doubt that Danny Hughes is one of the best forwards in Down. I don't think anyone is disputing that fact. Unfortunately the gael seems to relish using situations like his defence of this player to "put the boot " into other down players. Would it not be better to be supporting all our county players or prospective players instead of showing juvenile petulance just to achieve some sort of sad self worth !


tor i cann't help it if some of the 06 panel are off playing soccer and the like.
should i support them and agree with them? no i shouldn't and don't .
do you agree with them? are they behaving like role models for our young men?

oh i know like everything else we should all turn a blind eye! support our county players in everything they do-  drink play soccer ah you're right. catch a grip that is the problem.

that turning a blind eye has served us all very well in the last decade.

the gael takes no prisoners!


charlie of course other inter coutny defenders will give him that treatment, but your earlier comment smacked off a spiteful though process, ie if he is cocky, kick the shit outta him, and for me thats just wrong. if you are saying give it to him, in prep for whats coming ahead, then thats a diff matter.

torgael, re:
Quoteall forwards of his diminutive stature
, have you ever stood beside danny hughes? he is 5 10, if not 5 11 at least! and with the lad working out as much as he does, there are few stronger forwards with his pace in down football. I really dont think you can call him diminutive!


Goldenyears, im not saying that danny is small. all im saying is that forwards with stature less than say, kieran donaghy, are always going to get roughed up a bit-its a fact of life.this is probably one of the reasons why danny does work out, to help his game & help himself look after himsef on the pitch-fair play to him for realising this & taking steps to counteract a potential problem in his game.

Gael, im not condoning alcohol abuse by players or taking part in other sports you may not think suitable of them, but these people have their own lives to lead & their own choices [& possibly mistakes] to make. what we have to remember is that they are "people" & not the property of fans/supporters like you & me. we cannot force them to do what we please. I just believe that our energies would be better directed in supporting any of our players who pull on the red/black jersey.


See the supporters club are honoring Alan Molloy , and rightly so .Great servant to Down football and probably had one of his best years last year . Keep it going Alan .

Any more news coming out of the trials ?


No one from Kilclief attended trials but Ricky Kerr has been put on a weights program and asked to train with the seniors. 

I take it all prospective U-21's are being treated in the same way?


Mickey Linden and John Murphy are Pete's selectors with the U21's.
Disclaimer: I am responsible for MY comments only.  I don't own this site.


who is ricky kerr no1? i cant remember him standing out in games v ballyholland, but correct me if i am wrong...

charlie stubbs

golden years sorry if u didnt get my pioint.i was just trying to stress that a few sources very close to saval have told me that and they wouldnt mind him getting roughed up as he walks round when he comes back from down thinking he owns the would also be preperation 4 wats ahead, fair play to henry at least hes shown that more established people aren't going to walk all over him


GY - Kerr didn't play down there. On our patch he didn't touch the ball in the first half (not his fault, we ruined them at midfield), but he scored four from play in the second half. From what i saw that day he's very quick with the ball in hand and runs good angles.


Ricky plays at corner forward.  Played on the Minor All Ireland winning team with Marty Clarke and the boys.

As Wobbs diplomatically pointed out the only time he played against youse in the last 2 years was at your place this year and we were beaten by 500 points.  He only got about 5 balls and scored 4.

On the right team he would be explosive.  Lightning fast, quick thinker, very accurate and superfit.  He just needs the right supply.